ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 25(1): 98–143 25 JUNE 2016 New and little known Stenopelmatoidea (Orthoptera: Ensifera) from America Новые и малоизвестные лжекузнечиковые (Orthoptera: Ensifera: Stenopelmatoidea) из Америки A.V. GOROCHOV* & O.J. CADENA-CASTAÑEDA А.В. ГOРОХОВ, О.Х. КАДЕНА-КАСТАНЕДА A.V. Gorochov, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., St Petersburg 199034, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] O.J. Cadena-Castañeda, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Grupo de Investigación en Artrópodos “Kumangui”, Bogotá, Colombia. E-mail: [email protected] Data on the genera Anabropsis Rehn, 1901, Glaphyrosoma Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1888, Steno- pelmatopterus Gorochov, 1988 and Stenopelmatus Burmeister, 1838, belonging to the families Anostostomatidae and Stenopelmatidae, from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Cos- ta Rica and Colombia are presented. Sixteen new species are described: A. longipenna sp. nov.; A. weissmani sp. nov.; A. kasparyani sp. nov.; A. proxima sp. nov.; A. johnsi sp. nov.; A. chi- apas sp. nov.; A. oaxaca sp. nov.; A. apteroides sp. nov.; G. bulbosum sp. nov.; G. beretka sp. nov.; G. tamaulipas sp. nov.; G. pushenkovi sp. nov.; G. dilutum sp. nov.; G. dentatum sp. nov.; G. karnyi sp. nov.; G. anderi sp. nov. Tribe Brachyporini Gorochov, 2001 is restored from syn- onymy; lectotypes for G. gracile Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1888 and for G. mexicanum (Saussure, 1859) are designated; and new data on distribution of some other species are given. Представлены данные по родам Anabropsis Rehn, 1901, Glaphyrosoma Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1888, Stenopelmatopterus Gorochov, 1988 и Stenopelmatus Burmeister, 1838, принадлежа- щим семействам Anostostomatidae и Stenopelmatidae, из Мексики, Гватемалы, Гондураса, Никарагуа, Коста Рики и Колумбии. Шестнадцать новых видов описаны: A. longipenna sp. nov.; A. weissmani sp. nov.; A. kasparyani sp. nov.; A. proxima sp. nov.; A. johnsi sp. nov.; A. chiapas sp. nov.; A. oaxaca sp. nov.; A. apteroides sp. nov.; G. bulbosum sp. nov.; G. beretka sp. nov.; G. tamaulipas sp. nov.; G. pushenkovi sp. nov.; G. dilutum sp. nov.; G. dentatum sp. nov.; G. karnyi sp. nov.; G. anderi sp. nov. Триба Brachyporini Gorochov, 2001 восстановле- на из синонимии; для G. gracile Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1888 и для G. mexicanum (Saussure, 1859) обозначены лектотипы; а также приведены новые данные по распространению не- которых других видов. Key words: stenopelmatoids, taxonomy, America, Orthoptera, Anostostomatidae, Stenopel- matidae, Anabropsis, Glaphyrosoma, Stenopelmatopterus, Stenopelmatus, new taxa Ключевые слова: лжекузнечиковые, таксономия, Америка, Orthoptera, Anostostomati- dae, Stenopelmatidae, Anabropsis, Glaphyrosoma, Stenopelmatopterus, Stenopelmatus, новые таксоны INTRODUCTION tribes Anabropsini Rentz et Weissman, 1973 (Anabropsinae) and Glaphyrosoma- The paper contains descriptions of tini Rentz et Weissman, 1973 (subfamily new taxa and new records on distribution unknown) of the family Anostostomatidae of some early described species from the Saussure, 1859 as well as from the sub- family Stenopelmatinae Burmeister, 1838 *Corresponding author. (Stenopelmatidae). These taxa are dis- © 2016 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes A.V. GOROCHOV & O.J. CADENA-CASTAÑEDA. STENOPELMATOIDEA FROM AMERICA 99 tributed mainly in Central America (from trib. ressur.; and possibly Glaphyrosoma- Mexico to Panama), but Glaphyrosoma- tini Rentz et Weissman, 1973. These tribes tini and Stenopelmatinae are also distrib- (except Glaphyrosomatini discussed be- uted in North America, and Anabropsini, low) differs from each other by the struc- in Southeast Asia and possibly Australia; ture of tenth abdominal tergite in male: moreover, there are a few indications about this tergite is normal and rather large in the presence of some species of the mainly Anabropsini, but it is narrow and inter- Central American genus Anabropsis Rehn, rupted by a membranous median area in 1901 (type genus of Anabropsini) in South Brachyporini; both these tribes are dis- America and Africa: in Ecuador (Saussure tinguished from the other subfamilies of & Pictet, 1897), in Colombia (Cadena- Anostostomatinae Saussure, 1859 by the Castañeda & Cortés-Torres, 2013), and in presence of a pair of short posterior lobules Congo (Griffini, 1909). The data for Ecua- on the ninth abdominal tergite as well as dor and Congo are very old and in need of by the tenth abdominal tergite with a pair checking. of hooks widely separated from each other This paper based on material from the (the above-mentioned lobes are usually following collections: Zoological Institute, also widely separated from each other, but Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Peters- sometimes they may be fused with each oth- burg (ZIN); Universidad Distrital Francis- er in a wider lobe). However, the Brachy- co José de Caldas, Colección de Artrópodos porini was recently synonymized with the y otros Invertebrados, Bogotá, Colombia subfamily (!) Anostostomatinae without (CAUD); Colección Entomológica, Cen- any explanation (Eades et al., 2016). This tro de Estudios en Zoología, Universidad action is illogical and erroneous, and we re- de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México (CZUG); store here this tribe in its original volume Arthropod Collection, Universidad del (Gorochov, 2001). Valle de Guatemala, Ciudad de Guatemala (UVGA). Types of the new species described Tribe ANABROPSINI Rentz here are deposited also in these institutions. et Weissman, 1973 For a description of location of spines and spurs on the tibiae, special “armament for- Note. This tribe contains four genera: mula” is used here. This formula is origi- American and possibly African Anabropsis nally elaborated for representatives of the Rehn, 1901, Indo-Malayan Paterdecolyus subfamily Rhaphidophorinae (Gorochov, Griffini, 1913, Pteranabropsis Gorochov, 2010b, 2012) and adapted for Aemodogryl- 1988 and Apteranabropsis Gorochov, 1988, linae (Gorochov & Storozhenko, 2015), but and possibly Exogryllacris Willemse, 1963 it is suitable for the other representatives of from Australia. However, only two of them Stenopelmatoidea also. (Anabropsis and Apteranabropsis) were in- cluded in this tribe in the Orthoptera Spe- DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW TAXA cies File (Eades et al., 2016); the others and AND NEW DATA ON DISTRIBUTION Australian Leponosandrus Gorochov, 2001 were put in Anabropsinae out of any tribe. Family ANOSTOSTOMATIDAE In reality, Paterdecolyus and Pteranabropsis Saussure, 1859 (as a minimum) must be also included in Subfamily ANABROPSINAE Anabropsini, because they are closely re- Rentz et Weissman, 1973 lated to Anabropsis and Apteranabropsis. In addition, Leponosandrus does not belong to Note. This subfamily consists of two or Anabropsinae and is a member of unknown three tribes: Anabropsini Rentz et Weiss- but another subfamily of Anostostoma- man, 1973; Brachyporini Gorochov, 2001, tidae. © 2016 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 25(1): 98–143 100 A.V. GOROCHOV & O.J. CADENA-CASTAÑEDA. STENOPELMATOIDEA FROM AMERICA Genus Anabropsis Rehn, 1901 Figs 1–3, 5), but hind wings mostly dark- ened with small whitish spots (such spots Schoenobates Saussure, 1859 absent in all other species of Alata Group), Note. This genus is here divided into and abdomen more or less light with grey- four species groups on the base of develop- ish brown cerci and brown to dark brown ment of their wings. Such division was initi- most part of ovipositor (Fig. 4). Structure ated by Cadena-Castañeda & Cortés-Torres of head typical of Anabropsis, but dorsum (2013) and may be useful for the determina- with low median keel, and ocelli small (di- tion of species in this genus. ameter of median ocellus almost equal to that of proximal segments in antennal fla- Alata Group gellum; lateral ocelli slightly smaller); pro- notum with slight (poorly distinct) median Note. This group is established by Ca- keel, with rather long and rounded poste- dena-Castañeda & Cortés-Torres (2013). It rior lobe separated from low lateral lobes includes a few macropterous American spe- by distinct humeral notch (posterior edge cies: Schoenobates alatus Brunner-Watten- of latter lobes slightly sinuate; Fig. 3); pro- wyl, 1888 (Ecuador); A. marmorata Rehn, thoracic sternite with a pair of spine-like 1905 (Costa Rica); A rentzi Cadena-Casta- processes near each other; mesothoracic ñeda & Cortés-Torres, 2013 (Colombia); sternite with a pair of long finger-like pre- and two new species described here. Repre- cesses near each other; metathoracic ster- sentatives of this group (Figs 5, 7, 26, 34) nite with a pair of wide angular projections are habitually similar to those of the Asiatic having roundly convex lateral edges; wings genus Pteranabropsis. very long, with tegmina reaching apices of hind wings and about 5.4 times as long as Anabropsis longipenna Gorochov pronotum (Fig. 5); legs rather robust, with et Cadena-Castañeda., sp. nov 2–3 inner ventral denticles on fore femora, (Figs 1–16) with two outer ventral and a pair of apical denticles on middle femora, with four inner Holotype. Female, Mexico, “NE Chiapas”, and 6–7 outer ventral denticles (these den- Ocosingo Distr., Selva Lacandona between ticles somewhat longer than previous ones) Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve and Bonam- on hind femora, and with very long dorsal pak Natural Monument (near Guatemala), envi- rons of Lacanja-Chansayab Vill., primary forest, and ventral spines on fore and middle tibiae at night, 20–27.V.2007, M. Berezin, E. Tkatshe- (armament
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