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E wED 1992 April $3.00 19921 March:12 5 6781 92103 114 1.1 Volume$2 80 plus 55 .20 No. GST 11 19233061123074:125111296 0212:841 12 1314151617 18 la 18529 19 2021222324 25 March 7, 1992No. 1 HIT No. 1 ALBUM26 27282930 WHATBROKENHEARTED PaulBECOMES Young OF THE TOHITS WATCH NO I MISSINGLOVEMichaelShanice YOUR YOU Bolton SMILE NOW YOU'REMATTERSCurtisBABYBig House ALLStigers DOLL TO THAT ME AVAILABLEGRAPHIC THOUGHTGONEBryan TO I'D Adams HEAVEN DIED AND SHAKESHELittle RUNS THIS Village TOWNHOT TO BE WITH YOU NIRVANA HEADUNTILCOMESFrozen OVER YOUR AROUND Ghost HEELS LOVE WAYRobbieTina OF THE RobertsonTurner WORLD COUNTRYAtlanticMr. Big DGCD-24425-JNevermind RodYOUR RTZStewart SONG MelissaAIN'TLisaALL StansfieldITWOMAN Etheridge HEAVY THEREWITH AIN'TTO WATCH THE NOTHIN' RADIO WRONG SAVECHURCHVanessa THE RoxetteOF BEST YOUR Williams FOR HEART LAST IF YOUKISSING DevonsquareCOULD THE SEE WIND ME NOW EVERYAaronCollin SECOND TippinRaye COWBOYblackCOLORC.M.B eyed ME JUNKIES BADD man GHOST ConcreteOF A TEXAS Blonde LADIES' MAN DON'TNeilNia TURN DiamondPeeples AROUND THE TIPSSOMESawyerSteve OF GIRLS Wariner MYBrown FINGERS DO Time,MICHAEL Love & BOLTONTenderness EVERYTHINGSHOWKathy ME Troccoli THE CHANGES WAY ALBUMSTO WATCH LeeRestlessFAMILIARTHE Roy ROCK Parnell Heart PAIN SASSBOOTSAUCERacine JORDAN MAKEWestMariah ITEnd HAPPEN Carey Girls WAYNE'SSoundtrack WORLD LOVERPLAY,Clinton NOT RUBY, Gregory A FIGHTER PLAY mustBrent own Lee some andBullkindthe Outsiders of record. DRAWNWEHITSarah CeGOT Ce TO A McLachlan LOVEPICKPenistonTHE RHYTHM THANG ALBUMLITTLEAwesomeAWESOMESAIDRIGHTLittle VillageVILLAGE HITSHitsPICK OLD FLAMESMarkB.B. HAVE ChesnuttWatson NEW NAMES videotimesThey've outand been yet.they on don'tMuchMusic even-Page have 15 7a LEAD MEDanny TOVirgin THE Tate WATER RIGHTVirginFRED - SAIDCDVUp 3144-QFRED CRTCRPM - March clarifies 7, 1992 ownership of MAPL logo and system Veteran Wilf Gillmeister Marii clarifiesissuedTelecommunicationsThe Canadian a somepress misunderstandiings release Radio Commission (Feb. -Television 25/92) (CRTC) about which and hasthe publicObjectives.contentThe hearing regulations, primary process. objective following of the an regulation extensive lengthyFeb.Industrydead 12 illness. pioneerafterat his homeMr. Wilflengthy Gillmeister, Gillmeisterpassed in Ajax, illness Ont.who wasafter away 78 a The1,100Cap Ea perplexeduseshequoting ofsuggestedAn the CBCarticle MAPLmany thatEntertainment's in people thesystema Canadianporoducer Toronto in logo. the Star industryKaren (Feb. Gordon would when8/92) industriallyricistsexposure-- a cultural Theand oneof composers oneCanadiansecondary -- is-- tois strengthento to musicalencourage Canadian objective the performers, audiences. increasedCanadian -- an FrancewarMontrealHeat the wasbroke time and captured inout ofremained 1939. andhis death, went afterHe ajoined overseasprisoner beingjoined the shot RCA as ofRCAF a wardown navigator. Victor for when over 13 in record:provinhonouHalifaxlot of whollythatitfactqualify is thesheetqualifies, producedforgeographical from P (production) and the in thatCRTC Canada location the showsinrecording to theof qualify the system.that, recording must infor fact,The P.be qualifyHowandmusic productionBasically, does industry, as "Canadian it work? components. thisincluding is content" a point both system.athe recording creative To assistantmonths.the warMr. and Gillmeisterto the rejoined late Hughreturned RCA, Josephs. workingto Canada He as afterwas an cappe,traditi.award:conferC availableStanMAPL TheKlees logo factfor andwas use sheet used createdby thealso in industrybyRPM. clarifies and Theis in owned thatboth logo the theby is conditions:mustcomposedMusic fulfill (M) at byleast- athe Canadian. twomusic of the mustfollowingbe four RCA.company,importanceheavilyMr. involved Gillmeister contributing of these in A&R fairlywas much and also new royaltiesto a thefunctionswell growing knownfor the at pennin-phonethegroup as LipSo -I assurefromEnglish RPMRPM. that and the isFrench reprintingindustry sectors has this athrough full press understanding permission release to ProductionCanadian.Artistbe (A)principally - (P)the -musictheperformed musical orlyricsselectionby musta mostmanykeyboards,trumpeter popular of the and,toured bigtop bands.withvisiting with Oscar He one international also of Peterson playedMontreal's with bigon brothelcausesA Whatlogo.of the MAPLis it?The system MAPL and theSystem use of the MAPL consistsand(ii)(1) performedrecordedbroadcast of a live wholly liveperformancewholly in Canada.inCanada,in that Canada is or RCA,withbands MaynardThrough Mr. and Gillmeister quite Ferguson.his often 37 contributedyear shared association the much spotlight towith the wonTimethe Re thin F elementsqualifyThe musical were MAPL*in the selected selections Radio system as Regulations partas refers Canadian. of the to Canadian theused These four to designedbyLyricsThis a Canadian. to (L)Canadian stimulate - the lyrics contentall must components regulationbe written of the is HelaunchingCamdenrecordlabel's was evolutionmanufacturing very label,Stereo dedicated as and8. one He wascompanies ofserved to the popularizinginstrumental most in managerialin successful Canada. the in fordidn'tProvincoften BesIn withTheUre Odds makesVancouver's put on an appearance electrifying Odds performance createdregulate.asCanadian possible*The by music StanMAPLfor the Kleesindustry industry acronym for and RPM to andtoimplement beWeekly logo as simple were and Smithsmanagerandmerchandisingcapacities also Falls servedof planninginplant operationsboth as was a productthe schedulingin operation. marketingof themanager company, when and andthe theInstrunMacDc LenCs Midgerumouredtheat Toronto's realSure Ure. buzz appearanceenough, Horseshoe in the at crowdof 11Club fellow p.m. onwas BMGtheFeb. over former 26, artist, thebutuponarelogosectors used isrequest madeof by the bothavailableto Canadian RPM the Weekly. forEnglish music use by industry. and the industryFrench The DorothyMills,Phyllis,Mr. Ontario who Gillmeister also location worked inis Saultsurvived andfor RCAtwoSte. by daughters,Marie,at histhe wifeDon and unemplpolitic(singer,Ofand Stec for Pure,NewHeartforaUltravox surprisingly York whichfrom leader City his was Purefor joinedtightjust the album. recentlyrendition past the monthVancouver Ure released of has Cold,promoting been in bandCold the in Sony'sset for Mini Augustnew Disc, Mini a breakthrough launch Disc in theEMIheldLorraine inMemorial Hudson,Music Krause services Quebecof Huntingdon,Publishing at and a later burial Quebec. date. will be the am0: UreshowcaseroadsongsUnited is and onconsidering States. aheat portable Newalso He York'sparticipated hasjoining keyboard been Bottom a workingproposed whilein Line a writer's on ontour Club. newthe of andindustryintroducedevolution itsThe player, last 64 ofto millimetreFriday. membersdigital are both audio of(2.56smaller the technology, inch)Canadian than Mini compact music Disc, wasprimaryVadimEMIsigns Music Rodomarsongwriters Toronto's Publishing and for MatthewSoil, Canada Soil a Toronto DeMatteo,has signed -based butfewexchangingthe he'sdatesshow,Ure waiting hasin ideaswhichGermany a band to and see featurestogether playingjusthow before well which themsongwriters Pure Christmas, on played does stage. in a technologysametoadvantagediscs 74 minutes noiselessand is asplayers. its perCDs abilityand disc during distortion Anotherwhile to digitally playback. still -free Minioffering record digital Disc theupalternative and dance band. hisreFormerthe -unite soloUS beforeUltravox workthe band anddeciding members but doesn't he onsays wanthave a he'sfull-scale askedto happy dwell him tour. with too to semiconductorandcassettelike CDsnewThe tapes. andMini technology can't Disc Thememory stretch, offersdisc usingprovidesis quick breakhoused an random or almostadvanced intangle a caddyaccess total like muchUreliveandto eight Dancing show.Ais on greatesthoping Ultravoxhis past. With hits it Still, songs willTears album he include --In says is includingMy in he theEyes the includes works earliest--Vienna in and hisup whileSonyrecordshockPre-recorded hopesjogging resistancestores to similarly or price sodriving. Mini there Mini to Discs isCDs Discs no willskippingand on becassettes. par sold witheven in permissionStingwroteChristmas?,acoustic withon vocalsversion beforeBob the Geldoff.#1 andhe ofBand-Aid can DoUre releaseThe They must songsingle it.Knowobtain includes he coIt'shis - whilemillionRecorderCDs andSony basic Mini have players plansplayers Discs them onwill willbyon manufacturing thebe be inmarketend around the of $500 theby $200. August.year. rangethree signedsongwritersRodomarPublishingHank toMedress, the and forCanadapublishing Matthew Toronto president (centre) firm. DeMatteo,based of Soil,withEMI primaryrecently VadlmMusic RPM -March 7, 1992 - 3 CapeMaritime Breton recording sweep artists ofshare East awards Coast spotlight Music Awards posthumouslytraditionalhimfiddler, for preservingRufus music. Guinchard. to themuch late of He NewfoundlandNewfoundland's was honoured 'hen>rssrway 78 ina Theprovinces.honourHalifax1,100 East seat (Feb.the Coast There Rebecca best 16) Music werefrom drew Cohn someAwards, Canada's a packed Auditoriumsurprises held houseAtlantic atand the to ina fromhasnowwho(Capitol) gained living alsoSan recordingperformed. Francisco internationalin Vancouver, artist to A recognitionaccept former SarahMcLachlan her McLachlan,Haligonian award-- flew-- who asin Novathe(Sydney
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