FECAL SLUDGE DEWATERING REQUEST FOR INVENTION (RFI) RFI-150112 Circulation Date: December 2, 2015 Close Date: July 1, 2018 Key Words: sludge thickening, sludge dewatering, latrine emptying, vault emptying, black water, septic tank emptying, pit toilet, sewerage treatment, sewage pre-processing, Global Good, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Omni-Processor, Omni-Ingestor. Please read the instructions for Submission for more information on method, terms and conditions of your submission of Solution Reports. For the most recent closing date for all Requests for Invention please log in to your account at http://network.xinova.com. REQUEST FOR INVENTION Summary Xinova seeks the disclosure of inventions that feature debris extraction, sludge thickening, and treatment enables the rapid dewatering of fecal sludge. of extracted effluent. The aim of the Omni-Ingestor system is to make fecal sludge emptying a viable business model by Globally, about 2.6 bil ion people lack access to even a simple improving sludge extraction in urban slums. ‘improved’ latrine. An improved latrine, per the World Health Organization (WHO), is the “hygienic separation of human The greatest technical challenge faced in this endeavor is excreta from human contact.” This lack of access results in the development of a fecal sludge thickening and dewatering serious health problems such as the transmission of E. coli and module that reduces the volume of fecal sludge by removing cholera resulting in life-threatening diarrhea. water; thereby making it easier to transport. Current sludge thickening technology is either too large or too energy However, even with improved latrines, the inevitable need intensive for this application. This RFI seeks a sludge for emptying them creates the same potential for the thickening or dewatering solution that fits into the Omni- aforementioned health problems. Improvements in the safe Ingestor footprint and is capable of dealing with sludge that handling of fecal sludge during the pit emptying process has highly variable physical and chemical properties. will significantly improve health outcomes for the billions of people living in communities who rely on this method of waste Desired invention characteristics and some suggested areas of disposal and the billions more who will likely obtain improved exploration are described on page 13. latrines in the coming years. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has already invested This RFI is released in partnership with Global in the development of a mobile sewage collection and Good. Refer to the “Awards for Selected pre-processing system called the Omni-Ingestor that will Solutions” section for more information. FECAL SLUDGE DEWATERING RFI-150112 | © Copyright 2018 Xinova, LLC. 1 REQUEST FOR INVENTION Contents Summary ..............................................1 1.0 The challenge ...................................... 4 2.0 Current Technology & Prior Solution Attempts ...........7 3.0 Possibilities ........................................13 4.0 The market.........................................15 5.0 References & details .................................17 FECAL SLUDGE DEWATERING RFI-150112 | © Copyright 2018 Xinova, LLC. 3 REQUEST FOR INVENTION 1.0 The challenge Problem Definition SLUDGE DEWATERING MODULE The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) aims to address the global sanitation problem holistically by supporting a three-pronged, sustainable approach to the This RFI focuses on a critical sub-component of the Omni- fecal-sludge life-cycle in developing countries: Ingestor - the sludge dewatering module, which must be mobile, rugged and economical to meet challenging ● Reinvent the toilet, which addresses individual users, operating conditions. The BMGF wishes to harness market forces to make fecal sludge removal a self-sustaining success, ● Omni-Processor, which addresses public toilets and and research conducted for BMGF suggests that business latrines and, model viability is highly dependent on the performance of the sludge dewatering module. ● Omni-Ingestor, a fecal sludge remover. Higher performance dewatering would improve manual The Omni-Ingestor is a mobile pump and pre-processor of emptiers and standard vacuum tankers by reducing the sludge extracted from septic tanks commonly found in such volume required for storing sludge emptied from pits prior to places as urban slums. The objective of the mobile pre- transport. Thickening liquid fecal sludge from three percent processor (MPP) is to reduce human contact with unsanitary total solids to six percent total solids will reduce volume waste and reduce environmental damage from said waste. by fifty percent. The result is that a greater number of pits could be emptied between trips to discharge solids and the Basic requirements of the MPP system include extracting operational efficiency and revenue are significantly increased. debris and heavies (sand, grit, rocks, glass, and metal) from the incoming sludge, rendering those materials safe for It’s important to note that both thickening and dewatering human contact and disposal, thickening the remaining sludge are methods of solids concentration and volume reduction. by dewatering, and treating the effluent so that it is safe for Only the degree of volume reduction is different. Commercial re-use. Closing the loop, the Omni-Processor prevents human processes for thickening and dewatering are classified by waste from reentering the environment, greatly reducing the the total water content remaining in the sludge following impact to human health. treatment. Thickening processes typically increase total solids (TS) concentration by 5 to 10 percent, while dewatering increases TS concentrations by at least 20 percent. For liquid FECAL SLUDGE DEWATERING 4 RFI-150112 | © Copyright 2018 Xinova, LLC. REQUEST FOR INVENTION fecal sludge with a high water content, thickening processes for all to both improved water and sanitation would reduce are oftentimes used upstream of dewatering equipment to the number of episodes of diarrhea globally by 16.7%. Access increase dry matter and facilitate handling. to in-house regulated piped water and sewerage connection with partial treatment of waste waters, could achieve an Another technical issue for the dewatering module is that average global reduction of 69% for diarrhea cases. the material to be processed consists of highly variable vault contents, which makes it difficult to process. The condition of A specific example of fecal contamination can be found in the sludge is expected to range from nearly-complete liquid Kiberia, the largest slum in Nairobi. With a population of 1.5M, (e.g. water from the environment, gray water, and bio-derived residents share a total of 600 toilets (1,300 people per toilet). water containing both dissolved and suspended solids of The prevalence of diarrhea is 32% of population of children widely-varying composition and concentration) through below 5 years of age (versus 16% of nationwide population). mostly viscous semi-solids (i.e., classic ‘fecal sludge’) to quite Over 18,000 children die annually from diarrhea related consolidated solids having a wet clay-like texture. deaths in Kiberia. With access appropriate sanitation 3,600- 5,400 (20-30%) lives could be saved annually Kiberia. The variability of the vault contents reflect tank/pit fill time- intervals ranging from weeks to years in service environments The majority of households in developing regions lack access ranging from single-family dwellings to apartment blocks, and to a piped sewer system or access to any sanitary latrine. various vault construction practices and drainage situat ions. Only 13% of the households in Africa and 18% in Asia are Vaults will typically include a scum layer on top and progress connected to the piped sewerage network, while 47% in Africa with depth to water-density liquid, through ever-denser sludge and 30% in Asia rely on non-piped sanitation systems, with in intermediate levels to consolidated and ‘mechanically the remaining households not having any access to substantial’ material at the bottom. As such, the system must sanitation facilities. be able to respond quickly to changes in the sludge properties and cannot rely on inputs from well-trained operators. The majority of cities in developing countries rely on informal services for excreta disposal. While latrines may be “improved” the inevitable need for emptying creates the Background potential for a significant risk to public health. There are two methods of emptying non-piped sewage systems: manual About 2.6 billion people – half the developing world – lack and mechanical. even a simple improved latrine. An example of in improved latrine is one with a hygienic cover slab or floor that covers Not only is contact with human excreta unavoidable during the pit where the excreta falls, which fulfills the WHO manual emptying, the fecal sludge itself is often disposed – definition of separating humans from the excreta. In addition, even in the case of mechanical service providers – directly the slab inhibits flies from carrying disease from the latrine into the environment without treatment. This can result in to food. Examples of unimproved latrines are facilities that communities that have made progress in increasing access lack a slab or simply open defecation. Because waste from to improved sanitation seeing the benefits of this progress unimproved latrines easily spreads, 1.1 billion people have no negated by the fact of living in and around fecal
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