GOVERNMENT GAZETTE | Publby Ausboriy as, | 7 oe Vol.LX, No. 63 4th NOVEMBER, 1983 - Price 30¢ General Notice 856 of ‘I 983. G/699/83. Goods-vehicle, Load: 7790 kilograms. Area: Within an 80-kilometre radius of. the Post office, Julias- ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION‘act {CHAPTER 262] .dale, with access: to. Harare. Nature of carriage—. - ‘Applications ini Connexionwithwith Road Service Permits (a) goods, wares and ‘merchandisé of all kinds; (b) agricultural produce and requirements; — IN’ terms of eubsection @ of section (1) of the. Road (©) goods of a perishable nature, Motor Transportation Act [Chapter262], notice is herebygiven that the applications detailed in the Schedule, for the issue or amendment of road service permits, havebeen received for the. “consideration of _the Controller of Road Motor TAXECABS . Transportation. -- { Additionals ‘Any person wishingto object ‘to any such application must _S. A. Chirimuta. jodge with the Controller of Road Motor Transportation, P.O. _ TX/191/83. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 4. Box 8332, Causeway— Area: Within 2 40-kilometre radius of the General Post Office,» (a) a notice, in writing, of his intention: to object, so asto Harare. reach the Controller’s office not later than. the 25th Condition: The vehicle to stand’ for hire at any authorized November, 1983; and . taxi-rank within the area+ under theiurisdiction of« the Harare Or his objection and the grounds therefor, on form R.M.T. Municipality. ‘2A, together with two copies thereof, so as to reach the -J. Mhembere. ;,Controller's office0 not later’ than the 16th December, TX/199/83. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 4. Any‘ person ‘objecting to an application. for the issue ‘or. Area: Within a 30-kilometre radius of the post office,.‘Murewa. amendment of a road service permit must confine his rounds Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at Murewa Shoppitig of objection to matters directly ‘bearing on the considerations" Centre only. <- . referred to in paragraph ), ¢ ), Ke), ©, ©) or ‘(f) of. section* 8.0f thesaid VAct, O. Katetere, ° “_R.N, TSOMONDO, 4-11-83. ~ Controller of Road ‘Motor ‘Transportation. TX/200/83. Taxi-cab, Passenger-capacity: 3. : Area: Within a 40-kilometre ‘radius of the General Post Office, Bulawayo. ; we GOODS-VEHICLES - Condition: The. vehicle to stand for hire in Nkulumane Town- Additionals ..ship only. Brest Brothers (Pvt) Ltd. S. T. Makatare. 1G/610, 611 and 613/83, Three goods-vehicles. Load: 35 000 __ kilograms each. TX/208/83. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 3, Post Office, Area: Within the Mashonaland West Province, with access to Area; _ Within a 40-kilometre radius of the General, arare. Condition: Thevvehicle. to stand for hire at any authorized Note-—These. applications, originally published in General taxi-rank withinthearea under.the furisdiction of the Harare Notice 740. of. 1983, are: republished here with) corrections, =. Municipality. a ; Load:35.000 Kilo- -G/614 to 616/83. Three -goods-vehicles. M. Kuzhangaira.. grams each. the ‘Mashonaland North Province, with access: TX/211/83. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 3. _Area: Within Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius of the General Post Office, + to Harare. Harare.- and merchandise of all. Nature of carriage: Goods, ‘wares Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at Mbare Township -kinds. taxi-rank only. ‘ Note,—These applications, originally /published © in. General’ :here with: corrections. Note.—This application is made to reinstate permit 19480,” Notice 740 of 1983, are republished which expired on the 30th September, 1983, _ BF. N. Makunike. R. Chimwaza. Lilograms. G/698/83. Goods-vehicle.‘Load: 966 TX/220, and 222/83. Two taxi-cabs. Pastenger-capacity: 4 Area: Within an 80-kilometre radius of. the Post Office, each. Juliasdale; with access to Mutare and. Harare. Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius of. the post office, Mutate. _ Nature of carriage— Condition: To operate from Mutare only. - (a) goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds; Note-—This application is made to reinstate permit 1980, '(b) ‘agricultural produce and requirements; and 14569, whicexpired on the 30th September, 1983, (c) goods of a perishable nature: 882 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT1 GxzErT, 47TH Novenpes, 1983 TRANSFERS General Notice 859 of 1983, MuchecheInvestments (Pvt.) Ltd. _ BANKING ACT [CHAPTER 188] 0/260 to 262 and 348/83. Permits: 18395, 21164, 13152 and 17487. Four motor-omnibuses, Change of Name of‘Registered Financial Institution By: Transfer of the permits from Matambanadzo Bus.Service (Pvt.) Ltd. ‘IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection of section 14 of the Banking Act [Chapter 188), that the Registrar of Banks Tudor-Cole and Brown Transport Pvt) Ltd. and: Financial Institutions has, in termsof. subsection (1) of. G:704 and 705/83. Permits: 17969 and 17836. Two goods: - section 14 of the said Act, consented to the change of the . vehicles. registered name’ of Standard Finance Limited to Standard “By: Transfer of the permit? trom Consolidated Transport Chartered Finance Zimbabwe Limited, with effect from the Services (Pvt.) Ltd. Ist October, 1983, @ A.J. NDUNA, 4-11-83. Registrar of Banks and Financial Institutions. General Notice 857 of 1983, ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER 262] General Notice 860 of 1983. MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER 165] , Applications in Connexion with Temporary and Special Road Service Permits Cancellation of Certificate of Registration:Harare Mining . District : _ THE Controller of. Road Motor Transportation hereby, in in terms of section 16 of the Road Motor Transportation Act IT is hereby notified; in terms of subsection (5) of section 51: [Chapter 262),, invites applications for: temporary and special of the Mines and MineralsAct [Chapter 165], that the certificate road service permits to transport passengers by motor- of registration issued in.respect of. the un er-mentioned block. _ omnibuses along the following | routes: was cancelled’ on the 10th October,-1983, in terms ofparagraphs (a) and (6) of subsection (1) of section 51 of the said Act, - Pote - Rusumbe. | Registered number: 20151 B.M.. Munyamiri - Nyakudya- Domboshawa. Name: Rita. Harare - Chirenda - Bindura. Registered: holder: ‘Emanuel Taruvinga Gondo. Number of claims:. 24. Re Mushayapokuvaka - Makumbe Cheza. Mineral: Beryl. Showground -- Nyamande. H. D. MAKUZWA,| 4-11-83, Assistant Mining Commissioner, - Jum - Mukombami - Chiparambi - Davete. Koyo - Dehwe - Mutandizi --Marufu - Dzvete.. Aw _ GeneralNotice 861 of 1983, Rusike Township - Entre. Rios - Marondera. CENSORSHIP AND ENTERTAINMENTS CONTROL ACT . Harare - Melfort Siding - Rusike Township - Mapuranga. ee _ (CHAPTER 78) ° 2 Harare - Goromonzi - Rusike - Juru. © Declaration of Publication as Undesirable and Prohibited. — . Harare - Rusike - Mwanza - Oribi Store. 12. Harare - Melfort - Shangure - Marondera. IT is hereby notified; in terms of subsection @) of. section © 12 of the Censorship and Entertainments Control Act [Chapter ' Holders of substantive road service permits may apply for 78), that the Board of Censors has—. temporary road service permits in terms of subsection (1) of (a) in terms of subsection (1) of that section,declared that section 15, and non-holders may apply for special road service e publication specified in the Schedule is, in the opinion permits in terms of paragraph (a) of section 15, of the Road oe e board; undesirable within the meaning o sub- Motor Transportation Act (Chapter 262}, respectively. section (2) of section 11 of theAct; and . Applications must be addressed to. the Controller of Road - (b) in terms of subsection (2). of that section, declared that . Motor Transportation, and . either— publication to be prohibited. {a) posted to P.O. Box 8332, Causeway; or G.I. KINGMA, (b) delivered to First Floor, Coghlan Building, Fourth Chairman, oo Board: of Censors,- Street, Harare; SCHEDULE So a) as to reach the Controller's office not later than the 25th Publication ee November, 1983. _ Anonymous + . “Me. «ew (1982) R. N. TSOMONDO, 4-11-83. Controller of Road Motor Transportation. General Notice 862 of 1983, - CENSORSHIP AND ENTERTAINMENTSCONTROLACT. General Notice 858of ies, [CHAPTER 78] BANKING ACT [CHAPTER 188] Declaration ‘of Undesirable Publication “Change of Name of. Registered Accepting House TT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection1 (3) of section 12 of the Censorship and Entertainments Control Act Lenapees 78], that the Board of Censors has, in terms of. subsection ? of that section, declared that the publication. ‘specified in the ~ IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (4) -of section14 Schedule is, in the opinion of the board, undesirable within of the Banking Act [Chapter 188}, that the Registrar of Banks the meaning of subsection Q) of section 11 of the Act, and Finacial Institutions ‘has, in terms of subsection (1) of section 14 of the said Act, -consented to the changein the registered name of Standard Merchant Bank Zimbabwe GOS KINGMA, Limited to Standard Chartered Merchant Bank Zimbabwe ‘hairman, — Board of Censors, Limited, with effect from the Ist October, 1983. SCHEDULE _ art ‘A. J, NDUNA, - Undesirable publication =~ 4-11-83, Registrarof Banks andFinancial Institutions. Seymour, Janette . Purity’s. Shame (1979) . : ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, ana NOVEMBER, 1983 883 Goneraf ‘Notice 863 of 1983...- _ Fo _ premises situate at Muzuzha Business Centre, Mhon- . doro, and for Enosi Chikanya to be appointed approved ° | "RURAL LAND (ACT (CHAPTER 155] manager; and ° ‘ . Notice of Intentionto Cancel Deed of Transfer (s) an application ‘for conditional
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