ne Lie copy . alyuse7 . ~GOVERNMENT. GAZETTE. ’ Published 5 Authority Vol. LXI, No.'18 7 Ist=830 . Price. 30c General Notice 268 of 1983,- The service5 to operate as follows— (a) depart Harare Monday to Thursday 9 am, arrive ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER 262] Marondera 1.40 p.m,;. (b) depart Harare Friday and Sunday 9 am. and 5.30 p.m., _ Applications in Connexion with Road Service Permits arrive St, Phillip’s 11:52 a.m. and 7.50 p.m., respectively; 6 (c). depart Harare Saturday 8 a.m. and 3.30 p.m., arrive IN terms of-subsection (4) of section 7 of the Road Motor St. Phillip’s 11 am. and 7 p.m., respectively; Transportation Act [Chait 262}, notice is hereby given that (d) depart Chizanga Monday. 3.40 am., arrive Harare : the applications detaile in the Schedule, for the issue or / 4.7L; amendment of road service permits, have been receivedfor the (e). depart Marondera Monday 2 pm. arrive Harare 5.15 consideration of the Control!ler of Road Motor ‘Transportation, ~ P.O; ° Any person wishing to object to any such application must (f) depart Marondera Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday lodge with the Controller of Road Motor Transportation, . 2pm, arriveHarare 5.15pm; P.O. Box 8332, Causeway— - (g) depart St. Phillip’s Friday 1 pm., arrive Harare 3.30 (a). anotice, in writing, of his intention to object, so as to BM; . reach the Controller's office not later than the 22nd ~ (h) depart St. Phillip’s ‘Saturday 4.30-am, and 12,15 p.m., April, 1983; and arrive Harare 7 a.m, and 3,15 p.m., respectively; (b) -his objection and. the grounds therefor, on form RMT. (i), depart, St, Phillip’s Sunday 4.30 a.m. and 2,30 pm. 24, together with two copies thereof, so as to reach the arrive Harare. 72am. and 4.15p.m., respectively, ‘Controller's office not later than the 13th May,, 1983. 1 Any person ‘objecting to an. application for the issue or Ww. Nyathi. - amendment of a ‘road. service rmit must confine his grounds ~O/131/83. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. of objectionto matters direct od on the considerations Route 1% Bulawayo- Kwite School - Clemstone Farm - Ingwesi referred to in aragraph (a),", (d), (e), or (fof section Farm « Obodo School - Mapolisa - Shashe. : 8 of the said ct. R. N. TSOMONDO, _ Route 2: For the carriage of schoolchildren between Bulawayo 14-83, Controller of Road Motor‘Transportation. and Empandeni and Brunapeg Mission for two consecutive days, at the beginning and end of each schooltterm. The service operates as follows— - MOTOR-OMNIBUSES Route 1 Additionals , - . (a) depart Bulawayo Wednesday !1 am. arrive Shashe «Rusununguko Bus Services (Pvt.) Ltd. pm; O/539/82, Motor-omnibus, Passenger-capacity: 76. {b)eet8Bulawayo Saturday 1 pm, arrive Shashe “Route: Bulawayo - Gweru ~ Lalapanzi - Mvuma - Chaka - :| Gutu turn-off - Chatsworth - Gutu Township -,Mukaro | © depart Shashe Thursday and ‘Sunday 9.35 am., arrive - Township - Vumba Township + Gangarabwe Township . Bulawayo 4.29 p.m. Bikita Minerals - Nyika Halt - Bikita Office- Mazungunye - Note.~This ied’onthe is made toreinstate permit 14395, _ Chief Nhema -. Zaka District Council - Jerera Township. which expired on the 31st January, 1983. ' The service to operate as follows— (a) depart Bulawayo Tuesday and Thursday 6 am., arrive "Super Godiwayo Express. (Pvt.) Ltd, Jerera Township 5.55 p.m; O/168/83, Motor-omnibus, Passenger-capacity: 6, mo) depart Bulawayo Friday 5"p.ni., arrive Jerera Township - Route 1: Bulawayo - Balla Balla - Filabusi - Sibasa - Sam. _Madzikita - Vugwe. - — (c) . depart Gweru Saturday 2.15 pam. arrive Jerera Fown- Route 2: For the ‘carriage of schoolchildren on three dey »@at .- Ship 10.35 pm. - the beginning and end of school term, between Chief :)) ‘depart Jerera Township Wednesday. and Friday 4am, | and Sidzibe schools, Bulawayo. arrive Bulawayo 3.30 p.m.; } Condition: The same passenger shall not be picked up or set (e) depart Jerera’ Township Saturday 5 a.m., arrive Gweru down between Bulawayo and Filabusi, both places inclusive, pm; | on the Friday evening service out from Bulawayo. (f) sdb Jerera Township Sunday 6 a.m., arrive Bulawayo The service operates as follows— O pm. — . {a) ‘depart Bulawayo Monday and Thursday 9 a.m., arrive 2 ' Vugwe 3 p.m; Od R. Mapanga. (4) cepert Bulawayo Friday 6 pm, arrive Vugwe 11.25 0/625/82, Motor-omnibus, Passenger-capacity: 76. Route:. Harare » Murewa - Rota - St. Phillip's . “Bernard (c) depart Bulawayo ‘Saturday 1 pm. arrive Vugwe 6.40 Maeki - Marondera. co, ; Jo PAM; ih - — > ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GazeTTE,ist APRIL, 1983 (d) depart Vugwe Tuesday and| Friday 7.05 my arrive G/98/83.. Gioods-vehicle, Load: 4.000 kilograms. Bulawaye 12.50 pm Area;. Within the Matabeleland Province, with access 10.” ie) depart. Vugwe Saturday 1.45 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 6.55 Beitbridge and Plumtree. anes TY) depart Yugwe Sunday 12.15 p.m., arrive Bulawayo 6 Nirind of carriage:.Goods, ‘wares and merchandiseof. all pm. inds. Vere, This application is made to reinstate permit 14390, Conditions: For internal‘operation only. which expired on the 31st January, 1983. CLA, Nyajena.- GOODS-VEHICLES { G/100/83. Goods-vehictes. Load: 30.000 kilograms. Aenonents Area: Throughout Zimbabwe. Trackafries (Pvt) Ltd. | Natureof carriage: Steel products, (266081, Permit: 17474. CGioods-vehiele. : Load: 30.000 Kuiograms, . Route 1: Beitbridge - Masvingo --Hatare - Chirundu. Glens Corporation (Pvt,) Lt¢, Route 2: Beithridge’ +. West Nicholson - Bulawayo - Gweru - G/l0l and. 102/83. Two goods-vehicles, Load: 32000 © - Thurare + Chirtiidn, ‘ kilograms cach, Route 3: Beitbridge - Masvingo - Harare - Nyamapanda, Route: Harare - Bulawayo. 7 Notire af carriage: Goods. wares and merchandise of all Nature of carriage: ‘Products of Blue Ribbon Foods Ltd., and kinds, : - empty containers used for the snid Products, , Conditions _ (a) goods loaded in South Africa may not be off-loaded || TAXI-CAB in /imbebwe: _ Additional _ (b) goods loaded in Zimbabwe may nat: be off-loaded in ‘S. Makuwatsine, . SouthAfrica, * Be: Deletion of the existing,conditions. TX/45/83. Taxi-cab. Passcnger-capacity: 4. Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius of. the General PostOffice, Tobaeco Warehouse & Export (1946) (Pvt.) Ltd. Harare. CBs to - 88/83. Permits: 24482° to 24484, Three gonds- Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at any authorized vehicles, Load: 20.000 kilograms each. taxi-rank within the area under the jurisdiction of the Harare Areatt Within a 25-hilometre radius of the General Post Municipality. | Office, Harare. : ote.-~-This application is made to reinstate permit 18818, - Nature of carriage: Agricultural produce. which expired on the 3lst January, 1983, Ry: Deletion of the existing nature of carriage and the substitue tion of “Goods, -wares and merchandise of all kinds.” _ TRANSFERS Adelitionals H.. Tafira:.“ tirceen Motor Serviices (Pvt) Ltd. TX/38/83. Permit: 23067. Taxi-scab, C3 64°23, Trailer. Load: 5000 kilograms. _~By! Transfer of the©. permitfrom&. R.‘Bhana, Route: Mutare - Aberfoyle (Honde Viilley). i see asone ee - Nature of carriage: Goods,wares and merchandise of all Kinds. General Notice 269 of 1983. mo 7 - G68 83.- Goods-vchicle. Load; 10.000 kilograms. ; POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES ACT" Arca: Mutyre - Aberfoyle (Honde Valley.) Natute of carriage: | Goods, wares and merchandise of all (CHAPTER 250) | kinds, . Information Concerning Certain Post Offices ini Zimbabwe Aer Carro (Pvt) Ltd. | - (Postat Notice 11 of 1983) (367/83, Goods-vehicte. Load: 34 000 kilograms. Area: Within Matabeleland Province, with access to. Bulawayo, Correction of General Notice 186 of 1983: Neture‘of cerriage: Livestock, agricultural produce, foods, and (Postal,Notice 9 of 1983) building materials. (768 to 71/83, Four ‘goods-vehiclss. IT is hereby notified, for general information, that General Pacd: 34 000 kitograms each. Notice 186. of 1983 contained an error. Area: Within the Matabelelund South Province. with access ‘That notice is-corrected by the deletion of "Tongugar to Bulawayo. and the substitution‘of “Tongogarn”, - Nature of carriage: Agricultural produce, foods, livestock, and . building cv.tertals, : ‘A. R. SILCOX, 1-4-8, Postmaster-General. C72 to 76/83, Five Goods-vehicles. ‘ “Leeds 80.0007 kilograms cach, | , Area: Within the Matabeleland South Province, with access to. General Notice 270 of 1983. BuyAWAY, Nature of carriage: Agricultural produce, foods, livestock, and POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES Act i iding materials, | [CHAPTER 250) : T. bereco Warehouse & Export (1946) (Pvt.) Ltd. CdS 'R3, Coods-vehiele. Lond:2% 000 kilograms. Infermhation ‘Coneerning Certain, Post Offices in Zimbabwe “Load:N00 kilograms: _ {Postal Notice 12of. 1983) Area: Within a 25-kilometre radius of the General Post Office, Harire. IT is hereby notified that-- - . Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all ; (a) a postal agencyat Sisiyahokwe in the Chilimanzi district, kinds. | . ‘ i was opened, with effect from the 28th March, 1983;. | “dob lun:MATS. | (b) a postal agency at Ridgemont, in the Gweru district, ©, 9883 Cioods-vehicle. Load: 40000 kilograms. will be opened, with effect from the.Ith April, 1983. \rear Within the MashonalandProvince.. Nature of carringe: Gand. wares. and merchandise of all i es -A.R.SILCOX, hinds. | 44-83, - _ . _ Postmaster-Genoral. -ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT Gazette, 1st APRIL, 1983 247 . GeneralNotice 271 of 1983.-- _’ RURAL‘LAND ACT [CHAPTER 155] Deed. of Transfer 3819/61, . registered in the name of - Wensleydale Estate (Private) Limited, in respect of certain two pieces. of land, situate in the district of . Notice of Intention to Cancel Deeds of Transfer Marandellas, being, respectively, Elands Laagte, measuring one thousand ‘seven hundred. and eighty-five comma NOTICE is hereby given that. the- Minister of Lands, (Re- nought one .one seven (1785,0117) hectares, and - settlement and ‘Rural Development proposes to direct the Somerslust, measuring one thousand eight hundred and- Registrar of Deeds to cancel the deeds of transfer described sixty-six comma seven six nine three (1 866,769 3) hectares.
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