Fish tycoon magic fish breeding guid Continue Catfish - Fat Fish - Arrowfish Som, Beta - Fruitfish Catfish - Shark - Shark Catfish - Bananafish - Som Flashfish - Snooker Som - Comet - Goldsark Som - Spotanus - Goldbulb Som - Fruitfish - Fatfish Som - Stickfish - Goldshark Som - Arrowfish - Som Soma - Listfish - Fiery Cat - Grouper - Fire-Arrow Catfish - Fire-Arrow - Fatfish Som soma Hnuth Soma - Karp - Fruit Som - Goldbulb - Som Som Snooker - Pig - Som Som Som - Som Snooth - Arrowfish Som - Kvik Silver - Goldbulb Som Soma - Catfish - Som Snooker - Fat Fish - Fat Fish Snooper - Beta - Golden Lightbulb Snooper - Shark - Arrow Snooper - Bananafish - Comet Snooper - Flashfish - Fire Arrow Snooper - Comet Fruit Fish Snooper - Spotanus - Snooper - Fruit Fish - Goldfish Snooper - Snooper Snooth Snooper - Listfish - Snooper - Grouper - Flashfish Snooper - Fire-Arrow - Goldshark Snooper - Goldshark - Snooper Snooper - Karp - Goldbulb Snooper - Goldbulba - Fire Arrow Snooper - Pig - Comet Snooper - Morda - Fat Snooper - Kwicksliver - Snoopish Snooper - Snooper Kwicksiver - Fat Fish - Comet Kwicksliver - Beta - Piggsmi kwicksliver - Shark - Flashfish Kwicksliver - Bananafish - Banana Fish Kwicksilver - Flashfish - Listfish Kwicksilver Kwicksilver - Fruitfish - Grouper Kwicksliver - Stickfish - Karp Kwicksilver - Arrow - Golden Lightbulb Kwicksilver - Listfish - Beta Kwicksilver - Grouper - Beta Kwicksilver Fireman - Group Kwicksiver - Goldshark - Stickfish Kwickslivver - Carp - Piggmy Kwicksilver - Goldbulb - Listfish Kwicksiver - Piggy - Banana Fish Kwickilver Morda - fat man - muzzle muzzle, beta - flashfish Snout - Shark - Som-snout - Bananafish - Goldfish muzzle - Seafish - Wicked Fish Comet Muzzle - Fruitfish - Snooper Snout - Stickfish - Fire-Arrow Snout - Arrowfish - Arrowfish Snout - Leaffish - Fruitfish Snout - Grouper - Fruitfish Snout - Fire-Arrow - Snooper Snout Schalka - Fat Snout - Karp - Flashfish Snut - Goldbulb - Goldsherk Snus - Pig - Goldbulb Snut - Muzzle - Snout Pigmy - Fat - Goldbulb Pygmy Pig - Shark - Fruitfish Pigmy - Bananafish - Pigmy Pigmy - Flashfish - Grouper Pigmy - Comet - Leaffish Pigmy - Spotanus - Bananafish Pigmy - Fruitfish - Stickfish Pigmy - Stickfish - Leaffish Pig mymy - Arrowfish - Arrowfish Pigmy-Arrow - Stickfish Pigmy - Goldshark - Comet Pigmy - Carp - Beta Pigmy - Goldbulb - Grouper Pigmy - Pigmy Goldbulb - Fatfish - Fire-Arrow Goldbulb Goldbulb - Comet - Goldbulb Goldbulb - Spotanus - Karp Goldbulb - Fruitfish - Flashfish Goldbulb - Stickfish - Comet Goldbulb - Arrow - Goldfish Goldfish Balbe - Listfish - Stickfish Goldbulb - Group - Comet Goldbulb - Fireman - Goldbulb Fruit - Goldfish - Gold bull Gold bull - Carp - Stickfish Gold Bbulb - Goldbulb - Goldfish Karp - Fat Fish Carp - Beta Karp Karp - Shark - Fire Carp - Bananafish - Beta Karp - Flashfish - Stickfish Karp - Comet - Grouper Karp - Spotanus - Pygmi Karp - Fruit Fish - Comet Carp - Stickfish - Comet Carp - Goldfish - Karp - Karp Goldszark Snuper Goldscark - Beta - Comet Goldscark - Shark - Morda Goldszark - Bananafish - Stickfish Goldscark - Flashfish - Fire Arrow Goldscark - Comet - Goldszark Fruitfish - Spotanus - Grouper Goldszark - Fruit Fish - Fire -Arrow Goldsherk - Stickfish - Flashfish Goldscark - Arrow - Goldszark - Leaffish - Goldbull Goldshark - Grouper - Flashfish Goldshark - Fireman - Goldshark Goldshark - Goldshark Fire-Arrow - Fat Man - Snooper Fire-Arrow - Beta - Comet Fire-Arrow - Shark - S Newout Fire-Arrow - Bananafish - Stickfish Fire-Arrow - Fruitfish Fire-Arrow - Comet - Flashfish Fire-Arrow - Spotanus -Arrow - SeaFish - Fire-Arrow - Fish - Fish - Flashfish Fire-Arrow - Arrow - Arrow - Fat Fish Fire-Arrow - Listfish - Gold Light bulb Fire- Arrow - Group - Gold Light Bulb Fire-Arrow - Fire-Arrow Tolstoy - Fruitfish Grouper - Beta - Listfish Grouper - Shark - Group Gold Scharka - Banana Fish - Carp Grouper - Flashfish - Comet Grouper - Comet - Stickfish Grouper - Spotanus - Beta Grouper - Fruitfish - Goldbulb Grouper - Stickfish Grouper - Arrowfish Karp Leaf The fox - Shark - Fire leaffish - Bananafish - Beta Listfish - Flashfish - Comet Listfish - Comet - Comet - Fish-leaf - Spotanus - Pigfish - Seafish - Comet Listfish - Stickfish Arrowfish - Sea Fish - Snooper Arrow - Comet - Goldfish Arrow - Spotanus - Comet Arrow - Fruitfish - Snooper Arrow - Snooper Fish - Fire Arrow - Arrow - Arrowfish Stickfish - Fatfish - Fruitfish Stickfish - Goldshark Stickfish - Bananafish - Carp Stickfish - Seafish - Goldfish - Goldfish - Comet Stickfish - Spotanus - Beta Stickfish - SeaFish - Goldfish Stickfish - Stickfish - Stickfish - Stickfish - Stickfish - Stickfish Fruitfish - Fatfish - Fatfish - Goldfish Fruitfish - Shark - Oilfish - Bananafish - Grouper Fruitfish - Seafish - Fruitfish - Comet - SeaFish - Spotanus - Listfish Fructfish - Fruitfish Spotanus - Fat Fish - Stikfish Spotanus Comet Spotanus - Fat Fish - Comet of Fire-Arrow - Beta - Comet Grouper - Shark - Comet Snooper - Bananaf Liffish Comet - Seafish - Comet - Comet - Comet - Comet Flashfish - Fat Fish - Goldfish Flashfish Bananafish - Bananafish - Bananafish Shark - Fatfish - Arrowfish Shark - Beta - Fruit Sharkfish - Shark - Shark Beta - Fatfish - Goldbulb Beta - Beta Fatfish - Fatfish - Fatfish zgt; - Fatfish tazruby2000 Flounder 2,399 Posts Big Fish Games Forums Go to stock the area and buy some common eggs for $160. Throw them in Tank 1 and wait for them to hatch. If you want them to grow fast, you can set the speed of the game quickly, but you will have to check your fish often to make sure they are fed. They will grow in less than 2 hours. Once they are adults, try to find two fish in exactly the same way. You can breed them successfully. Their children will not lose their health and will die. If you can't find two fish in the same way, choose two fish that are very similar (the same type of fish - such as Spotanus or beta)... If you breed them, even if their fins may be different, they will probably live to adult. If you don't get any fish similar enough to breed successfully, you can always start a new game and try again. It is important not to cross the breed of species at the beginning of the game because they will die and you will not have the money to buy more eggs. If any of your fish get sick early in the game, you probably shouldn't spend money on medication until you have extra money. Once your new fish has grown, you should move them to the tank for sale (Tank$) and click sell the fish. You'll see the store screen. When a customer buys one of your fish species, the picture and price of this fish will be displayed in the information area below the store. Keep breeding the fish as described above until you have enough money to buy a second tank. Tank 2 will give you more room to breed fish and you will earn money faster. Drag some of your fish into Tank 2 and continue to breed the same fish to earn enough money to research tank improvements. Don't forget to keep making money, breed fish and sell them. Once you've made enough money to explore the fishing environment, you'll able to breed more expensive species of fish. Magical fish combos: #1. Greenfin Spotanus- Magic Fertility Fish Twin-Fin Spotanus - Spin Spotanus #2. Spotted Leaffish - Magic Fish Food Stubby Pigmy - Greenfin Comet Orange Stickfish - Twin-Fin Beta Orange Spotanus - Twin Fin Fruitfish Crimson Comet - Tagged Bananafish Eastern Golden #3 Bulba - Finless quixilver Spin fruitfish Bag The Magic Fish from Curing Spotted Stickfish - Orange Goldbulb Oriental Fruitfish - Spotted Carp Spotted Stickfish - Eastern Goldfish Orange Fat - Spotted Leaffish Crimson Leaffish - Crimson Fruit Fish Pink Beta - Tagged Gold Shark Greenfin Leaffish #4 - Hornet Flashfish Twin-Fin Beta Eastern Goldbulb - Magic Growth Fish Crimson Comet - Orange Goldfish Spin LeafFish - Osa Gold Shark Speckles Listfish - Snubbed Fire-Arrow Gold Gold Light bulb - Orange Goldbulb Specks Listfish - Pink Gold #5 a shark greenfin Leaf Orange Snooper - Magic Fish Health Fanned Stickfish - Stubby Fruitfish Goldfish Arrow - Canary Fruitfish Orange Fruitfish - Orange Face #6. Wasp Grouper - Magic Fish Mutation Eastern Goldbulb Pink Pigmy Orange Beta Pink Comet Oriental Goldbulb Pink Beta #7. Canary Fire-Arrow - Golden Guppy of Isola Crimson Comet - Fanned Fatfish Golden Snooper - Canary Fatfish Orange Snooper - Hornet Flashfish Tiger Stickfish - Spotted Arrowfish Orange Fruitfish - Canary Fire-Arrow Presented Lefty805 Below is the list of fish needed to breed all the magic fish using the steps below. In some cases, you may be able to eliminate one or more breeding steps, if you get the following fish from the eggs, so keep your eyes peeled for them as you play: ARROWFISH, Golden (Golden Arrow) BANANAFISH, Flags (Flagged Bananafish) BETA, Golden (Golden Beta) BETA, Greenfin (Greenfin Beta) BETA, Orange (Orange Beta) Spined (Spin Beta) - Not required if you get Greenfin Beta first FATFISH, Fanned (Fanned Fatfish) FATFISH, Hornet (Hornet Fatfish) FATFISH, Silky (Silky Fatfish) FATFISH, Twin-Fin (Twin-Fin Fatfish) FRUITFISH, Canary (Canary Fruitfish) FRUITFISH, Hornet (Hornet Fruitfish) FRUITFISH, Pink (Pink Fruitfish) FRUITFISH, Silky (Silky Fruitfish) FRUITFISH , Twin-Fin (Twin-Fin Fruitfish) GOLDBULB, Gold (Golden Goldbulb) GOLDSHARK, Gold (Golden Shark) GOLDSHARK, Hornet Goldshark (Hornet Goldshark) GOLDSHARK , Pink (Pink Golden Ball) GOLDSHARK, Tiger (Tiger Goldszark)FISH LEAF, Canary (Canaria) LEAFFISH, Tagged (Flagged Leaffish) SHARK, Pink (Pink Shark) SHARK, Orange (Orange Shark) - Not required if you get a pink shark first
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