.\Ir. Fabio R. lZZI · as· . ·t. rower~ at the l·· ,-~Is s ltahan-spe·1k· b ,1r scourt B ranch. ' In!!" or- /a119) "'" reading in toronto 19 71 88th ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD The Board Chairman EDMUND T. GUEST, D.D.S., F.A.C.D . .H c 111 hers HON. CHIU' JUSTICE DALTON C. WELLS KI·T I I S. GREGORY DONALD I·. McDONALD, <J.C. J. SYDNEY MIDANI K, Q.C. MRS. RYRII SMITH EDWARD M. DAVIDSON (Died June 5, 1971) MRS. I· ISA SCHARBACI I ALDI R\IAN WILLI Md L. ARCHER, ().C. DONALD C. KENNEDY (Sept. to Dec. 1971) Libraries and Finance Commitee Chairman KHU S. GREGORY Chief Librarian 111 ~ RY C. CAI\IPBI LL, \I.:\ .. B.L.S. Assistant Chief Librarian & Secretary-Treasurer NEWMAN F. MALLON, B.A .. M.L.S. The general management, regulation and control of the Toronto Public Libraries are vested in the Toronto Public Library Board. composed of the :\Llym of the City or a member of the City Council appointed by him as his representative, three persons appointed by the City Council, three by the Toronto Board of Education, and two by the Separate School Board. The representatives from the City Council and Board of Education hold office for three years, and those from the Separate School Board for two years. Gifts to the Toronto Public Libraries The Toronto Public Library Board will be pleased to accept gifts and bequests of funds to be applied towards the purchase of memorial books or toward such other purposes as may be agreed between the donor and the Library Board. Full information concerning such gifts may be secured from the office of the Chief Librarian or from the Secrct;1ry-Treasurer of the Library Board. 1 Palmerston, the newest branch of the I oronto 2 Alderman David Rotenbcr.u officially a new location Public Library system was officially opened the branch. 0 pens April 5, 1971 by Aldennan David Rotenberg. The branch setves children and young people. 3 La Petite_Musicale entertain .uuests at th ffi c1al opening. e o I· A theatre is designed for presentation of puppet plays, drama workshops, films and other library 4 Fager readers at Palmerston. events. 1 2 1 report of the chairman A big city library system such as the possible for us to ex tend our services in Toronto Public Libraries must be a great several important areas. deal more than just a source of reference For sometime we have been concerned information and a supplier of books for with the problems of opening branch reading at home. Changes of population, libraries on Sundays. This is not something the complexity of living in large centres that can be done by passing a motion at a and all the many factors involved in big Board meeting and turning the key in the city life create needs and demands for a door the following Sunday. There are wide variety of services beyond traditional considerable problems of finance, staffing, book and information services. Of course, demand and possible use that must be these same factors put greater demands on studied. In 1970 the Deer Park Branch was those basic services as well. opened on Sunday afternoons. It was an The Toronto Public Libraries are faced, immediate success and brought such a year after year, with the need to expand favorable response from borrowers that every part of our operations and develop this year ( 1971) Sunday service was new services to meet new and ever extended to two more branches, Bloor and changing needs and conditions. Gladstone and Danforth. These branches That is why the regulations governing are not used as much as Deer Park but the financial grants by the Provincial Sunday service has been so well received Government were, until 1971, unfair to the that we hope to extend it to still other City of Toronto in limiting the amount of branches. the grant to us even though we do have special problems and must meet special MORE BOOKS Dr. Edmund T. Guest needs. The ceiling on Provincial grants The increased funds available to the operated to give Toronto smaller per capita Library Board also meant that it was grants than other centres. possible to purchase many more books for We are pleased that the Provincial the library system. The use of this Government has, at last, recognized this increased book stock is shown by the and that in 1971 we were given the same one-day count which is taken every year on per capita grant as other communities the second Tuesday in November. In 1971, without the truncation of an arbitrary a total of 234,239 books or 30.4 per cent ceiling. This resulted in a grant in 1971 of of all the books in the circulating S440.201, an increase of $134,201 over collections were in use by borrowers that the amount received in 1970. day. The Bloor and Gladstone Branch had We are also pleased to recognize the the highest use in the system with over 50 understanding and support given to the per cent of its entire stock being out of the Toronto Public Library Board by the building in the homes of readers; 42 per government of the City of Toronto at all cent of the Deer Park Branch stock was in its levels. I should like to put it on the use and 38 per cent of the City Hall Branch record that the Library Board never stock was in circulation. These figures encounters the slightest interference or show the value which citizens place on the pressure from City Council on library services of their public libraries. They also matters. Our relations are simply a matter show that the space available within the of presenting and discussing our annual branches to house an adequate supply of budget and from time to time our capital books is not equal to the demands being plans. Everyone then sincerely works to fit made on the collections. It is not our requirements into the broad overall considered feasible or desirable to build picture of the financial position of the city additions to or replace all the existing and the taxpayers. Thus, in 1971, even smaller neighborhood branches. We though it was necessary for the Treasury propose to meet the problem by providing Board of the City of Toronto to ask us to larger back-up collections and expanded reduce our budget by $80,000, we still services from three new district libraries to received $486,677 more than we did in be established in the north-central, eastern 1970. and western parts of the city. Because of the difficulty of providing EXTENSION OF SERVICES capital funds for these new libraries, we This understanding and support from both have had to postpone actual construction the Provincial and Municipal governments, from year to year. Now the situation in the together with the ability and willing existing branches is so critical that the co-operation of all our staff made it building of the district libraries must be 3 given top priority. In 1971 the Board come to Canada. This interneship program possible. Similarly, the Board continued its proposed to acquire some of the land for has been carried out for over two decades discussions and negotiations with the City all three district libraries as soon as and many overseas librarians have come to of Toronto Board of Education with a view possible. We shall go ahead with us for additional experience. This action by to securing some joint planning in the use construction of the Northern District the Federal Government effectively made of library and school buildings for Library during 1972 and the others will stopped this exchange of experience which community use. follow one after the other. But even then, had been a valuable contribution to our The Board records with regret the it will be nearly ten years before all three system for many years. There are never sudden death of Trustee Edward M. are completed and in service. more than one or two internes in any year Davidson on June 5th. Mr. Davidson had and they rarely ask to remain in Canada. been Chairman of the Toronto Board of PALMERSTON BRANCH They do not take up appointments that Education and of the Metropolitan The new Palmerston Branch, which would otherwise go to Canadian librarians. Toronto School Board, and was Chairman provides service to children and young Every effort is now being made by the in 1970 of the Toronto Public Library people, was completed in 1971, and Library Board together with the Canadian Board. His keen interest in developing the opened by Alderman David Rotenberg on Library Trustees Association and the education services of this city and his April 5. This library is designed to be Canadian Library Association to restore advice on matters of education planning expanded in future years should an the interne program and we hope the will be widely missed. increased demand for its services be felt. government will reconsider and allow this The Board also records with regret the Next door to it is the popular science valuable arrangement to continue. death of Mrs. Ethel Sanderson, wife of fiction collection, the Spaced-Out Library, former Chief Librarian Charles R. which has been steadily used by an INCREASED PENSION BENEFITS Sanderson. A bequest of $10,000 was increasing number of science fiction During the year, the Library Board was received by the Library Board from her enthusiasts. concerned that staff members should estate, and will be added to the two trust benefit from the increased pension funds maintained by the Board in memory RECOMMENDATIONS entitlements which were provided by the of her husband and son.
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