Bibliographie Nr. 1 Liste Der Über Kenya, Tanganyika-Sansibar Und Uganda 1954-1963 (Z

Bibliographie Nr. 1 Liste Der Über Kenya, Tanganyika-Sansibar Und Uganda 1954-1963 (Z

Bibliographie Nr. 1 Liste der über Kenya, Tanganyika-Sansibar und Uganda 1954-1963 (z. T. 1950-1964) im Bereich der Sozialforschung, Wirtschaftsforschung und ver­ wandter Gebiete verfaßten Arbeiten. Anhang zu den Kapiteln C und D. ABDALLAH, BIN HEMEDI BIN Au LIAJJEMI: 1957 - Habari za Wakilindi. J. E. Afr. Swahili Committee, 27, 13-63. 1958 - idem, 28, 57-58. ABDOU, Au IBRAHIM: 1958 - How did England Occupy Uganda (Arabic). Nahdatu Ifriquiah, Aug. 1958 a - International Rivalry in the Upper Nile from 1880-1906. Ph. D. (Arabic), Anglo-Egyptian Bookshop, Cairo. ABDUL, KARIM BIN ]AMAUDDINI, tr. W. H. WHITELEY: 1957 - Utenzi wa vita vya Maji-Maji (Maji-Maji rebellion). Historical introduction by Margaret Bates. J. E. Afr. Swahili Committee, June (supply). Pp. 72. ABRAHAMS, R. G.: 1958 - Arrival in Nyamwezi. Conf. Paper EAISR. Pp. 8. 1958 a - Aspects of Nyamwezi Witch Belief. Conf. Paper EAISR. Pp. 10. 1959 - Nyamwezi. "Attitudes to health and disease among some E. Afr. tribes." EAISR Symposium. 1961 - Kahama Township, Western Province, Tanganyika. "Social Change in Modern Africa", ed. by A. W. Southall, 242-253. ADAM, T.R.: 1962 - Government and politics in Africa, south of the Sahara. "Stud. in (rev. ed.) Polit. Sei.", Random House, New York. Pp. 185. ADAM, V.: 1961 - Preliminary Report on FieldWork in Isanzu. Conf. Paper EAISR. Pp. 11. 1962 - Social Composition of Isanzu Villages. Conf. Paper EAISR. Pp. 12. 1963 - Migrant Labour in Isanzu. Conf. Paper EAISR. Pp. 19. 1963 a - Rainmaking Ceremonies in Isanzu. Conf. Paper EAISR. Pp. 23. ADAMSON, J.: 1951/52 - Headdresses (of Kenya witch-doctors and dancers). E. Afr. Annu., 54-55. 1957 - Kaya und Grabfiguren der Küstenbantu in Kenya. Paideuma, 6, 5, Aug., 251-256. 148 ADIMOLA, A. B.: 1954 - The Lamogi rebellion 1911-1912. UJ, 18, 2, Sept., 166-177. 1956 - Lobo Acoli (geographical survey of Acoli District). E. Afr. Lit. Bur., Kampala. ADRIONE, P.: 1958 - EI-Molo. Miss. Consolata, Sept., 7-11. AFRICAN CENSUS ... 1963 - African census report 1957. Govt. Printer, Dar es Salaam. AFRICAN CONFERENCE ... 1961 - African conference on the rule of law, Lagos, 1961. A report on the proceedings. Internat. Commission of Jurists, Geneva. Pp. 181. AFRICAN LAND ... 1962 - African land development in Kenya, 1946-1962. Ministry of Agriculture, Nairobi, Pp. 312. AFRICAN NATIVE ... 1956 African native tribes (Rules for the classification of works on African ethnology in the Strange Collection of Africana with an index of tribal names and their variants). Public Library, Johannes­ burg. Pp. 142. AFRICAN SCHOOLGIRLS ... 1957 - African schoolgirls in Tanganyika. Afr. Women, v. 2, no. 2, 31-34. AINSWORTH, L. H.: 1959 - Rigidity, stress and acculturation (Uganda). ]. Soc. Psychol., Johannesburg, 49, 131-136. and MARY D.: 1962 Aceuhuration in East Africa. ]. Soc. Psychol., Johannesburg, Aug., 391-432. AKENA, N.: 1959 - Lango religion. UJ, 23, 2, Sept. 188-190. ALBRECHT' K.: 1961 - Entwiddungsprobleme in Ostafrika. Unsere Wirtsch. AtusoN, A. C. et al.: 1954 - Further observations on blood groups in East African tribes (Hima, Iraqw, Tswa). ]. Roy. Anthrop. Inst., 84, 1/2, Jan.-Dec., 158-162. ALLOTT, A. N. (ed.): 1962 - Judicial and legal systems in Africa. Butterworth, London. Pp. 226. AtPORT, c. ]. M.: 1954 - Kenya's answer to the Mau-Mau challenge. Afr. Aff., 53, 241-247. AtTRINCHAM, LORD E. w. M.: 1955 Kenya's opportunity: memories, hopes, and ideas. Faber and Faber, London. Pp. 308. AtTSCHUL, R.: 1963 Settlement Patterns of the Northeast Coast of Tanganyika. Ph. D. Univ. Illinois. ANDERSON, ]. N. D.: 1954 - Islamic law in Africa. With a foreward by Lord Hailey. HMSO, London. Pp. 409. 1957 - Muslim marriages and the courts in East Africa. ]. Afr. Law, Lon­ don, 1, 1, spring, 14-22. ANSPRENGER, F.: 1962 Afrika - eine politische Länderkunde.• Zur Politik und Zeit­ geschichte", H. 8-9, Colloquium Ver!., Berlin. S. 127. 149 ANYWAR, REUßEN 5.: 1954 - Acoli ki ker megi (Acholi and their clans). Eagle Press, Nairobi, Pp. 224. APTER, D. E.: 1956 Some problems of comparative political analysis in Africa. Conf. Paper EAISR. Pp. 5. 1959 Some problems of local government in Uganda. J. Afr. Adm. 11, 1, Jan. 27-37. 1960 - The role of traditionalism in the political modernization of Ghana and Uganda. Wld Polit., 13, 1, Oct., 45-68. 1961 - The Political Kingdom in Uganda. A study in Bureaucratic Nationalism. London, Pp. 498. AQQAD, SALAH EL-DIN EL: 196. - Arabs and Europeans in East Africa (Arabic). ARROWSMITH, K.: 1961 - Fifty years in Teso. Corona, 13, 5, May, 177-180. AsKWITH, T. G.: 1950 - Tribalism in Nairobi. Corona, 2, 292-295. 195 . Progress through self-help: principles and practice in community development (Kenya). Eagle Press for E. Afr. Lit. Bur., Nairobi, Pp. 34. A TTITUDES TO ... 1959 - Attitudes to health and disease among some East African tribes (Digo, Ganda, Hadza, Konjo, Nyamwezi, Samburu, Sebei, Swahili Coast, Toro). One-day Symposium held at the EAISR, Kampala, Dec. AusTEN, R. A.: 1963 - Political Generations in Bukoba: 1890-1939. Conf. Paper EAISR. Pp.16. 1963 a - Study of Indirect Rule in a Tanganyika Province. Conf. Paper EAISR. Pp. 14. AuTRET,M.: (1952) s.: BRocK, J. F. and AuTRET, M. BABIHA, J. K.: 1958 - The Bayaga clan of western Uganda (Toro, Nyoro etc.). UJ, 22, 2, Sept., 123-130. BACKGROUND TO ... 1956 - Background to Bugisu (In the series: "Background to Uganda"). Inf. Dept., 153, May, Pp. 4. BAKER, E. c.: 1952 - Tribai calendars (Musoma District). TNR, 33, July, 30-33. BAKER, R. s. B.: 1955 - KaboDgo: the story of a Kikuyu chief. George Ronald, Oxford, Pp.127. BAKER, s. J. K.: 1954 - Bunyoro: a regional appreciation. UJ, 18, 2, Sept., 101-112. 1956 - Buganda: a geographical appraisal. Trans. Papers Inst. Brit. Geogr., 171-179. 1958 - The geographical background of western Uganda. UJ, 22, 1, Mar., 1-10. 150 1963 - The East African Environment. "History of E. Afr.", ed. by R. Oliverand G. Mathew, v. 1, 1-22. 1963 a - The population geography of East Africa. E. Afr. Geogr. Rev., 1, Apr., 1-6. BANFIELD, J.: 1963 a - The Structure of the East African Common Services Organization (EACSO). Conf. Paper EAISR. Pp. 7. 1963 - The structure and administration of the E. Afr. High Commission and the EACSO. U. of E. Afr. Conf. on Federation, Kampala, Nov. BARBER, ]. p.: 1961 Fernale Circumcision among the Sebei. UJ, v. 25, no. 1, Mar., 94-98. 1962 - The Karamoja District of Uganda: a pastoral people under co­ lonial rule. J. Afr. Hist., 3, 1, 111-124. BARBOUR, K. M., and PROTHERO, R. M.: 1962 - Essays on African Population. Praeger, New York. Pp. 336. BARWELL, c. W.: 1956 - A note on some changes in the economy of the Kipsigis tribe. J. Afr. Adm., 8, 2, Apr., 95-101. BARYSHNIKOV, V. F.: 1963 - Ugandananovom puti (Uganda on a new course). Nar. Azii Afr., 5, 55-64. BAscoM, W. R., and HERSKOVITS, M. J. (eds.): 1959 - Continuity and Change in African Cultures. Univ. Chicago Press. Pp. 309. BA TES, M. L.: 1955 Tanganyika: The Development of a Trust Territory. Int. Organiz., Feb. 1957 Introduction to Utenzi wa Vita vya Maji-Maji. Supplement to ]. E. Afr. Swahili Committee, no. 26, June. 1962 - A survey of recent political developments in Tanganyika. "Afr. One-Party States", ed. by Gwendolen M. Carter, Cornell Univ. Press. BATTAGLIA, R.: 1957 I Bon di Hola Wagu nell' Oltregiuba. Ann. Later., 21, 322-346. BAULIN, J.: 1962 - The Arab role in Africa. Penguin Books, Baltimore. Pp. 143. BAuM,E.: 1965 - Die Organisation von Betrieb und Haushalt bei den Kaffee-Bana­ nen-Milch-Bauern am Kilimanscharo. "Afrika-Studien", IFO-Inst. f. Wirtsch.-Forsch., Afrika-Studienstelle, München. BAuMANN, 0., ed. FREEMAN-GRENVILLE, G. S. P.: 1957 - Mafia Island (from translation in Mafia District Book). TNR, 46, Jan., 1-24. BAXTER, P. T. w.: 1954 - Social Organization of the Boran of N. Kenya. CSSRC (mimeogr.). 1960 - The Kiga. "E. Afr. Chiefs", ed. by A. I. Richards, 278-310. BEACHEY, R. W.: 1959 - The Arms Trade in East Africa in the late Nineteenth Century. Conf. Paper EAISR. Pp. 27. 1962 - The Arms Trade in East Africa in the late Nineteenth Century. J. Afr. Hist., 451-467. 151 BEATTIE, J. H. M.: 1953 - The Kibanja system of land tenure in Bunyoro. Conf. Paper EAISR. Pp. 11. 1954 - The Kibanja system of land tenure in Bunyoro. J. Afr. Adm., 6, 1, Jan., 18-28. 1954 a - A further note on the Kibanja system of land tenure in Bunyoro. J. Afr. Adm., 6, 4, Oct., 178-185. 1957 - Informal judicial activity in Bunyoro. J. Afr. Adm., 9, 4, Oct., 188-195. 1957 a Initiation into the Cwezi spirit possession cult in Bunyoro. Afr. Stud., 16, 3, 150-161. 1957 b Nyoro Kinship. Africa, Oct., 317-340. 1957 c - Nyoro personal names. UJ, 21, 1, Mar., 99-106. 1958 Nyoro marriage and affinity. Africa, 28, 1, Jan., 1-22. 1958 a The blood pact in Bunyoro. Afr. Stud., 17, 4, 198-203. 1959 Neighbourliness in Bunyoro. Man, 59, 112, May, 83-84. 1959 a Rituals of Nyoro Kingship. Africa, 29, 2, Apr., 134-145. 1960 Bunyoro, an African Kingdom. Holt, New York. Pp. 86. 1960 a Bunyoro through the looking glass. J. Afr. Adm., 12, 2, Apr., 85-94. 1960 b On the Nyoro concept of mahano. Afr. Stud., 19, 3, 145-150. 1960 c - The Nyoro. "E. Afr. Chiefs", ed. by A. I. Richards, 98-126. 1961 Democratization in Bunyoro: the impact of democratic institutions and values on a traditional African Kingdom. Civilisations, 11, 1, 8-18. 1963 A note on the connexion between spirit mediumship and hunting in Bunyoro, with special reference to possession by animal ghosts. Man, 63, 241, Dec., 188-189. 1964 The story of Mariya and Yozefu: A case study from Bunyoro. Africa, Apr., 105-115.

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