New Category Structure from May 11, 2021 - CA L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 Category ID Antiques 20081 Architectural & Garden 4707 Balusters 162925 Barn Doors & Barn Door Hardware 162926 Beams 162927 Ceiling Tins 37909 Chandeliers, Sconces & Lighting Fixtures 63516 Columns & Posts 162928 Corbels 162929 Doors 37910 Finials 63517 Fireplaces, Mantels & Fireplace Accessories 63518 Garden 4708 Hardware 37911 Door Bells & Knockers 37912 Door Knobs & Handles 37914 Door Plates & Backplates 37916 Drawer Pulls 162933 Escutcheons & Key Hole Covers 162934 Heating Grates & Vents 162935 Hinges 184487 Hooks, Brackets & Curtain Rods 37913 Locks, Latches & Keys 37915 Nails 162930 Screws 162931 Switch Plates & Outlet Covers 162932 Other Antique Hardware 66637 Pediments 162936 Plumbing & Fixtures 167948 Signs & Plaques 63519 Stained Glass Windows 151721 Stair & Carpet Rods 112084 CA_New_Structure_May2021 - Page 1 of 641 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 Category ID Tiles 37917 Weathervanes & Lightning Rods 37918 Windows, Shutters & Sash Locks 63520 Reproductions 162937 Price Guides & Publications 171170 Other Architectural Antiques 1207 Asian Antiques 20082 Burma 162938 China 37919 Amulets 162939 Armour 162940 Baskets 37920 Bells 162941 Bowls 37921 Boxes 37922 Bracelets 162966 Brush Pots 162967 Brush Washers 162968 Cabinets 37923 Chairs 37924 Chests 37925 Fans 162942 Figurines & Statues 184440 Glasses & Cups 37926 Incense Burners 162943 Ink Stones 162944 Masks 162945 Necklaces & Pendants 37927 Paintings & Scrolls 38124 Plates 37928 Pots 37929 Rings 162946 Robes & Textiles 155352 Seals 162947 CA_New_Structure_May2021 - Page 2 of 641 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 Category ID Snuff Bottles 37930 Swords 162963 Tables 37932 Tea Caddies 162964 Teapots 162965 Vases 37933 Other Chinese Antiques 73465 India 60209 Japan 37934 Armour 162969 Bells 162970 Bowls 37935 Boxes 37936 Dolls 162971 Fans 162972 Glasses & Cups 37937 Kimonos & Textiles 155353 Masks 162975 Netsuke 37938 Paintings & Scrolls 38125 Plates 37939 Prints 38126 Statues 162973 Swords 66841 Tea Caddies 162976 Teapots 162977 Tsuba 162978 Vases 37940 Other Japanese Antiques 73466 Korea 162979 Middle East 116556 Mongolia 162989 Southeast Asia 164808 Amulets 162980 CA_New_Structure_May2021 - Page 3 of 641 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 Category ID Bells 162981 Bracelets 162982 Masks 162983 Necklaces & Pendants 162984 Paintings 162985 Statues 162986 Other Southeast Asian Antiques 20085 Tibet 79947 Unspecified, Unknown Origin 162988 Reproductions 155354 Price Guides & Publications 171171 Other Asian Antiques 2194 Ethnographic 2207 African 37945 Jewellery 163007 Masks 37946 Sculptures & Statues 37947 Other African Antiques 4171 Latin American 4170 Native American 4173 Pacific Islands & Oceania 4172 Price Guides & Publications 171173 Other Ethnographic Antiques 2204 Furniture 20091 Armoires & Wardrobes 261252 Beds & Frames 261754 Beds & Bed Frames 261253 Headboards & Footboards 261254 Bedroom Sets 261255 Benches & Stools 261256 Bookcases 261257 Cabinets & Cupboards 261258 Chairs 261259 Dining Sets 261260 CA_New_Structure_May2021 - Page 4 of 641 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 Category ID Dressers & Chests of Drawers 261261 Desks & Secretaries 261262 Hall Trees & Stands 261263 Mirrors 261264 Nightstands 261265 Ottomans, Footstools & Poufs 261266 Screens & Room Dividers 261267 Sideboards & Buffets 261581 Sofas & Chaises 261584 Tables 261585 Trunks & Chests 261586 Vanities & Vanity Tables 261587 Parts & Salvaged Pieces 162913 Price Guides & Publications 171166 Other Antique Furniture 63589 Incunabula 22422 Manuscripts 23048 Maps, Atlases & Globes 37958 Africa Maps 98448 Asia Maps 98450 Australia/Oceania Maps 98462 Central America/Caribbean Maps 98452 Europe Maps 98454 North America Maps 179654 South America Maps 98464 World Maps 98466 Celestial Maps 184438 Curiosities Maps 184439 Digital Maps 63595 World & Celestial Globes 98468 Map & Globe Mixed Lots 37964 Map & Globe Reproductions 151725 Maritime 37965 Anchors 63615 CA_New_Structure_May2021 - Page 5 of 641 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 Category ID Diving Helmets 63617 Fishing Nets & Floats 37968 Harpoons 163090 Maritime Bells, Whistles & Horns 63616 Maritime Blueprints 163082 Maritime Cannons & Cannon Balls 184484 Maritime Cleats & Chocks 163084 Maritime Clocks 37966 Maritime Compasses 37967 Maritime Flags, Ensigns & Pennants 184485 Maritime Folk Art 156318 Maritime Lamps & Lighting 37969 Maritime Navigational Charts 163083 Maritime Navigational Instruments 37971 Maritime Parallel Rules 163085 Maritime Plaques & Signs 163086 Maritime Portholes & Hatches 63618 Maritime Price Guides & Publications 171175 Maritime Propellers 163087 Maritime Pulleys 163088 Maritime Reproductions 156319 Maritime Scrimshaw Replicas 63619 Maritime Telegraphs 163089 Maritime Telescopes 37972 Maritime Wheels 37973 Model Ships 37970 Other Maritime Antiques 66638 Mercantile, Trades & Factories 163091 Barber Chairs 163092 Binding, Embossing & Printing 163093 Cash Register, Adding Machines 163094 Display Cases 163095 Industrial Moulds 163096 Safes & Still Banks 163097 CA_New_Structure_May2021 - Page 6 of 641 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 Category ID Scales 163098 Typewriters 163099 Other Mercantile Antiques 163100 Musical Instruments (Pre-1930) 181726 Brass 156320 Keyboard 37975 Percussion 37976 String 181727 Wind 37977 Reproductions 156321 Price Guides & Publications 171176 Other Antique Instruments 156322 Primitives 1217 Restoration & Care 261755 Cleaners & Polish 163102 Storage & Display 163104 Other Antique Restoration 163105 Rugs & Carpets 37978 Science & Medicine (Pre-1930) 20094 Apothecary & Pharmaceutical 163022 Bottles & Jars 163023 Mortar & Pestles 163024 Scales 163025 Other Antique Apothecary 163026 Dentistry 163027 Engineering 163028 Medicine 163029 Doctor Bags 163030 Quack Medicine 4069 Stethoscopes 163031 Surgical Sets 163032 Surgical Tools 163033 Other Medical Antiques 1210 Mining 170063 CA_New_Structure_May2021 - Page 7 of 641 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 Category ID Optical 163034 Scientific Instruments 163035 Barometers 163036 Microscopes & Lab Equipment 163037 Other Antique Science Equip 361 Price Guides & Publications 171167 Other Antique Science, Medical 20095 Sewing (Pre-1930) 156323 Baskets & Boxes 156324 Buttons 156325 Furniture 156326 Needles & Cases 156328 Patterns 156329 Pin Cushions 167949 Sewing Machines 156327 Sewing Machine Parts 163106 Spools & Thread 156332 Thimbles 156330 Tools, Scissors & Measures 167950 Price Guides & Publications 171177 Other Antique Sewing 156331 Silver 20096 Sterling Silver (.925) 2213 Ash Trays 105908 Bottles, Decanters & Flasks 163056 Bowls 37991 Boxes 37992 Brushes & Grooming Sets 105911 Candlesticks & Candelabra 20103 Card Cases 105899 Cigarette & Vesta Cases 105900 Creamers & Sugar Bowls 163055 Cups & Goblets 37993 Dishes & Coasters 63620 CA_New_Structure_May2021 - Page 8 of 641 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 Category ID Flatware & Silverware 20104 Miniatures 63623 Mustard Pots 113310 Napkin Rings & Clips 39440 Pitchers & Jugs 37995 Plates & Chargers 163272 Platters & Trays 39441 Salt & Pepper Shakers 39442 Salt Cellars 163273 Sauce Boats 105914 Souvenir Spoons 63621 Sugar Bowls & Tongs 63622 Tea/Coffee Pots & Sets 37998 Thimbles 107440 Vases & Urns 39443 Vinaigrettes 107441 Mixed Lots 163271 Other Antique Sterling Silver 1215 Coin Silver (.900) 20097 Silver Alloys (.800-.899) 169269 Silverplate 2212 Ash Trays 105886 Baskets 163048 Bottles, Decanters & Flasks 163049 Bowls 37985 Butter Dishes 163050 Candlesticks & Candelabra 20098 Creamers & Sugar Bowls 163052 Cups & Goblets 37986 Dishes & Coasters 105889 Flatware & Silverware 20099 Napkin Rings & Clips 105894 Pitchers & Jugs 39437 Plates & Chargers 163053 CA_New_Structure_May2021 - Page 9 of 641 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 Category ID Platters & Trays 39438 Sauce Boats 105896 Souvenir Spoons 163051 Tea/Coffee Pots & Sets 37988 Vases & Urns 39439 Mixed Lots 163054 Other Antique Silverplate 1216 Non-U.S. Silver 151726 Asia 151732 Canada 151727 France 151729 Germany 151730 Mexico 151733 Middle East 156333 Russia 151736 Scandinavia 156334 Spain 151735 United Kingdom 151728 Unspecified, Unknown Origin 156335 Other Antique Non-U.S. Silver 151737 Unspecified, Unknown Type of Silver 169270 Price Guides & Publications 171168 Tapestries 261588 Other Antiques 12 Art 550 Art Posters 28009 Fine Art Drawings 552 Fine Art Photographs 2211 Fine Art Prints 360 Fine Art Sculptures 553 Folk Art & Indigenous Art 357 Mixed Media Art & Collage Art 554 Paintings 551 Textile Art & Fibre Art 156196 CA_New_Structure_May2021 - Page 10 of 641 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 Category ID Other Art 20158 Automotive 6000 Cars & Trucks 6001 Acura 5330 CL 5332 ILX 177667 Integra 5335 Legend 5336 MDX 42600 NSX 5337 RDX 157037 RL 5334 RLX 184384 RSX 31827 SLX 5331 TL 5333 TLX 180241 TSX 84153 Vigor 5338 ZDX 171085 Other 5339 Alfa Romeo 5340 164 175851 4C 183556 8C 175852 Giulia 184385 GTV 179854 Milano 179855 Montreal 179856 Spider 84154 Other 5356 AMC 180046 AMX 180047 Gremlin 180048 CA_New_Structure_May2021 - Page 11 of 641 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 Category ID Hornet 180049 Javelin 180050 Pacer 179866 Other 180051 Ariel 171997 Aston Martin 157054 DB7 157055 DB9 157056 DB11 184386 DBS 162304 Rapide 180523 Vanquish 157058 Vantage 157057 Other 5358 Audi 6002 80 175853 90 157039 100 157038 A3 147117 A4 6003 A5 166867 A6 6004 A7 173649 A8 6005 Allroad 80731 Cabriolet 43901 Q5 170138 Q7 149414 R8 162291 RS4 150107 RS5 183557 RS6 150108 RS7 181459 S3 181460 CA_New_Structure_May2021 - Page 12 of 641 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 Category ID S4 43902 S5 162292 S6 133181 S8 150109 SQ5 184387 TT 5345 Other 6055 Austin 6126 Austin Healey 180052 3000 180053 Sprite
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