Twelfth Census of the United States. CENSUS BULLETIN. No. 86. WASHINGTON, D. C. January 19, 1901. POPULATION OF NEW JERSEY BY COUNTIES AND MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. This bulletin, prepared under the direct{on of Mr. WILLIAM 0. HuNT, chief statistician for population, givos the aggregate population of New Jersey by counties and minor civil divisions, according to the official count of the returns of the Twelfth Census, taken as of June I, 1900. New Jersey was one of the ori'ginal thirteen states. Table 1 shows the population of New Jersey at each census from 1790 to 1900, inclusive, together with the increase by number and per cent during each decade. TABLE !.-POPULATION OF NEW JERSEY: 17110 TO 1900. INCREASE. CENSUS YEARS. Population. 1----,------ Number. Per cent. 1900 ---------------------------------------- 1, 883, 669 438, 736 80.4 1890 ---------------------------------------- 1,444, 988 313, 817 27. 7 1880 ---------------------------------------- 1, 131,116 225, 020 24.8 1870 ---------------------------------------- 906, 096 234, 061 34.8 1860 ---------------------------------------- 072, 085 182, 480 37.8 1850 ---------------------------------------- 489, 555 11.6, 249 81.1 1840 ---------------------------------------- 373, 306 52,483 16. 4 1830 ---------------------------------------- 320,828 48, 397 '15. 6 1820 ---------------------------------------- 277,426 31,864 13.0 1810 ---------------------------------------- 2·15, 562 84,413 16.8 1800 ---------------------------------------- 211,149 27,010 14.7 1790 _______________________________________ _ 184, 139 ------------ ------------ The population of the state in 1900 is 1,883,669 as compared with a population in 1890 of 1,444,033, represer an increase during the decacle of 438, 736, or 30.4 per cent. '.rhis is a little higher rate of. increase than that fo decade from 1880 to 1890, when it was 27. 7 per cent, and a still greater rate of increase than that for the dec.ade 1870 to 1880, when it was 24.8 per cent. The numerical increase for the last decacle is also more than that f. decade from 1880 to 1890, and in fact more than that for 1tny preceding ten-year period. It is observed that tl of the state in population was relatively slow during the :first half-century of its history, from 1790 to 1840, - during that period its population was but little more than doubled, while in the subsequent sixty years its pop has become more than five times as large as it was in 1840. The population of New Jersey in 1900 is more than ten times as large as that given for 17110, the :firat y which its population is given in the census report. The total land surface of New Jersey is, approximately, 7,525 square miles, the average number of personfl square mile at the censuses of 1890 and 1900 being as follows : 1890, 192. 0 ; 1900, 250. 3 . .Table 2 shows the population of New Jersey by counties at each census from 17 90 to 1900, inclusive, whil1 which immediately follows, shows, for each county, the increase (or decrease) by number and per cent durin1 years from 1890 to 1900. CP 181f 2 TABLE 2.-POPULATION OF NEW JERSEY BY OOUNTIES: 1790 TO 1900. OOUNTJES. 1000 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 1840 1830 1820 1810 1$00 1700 The State ____________ 1,883,669 1,444, 933 1, 131, 116 906, 096 672,035 489,555 373,806 820,823 277,426 245, 562 211,1'19 18.J, lSl> ---- _______ ,.. ____ 46,402 28,836 18, 701 14, 093 11, 786 8, 961 8, 726 Atlantic------------------- ------------ ---------- ----~----- ---------- Bergen------------------- 78,441 47,226 36, 786 80, 122 21,618 14, 725 18, 223 22,412 18,138 16, 603 16,lfi6 12,60! Burlington 1 _______________ 58,241 58,528 55, 402 53, 639 49, 730 43, 203 32,831 31, 107 28,822 24,979 21,521 18, om;. Camden------------------- 107, 643 87, 687 62, 912 46,193 34,457 25, 422 Cape May---------------- 13,201 11, 268 9, 765 8,349 7,130 6,433 ------5;324- ------.;935- -----T2ii5- ----3;532- ----s;oiiii- -----2;571 Cumberland _______________ Essex ______________________ 51, 193 45, 438 37, 687 S4, 665 22,605 17, 189 14,874 14, 093 12, 668 12, 670 9,529 8,24& 859, 053 256,098 189, 929 143, 839 98, 877 73, 950 4.4,621 4.1, 911 30, 793 25,984 22,269 17, 785' Gloucester----------------- 81, 905 28, 649 2.'i,886 21, 562 18,444 14, 655 '25, 438 28, 431 23,071 19, 744 16,115 13,363 Hudson ------------------- 886,MS 275, 126 187, 944 129,067 62, 717 21,822 9,483 Hunterdon _______________ 84, 507 35,355 88, 570 86, 963 33, 654 28, 990 24, 789 -----si~oiio- -----23~513- ---24~555- ---21~261- ----2o~iii~ MiddlesexMercer ------------------- _________________ 95, 865 79, 978 58, 061 46, 386 87,419 27, 992 21, 502 ------------ --.. ------- -------- ... -........ ------- 79, 762 61, 754 52, 280 45, 029 84, 812 28 635 21, 893 -----23~157- 21,470 20,381 17, 890 15,!lii& Monmouth----------------Morris _____________________ 82,057 69, 128 55, 538 46,195 39,346 so: 313 32, 909 29,233 25, 038 22, 150 19,872 16,!118 65, 156 54, 101 50, 861 43, 137 34, 677 30, 158 25,844 23, 666 21,308 21, 828 17, 750 __ .. _______16,216 Ocean '------------------- 19, 747 15,974 14,455 13,628 11,176 10, 032 ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------- ---------- Passaic-------------------- 155, 202 105,(),16 68,860 46,416 29,013 22, 569 1~. 784 -----i4;i55- Salem --------------------- 25, 530 25, 151 24,579 23, 940 22,458 19,467 16, 024 -----i:i;o22- ---12;?6i- ---ii~ii7'i- ----10;437 Somerset------------------Sussex _____________________ 32, 948 28, 311 27,162 28,510 22,057 19, 692 17,455 17, 689 16, 506 14,72.~ 12,815 12,296 Union _____________________ 24, 134 22, 259 23,589 23,108 23,846 22, 989 21, 770 20, 346 32, 752 25, 549 22,534 19,500 99, 353 72, 467 55,671 41, 859 27, 780 W a.rren ____________________ -----22;353- -----20~866- -----18;021- ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------- 87, 781 86, 553 36, 589 84, 836 28, 433 ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 Part of Burlington annexed to Ocean since 1890. TABLE 3.-INCREASE IN POPULATION OF NEW JERSEY BY COUNTIES: 1890 'l.'0 moo. INOitEASE. INOllEASE. COUNT!llS. COUNTIES. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. The State _________________ _ 438, 736 30.4 Mercer-------------------------- 15, 887 19. 2 18, 008 29.2 Atlantic ________________________ _ Middle:~eX----------------------­ 17,566 60. 9 MorrisMonmouth---------------------- __________________________ _ 12, \l~9 18, 7 Sl,215 66.l Ocean __________________________ _ 11,050 20.4 1287 10,5 Passaic _________________________ _ 3,773 23.6 l9,\lii6 22.8 50,lfif> 47. 7 1,9:13 17.2 Salem--------------------------- 379 1.5 ~:!~~~~~====:================Cape Mn,y ----------------------- Somerset---·-------------------- 4,Gil7 16.4 EssexCumberland ___________________________ -------------------- _ 5, 75ii 12. 7 102, 9ii5 40.2 Sussex -------------------------­ 1,875 8.4 Gloucester-·-------------------­ 3,2fi6 11.4 Union--------------------------­ 26,8.~(j 37,1 Hudson------------------------­ 40.3 Wa.rren ------------------------- 1,228 8.4 Hunterdon---------------------- 1101~~~ 12,4 1 Deci·ease. The only territorial change which has been made in the counties of New Jersey since 1890 is the annexation of part of Burlington to Ocean. Of the 21 counties in the state all but 2 have increased in population during the decade, .the counties showing the largest percentages of increase being Bergen, 66.1 per cent; Atlantic, 60. 9 per cent; Passaic, 47. 7 per cent; Hudson, 40.3 per cent; and Essex, 40.2 per cent. The 2 counties showing a decrease in population are Burlington and Hunterdon. Table 4 shows the population of New Jersey by minor civil divisions, so far as it was separately returned at the censuses of 1890 and 1900. 3 TABLE 4.-POPULATION OF NEW JERSEY BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1000. MINOR SIVIL DIVISIONS. 1900 1890 MINOR OIVIL DIVISIONS. 1000 1890 ··--- ATLANTIC COUNTY------------------------------------- 46,402 28,836 BEUGEN COUN'rY-Continued. Union township------------------------------------------- 1,5go Absecon town i -------------------------------------------- fi3-0 501 Upper Saddle River borough _____________________________ _ 32(\ 27, 838 13, 055 Wallington borough--------------------------------------­ 1,812 Washington township------------------------------------· 782 828 Atla~~fi~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~f ilr 329 Ward 4~---------------------------------------- 8, 116 582 -------575 99 ~gg~~r~;~~~~wJ~::======================================= ~~l~:~~~;if6;ns:hi-il:.:.:.:::.:.:.:::.::.:.:::.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:::.:.:.:.:.:.:.::.: 1,646 ----T299 1,808 1,439 58,2,11 858,528 ~g ~~~g~ ~~~~iisiiip-•.:.::::.:.::::.:.::.:.:.:::.:.:::::::.:.:.:.::::::: 1,863 • 3, 027 BURLINGTON OOUNTY7 --------------------------------- GaThoway township 2 -------------------------------------­ 2,469 2,208 Hamil ton township--------------------------------------­ 1,682 1,512 Bass River townshiP--------------------------------------- 800 &'\3 Hammonton town----------------------------------------- 8,481 3,8:!3 l;i950 1,%7 495 536 1,80·1 1,451 80 4,110 4,232 880 697 ig~j~!~!~~~f~~p==========================================W11rd 1---------------------------------------- 1, 669 h~~~~1l~l~~f~~~========================================1 Pleasa,ntville borough -----------------------------------­ 2,182 Ward 2---------------------------------------- 1, 569 Somers Point borough'-----------------------------------­ 308 191 Wai·d 3---------------------------------------- 872 South Atlantic City borough i ----------------------------­ 69 Borden town towns hir> •------------------------------------
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