-fr-;---~-=--~----=---~--------.:-_________ 7: ::- :: ~:i ?:_'-'.1 ~l 1J 70 :-::'. ::i.1· d r.·: _. Pro~IJ ~~ c~ , R. I . l :fi «'I '.' ~ -. ,. ' THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. VOL. XLV NO. 35 NOVEMBER 10, 1961 16 PAGES Rabbi Warns That 1 Ben-Gurion Presents New Mixed Marriages Threaten Judaism Cabinet To Parliament JERUSALEM - Prime Minis­ piro, minister of the Interior and NEW YORK - A New York ter David Ben-Gurion presented health; Joseph Burg, social wel­ '- -. --­ rabbi warned synagogue-goers his new government last week to fare, and Zorach Warhaftig, re­ ,-~ \ Saturday that to countenance l ffael's parliament for a vote of ligious affairs. The two Achdut mixed marriage is to threaten approval. Avodah portfolios are communica­ Sherwin Silverman Plans For J ewish survival" according to the tions, Yltzhak Ben Aharon, and New York Times. The four party coalition form­ Ing the new cabinet comprises 16 labor, Yitai Alon. Preaching to Congrega tion Further Study In Israel And Italy ministers. Eleven are Mapa! mem­ Mr. Shapiro was given the health B'nai Jeshurun, 257 West Eighty­ bers, three are from the National portfolio on a temporary basis, By Cella Zuckerberg course in Hebrew being given In eighth Street . the Rev. Dr. Wil­ Religious Party and two from Ach­ the post being held for Mapam Religion, philosophy, painting, Providence. He intends to take liam Berkowitz told worshipers dut Avodah. The fourth party, the should that party change its sculpture, music - Sherwin Sil-. this course as well as taking a that children of most mixed mar­ Poale Agudath Party, is represent­ mind and decide to join the coali­ .verman feels they all are needed three month Ulpan course In Is­ riages were eventually lost to ed by a deputy ministry. The new tion. The religious affairs ministry to make a good painter, a good rael when he goes there. He wants, Judaism. coalition commands 68 of the 120 had been held by the late Rabbi sculptor, an accomplished and not only to be able to get along "We are a people concerned Knesset seats. · Jacob Toledano, a non-party per­ complete person of any kind. in Hebrew, but he wishes to be with our way of life and Its main­ sonality, and held provisionally To skim the surface of any sub- able to write well ln the langua'le· Mr. Ben-Gurlon retains the tenance, continuation and pres­ two posts of premier and defense after Rabbi Toledano's death by ject _or to be superficial about any Primarily a sculptor, Mr. Sllver­ ervation throughout the ages," he Mr. Ben-Gurion. Mr. Shapiro had thinking, is completely foreign to man. who is now living in Provi­ minister. Levi Eshkol, who ne­ said. "This was the concern of gotiated the new coalition when (Continued on Page 8) Mr. Silverman, who thinks that a dence, also teaches, paints, plays Abraham 4,000 years ago as it Is subject must be thoroughly ex- a classic guitar and studies phll­ Mr. Ben-Gurion declined the the concern of Jews today. mandate, remains finance minis­ plored to be understood. osophy. He was recipient of the "There are other compelling A book must be read, not just first teaching fellowship In sculp­ ter. Mrs. Golda Meir retains the Israel Asks That reasons why we are against mixed post of foreign minister; Abba for the plot, but for its phrasing, ture offered by th~ Rhode Island marriages. They constitute threats Communist Tests for its thought and intention. for School of ~sign last year. When, Eban the education and culture to the happiness of the couple by ministry and Moshe Dayan the its Innate beauty. A language next year, he receives his Master adding the • risk of the religious Be Discontinued must be learned thoroughly - as of Fine Arts Degree, 26 year old agriculture ministry. P!nhas Sapir question to already risky elements was re-named to the ministry of UNITE0 NATIONS, N . Y . - an example, Mr. Silverman, who Mr. Silverman intends to embark in marriage. is taking a course in Hebrew in for Israel where he will study at commerce and industry and Bihor Israeli lined up with many other anticipation of his departure for the Hebrew University and also "There is the question of chil­ Shltreet heads the police. delegations here In demanding Israel next year, was delighted to teach. <He says that he does not dren . To decide that the marriage Glora Josephtal, former labor that the testing of nuclear de­ find that there was also an Ulpan intend to attempt to make a liv­ should remain childless is no way minister. was named development vices be discontinued and, at the ing by his art work alone) . Wheth­ to begin a marriage. Yet when minister and Dov Joseph was same time, delivered a sharp re­ er he will stay in Israel for a children are reared in a mixed named justice minister. Yosef Al­ buke to the Soviet Union for en­ Prof. Yadin Reports year or for four years, he doesn't marriage they are living in a mogi was named minister without dangering the world by breaking know, but when he leaves there he state of confusion. portfolio and Eliyahu Sassoon was the nuclear testing stalemate that will go to Italy for further study. "To declare that religion is un­ named minister of posts and tele­ existed until the ban was broken On Important Finds A native of Minneapolis, Mr. important in life is to lack a sense graph. by Moscow's rulers. NEW YORK - Clothing found Silverman ~as not particularly of realism and to deny a much The three National Religious Israel's position was delivered in by an Israeli archaelogical expe­ (Continued on Page 4) needed dimension to life." Party portfolios are Moshe Sha- an address before the General As­ dition in the Judean Desert this sembly's Political and Securiity year has provided the "oldest Committee by its representative dated group" of objects ever found Opposes Jewish Support For Parochial School. Aid in that committee. Gideon Rafael. in Israel, Prof. Yigael Yadin, A member of this year's Assembly leader of the expedition, reported NEW YORK - A growing ten­ by Israel Breslow, President of an upsurge of interest in Jewish d€legation with the rank of Am­ here. dency among Jewish groups to re­ the Workmen's Circle, the 65 ,000 culture among second and third bassador, Mr. Rafael is assistant Prof. Yadin has led two archae­ treat from their traditional op­ member Jewish fraternal and cul­ generation Americans of Jewish director-general of Israel's For­ ological expeditions which discov­ position to federal aid to paro­ tural organization. ancestry, and that this has re­ eign Ministry in Jerusalem. ered many, highly significant his­ chial schools was sharply criti­ Breslow told a meeting of the sulted in a growing demand for Mr. Rafael told the committee torical documents relating to the cized last week In a report made organization's National Executive Workmen's Circle schools in sub­ that Israel would vote for several period of Bar Kochbah who led a at the Hotel Astor, in New York burban areas. He said that, with­ pending resolutions and amend­ City, that a "number of Jewish in the past year alone, two such rebellion against the Roman occu- F1'nd No Jew1'sh Youth ments which call for cessation of pants of Palestine during the years agencies have come out, or are new school centers had been com­ nuclear testing and envisage inter­ 132-35 of the Christian era. Dur- preparing to come out, for federal pleted in the New York City area, national agreement on nuclear aid to parochial schools in the and that construction on a third ing the execavations, in caves near G_ roups In Soviet Union test bans "under appropriate In­ the Dead Sea, large quantities of· obvious expectation that their has begun. ternational control." clothing were found, the textiles WASHINGTON - A delegation own schools will be among the · "We d~ not seek government "The world," said Mr. Rafael, being well preserved in the dry air. of Soviet youths now touring beneficiaries. support in any form for these "has been pushed further down Prof. Yadin reported that Miss major American cities made it "This is a clear sacrifice of prin­ schools", he said. "We do not be­ the perilous path toward the nu­ Louisa Bellinger of the Textile clear to the B'nai B'rith here ciple to expediency", he charged. lieve that it is an obligation of clear abyss by the latest Soviet Museum In Washington has con- that no Jewish teen-age organiza­ He said that the Workmen's government - federal, state or test. In taking the fateful decis­ firmed the historic siP," niflcance of tion would be permitted In the Circle, which operates a total of local - to subsidize this kind of ion, In spite of enlightened public the textlles datinJ back · to the Soviet Union. 80 secular Jewish schools In New e d u c a ti o n program, valuable opinion everywhere, and In the Bar Kochbah era. The clothing, This was emphasized by the de­ York, Chicago, i..os Angeles, Bos­ though we are convinced it Is. face of appeals made to the Soviet Pr:>f. Yad!n explained, was found legation in a discussion with Dr. ton, Philadelphia, Detroit and Union by fairminded people all ln the same caves where his ex- Max Baer, national director of the other cities, "understands very "We adhere to the traditional over the world, and in spite of the pedition had discovered docu- B'nai B'rith Youth Organization.
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