Title The Multiscale Structure of Antarctica Part I : Inland Ice Faria, Sérgio H.; Kipfstuhl, Sepp; Azuma, Nobuhiko; Freitag, Johannes; Weikusat, Ilka; Murshed, M. Mangir; Kuhs, Author(s) Werner F. 低温科学, 68(Supplement), 39-59 Citation Physics of Ice Core Records II : Papers collected after the 2nd International Workshop on Physics of Ice Core Records, held in Sapporo, Japan, 2-6 February 2007. Edited by Takeo Hondoh Issue Date 2009-12 Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45430 Type bulletin (article) Note I. Microphysical properties, deformation, texture and grain growth File Information LTS68suppl_005.pdf Instructions for use Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP The Multiscale Structure of Antarctica Part I: Inland Ice Sergio H. Faria -t , Sepp Kipfstuhl .. , Nobuhiko Azuma ... , Johannes Frei tag •• , Ilka Weikusat .. , M. Mangir MU fshed • , Werner F. Kuhs • * cze. Sect. a/Crystallography, Universityo[Gotlingen. COl/illgen, GermallY ** Alfred iVegener illslirurejor Po/arand Marille Research, BremerllOl'ell, Germany *** Dept. of Mechanical Engineerillg, Nagaoka Universit), ofTec1l11ology, Nagaoka. Japa" Abstract: The dynamics of polar ice sheets is strongly often imposes a terrible dilemma. A typical example is innuenced by a complex coupling of intrinsic structures. the disparity in the vocabularies used by geoscientists Some of these structures are extremely small, like dislo­ and materials scientists to describe the same microstruc­ cation walls and micro-inclusions: others occur in a wide IU ral features in polycrystals. In an allempt to be system­ range of scales, like stratigraphic features; and there are atic without being completely discrepant with the exist­ also those coll055al structures as large as megadunes :md ing literature. we list below some important defini tions subglacial lakes. Their signific:mce results from their in­ and acronyms used throughout the text. teractions with the ice-sheet flow and the environment We adopt here a compromise between the vocabulary through an intricate S/l'IIcl/lre-Form-£IIl1i/VI!lIIellf Imer­ used by Bunge & Schwart:er 122], Drury & Urai [37J, play (SFEI). Glaciologists are not unaware of the SFEI Humphreys & Hatherly [84J and Poirier LI 19j. It should issue. as particular details of the problem are well doc­ be noticed that this does /lot always co incide with the umented in the literature. Nevertheless. many aspects of terms in vogue in glaciology; and Ihis is done on pur­ the S FEI remain unclear and a comprehensive perspective pose: we wish to emphasize the need for a more ap­ of the problem is missing. Here we present some selected propriate vocabulary for dicussions with physicists, engi­ resul ts of a joint investigation of these structures via field­ neers and materials sc ientists, by rejecting the oblivious work. theoretical modeling. and experiments. The basic li se of vague expressions whose meanings are too often strategy is to conceive the Antarctic ice sheet as a het­ taken for granted or prone to misunderstanding and mis­ erogeneous system of structured media that interact in lise. T he terms adopted here may probably not be the best a hierarchical fashion via the SFEJ. Special emphasis is and ultimate c hoice for this purpose. but they represent at given to snow and fim structures, interactions between least an attempt towards d arity. microstructure, stratigraphy and impurities, and the inter­ play between subglacial structures and the overlaying ice. Cimhm/e hydm/e: Crystallinc compound containing guesl mo lecules enclosed in cage·likc structures made up of hydrogen-bonded water molecules. When the gueSI mole· Key words : Ice. I1rn. multiscale modeling. microstructure. cules fonn gas under standard condit ions. such compounds recrystallization, stratigraphy. subglacial environment. are also named gus hydrates. In particular. uir hydmles are formcd by atmosphcric gases (viz. mainly 02 and N2). Cloudy band: Icc stratum with turbid appearancc due to a high 1 Glossary concentration of micro-inclusions. CrysUliii/e: Crystalline domain in a solid polycrystal. Also callcd !lmil/. It should be noticed Ihc difference between SIiCceSS is reitllire: crystallitcs in polycrystalline solids (e.g. iron or icc) and the /[ is what !I'e call make of Ihe mess lI'e hare made of lose crystals in crystalline granular media (e.g. fine qu;u1Z Ihings. sand or fresh Antarctic snow). T. S. Eliot [44J (chamctcr: Agatha). p. ! 18. Cr)'j'/(liiographic lex/ure: Dircclional pal1crn of lal1ice orien­ tations in a polycrystal (cr. grain slcrcology). Also callcd T he c hoice of a consistent and unambiguous vocabulary fabric. PLO (Preferre(/ umice Oriel/lations). or simply ·'Iex· fordiscussing science in a multidiscipli nary environment ture".1 [n particular, a polycrystal with a rJndom distribu tion t CorresponJing amhOf: sh. [email protected] I We adopl here Ihe slmodard nomenclalure of mmerials science 122. 7 I. 841. NOIice Ihm lhis is nOl the definilion of "leXlure" often invoked in the in the gladological lilerJlure. The reason for th is choke is con"enience: experience shows lhal it is rdlher easy for glaciologists 10 use the lenn "cryslallogmphic texture" 3l; a synonym for "fabric". whereas il is awkward for mOSI physicists, engineers. and male rials scientists to use the lenn "texture" in the sense frequemty employeJ in glaciology (i.e. as synonym fo r grain stereology). -39- of lanice orientations is said to be texture-free (viz. random space-borne platforms as alternating bands and supposed ly fabric. no PLO). produced by persistelll katabatic winds. De/oI7/Uilioll-relale(1 SlrllClures: Structural features produced Micro-inclusion: Inclusion not larger than a few micrometers. and/or affectcd by deformation. e.g. dislocations. subgrain and eonsequclllly not clearly identifiable undcr optical mi­ boundarics. slip bands, str..l1igraphic fo lds. etc. croscope. e,g, dust particles. salt inclusions. microscopic DEP: Die lectric Profili ng. bubbles. etc. O;sloc(I/;oll u·ol/: Dcfonnation-rdatcd structurc consisting of MicroshC(lr: Strong, localizcd shear across a grain that expe­ dislocations arro.lnged in a two dimensional framework; the riences a highly inhomogeneous shear deformation. It cul­ precursor of a subgrain boundary (cf. subgrain). minates wi th the formation of a new. flat subgrain boundary DAfL: Dronning Maud Land. parallel to the shear plane. called micros/war boll/Il/ar)' (ef. slip bands). Dynamic gmill groll'lh (DGG}: Class of phenomenological processes of grain coarsening in polycrystals (Illrillg de­ Microslfllclllre: Collection of all microscopic dcformation· /orlll(l/iOIl. Scvcral recovery and recrystallization processes related structures. inclusions, and the orientation slCreology may be simultancously activc during DGG, all competing (cf. id.) ofa polycrystal. for the minimi:wtion of both, the stored strain energy and Mi1!,'wioll recryswlliUllioll: In full slmill-ill(Jllcefl mi!!,mliOIl the gmin-boundary energy. The essential feature of DGG reClysllIl/iz(llioll. Class of phenomenological recrystalliza­ (in comparison to other recrystalli zation processes) is the tion processes based on the elemental)' SIBM mechanism (cf. monotonic increase of the mean grain size with time. Ow­ id.). If nuclcation (cf. id.) is involvcd in the process, we ing to its dynamic nature. howevcr.thc diversificd kinctics of may call it lIucleated migralioll recryslal/iUllioll (SIBM-N), DGG can gcnerally not be compared with the simple kinctics whcre the suffix "·-N·· stands for ·"new grain·'. Otherwise. i,e. predictcd for nonnal grain growth (NGG. cr. id.). if the migration of boundaries occurs without formation of ECM: Elcctrical Conductivity Mc,tsuremcnt. new grains. we may call it ordinary migralioll recrystllilizlI­ lioll (SIBM-O). where the suffix '"-0·· stands for ··old grain··.3 EOC: EPICA-Dome C. Ml/llisclI!e slruclllre: The collection of all sons of structural EOML: EPICA-DML. fcatures obscrvcd in a matcrial body, with emphasis on tbcir Elementary SIft/ell/ro/ process: Thc fundamental oper,ltion of interactions. In ice sheets such structural features occur on structural change via recovery or recrystallization. e.g. grain the (sub-)microscale (e.g. dislocations. air hydrates), on boundary migration or subgrain rotation. Several elementary the mesoscale (e.g. cloudy bands) and on very large scales processes may combine in a number of ways to produce a (megadunes. subglacial lakes. etc.). Some of them may ap­ varicty of pilellollle/tolo!!,ica/ Slft/CII/ra! processe? (cf. id.). pear also in a range of scales (e.g. folds). Most of them are £PICA: European Project for Icc Coring in Antarctica. evolving structures that illieract with cach other as well as F(lbric: Sce cr),swl/o!!,rtlpllic Ie.Wl/re. with the icc-shcet flow and thc environment via SFEI (cf. id.). Fim: Sintcred snow that has outlastcd at Icast o nc summer. NCRIP: North·Gn:enland lee-Core Project. also abbreviatcd as Grain: Scc cr),SllIl/ile. NorthGRIP, Graill slereo!o!!,),: Spatial arrangcmcnt of grains in a polycrys­ Normal gmil! groll'lh (NGG): Phenomenologicall\.'Crystalliza­ t'll. inclUding thcir sizes and shapes (cf. crystallographic tion process of grain coarsening in polycrystals. result­ texture). ing from ""the interaction between the topological require­ ments of space-filling and the geometrical needs of (grain­ Gmin subdil'isioll: Phenomenological recovery process of for­ boundal)') surfaee·tcnsion cquilibrium·· 11351. By definition. mation of new SlIbgmill bolilldaries.
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