Subcommission on Cretaceous Stratigraphy (SCS) Second International Symposium on CRETACEOUS STAGE BOUNDARIES Brussels 8 - 16 September 1995 ABSTRACT VOLUME lnstitut royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique (I.R.Sc.N.B.) Koninklijk Belgisch lnstituut voor Natuurwetenschappen (K.B.I.N.) Vautierstraot 29, B- 1040 Brussels, BELGIUM Telefox XX- 32-2-646 44 33 Telephone XX- 32-2-627 44 92 JA;· �)I ,., lOOMY. CRETACEOUS STME Jl'lUkliHIU CONTENTS Table of Contents Ill Foreword V Abstracts - papers and posters 1 Reports of the Stage Working Groups 137 - Berriasian 137 - Valanginian 139 - Hauterivian 140 - Barremian 142 - Aptian 144 - Albian 146 - Cenomanian 148 - Tu ronian 150 - Coniacian 153 - Santonian 156 - Campanian 159 - Maastrichtian 162 Abstracts - papers and posters latest arrivals 165 FOREWORD The abstract volume of the Second International Symposium on Cretaceous Stages Boundaries contains reports of the Stage working group chairmen (or to be correct one chairwoman and 11 chairmen) and abstracts of papers (77) and posters (75), represent­ ing the Cretaceous under most aspects and from almost everywhere on earth. All reports, papers and posters, shall be presented and discussed during the four days of the symposium at the lnstitut royal des Sciences Naturelles/ Koninklijk Belgisch lnstituut voor Natuurwetenschappen in Brussels. We hope that many precise proposals on stage and substage boundaries shall result from these discussions. The organisation of the meeting has only been made possible by generous assistance from the Services Federaux des Affaires Scientifiques, Techniques et Culturelles (Service des Etablissements scientifiques federaux)/ Federate Diensten voor Wetenschappelijke, Technische en Culturele Aangelegenheden (Dienst van de federate wetenschappelijke instellingen) (Brussels), the Nationaal Fends voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Brus­ sels), Exekutive der Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft (Eupen), Societe Generate de Banque (Brussels) and, last but not least, from D. Cahen, Director of the IRScNB/KBIN and colleagues from many departments and services at the Institute. The preparation of the abstract volume has only been possible because of the hard work and good advice of many in the IRScNB/KBIN. We VltOUid like to express our deepest gratitude to everybody in the Palaeontology Department, and to many who helped us in the Library, in the Educational Services, in the Printing Office. Our sincere thanks go especially to Dirk ANNE, Jean-Jacques BLAIRVACQ, Claire BODSON, Anne-Marie BORREMANS, Jan CLAERBOUT, Mia CLAUS, Suzanne CLINEf, Rene CREMERS, Waiter DE CONINCK, Huge DE POTTER, Eric DERMIENCE,Anouk DUBOIS, Paul FREROTTE, Marcella HAEMELINCK, Arthur NYS, Mia VAN LOMMEL. Brussels, August 24, 1995 Annie V. Dhondt V r Abbink, OscarA. Laboratory of Paieobotany and Palynology, University of Utrecht Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS Utrecht, TheNe therlands High resolution correlation of the Boreal Jurassic - Cretaceous boundary interval with the Purbeck Beds (Dorset, U.K.) and other terrestrial to marginal marine sequences in NW Europe A cored intervalof N A M Well L06-2 from the Offshore The Netherlands has been investigated macropalaeontologically and palynologically. Ammonites recovered from 32 core samples of Well L06-2 are correlative with the lamplugh/, preplicomphalus and primitivus ammonite zones (upperVolgian) and the runctoni and kochi ammonite zones (lower Ryazanian), respectively. The Boreal ammonite stratigraphy in Northwest Europe of the Jurassic - Cretaceous boundary interval is hitherto based on fragmentary and incomplete successions. Therefore, the findings from this core section are thought to be of considerable general importance (see Abbink et al., poster presentation, this meeting). All ammonite-bearing samples have been analyzed for their palynomorph content. The palynological assemblages yield abundant and well preserved dinoflagellate cysts and poorly preserved but relatively diverse sporomorph associations. The sporomorph record allows the establishment of a newly defined, high resolution sporomorph stratigraphy permitti ng detailed ammonite calibrated ag&assessment of terrestrial and shallow marine sections from adjacent areas. Accordingly, the investigated interval of Well L06-2 is correlated in detail with the PurbeckFormation (Dorset, U.K.), based on the sporomorph datums. Thesecorrela tionssug­ Purbcck Section gest that (1) the base of the L06- 2 Dorset (U.K.) preplicomphalus ammonite .c � � zone approximately corre- �a �L Depth �'-' Stage Ammonite 8 E Lithostratigraphy SpendS With the base Of the (m) Biozones �-�0 � [ � Cypris Freestone Beds, (2) the c--2245 .::!2_�:J�---+-------+--�111c..!:-o�---+--.------ urine ,k_oc h_i �:;m Jurassic - Cretaceous bound- . __<::._ra_rs> 7 �:_j:_:r 82. _ - _C2•_ndcr nc ·J_ - ary occurs within the -- -6 _ .- _ _ Cherty Freshwater Beds, and iU � � ����>'r-rc'11" '''"' (3) strata equivalent to the : ': runctoni I � ( 225° (!) : : . g runctoni ammonite zone are E -: � := Frc>h"·''"' 0 � � lacking due tO a hiatuS present � --- at the suggestedJu rassic - Cre- ::: f--- Suociaspedttes t:: "'g...... � V n ov . 0 : spp. _ ----+ 3 taceous boundary level (Fig- � : _ � s .. ft Codk llcth ure 1 ) . c:: -:. -_ � u 2255 � = = § lamplught il) I-< -- .D Cli I-<---·- Furthermore, based on the 0 ::l 0 \-- ---­ sporomorph stratigraphy cor­ :>- 0.. t---- 1-o ( ·ypri� 1-r�e ...tdnc relations between the investi­ _ preplicornplwlus g_ Bed> 0... gated interval of Well L06-2 22fl0 :J 2 �--------.·' and terrestrial to marginal I-- -­ llrukc11 Bed·. marine sequences from The prtllli(IVUS Netherlands and Germany (jldl�l - - have been established. ·--· - -� ___ ________ _______ _________ poster _ _ ---=--:__ AbblnK,0. A. 1), Callomon, J. H. 2), Riding,J. B. 3), Williams, P. D. B. 4) &Wolfard, A. 4) 1) Laboratory of Palaeobotany and Palynology, University of Utrecht, Heidelberglaan 2, NL- 3584 CS Utrecht, The Netherlands; 2) University College London, Chemistry Dept., 20 Gordon Street, London WC1 H OAJ, U.K.; 3} British Geological Survey Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG, U.K. ; 4) Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij B.V., Dept. XGS/31, P.O. Box 28000, NL-9400 HH Assen, The Netherlands. Palynology and ammonite stratigraphy of a LateVolgian - Early Ryazanian interval of two wells from the Terschelling Basin, The Netherlands Ammonites recovered from 32 samples from the core of Well L06-2 from Offshore The Netherlands are correlative with the jampjugh/, preplicomphalus and primitivus ammonite zones (upper Volgian) and the runctoni and kochi ammonite zones (lower Ryazanian), respectively. In 9 samples from the core of Well L06-3 from Offshore The Netherlands ammonites are recovered which allow a correlation with thejampjugh(and preplicomphalus ammonite zones (upper Volgian). The Boreal ammonite stratigraphy in Northwest Europe of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary interval is hitherto based on fragmentary and incomplete successions. Therefore, the two core sections are considered to best represent theJurassic - Cretaceous boundary interval characterized by ammonites in this area found thus far. All ammonite-bearing samples have been analyzed for their palynomorph content. 8othwells yielded abundant and well preserved dinoflagellate cysts enabling a detailed comparison with known stratigraphical ranges and existing zonal schemes. The apparent completeness of the two intervals makesthem ideal reference sectionsfor the Volgian - Ryazanian boundary. Furthermore, all samples produced poorly preserved but relatively diverse sporomorph associations which can be applied stratigraphically. A newly defined, high resolution sporomorph stratigraphy permits detailed ammonite calibrated age-assessment of terrestrial to marginal marine sections from The Netherlands, England and Germany. 2 poster Abdallah, Hassen 1) & Meister, Christian 2) 1) Unite Ressources Naturelles et Environnement, INRST, BP no 95, 2050 Hammam-lif, Tunisia. 2) Museum d'Histoire naturelle, case postale 6434, Route de Malagnou 1, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland. The Cenomanian-Turonian boundary in the Gafsa-ChoHs area (southern part of central Tunisia): biostratigraphy, palaeoenvironments. In the Gafsa-Chottsarea theCenomani an-Turonian boundaryis characterised by a transgres­ sion in an anoxic environment. Three outcrops situated in the neritic area of the northern range of the Chotts or in the subsident trough of Gafsa-Metlaoui, show the following succession: 1. White micritic limestone with dwarf oysters and Upper Cenomanian ammonites: Neolobites vibrayeanus brancai ECH and Pseudocalycoceras sp. 2. Rich organic matter (OM) fades of the Bahloul Fm. and its limestone equivalent: The lower part of this formation contains Upper Cenomanian ammonites such as: CCJfycoceras (Proeucalycoceras) sp., Vascoceras (Paravascoceras)aff. durandi (THOMAS & PERON) , V. (P.) off. obessum FREUND & RAAB. The upper part exhibits Lower Turonian ammonites such as Neoptychites gr.cephalotus(C OURTILLER),ChoHaticerasaffmassipianum (PERVINQUIERE), Neoptychites (Betiokyites) gr. pioti (PERON & FOURTAU). 3. Gattar dolomite Fm. and its equivalents: The Gattardolomite replaced rudist reef bodies and bioclastic sediments. Despite dolomitisation, the lowest partreveals T uronian Hoplitoides or ChoHaticeras. The middle part consists of rudist reef bodies and their fabrics. On top of this appear many hippuritic sections in dolomicritic fades. In the neighbouring Jebel Bou Jarra, situated on the south side of the Gafsa trough, the equivalent of the Gattar Fm is under micritic and
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