official organ of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists "It [the Bible] is as really a divine commu- nication as though its words came to us in an audible voice." — Testimonies, vol. 5, page 533. New Press in Operation at the Mountain View Plant PACIFIC UNION ARIZONAIII • CALIFORNIA • HAWAII • NEVADA • UTAH The Pacific Press Publishing Associa- tion has taken another giant step toward expanded production. VOL. 65 ANGWIN, CALIFORNIA, NOVEMBER 1, 1965 NO. 16 A new $325,000 Miehle four color off- set press went into full production in October at the publishing house headquar- ters, Mountain View, California. Youth Need "Listen" The new press is expected to double One day when Christ was on earth His the speed of production, turning out up reputation was being discussed. Someone to 6,500 sheets an hour. It will take over in the crowd inquired, "Can any good printing most full color books having a thing come out of Nazareth?" production run of more than 10,000 copies DRAFT AND MILITARY SERVICE such as the ten volume Bible Story series Because of its reputation some today and Your Bible and You, Golden Treasury INFORMATION FOR ask this same question about Las Vegas, of Bible Stories, and The Desire of Ages. Nevada. A thrilling and heart warming Two offset presses doing two color jobs SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS story, however, is developing in this busy will continue printing less widely circu- entertainment city that reveals the con- lated books, periodicals, and religious and cern of businessmen and the influence of health pamphlets. The two color presses our temperance journal, Listen. have been in operation since the publish- File for future reference articles that will Three years ago a special projects com- ing house began changing from letterpress appear periodically under this heading mittee of the Kiwanis Club became con- to offset printing about 1955. ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE TO: cerned about the problem of juvenile de- The advantage of a four color press National Service Organization linquency and narcotics addiction in Las over the two color process is that it elim- P.O. Box 146 Vegas. inates running colored pages twice through Glendale, California 91209 Wanting to inform young people with the press in order to produce four color PHONE: 241-5173, Area Code 213 the scientific facts necessary to make a books. With the new press, four color pro- Reservist Problems wise choice regarding narcotics, the club duction is possible in just one press run. membership accepted a plan proposed by Red, blue, yellow, and black are the Seventh-day Adventists in the reserves change of the scheduling of reserve train- its special projects committee and recom- colors combined on the press to turn out get along very well when they have a ing to one weekend a month rather than mended by Judge David Zenoff, justice of full color work. knowledge of the regulations written for one night a month. Present plans in the the Nevada State Supreme Court, club The Pacific Press, the West Coast pub- the protection of those with religious con- Army call for almost all units to be so president. lisher of Seventh-day Adventist literature, victions. A full and frank discussion with scheduled in the near future. The belief was organized in 1875 at the urging of their chaplain and commanding officer of the reservist in observing the Sabbath The formal launching of the project Ellen G. White. saw high school principals in the area concerning their personal beliefs as they from sundown Friday to sundown Satur- BARBARA HAND, Editorial Assistant, attending, plus radio, television, newspa- might apply to their military duties is very day should be discussed with the chaplain Pacific Press Publishing Association. helpful. and the commanding officer, and a request per, and news wire service representatives. One situation that frequently arises is entered for relief of duty contrary to the On hand were two officials from Listen that since his last period of active duty the reservist's conscientious belief. magazine. Now this youth education proj- are dry or not appealing to youth. Not so Seventh-day Adventist has changed his If the training time remaining is not ect has reached out to junior and senior with Listen magazine." high schools in Las Vegas, North Las conscientious belief on the bearing of arms. sufficient to remain in the unit, then the W. J. Bietz, principal of Western High Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City, Wolver- One who has become a noncombatant in reservist should request assignment to a School, Las Vegas, has said: "The West- ton, and Bunkerville, Nevada. belief may request an assignment as such unit that would meet at a different time; ern High School appreciates the Listen in any of the United States military forces. or, if that cannot be done, request assign- The six point, Kiwanis sponsored nar- magazine project. Our health classes uti- The regulations for all the military forces ment to a control group because of conflicts cotics education program has included: lize the magazine in many of their daily are printed in the National Service Organi- at time of scheduled training. Those wish- (1) Listen magazine sent to high school programs." zation leaflet NSO 1-c, which may be ob- ing further information on this should classrooms; (2) teaching guides used by Students, too, have been enthusiastic. tained from the Missionary Volunteer sec- contact the conference MV secretary. teachers in presenting scientific facts and Roger Wilson, a student at Basic High retary at any conference office. Reservists Questions on other situations of reserv- key points in Listen magazine articles; (3) School, says: "Listen magazine is one of who have experienced such a change of ists and problems in the military service educational films; (4) instructional lec- the most interesting I have ever read. It Lelief would do well to get this leaflet brought about by their conscientious be- tures on guidance; (5) special materials presents scientific facts in an appealing immediately and submit a written request liefs can be referred to the conference Mis- relating to narcotics, alcohol, and cigarette way. I now have the information I need to their reserve unit for noncombatant sionary Volunteer secretary. problems; and (6) panel discussions on to make right choices in life." assignment at the time of their next active narcotics, alcohol, and tobacco problems NATIONAL SERVICE ORGANIZATION, G. Vern Albright, chairman of the Las duty. If further information on this situ- General Conference. conducted before school assemblies. Vegas youth projects committee in 1964- action is needed, the conference MV sec- J. T. LaVoie, Las Vegas police sergeant 1965, asserts that he feels the youth slant retary can get the answers. in charge of the Las Vegas juvenile divi- of Listen magazine makes it one of the Another situation would be when a re- More Signs Means More Souls sion, states that he feels the Kiwanis proj- very finest in its field. "There is no other servist has begun to keep the seventh-day Allow me to share with you three short, ect has been a significant help in educat- publication quite like it," says Mr. Al- Sabbath since his last active duty. The gripping sentences which speak volumes: "The Signs is terrific and full of deep ing youth in the area about narcotics prob- bright, a Las Vegas lawyer. regulations governing Sabbath observance lems. in all United States military forces are spiritual insight. Please accept our com- In your community are high school printed in leaflet NSO-7, which may be pliments on a terrific magazine. As a result Walter Long, principal of the Las Vegas youth who need the same help young obtained from the same source as NSO 1-c. of reading it and taking the Bible course, High School, has stated: "A survey of our people in Las Vegas are receiving. If folk If it is the reservist's intention to observe I am soon to be baptized into the Seventh- health teachers gives a unanimous vote in who are not Seventh-day Adventists have the Sabbath, when he is recalled to active day Adventist Church." favor of the Listen magazine. The health this interest in young people of their com- duty he should make this fact known to The old saying is still true today: "More teachers all feel that the magazine has no munity, how much more ought we to see his reserve unit. Information on how to Signs means more souls." peer in its field." that young people receive this publication. proceed in this situation can also be se- You can still send Signs to your relatives Dr. David Sands, assistant superintend- You can help by contacting local service cured from the conference Missionary Vol- through your local Book and Bible House. ent of education for Las Vegas, asserts: club officials about the possibility of their unteer secretary. A. R. MAZAT, Manager, "With its appealing format, Listen maga- sponsoring such a project in their city, or A situation that is coming into prom- Circulation Department, zine is ideal for high school youth. So arranging for your church or MV society inence for Seventh-day Adventists is a Pacific Press Publishing Assn. many times materials for this age level (Continued on Page 8) Arizona Pathfinder Fair at Thunderbird Draws Large Crowd Avoniezoo - What a day! Thirteen clubs and scores Tucson Spanish and Huachuca City 1111111111ra, of people found this year's Pathfinder Fair 11111111.11EL /Wpm, were listed as "honorable mention" clubs 111111011111E PACIFIC UNION to be an excellent display of cooperation, due to their recent organization. East Mesa, participation, and sportsmanship. Thun- which is also a new club, came in with a POSTMASTER: All notices should be sent to derbird Academy campus was the site for third place cup.
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