The Clinton Independent. VOL XXXII—NO. 33. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 4 1898. WHOLE NO-1648 THE WRONG MAN. THEIR FIRST DEFEAT. It Pays to Trade at John Hicks'. Best Shirting Prints at 3ic per yard. ARE READY TO MOVE Best Indigo Blue Prints Sic per yard. David O. Fit* —Not Willard C. Lyon — The X. R. C.a Beaten by the Elate Team FLOAT SIDE BI SIDE Best Fancy Dress Prints 4c per yard. Plaintiff In the Proposed Clinton Co. Monday Afternoon. One lot Scotch Dimities 6c per yard. Change of Venue Ca*e. The The X. B. C.’a this song do sing; One lot corded novelties, extra wide, Decoration Day Fittingly Ob- Last week a Lansing correspondent Remaining Companies at Although we're been beaten, Will the Stars and Stripes and the all of the latest styles, 10c per yard. of the Detroit Tribune, and theLansiug Island Lake We’re atlll In the ring. Union Jack. One hale mill ends (short lengths) served in St. Johns. Daily Republican, got the name of Wil­ The X. B. C. base ball team experi­ heavy Brown Cotton. 44cents per yard, lard C. Lyon, a young attorney and jus ­ enced their tirst defeat last Monday worth 8 cents At John Hicks ’. tice of the peace in this village, con­ afternoon, at Athletic Park. Their op- THREE THOUSAND PEOPLE ASSEM­ founded with that of David G. Fitz, of ARE ANXIOUS TO START FOR THE onents were the Elsies, to whom they CHAS. RALL THINK* THAT WILL HE If you want Flags, of course the place to buy them is at The R acket . BLED IN ST. JOHNS CEMETERY. DeWitt Township, who was a few years FRONT. • Ead twice before administered crushing THE RESULT OF THE WAR. ago a policy holder and member or the defeats. Capt. Stephenson accordingly Wanted .—M. F. Richmond wants a Farmer’s Mutual Insurance Company, looked for a sure thing, and the boys bay or chestnut trotting gelding colt, of Clinton and Gratiot counties. The went into the game with all the confi­ about 3 years old. large size. St. Johns,M. To Oder Beautiful Floral Tribute* In property burned. The company refused Dark and Bright Side of Soldier Life at dence displayed by Dewey in the battle Look* for a Complete Change In the Gov­ to pay because they thought it was not Camp Eatou. of Manila But luck was against them. ernments of the World. It Pays to Trade at John Hicks'. Memory of Departed Soldier* aud an honest fire. Suit was brought and The Elsies forged ahead at the start, Friend*. the case tried twice in the Circuit Court and maintained the lead throughout the Important to Honsekeepers. of this county, and in both Fitz was game. They were strengthened by If you find it necessary to do papering successful. Fitz then brought suit (From Our Regular Correspondent.; players from Ashley, Eureka and Maple We have been permitted to publish this spring you will find handsome pat­ against Richard Moore, secretary of the Camp Eaton, Island Lake, Mich.,) Rapids, aud won by superior batting. Last Monday, May 30th, the day set May 23,1808. J the following very interesting letter terns in good papers at very low prices company, William J. Hewitt and Floyd The X. B. C.’s responded gamely to the from Charlie Rail, of the Nineteenth at my store. C. E. V anSickle , apart by the general government and L. Gree, for damages in charging Fitz Island Lake is a beautiful little sheet visitors, and hit the ball hard and often, The Druggist. designated as Decoration Day, was the with arson. Lyon & Dooling, attorneys, of water, hemmed in by grassy hills and but it always went straight for an out ­ IJ. 8. Infantry, written to bis sister, loveliest of any of the present season—a appeared for Fitz and Fedewa & Wal- shady groves, one mile long aud three- stretched mit. They put up an excel­ Mrs. George Lapham, of this village: Heavy Buck Canvas at John Hicks' bright sun and an invigorating air. bridge for Moore et al. Finally Fitz lent game in the field, however, and the For Binders, Stack Covers, etc. dismissed Lyon & Dooling and gave the quarters of a mile wide, dotted with work of Cone behind the bat was admi­ Cold Springs Camp. Ala., I The morning, and in fact all the fore­ case over to R. R. Stewart, of Lansing, tiny islands, hence its name. It is one rable. Tug Wilson and Bud. Holton May *0,1898. f Binding Twine. noon, was spent by friends of departed who asked for a change of venue from of a group of which Briggs, Tonda and alternated m the box, and both did well. D ear Sister —This is a beautiful A carload of Plymouth Mills Binding loved ones in carrying flowers with Clinton to Ingham county circuit court, Dollar lakes are chief associates. Bud. demonstrated that he can pitch as May morning. We are just in from our Twine; also a full line of Plymouth because Judge Daboll is a member of well as write poetry. Price’s playiug at which to decorate their graves. With Upon the banks of this pretty little hour ’s drill. We have every morning Mills Manila Rope at the company. The motion was denied second was a feature. He accepted all Corbit & V alentine’s. the addition of those brought in the by Judge Person. It was in these last lake the volunteers of Michigan, the the chances offered him, and showed a to ourselves and I am seated in my ham­ proceedings that the name of Willard four thousand brave boys who have of­ wonderful liking for hot grounders. afternoon St. Johns cemetery never fered their services to their country, mock in the shade of a lofty pine tree You often hear people say I wonder looked lovelier than upon this occasion. C. Lyon became mixed up in the case. Stephenson covered tirst in approved with nothing to do but write to you. what calls such a crowd to The Racket? Mr. Lyon was never arrested, and never have met and made their camp, to fit style, accepting ten chances, ilis bat ­ I will tell you. It is the best goods aud It was a vivid reminder of the new and had anything to do with the case beyond themselves for the front and to await ting was also in evidence. He made The mail has just arrived and brought lowest prices that iuduces them. beautiful life. making some proofs of service or swear­ marching orders, and surely no fitter three hits, two of them two baggers. your welcome letter, which found me At 2 o'clock p. m. the procession, ing some parties to affidavits. place could be found for the cultivation Juris Bradner twirled the last two in­ well. New additions to our Carriage and of the patriotism existing in the hearts nings for the home team. The score: Harness supplies, embracing Lap Robes composed of the Uniform Rank of K. P., of our boy 8. We are beautifully situsted in a large G. A. R. Post, S. of V., W. R. C. in •T. JOHNS. KL8IK. aud Fly Nets in great variety. To the lover of aquatic sports, Island pine forest, six miles from Mobile bay. Corbit & V alentine. carriages, Capt. Young ’s Cadets, and THE SUPERVISORS Lake presents and irresistible appeal. AB.KHOAK AB K.H.O A E A railroad has been built from Mobile citizens in carriages and on foot, formed At all hours of the day, soldiers can be Holton.88.. 6 2 1 0 0 0 Murray, o.. 6 2 5 4 0 0 into camp and we get our mail four Shirt Waists at John Hicks ’. on Clinton avenue and proceeded to the M«t Here In Extra Session Yesterday to Judd, 3b... 4 10 3 11 Hare, p... .421051 times a day. It has been very warm cemetery, headed by the St. Johns band. seen, rod in hand, wending their way to Stephsn.lb 5 2 310 0 1 Gaboon, 2b.. 5 12 2 2 1 50 cents for the 75c kinds. Arrange For the New Heating. the beach or returning after an hour ’s Cone, o....... 3 1 1 7 3 0 Gun, lb 5 118 0 1 here the past few days, tbe thermome­ They marched to the stand, which Prloe, 2b... 4 0 2 3 3 0 Cbase.Ub. ...5 1 2 4 0 0 ter running from 80 to 90 degrees iu tbe Dainty patterns at 85 cents, $1.00 and was erected just north of the soldiers’ The supervisors met here yesterday in stay with enough of the the fiuny spoils Palmer, If. 4 0 0 0 0 0 Woodm’n.aa 4 2 1 2 4 0 $1.39. extra session to arrange for heating the to supply a whole company. The water Chick, mf.. 4 10 0 10 Holbrook, If 5 3 3 2 0 0 shade. But it is cooler this afternoon monument, where music, devotional with a little breeze and we are in hopes exercises, recitations aud the address of court house with steam, in accordance is clear as crystal and from morning till Pulfrey, rf, 2 2 1 0 0 0 Burles'n, mf 4 3 3 0 0 0 Always a Joy: to a vote of the people at the spring elec­ night, hundreds can be seen gathered Wilson, p.. 3 1 1 110 1 Dunbam, rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 it will rain, as we hhve not seen a drop the day were listened to.
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