| THE PENNSYLVANIA JUL AUG20 GAZETTE Coexisting with the Coronavirus What Would Churchill Do? Canine Cure for Stress Celebrating From a Distance FOLLOW US ONLINE THEPENNGAZETTE.COM @PENNGAZETTE THE PENNSYLVANIA Features GAZETTE JUL|AUG20 Penn and the Pandemic Power of the Pup How the University and Therapy dogs are reducing alumni have responded to stress and bringing joy to patients 28 the current crisis. 50 and staff across the Penn By Gazette Staff and Contributors healthcare community. By Kathryn Levy Feldman Seeds of Insight Rob Rosenheck C’89, CEO of Virtual Alumni Weekend Lord Jones—purveyor of CBD- Celebrating from a distance— 44 infused candies, creams, and until we can meet again. other products—is high on the cannabis 57 industry’s potential to promote a revolution in economics, health and Courage Through History wellness, culture, and consciousness. From storms to serial killers to By Susan Karlin shipwrecks, bestselling author 58 Erik Larson C’76 has made his name writing about frightening moments in history. When a new one came in the form of a global pandemic, readers found unlikely comfort in his latest book—a story of leadership, perseverance, and hope in the bleakest of times 80 years ago. By Dave Zeitlin COVER Illustration by Joe Anderson Vol.118, No.6 ©2020 The Pennsylvania Gazette Published by Benjamin Franklin from 1729 to 1748. THEPENNGAZETTE.COM More Sports More Arts & Culture More Letters Latest News THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE Departments VOL. 118, NO. 6 ––––––––––– EDITOR John Prendergast C’80 3 From the Editor | Facing hard times, present and past. SENIOR EDITOR Trey Popp ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dave Zeitlin C’03 4 Letters | Economic arguments, DP memories, Ernie Beck’s message. ASSISTANT EDITOR Nicole Perry ART DIRECTOR Catherine Gontarek Views PUBLISHER F. Hoopes Wampler GrEd’13 8 Notes from the Undergrad | “It is the 42nd day of quarantine.” 215-898-7811 [email protected] ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR Linda Caiazzo 10 Alumni Voices | New doctor, new disease, new parent. 215-898-6811 [email protected] 12 Elsewhere | A reluctant—and roundabout—return from Antarctica. ––––––––––– EDITORIAL OFFICES 14 Expert Opinion | “Recreational” DNA tests can have profound impacts. The Pennsylvania Gazette 3910 Chestnut Street Gazetteer Philadelphia, PA 19104-3111 17 Commencement | A virtual sendoff to the Class of 2020. PHONE 215-898-5555 FAX 215-573-4812 EMAIL [email protected] 20 Campus | Penn Family Center marks 10 years serving student parents. WEB thepenngazette.com 21 Racial Equality | Initiatives to “propel progress” on inclusion and equity announced. ––––––––––– ALUMNI RELATIONS 22 Instruction | Losses and gains from remote learning. 215-898-7811 EMAIL [email protected] 23 Planning | Possible scenarios for the Fall semester. WEB www.alumni.upenn.edu 24 Admissions | Dean Eric Furda C’87 on the incoming “COVID class.” ––––––––––– UNIVERSITY SWITCHBOARD 24 Sustainability | Penn signs solar power purchase agreement. 215-898-5000 25 Honors | Presidential Prizes for Engagement and Innovation announced. ––––––––––– NATIONAL ADVERTISING 26 Sports | Women’s basketball’s rising star Kayla Padilla. IVY LEAGUE MAGAZINE NETWORK Heather Wedlake 27 Tributes | Light show salute; health workers show solidarity with protests. EMAIL [email protected] PHONE 617-319-0995 Arts WEB www.ivymags.com 65 Calendar CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Go to QuakerNet, Penn’s Online Community at myquakernet.com to access and update 66 Digital Design | Penncraft project recreates campus online. your own information. Or contact Alumni Records, 68 Fiction | Absorbing and episodic tale of an imperfect heroine. Artifact: A Novel. University of Pennsylvania, Suite 300, 2929 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-5099; [email protected]. 69 Fiction | An imaginative—and macabre—medical story. Night Theater. upenn.edu; Phone: 215-898-8136; Fax: 215-573-5118. THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE (ISSN 1520-4650) is published 70 Briefl y Noted bimonthly in September, November, January, March, May, and July by Penn Alumni, E. Craig Sweeten Alumni 71 Music | Composer James Primosch G’80 gets vocal. House, 3533 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6226. Periodicals postage paid at Philadelphia, PA, and addi- Alumni tional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Pennsylvania Gazette, Alumni Records, Suite 300, 73 Aldo Melpignano WG’05 wants to reinvent tourism for Italy. 2929 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-5099. PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE COMMITTEE: David S. Graff C'79 75 Samantha Vinograd C’05 analyzes national security issues on CNN. WG'84 (Chair); Miriam Arond C’77; Jean Chatzky C’86; Dr. Alan Filreis, Faculty; Eliot J. Kaplan C'78; Randall 77 Taylor Jenkins W’07 is the second-youngest coach in the NBA. Lane C’90; Michael R. Levy W'68; James L. Miller W’97; Sameer Mithal WG’95; Steven L. Roth W'66; Robert E. 80 Events Shepard C'83 G'83; Joel Siegel C’79; Ann Reese CW’74, President, Penn Alumni. 80 Notes 87 Obituaries The University of Pennsylvania values diversity and seeks talented students, faculty and staff from diverse back- grounds. The University of Pennsylvania does not discrimi- nate on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, 96 Old Penn | Alumni Day, 1920. color, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, or status as a Vietnam Era Veteran or disabled veteran. Printed by The Lane Press, Burlington, Vermont FROM THE EDITOR ings forced to make her way assisted therapy programs at home from a much-antici- Children’s Hospital of Phila- The COVID pated Antarctic trip; to a delphia, HUP, and Presbyte- new doctor thrust into rian Hospital, as well as her emergency service treating own involvement (with her COVID patients at the same dogs Millie and Franklin) as Issue time that he and his wife are a volunteer. And Susan Kar- expecting their first child. lin C’85 profiles cannabis Associate editor Dave Zeit- industry entrepreneur Rob ack in April I wrote in out of the crisis, putting the lin C’03’s feature profile of Rosenheck C’89, CEO of Lord this space that we would current pandemic into his- author Erik Larson C’76, Jones, which sells CBD-in- soon know more about torical context, and telling “Courage Through History,” fused candy and other prod- the impact of the novel how individual alumni have also resonates with the pres- ucts, in “Seeds of Insight.” Bcoronavirus, and unfortu- been affected. ent moment. Larson’s recent Among the consequences nately much of what we’ve Included, among others, book, The Splendid and the of Penn’s necessary decision learned in the intervening are reports about a research- Vile, deals with London under in March to close down the weeks has been grim, start- er working on a possible vac- campus and cancel all public ing with more than 110,000 cine, an expert in elder care’s events until further notice lives lost in the US and a advice on how to improve Much of what was the loss of the tradition- worldwide death toll exceed- nursing homes going for- al spring ceremonies of ing 400,000 as of early June. ward, what it’s like to take we’ve learned in Alumni Weekend and Com- Along with the disease and over a big city public trans- mencement, which we nor- associated stay-at-home or- portation system on the eve the intervening mally cover in this issue. ders has come economic dev- of a pandemic, and a leading weeks has been Both went forward in virtual astation and unprecedented restaurateur’s experience versions, however, with in- job losses. And there have navigating his operation and grim, starting person celebrations resched- also been examples of hero- staff through the crisis to with more than uled for next May, the week ism among health profession- eventual reopening. And after regular 2021 events als and other essential work- Penn Medicine’s leaders de- 110,000 lives lost will take place. ers, resilience and mutual scribe the Health System’s A summary of what Univer- support within communities, contributions to treating pa- in the US. sity Chaplain Chaz Howard and promising efforts at de- tients and providing testing C’00 called “a commence- veloping more effective treat- sites in the community, inno- the Blitz and the inspirational ment unlike any other” ap- ments and a vaccine. All parts vations to ensure safety and leadership of Winston pears as the lead story in of our current era of adjust- support staff mental health, Churchill early in World War “Gazetteer” and, in place of ing to the presence of this and a “12- to 18-month play- II. While he doesn’t push too our usual Alumni Weekend virus in our world, probably book” to harness Penn’s ex- hard on the parallels, Larson photo album, we share some for a good while to come. pertise to help understand does admit some similarities, images of scattered cele- I also promised that in this and control COVID-19. both in small things like prod- brants (and kids, and pets) issue we would report on Our essayists also weigh uct shortages, and in larger gathered from social media. how the Penn community the impact, from a graduat- terms. “In London at that While there’s nothing like has responded to, and re- ing senior’s column drawing time, everybody had to pull being there, one advantage flected on, the challenges connections between her together,” he told Dave. “We in this case is that you can posed by COVID-19 in these current quarantine in West have to pull together now.” still view these events online early days. Our cover pack- Philadelphia, her teenage Elsewhere in the feature if you happen to have missed age, “Penn and the Pandem- online life, and a project early well, we offer tales of two them at the time.
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