Cowboy professor. • Page Jackson the man TCU DAILY SKIFF Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX Tuesday, September 1, 1987 85th Year, No. 5 Center offers advisement for freshmen, pre-majors dance for freshmen and pic majon Come/ said the most important By Regina Hatcher credit while they learn more about Kath student must interview a pro- Some of then said thev had been in addition to the two weeks o1 thing the counselors tr>' to instill in themselves, their perspective profea- Staff Writer fessional in their career held as a re- ill—advised hecause of the rush and academic ed% tsJng during the fall and the students is the "decision nuking sious .uu\ the educational require- quirement of the class. tension of advising before advance iprin| process. EMIT II something MW in the ments for their probable careers The idea for the center was de- registration Rickel Building, hut it is nut a re- veloped alter some upperclassmen Ttob) Comae, acting director oi When university officials saw that creational sport The gulf range that Then' is no right major, hut there The class, I'NPR KKH-Sell Assess- 1 the center, said that th« center docs complained of' poor -»>»...*....advising on -Mi,-a sur- bothnotn facultyacuity and students were in- is a right way to decide on a major that ment and Career Kxploration. i- aendtobc brosed In Rickel room lori much more than just advise v.-> made .0 assess the needs of terested in the program, financial is now home to the newly formed is suitahlc for even individual," he befog offered in lour sections tliis (all. said .,""' 1 , ,, support began to follow, Gomez said ("enter lor \< adcmu leTVhjCS The counselor! affsi itudetoti lolu and will be offered again in the spring Many students responded that thev (ions to specific academic difficulties would change their advisement if ' University funds started to flow in In addition to these services, the The class is based on pass/fail r rc- The Center lor Academic Services such as taking tests. stud\ skills and . hecause the whole universitv — stu- center offers a class to students who dit. and it does not afreet a stud* nt's offers continuous advisement and uni time management thev could change anything about dents and faculty - were behind the would like to earn one hour of elective grade point average their lirst year at TCI program." he said. Admissions personalize TCU life forprospects By Brenda Welchlin Staff Writer 'They really would tell Students from Presque Isle, Maine are rare in Fort Worth. me the truth, pretty But Presque Islanders interested in much. It personalized attending TCI' may now IM- able to college.' talk to someone who knows about both places firsthand thanks to the JEFF GROUT, TCU stu- student volunteer program. dent ambassador The student volunteer program was created by the Admissions Office and will promote one-to-one contact their hometowns. They will lead cam- between prospective and current pus tours and provide housing for TCU students, said Bill Kennedy, overnight guests, Kennedy said. student volunteer coordinator for the Admissions Office. City committee members are nominated by counselors, depart- The program hopes to handle the ment leaders, faculty and staff. increasing number of prospective stu- dents .mil to involve student* in the Junior Dawn Prillaman, student admissions program, Kennedy said coordinator of Monday at TCU, said the city committee will provide more Admissions volunteers are grouped order, especially in housing overnight into student ambassadors and city visitors. committee members. The 150 to 200 student ambassa- "'Last year it was just grabbing for places to stay,'" she said. dors will spend about three hours a month on weekly phone-a-thons and Melissa Carretson. a member of establish contact with prospective Student Foundation, said her orga- students who have responded to mail nization led campus tours and housed from the Admissions Office. Kennedy overnight guests in the past and will TCU DeHy Skiff / Robert Neei McDonald said. continue to do so. High-five - 17-month-old Hutton Hams of Fort Worth meets TCU Quarterback David Rascoe at Amon Carter Stadium Saturday for "Meet the Frogs " Student ambassadors are selected by application. Kennedy added that the Admis- sions Office must now help out the Freshman Jeff Grout said he joined Student Foundation because of in- the student ambassadors to give creased numbers of applicants More AIDS cases to be recognized prospective students the one-to-one con tad that attracted him to TCU. While TCU used to cross applica- ATl.Wi \ w lli< riatfoni \ll)s Americans Indieved to have suffered As those cases are added into the veillance and evaluation branch for tions with schools like Trinity Uni- count, now at more than HHMMJ will from other diseases actually had total more Americans than ever be the (.'DCs AIDS program. He said that as a prospective stu- dent he had benefited from meeting versity and Vanderhilt University it Start a noticeable pimp Tuesdav as AIDS And the disease will not sud- fore will be deemed AIDS patients \\ e know that a number of states current students has also pulled some students from federal health officials liegm counting denK be found to be attat king groups and AIDS fatalities, which now num- have a backlog of cases initially picked Ivy League schools because it is a thousands of cases thev base never not previously considered at risk ber more than 23.000 up and labeled suspect' cases, 01 "They really would tell me the "people school." Kennedy said. before reaogedaad 'AIDS-like disease, that will now Federal health officials estimate truth, pretty much It personalized The increase comes from a change Hatber. the CDC will begin listing that the ease count could jump by 10 qualify as AIDS under the new defini- college,'' Grout said. 'The TCU Open of Admissions has III the official ('enters for Disease in its AIDS statistics patients whose tion How long it takes to report to 15 jM'rcent. The t itv committee will work with been found guilty of doing its job too Control definition of what AIDS is. in physicians mn have presumed they thein, we don't know.'' campus visitors and the Monday at well,'' he said. "TCU has become a medical terms had the deadly disease but wfaOH "I expt-cl there will In- a jump over 'Die goal is to give state and federal TCU program. The 100ineiul>ers will verv reputable place to get an educa- There will be no dramatic cases did not meet the agency s de- the course of a month or two. said health officials a more accurate pic- IM' matched with prospects from near tion." announcement that thousands of finition Dr. Tim Doodero, chief of the sur- ture of how widespread AIDS is. Students to Independent counsel challenged; \ 1 E^A get new mall large crop payments in question By Lisa Bianchi Staff Writer And an insurance company with WASHING ION \P The Justice If upheld in court, the depatt- There's going to be a new place to S4(i billion in assets is expected to Department on Monday challenged tnerit s position vvouldti t afloat the meet and mingle at TCU. It won't collect more than $300,000 under the the constitutionally of a law undei Iran Contra Investigation or the in- require a dress code or a cover program, which lawmakers say was WIIK h independent counsels wcie vestigation involving Meese because f^~ ^^uy^an, flit ^araaaar^^^ charge, and it will even 1M* open 24 apiMunted to investigate the Iran Independent counsels in those cases designed to proveda banana supports hours a day. Contra .ill.HI the financial affairs of have accepted parallel appointments lor middledass farm families The new place will be a new stu- Attorney General Edwta Meeea 111 horn the Justice Department A recent Agriculture Department dent mall on the east side ol campus. and possible wrongdoing In othei report details the estimated pa\ incuts The site of the new mall is the area Heagan adi stiation oili< lals between Brite Divinity School and However thecballengetotb, JV>7S of 1530 771 to the Chicago IUM d Specihcalh inahriclhlcdiuicdei I'.thu s in (.ovemment Act could Commonwealth EdiuM Co. and to^Sai'* &£ the Mary (.'outs Burnett Library that al appeals (onrt in Washington the afhet lour utber independent coun- $340,122 to the Travelers Insurance used to be plagued with drainage problems and a run down bus stop. department challenged the mdepen sels « utreiitlv operating Co. of Hartford, Conn "■ f I \£&MJfckI«& dcut counsel who is investigating a The mall project, created and They are the only major coi|>nra former Justice Department official In Besides the KPA pmbe mdepen funded by the House oi Keprescnta tions not primarily involved in agri- connection with a I'JS'l Knv iron men drml ( ouusels are investigating or are fives Committee fur Permanent Im- culture or agribusiness to receive provements, was developed for stu- tal Protection Agency COUtrOVOrf) seeking to prosecute former White such large payments under the $H 5 House depntv ehie! ol stall \ll< bae| dents who have the majority oi their The case m which the department billion a \ ear "direct payments WM classes on the east side ol University Denver, former Justice Department tiled the brief is sealed hum public program the report indicated. Under Drive, said Joe Jordan. Student vie* but law enforcement sources official Lawreni 1 Wallace and the program producers an- paid the House of Representatives president 1 onfirmed it is the probe lovoh tag .mother former Reagan adimuistra dllleieni. between the price thev get The mall is expected to be "as the KPA lion ofhcial.
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