STFBANNED IN AUSTRALIA DELL DENIES RUMOURS Futurian Observer, April 21, 1940: New York, May 18: - During the past - - a grave situation has arisen. The two weeks rumours have been circulating Federal Government has issued a list of in science fiction circles that Dell American pulp magazines which will bo Publishing Co, was going to put out a banned from this country. Included in new science fiction magazine, Dell, who this list are all stf magazines now en­ publish Five Novels Monthly, which re­ tering the Commonwealth: Astounding, cently featured a science-fiction cover, Famous Fantastic Mysteries, Thrilling has published such fantasy magazines as Wonder Stories, Startling Stories, etc, Doctor Death and O’Leary’s War Birds in all fall under this ban. The magazines past years. When this .report reached will continue to appear in Australia for your editor via two well-placed pro­ two months owing to the fact that ship­ fessional parties, investigation w'a s ments arc already en route* Not content made at the office of Dell, with banning completely the magazines Miss Helen Meyer, Vice-President of from the stands, the Government has de­ that company, authoritatively states creed that now subscriptions cannot bo that they are not publishing any new commenced, Subscriptions that have al­ science - fantasy magazine, * Similar ready been placed will be allowed to statements made regarding still another carry on until their expiration. new magazine, to be published by Ace Already newer magazines — Astoni­ Magazines <who published Eerie Myster­ shing Stories, Planet Stories, etc — ies) have also been found baseless. It have been prevented from appearing on is known, however, that at least one new the stands* In Victoria the Federated science-fiction magazine is being seri­ Newsagents Association has asked the ously considered, for evidence is avail­ Government to reconsider its decision able to prove that, but Ace and Dell are stating that the dollar exchange is not the parties concerned. negligible, (Australian Futurian Obsrvr) DYNAlilC TO STAY DEAD STRANGERS SPLIT ON S-F QUESTION Manvis Office: - Inquiry at the Cambridge, Mass (BJ’S): At the 4th office of Robert 0, Erisman of Red Cir­ meeting of the Boston Stranger Club, Sun cle Publications revealed that Dynamic May 12, in Craft Lounge at HIT, ths Science Stories, one-time sister publi­ question of joining the Science Fiction- cation of Harvel Science Stories, will eers arose resulting in sentiment so a- not be revived. Marvel Science Stories qually divided that action was deferred will appear again on a bi-monthly basis. until next meeting. The Red Circle horror magazines Uncanny Throe new members - Ned French, Jno Tales, Mystery Talcs, and Real Mystery, Bell, and Fred Weiner - were present, so have been discontinued, and will not raising membership of club to 15, Two appear again. losses had occurred* SCIENCE fiction The National i*p^HE CAMPAIGN for Booster Ad-Lets i n l^m-77 TfT V # M Fan Review the Chicon Program booklet is now open. Chairman Reinsberg is now Volume Two Number Ono snapping about in Chicago for a printer; plans are tentatively being made to have MayV 19,* 1940 the Program Booklet published by some Published at 2574 Bedford Avenue, other means than printing, but, under­ Brooklyn, New York. 5/ per issue; 3 for stand, •- - we are not positive of this* 10/; 8 for 25/; 18 for 50/. He will ex­ However, due to the fact that the change with any other fan magazine. booklet cost is expected to be exceeding­ Advertising: .full-page ads, 75/. ly lower than that of last year, Booster Exchange, page ads., will be used when Ad-lets will cost but ton cents per name we have a full page of some at hand. In this year. At this lower post, wo ex­ all such cases, an extra page of reading pect many more names. 1 '! . matter is guaranteed. For ten cents each, anyzand every Statements or opinions published in name you wish published in the Program this magazine are not necessarily re­ Booklet will be listed on the separate flective of editorial views. Our pages pages set aside for such, under the are open to orderly rebuttals at all heading: "Fantasy Fietioncers." times. Criticisms welcomed. Bob Tucker alone is authorized no associates accept names and dimes for listing. All Chet Cohen funds should be sent to him at Box 260, EDITOR. - IN - CHIEF Dick Wilson Bloomington, Illinois. Robert U. Lowndes Leslie Perri oVULIUS UNGER tells us that he hag found a means of getting from NY CHY DESK to Chicago, in private cars, AM FANS HAVE WONDERED about the at a cost of 56.50 each way. Any and Wp case of J. Michael Rosenblum, and all fans interested are urged to write Tj 'A that of other British fans of paci­ to him now at Box 63, Station P, Brook­ fist inclinations, during the present lyn, New York, war. It seems that they are all apply­ ing to the Conscientious Objector Tri­ 0 FOLLOH UP the affair of Tucker’s bunals for exemption from miltary ser­ aspirin (see SFU q-12), the follow - vice. Rosenblum, a recent applicant, ing communique was received from has won exemption from actual warfare, at the Medical Division^ of the but is required tc "undertake agricul­ Futurian League. Subject: Recent Ship­ tural or forestry work". A member of ment of Medical Supplies. Quote: This the Peace Pledge Union, Michael is un­ is to notify you 'that the shipment of willing to do even that much for the medical supplies, mailed from your off war, but says: "it doesn’t seem worth ice on May 3, 1940, has arrived in many while to risk imprisonment or worse for pieces. In fact, in powder. a petty quibble. But that doesn’t mean The men are in a state of rebellion I’m fitting in by any means, and it is over this, claiming it is a run-out pow­ still quite possible that'i’ll land in der you are trying to force on them, al- durance vile for Peace Pledge Union tho we officers know it is headache pow­ propaganda work, or whatnot.” ders. As a sidelight on the war, it might Suggest you pack your next shipment be remarked that the letter which gave more securely to prevent this damage vo your correspondent the above information goods and morale. Pillcerely yours, was postmarked, like all English mail, Loot. Br Tucker- Officer of the Night. with the slogan: "Grew Moro Food — Dig Unquote. PS, Quote: Our By.ck Private for Victory". But, through a slip of Benny Smith sends a notation co the eff­ the cancelling machine, part of a word ect that in the future please send genu­ was obliterated. It no reads: "Dig for ine Bayer aspirin; as we find this ers a- Tory." tz very unsatisfactory. Unquote. THEIR OY® PETARD by H. C. KOENIG what ”4E”s prompt financial support, E0M A LETTER BY JIM BLISH in Aston- plus item-contributions, has meant when iPE ishing Stories, April, I960. ”l their pot projects were struggling to i.'J hope that before you print another make first headway./ letter like ”4E”s (whoever he may be), From “The Manuscript Bureau” in you will take steps to make it readable. New Fandom, Volume 2 No. 1: ”As this Illiteracy is pardonable, but such an issue goes to press we have enough mate­ obviously deliberate attempt at artifi­ rial left to aid two fan mags and we ’ve cial illiteracy is in bad taste and ougt four urgent requests on our desks. Me to be corrected rather carefully or not send" out a frantic appeal for material. printed at all,” IF ME DO NOT RECEIVE A BOUNTIFUL SUPPLY (EurekaJ I’ve found a recruit at OF MATERIAL, AT LEAST FOUR AND POSSIBLY last, Lre must hold a convention some­ MORE NEY' FAN MAGS WILL COLLAPSE NITEIN time, Jim. - - But, migawd, don’t te 11 THE NEXT THREE MONTHS!” mo you don’t know ”4E”. i’ll bet ’’Lit- (You are breaking my heart, Sam, tie Forrie swooned when he read your simply breaking my heart. I am so fill­ letter. ed up with emotion that I just can not Confidentially, Jim, ”4E" is one of comment on that heart - rending plea the ”big shots” out on the west coast. - - it’s two much for me.) Unfortunately, he is obsessed with a number of screwy ideas. Among other A DDENDA: NANCY WARNER WRITES: ”l’d things, he believes the future of the like to open fire on H. C. Koenig, world depends on the universal adoption JJnii&if you don’t mind. His column has of Esperanto and, as a starter, consi­ its points of interest, and no doubt a ders himself science-fiction’s Messiah certain usefulness, but to read his of that language. Also, aided and a- writhings, one would think that he was betted by a few misguided souls, he be­ regularly tied to a chair and forced, at lieves ne is science fiction’s No 1 fan the point of a bayonet, to read every and migawd, how he tries to live up to word of every professional and fan stf it. Letters and articles in every pro­ publication. fessional and fan magazine in the world, ’’Did it ever occur to the Unclever (including the Scandanavian). They that perhaps some fans obtain enjoyment wouldn’t bo so awful, Jim, if written in and inspiration from Esperanto whether ordinary English. But, they’re full of it’s practical or not? That other fans pig-Latin, Esperanto, pigeonenglish, see a great deal of connection betwee n trick words, and e^ery conceivable form stf & the various phases of sociology of mis-used English.
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