Olympic Games 2016 Michael Geissbühler, FINA TDC Olympic Games Rio de Janeiro 2016 Analysis Diving Events Michael Geissbühler Halen 18 CH – 3037 Herrenschwanden Phone: +41 31 302 32 92 Mobile: +41 79 581 03 21 Email: [email protected] Olympic Games 2016 Michael Geissbühler, FINA TDC 3m springboard women Format: Five (5) dives from five (5) groups without limit of DD in all sessions Preliminary: 29 (30/30) participants from 18 (17/19) nations / (17/19) = number 2012/2008 Semi-final: 18 participants from 12 (11 / 11) nations Final: 12 participants from 9 (8 / 10) nations Selected dives Group Dive All 1.-18. 1.-12. 1.-3. 1. Remarks 100 107 B 23 17 11 3 1 107 C 3 1 1 105 B 3 200 205 B 27 18 12 3 1 205 C 2 300 305 B 27 18 12 3 1 305 C 2 400 405 B 24 17 12 3 1 405 C 5 1 5000 5152 B 24 16 10 3 1 5154 B 2 2 2 5335 D 2 5233 D 1 Standard program 107B / 205B / 305B / 405B / 5152B Tendency: 5154B The DD of the programs The average of the DD for all 29 participants is 14.90 (12.6 – 15.5); 14.74 in 2012 / 14.52 in 2008 The average of the DD for the 18 semi-finalists is 15.11; 14.99 / 14.70 The average of the DD for the 12 finalists is 15.14; 15.02 / 14.76 DD in the finals 1996: 13.89 13.5 – 14.9 2000: 14.27 13.5 – 15.2 2004: 14.70 14.1 – 15.1 2008: 14.76 13.9 – 15.1 2012: 15.02 14.5 – 15.1 2016: 15.14 14.8 – 15.5 The quality of the dives15.14 Preliminary: 6.77 (6.74 in 2012 and 6.47 in 2008) Semi-Final: 7.03 (7.32 in 2012 and 7.27 in 2008) Final: 7.52 (7.62 in 2012 and 7.73 in 2008, 7.58 in 2004) Quality within the finalists in % (Winners result = 100%) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 100 95.53 91.81 90.44 86.11 84.74 79.58 78.60 78.09 75.50 75.06 74.54 Olympic Games 2016 Michael Geissbühler, FINA TDC Ranking / Name Fed. DD Prelim Semi-F. Final 1. SHI Tingmao (3 / 1 / 1) CHN 15.1 7.88 8.49 8.96 2. HE Zi (2 / 2 / 2) CHN 15.1 8.10 8.03 8.56 3. CAGNOTTO Tania (4 / 7 / 3) ITA 15.1 7.67 7.16 8.22 4. ABEL Jennifer (1 / 3 / 4) CAN 15.5 8.02 7.43 7.89 5. KEENEY Maddison (9 / 5 / 4) AUS 15.5 6.95 7.01 7.51 6. QIN Esther (5 / 10 / 6) AUS 15.1 7.66 6.96 7.59 7. WARE Pamela (7 / 9 / 7) CAN 15.1 7.26 7.02 7.13 8. REID Grace (14 / 11 / 8) GBR 15.1 6.73 6.93 7.03 9. SUBSCHINSKI Nora (16 / 12 / 9) GER 15.1 6.66 6.80 7.00 10. NG Yan Yee (17 / 5 / 10) MAS 15.1 6.60 7.16 6.76 11. FEDOROVA Olena (10 / 8 / 11) UKR 14.8 7.16 7.22 6.86 12. JOHNSTON Abigail (6 / 5 / 12) USA 15.1 7.36 7.16 6.68 Change of ranking after the preliminary From the first 12 divers after the preliminary 9 divers reached the final. Cook Kassidy, Freitag Uschi and Nedobiga Anastasia were replaced by Ng Yan Yee, Reid Grace and Subschinski Nora. Number of participants and participating nations 45 40 35 30 25 Participants 20 Nations 15 10 5 0 Development of selected difficult dives (percentage % of the finalists) 120 100 107 B 80 205 B 60 305 B 405 B 40 5000 = 3.0 20 5154 B 0 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 Olympic Games 2016 Michael Geissbühler, FINA TDC 10m platform women Format: Five (5) dives from five (5) groups without limit of DD in all sessions Preliminary: 28 (26 / 29) participants from 17 (16 / 19) nations / (26 / 29) = number 2012 / 2008 Semi-final: 18 participants from 12 (12 / 10) nations Final: 12 participants from 9 (9 / 8) nations Selected dives Group Dive All 1.-18. 1.-12. 1.-3. 1. Remarks 100 107 B 27 18 12 3 1 107 C 1 200 207 C 14 12 9 3 1 205 B 9 4 1 no 200 5 2 2 300 305 C 10 4 2 305 B 1 1 1 307 C 1 1 1 no 300 16 12 8 3 1 400 407 C 21 15 11 3 1 405 B 6 3 1 no 400 1 5000 5253 B 24 17 12 3 1 5152 B 2 1 5235 D 1 no 5000 1 600 6243 D 15 8 6 3 1 626 C 5 5 4 6142 D 2 1 614 B 1 no 600 5 4 2 Standard program 107B / 207C / 407C / 5253B / 6243D or 626C / no 300 The DD of the programs The average of the DD for all 28 participants is 15.46 (13.6 – 16.1); 15.43 in 2012 / 15.68 in 2008 The average of the DD for the 18 semi-finalists is 15.65 (14.4 – 16.1); 15.63 /15.76 The average of the DD for the 12 finalists is 15.75 (15.4 – 16.1) 15.69 / 15.87 DD in the finals 1996: 14.48 13.4 – 15.6 2000: 14.78 14.2 – 15.7 2004: 15.59 14.4 – 16.5 2008: 15.87 14.5 – 16.6 2012: 15.69 15.0 – 16.0 (the DD for 5253 B and 307 C was lower than in 2008) 2016: 15.75 15.4 – 16.1 The quality of the dives Preliminary: 6.55 (6.69 in 2012 and 2008) Semi-Final: 6.88 (6.97 in 2012 and 6.87 in 2008) Final: 7.74 (7.62 in 2012 and 7.41 in 2008) Olympic Games 2016 Michael Geissbühler, FINA TDC Quality within the finalists in % (Winners result = 100%) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 100 95.48 88.60 85.85 83.84 83.76 81.47 81.18 76.94 76.17 75.23 73.69 Ranking / Name Fed. DD Prelim Semi-F. Final 1. REN Qian (2 / 3 / 1) CHN 15.9 8.08 7.59 9.20 2. SI Yajie (1 / 1 / 2) CHN 15.9 8.33 8.16 8.79 3. BENFEITO Meaghan (7 / 9 / 3) CAN 15.9 6.90 6.97 8.15 4. ESPINOSA Paola (13 / 12 / 4) MEX 16.1 6.49 6.34 7.80 5. WU Melissa (4 / 4 / 5) AUS 15.4 7.41 7.48 7.97 6. FILION Roseline (9 / 7 / 6) CAN 15.6 6.91 7.19 7.86 7. KIM Un Hyang (18 / 5 / 7) PRK 16.0 6.03 7.16 7.45 8. ITAHASHI Minami (10 / 8 / 8) JPN 15.7 6.79 7.12 7.57 9. SABRI nur Dhabitah (8 / 11 / 9) MAS 16.0 6.78 6.40 7.04 10. PARRATTO Jessica (3 / 2 / 10) USA 16.0 7.22 7.64 6.97 11. PAMG Pandelela Rinong (6 / 6 / 11) MAS 15.5 7.14 7.24 7.10 12. COUCH Tonia (5 / 10 / 12) GBR 15.4 7.20 6.88 7.00 Change of ranking after the preliminary From the first 12 divers after the preliminary 10 divers reached the final. Petukhova Ekaterina and Young Katrina were replaced by Kim Un Hyang and Espinosa Paola. Number of participants and participating nations 40 35 30 25 20 Participants 15 Nations 10 5 0 Development of selected difficult dives (percentage % of the finalists) 120 100 207 C 80 307 C 60 407 C 40 5000 >= 3.0 20 600 >= 3.0 0 207 B 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 Olympic Games 2016 Michael Geissbühler, FINA TDC 3m springboard men Format: Six (6) dives from five (5) groups without limit of DD in all sessions Preliminary: 29 (29/29) participants from 20 (17/20) nations / (17/20) = number in 2012 / 2008 Semi-final: 18 participants from 14 (13 / 12) nations Final: 1 2 participants from 11 (11 / 9) nations Selected dives Group Dive All 1.-18. 1.-12. 1.-3. 1. Remarks 100 107 B 14 7 4 109 C 15 11 8 3 1 200 205 B 23 13 8 1 207 C 6 5 4 2 1 300 307 C 22 14 10 3 1 305 B 7 4 2 400 407 C 21 13 10 3 1 405 B 7 5 2 407 B 1 5000 5154 B 14 8 5 5156 B 6 4 3 1 5337 B 5 5 3 1 1 5172 B 1 5355 B 1 1 1 1 5253 B 1 5152 B 1 6. dive 5154 B 13 9 6 3 1 5353 B 5 3 107 B 3 3 2 405 B 3 5253 B 2 1 1 5152 B 2 2 1 305 B 1 5337 D 1 O. Dingley replaced in the Semi-Final and Final 405 B by 407 C / K. Ipsen replaced in the Final 5154 B by 5156 B Standard program 109C / 205B / 307C / 407C / 5154B / second twisting dive Tendency: twisting dives >= 3.5 / 207C (?) The DD of the programs The average of the DD for all 29 participants is 20.08 (18.5 – 21.6); 19.88 in 2012 / 19.44 in 2008 The average of the DD for the 18 semi-finalists is 20.22 (18.5 – 21.6); 20.12 / 19.73 The average of the DD for the 12 finalists is 20.40 (18.5 – 21.6); 20.34 / 19.81 DD in the finals 1996: 18.74 18.0 – 19.3 2000: 18.93 18.5 – 19.4 2004: 19.48 18.5 – 20.4 2008: 19.81 19.0 – 20.4 2012: 20.34 19.2 – 21.5 2016: 20.40 18.5 – 21.6 Olympic Games 2016 Michael Geissbühler, FINA TDC The quality of the dives Preliminary: 6.70 (7.28 in 2012 and 7.47 in 2008) Semi-Final: 6.83 (7.54 in 2012 and 7.89 in 2008) Final: 7.56 (7.82 in 2012 and 8.15 in 2008, 7.91 in 2004) Quality within the finalists in % (Winners result = 100%) 1.
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