September 26, 1996 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 25285 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING THE WORK OF OUR CONGRATULATIONS TO MARVIN retired to a downtown restaurant for a late NATION'S ANIMAL SHELTERS BROWN OF SAVANNAH, GA ON lunch. That's when Brown, to his total surprise, RECEIVING THE GRAND DECORA­ received what is probably the largest feather TION OF HONOUR OF THE STATE in his cap to date: he was awarded the Grand HON. DOUG BEREUfER OF SALZBURG, AUSTRIA Decoration of Honour of the State of Salz­ burg, in appreciation of his efforts to pro­ OF NEBRASKA HON. JACK KINGSTON mote good will between Salzburger descend­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ants and the country from which they came. OF GEORGIA The honor, one of Austria's highest com­ Thursday, September 26, 1996 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mendations, was given by Engelbert Thursday, September 26, 1996 Wenckheim, the vice president of the Aus­ Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Speaker, our Nation's trian Federal Economic Chamber. animal shelters and the tens of thousands of Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Marvin "I really was definitely shocked; there's no other word for it," Brown said. dedicated individuals who are employed by or Brown, a resident of Savannah, GA and the First Congressional District of Georgia, joined According to Ulf Pacher of the Austrian volunteer in these facilities certainly deserve Embassy in Washington, D.C., the com­ the ranks of Dwight D. Eisenhower and Win­ mendation is the highest decoration awarded recognition for the work they have done in as­ ston Churchill when he was recently awarded sisting animals. This Member is pleased that by the province of Salzburg. "The medal is one of Austria's highest commendations. Mr. pretty exclusive," he said. "It's not given the Humane Society of the United States Brown's achievements were highlighted in the out that often-it's rarely awarded." (HSUS), which has provided training and sup­ August 23, 1996 edition of the Georgia Guard­ By receiving the award, Brown becomes port to local animal shelters and humane orga­ ian: part of an exclusive group of individuals in­ nizations for over 40 years, has declared No­ Thank you for your assistance in this matter. cluding Winston Churchill and Dwight D. Ei­ senhower, among others. vember 3-9, 1996, as National Animal Shelter [From the Georgia Guardian, August 23-29, Appreciation Week. 1996) The idea for a national day of recognition MARVIN BROWN AWARDED AUSTRIAN IN ORDER TO SAVE THE COUNTRY­ and appreciation for animal shelters actually COMMENDATION SIDE, WE MUST STRENGTHEN OUR CITIES started with a humane society in this Mem­ (By Thom Nezbeda) ber's district, the Capital Humane ·Society in To read of Marvin Brown's accomplish­ ments with the Georgia Salzburger Society HON. NANCY L JOHNSON Lincoln, NE. Bob Downey, the executive direc­ is to be impressed. He may have joined the OF CONNECTICUT tor of the Capital Humane Society, contacted organization "late in life," as he put it, but IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES what he's lost in time has certainly been the HSUS and suggested that they work to­ Thursday, September 26, 1996 gether to establish a week intended to recog­ more than made up for in performance. He first joined the Georgia Salzburger So­ Mrs. JOHNSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speak­ nize the positive roles that animal shelters ciety, the national organization devoted to er, as recently as the 1960's, Charles Adams play in their communities; to recognize the preserving Salzburger history and heritage, wrote in "The City is the Frontier'': "In our own staff and volunteers of shelters; and to edu­ in 1979. "I had been hearing that I was a era, the world's cities are witnessing their Salzburger," Brown said. "Jackie [his wife] cate the general public about animal shelters greatest surge in man's history * * * From and the work they do. and I went to a meeting out of curiosity, and that got us involved." He held the position of 1800 to 1950, the proportion of people living The services offered by animal shelters are president for the society from 1990 to 1992. in cities with more than 20,000 people leaped as varied as the communities they serve. His first trip to "the Old Country" came in from 2.4 to 21 percent. Our civilization is be­ Some handle animal control issues, such as 1981, and he's led several tours of the state of coming urban, and the advance into the cities Salzburg and other areas of Austria for fel­ controlling dogs running at large or sheltering is one of the most spectacular social phenom­ low society members since then. ena of our time. The city has become the fron­ unwanted or abandoned animals. Some con­ "We got started [traveling to Austria] tier." duct rescue operations by responding to calls back in 1981," said Brown, "just 'babes in the Today, the promise of the urban frontier regarding injured animals or animals that have woods'. We were just tourists then." Subsequent trips as tour guides and oppor­ seems to be little more than reminder of op­ fallen through the ice of a frozen lake or pond. tunities to meet Austrian officials visiting portunity lost. In the latter half of this century, Still others assist families who are considering the United States for society activities have the Nation's landscape has been transformed adding a new four-legged member to the fam­ raised them above tourist status. "It all fell by sprawling development and urban decay. ily by providing adoption services. in place," Brown said in a tone that seems to The movement of families and businesses suggest he and his wife are taking it all in from our Nation's cities has reshaped the cit­ There are many ways that individuals can stride. "This is how we became guests of the ies themselves, the suburbs, and the country­ help our local animal shelters and humane so­ Austrian government on one occasion; guests side. Much of this change has been positive, of the Roman Catholic archbishop on an­ cieties. Many shelters, just like the Capital Hu­ as families have built homes and communities, mane Society, both need and welcome volun­ other occasion. We've really had some won­ derful things happen." fulfilling the American dream; but a great deal teers who perform a variety of tasks such as Brown's accomplishments don't stop there. has been lost as well. walking dogs, grooming animals, cleaning Besides being a guest on Austrian television It is tragic that so many cities are dying at cages or assisting with adoptions. Shelters talk shows, and presenting keys to the City a time when the countryside is disappearing. can also use donations of supplies such as of Savannah to two Salzburg governors, The American Farmland Trust estimates that Brown and his wife were appointed area coor­ the United States converts to other uses 2 mil­ blankets and towels to provide bedding, food dinators for the Austrian Olympic Saillng or cages, or just cash donations to help pay lion acres of farmland annually, much of it on Team. As such, they helped coordinate a the edge of urban America. The USDA natural for the costs of daily operations. National Ani­ wreath-laying ceremony at the Salzburger Monument on Bay Street. Members of the resources inventory found that developed land mal Shelter Appreciation Week is an appro­ increased by 14 million acres between 1982 priate time for people to visit shelters, thank Georgia Salzburger Society, Mayor Floyd Adams Jr., and a delegation of Austrian gov­ and 1992. the people who work there, and volunteer their ernment and industry leaders took part in As the cities are losing their manufacturing time. the ceremony. After the ceremony, the group industries, 95 percent of the growth in office • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 25286 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 26, 1996 jobs occurs in low density suburbs. These of­ ments restrict the development, management, Lodge 2560, a member of the selection panel fice jobs accounted for 15 million of the 18 or use of the land in order to keep the land in of the Holocaust Memorial Committee of Ba­ million new jobs in the 1980's. a natural state or to protect historic or scenic yonne, and a member of the Bayonne Visiting There are many factors that have contrib­ values. Easements are widely used by land Nurse Association board of directors. uted to the mass migration away from the cit­ trusts, conservation groups, and developers to Senior citizens and their concerns have in­ ies: a desire for greater personal safety, better protect valuable land. terested Mrs. Carine for a long time. She is schools, less congestion, and a way of life. The 30-percent limit in current law actually the producer and host of a local cable tele­ The development of the Interstate Highway works to the disadvantage of taxpayers who vision show called "Sixty Plus" geared toward System, relatively inexpensive community ex­ may be land rich but cash poor. senior citizens, relating information useful to penses, and tax incentives for homeownership Several of my colleagues have introduced seniors in their everyday lives. The Vial of Life have made it easier for many people to move important bills to encourage greater use of program was an especially gratifying milestone to the suburbs. conservation easements. My bill addresses in Mrs.
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