1886. CONGRESSIONAL REOORD~HOUSE. 7153 Mr. EDMUNDS. Not in the least. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. MILLER. Af~r the explanation of the Senator from Vermont I do not ask for any agreement, because I shall move to take up the MONDAY, July 19, 1886. bill the first thing in the morning, and I shall not yield to anything The Honse met at 11 o'clock a. m. Prayer by Rev. Dr. BuLLOCK. else until it is finished. The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the proceedings of Sat- Mr. CAMERON. I renew my motion. urday last; when · · The P&E<::;IDENT pro tempcire. The Senator from Pennsylvania Mr. PAYSO~ said: Mr. Speaker, the entries in the Journal with moves that the Senate adjourn. reference to reports from committees are leng~hy, and I therefore move Mr. ALLISON. I hope that we shall have some understanding as to that the reading of that part of the Journal be dispensed with. the hour when the vote shall be taken on the bilL There being no objection, it was ordered accordingly. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Does the Senator from Pennsylvania The remainder of the Journal was read and approved. yield? . Mr. LOGAN. I should like the Senator to yield for just onemo­ LEAVE TO PRINT. ment. Mr. MORROW, by unanimous consent, obtained leave to extend in The PRESIDENT pro tempQTe. DoestheSenatorfrom Pennsylvania the RECORD his remarks on the fortifications appropriation bill. yield? Mr. CAMERON. For a moment. WITHDRAWAL OF A BIJ.L. Mr. LOGAN. I desire to say but one word. I do not very often By unanimous consent leave was granted to the Committee on Pub­ ask courtesies of the Senate, but I am going away, and before I leave I lic Buildings and Grounds to withdraw the bill (S. 1404) to authorize should like to have the question of privilege dispoSed of. It will cer· the acquisition of certain parcels of real estate embraced in square No .. tainly come up soon, and I prefer to have it come up before I leave. 406 of the city of Washington, for the enlargement of _the Post-Office The Senator from Vermont objects to everything, but of course his ob­ Department building, and to provide accommodations for the city .post- jection is not made with a view of preventing the question of privilege office. · · - from coming up. However, when a bill has been discussed as long as LEAVE OF ABSELVCE. this ha.s been, it does seem to me as if an agreement might be made by By unanimous consent leave of absence was granted as follows: · the Senate that we would vote on it at 2 o'clock or 3 o'clock or some To :M:r. BLAND, indefinitely, on· account of sickness in his family. time to-morrow. To Mr. WINANS, after to-morl'Ow, for the remainder of the session, Mr. EDMUNDS. I agree to that, if I can have five minutes. on account of important business. Mr. LOGAN. Five minutes! You can have forty minutes. No­ body objects to your speaking, and if he did it would not make any COPY OF ENGROSSED BILL. difference; you would speak anyhow; and so it is all right. The SPEAKER. The engrossed copy of Senate billl 04.2, to pay B. Mr. ALLISON and Mr. VOORHEES. Ask for 3 o'clock. S. James fo1· transporting the mails, was referred to the Committee on Mr. LOGAN. I think an agreement might be reached and that Claims, but has.been mislaid. If there be no objection the Chair will everybody might be at least satisfied. I do not think there are very direct an order to be made requesting the Senate to_furnish the House many Senators who want to discuss the question any further. another engrossed copy of said bill. The PRESIDENT pro tempQTe. The Senator from illinois asks the There was no obje.ction, and it was so ordered. unanim9us consent of the Senate that at 2 o'clock or 3 o'clock-- FORTIFICATIONS APPROPRIATION BILL. Mr. LOGAN. Three o'clock. ' Mr. FORNEY. I desire to call up the bill tH. R. 9798) making ap­ Mr ~ EVARTS. If the Senator will allo·w me, I have a word to say o.n this subject. If the bill can be taken up after the morning work, propriations for fortifications and other works of defense, in order that as early as a quarter past 11 or half past 11 to-morrow, I will agree we may pass it to·day so as to send it over to the Senate. that the only space of time that I shall occupy will enable me to finish The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Alabama calls up the fortifi .. my remarks, and the vote could be taken, if there were not other spea.k­ cations appropriation bill. The question on Saturday when this bill e:rs, very soon after 12. If I can begin at a quarter past 11 I shall be was last before the House was upon ordering the previous question through before 12. The Senator from Vermont has claimed a very brief upon an amendment submitted by the gentleman from Pennsylvania. period for his address to the Senate. · I am not advised that on this side [Mr. RANDALL] and upon the engrossment and third reading of tho of the Chamber other speakers are expecting to take part. bill. Mr. CULLOM. There may be two or three others. Mr. HISCOCK. At that time we were dividing on the demand for Mr. EVARTS. There may be. I bad learned that as my colleague the previous question, I having made the question of no quorum. I did not desire to close the debate, I was proposing to close it on our side, will withdraw my demand for a quorum, and hope the gentleman will and I had inquired to find out if there were others going to speak. yield to me five or ten minutes for discussion. Mr. McMILLAN. Then let us come to an agreement to vote at 3 :Ur. FORNEY. Certainly. ~ook . The SPEAKER. That arrangement, then, is agreed to. Mr. EVARTS. If it is true that there are other speakers, I can not Mr. ~AND ALL. The gentleman from Alabama has yielded the time say so distinctly as to the time that will be occupied. to the gentleman from New York, but before he proceeds I want to ask . Mr. MILLER. Having the bill in charge, I know of no one o_p this consent to modify the second section o{ the bill by inserting after the mde of the Chamber who expects to speak except my colleague. I in­ word '' implements,'' in the fourth line, that part of the section stricken quired on the other side and was told, of course not positively, but that out on the point of order relating to the use of materials of American the general understanding was the speeches had been finished. I sup­ production. What I ask is to insert what the committee originally pose that other speeches, such as the Senator from Vermont proposes to had in at the place I have indicated. In other words, to make it dis· make in reply to two Senators, will be very short. I desired to have 'tinct, I ask consent that after the word "implements" these words be my colleague close the debate on this side, if it were convenient to all added: ''the materials for which shall be of American production; " so the Senate. There might be speeches I know nothing about, but if we that this section will read, if amended as I suggest- take two or three hours of time I ha"\'"e no doubt we shall give every SEc. 2. For the _armament of seacoast fortifications, including the procure­ meJ?-t of steel torgmgs forth~ manufacture of hea~ guns; for guns, carriages, one an opportunity to be heard who desires. I do not want to shut off projectlles, fuses, powder, Implements, the ma.tena.ls fot• which shall be ot any one. I ask that 3 o'clock be fi xed as the time to take the vote to­ American production; and their trial and proof; and all necessary expenses morrow. inc~dent thereto, $500,000, to be available until expended. Mr. BROWN. I wish to say that I expect to occupy about ten - :Mr. HISCOCR. Let me suggest to the gentleman also that in the minutes. words- Mr. CULLOM. If we vote at •3 o'clock it will give every one an Unless in the unanimous opinion of the board the interest of the G overnment opportunity to speak who wishes to do so. will be better subserved by making purchases elsewhere- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair will submit the request The word "board" should be stricken out and "Department" in~ to the Senate. The Senator from New York asks the unanimous con­ serted. sent of the Senate that at 3 o'clock to-morrow the vote upon the pend­ Mr. RANDALL. I am not willing to have those words in. ing bill shall be taken. Is there objection? Mr. HISCOCK. But having stricken out the provision in t·eference Mr. EDMUNDS. I do not object if it is subject ·to my fi ve min- to the board yon will want to leave it to the Department to determine. utes. Mr. RANDALL. No; I want it just as I have stated the amend­ The PRESIDENT pro te-mpore. Is there objection? ment. Mr. CALL. I object. Mr. HISCOCK. I only call attention to the matter; I desire to make Mr.
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