Case Studies 2015-17 1 Table of Contents Introduction Aberdeen City Council: Aberdeen Promotes Smarter Travel Choices 5 Smarter Choices, Smarter Places (SCSP) is a grant programme that supports delivery of targeted behaviour change interventions Aberdeenshire Council: Aberdeenshire E-Bikes Entice New Users 11 designed to increase active and sustainable travel in Scotland. The programme is administered by Paths for All and funded by Angus Council: Angus a Hub for Cycling Activity 15 Transport Scotland. Argyll and Bute Council: Argyll Active Travel Counts in Argyll & Bute 19 The current programme commenced in 2015/16 and has continued since then. It builds on the work and outcomes of Clackmannanshire Council: Clackmannanshire’s Wee Cycle Festival 23 SCSP Pilot projects delivered between 2008-12, as well as earlier Comhairle nan Eilean Siar: Outer Hebrides partnerships reap rewards 27 Smarter Choices projects in Scotland. Dumfries and Galloway Council: Annan and Dalbeattie challenged to The broad goals of the current SCSP programme include: 31 ‘Beat the Street’ to be more active • Promoting changes in knowledge, attitudes and Dundee City Council: Delivering Clean Car Club in Dundee 37 beliefs towards sustainable travel choices; East Ayrshire Council: East Ayrshire Travel Hub Gets People Active 43 • Increasing the walking and cycling modal share for East Lothian Council: East Lothian communities explore active travel options 49 short local journeys; City of Edinburgh Council: A 20mph Future Makes Edinburgh a Better Place to be 55 • Increasing other sustainable travel choices for Falkirk Council: Falkirk Football Club ‘Takes the Right Route’ 61 longer journeys, i.e. public transport and car share; Fife Council: Sustainable transport, St Andrews style 65 • Reducing car use for short local journeys; and Glasgow City Council: Glasgow communities get cycling 69 • Reducing driver only journeys. The Highland Council: Highland Cycling Project has Velocity 73 SCSP provided Scottish local authorities with access to a share of Midlothian Council: Changing Mode in Midlothian 79 £5 million in both 2015/16 and then again in 2016/17, to support delivery of eligible interventions. The impact of projects has been Moray Council: Moray pupils track their travel 83 extended by match-funding from grant recipients. North Ayrshire Council: North Ayrshire Workplaces Travel Smart 87 The case studies found in this publication bring a range of different SCSP interventions to life, capturing how they were North Lanarkshire Council: Walking wows North Lanarkshire pupils 91 delivered, what resulted and importantly, what factors influenced the associated outputs and outcomes. They are designed to Orkney Islands Council: Orkney Islands Heritage Trails designed for active travel 95 facilitate knowledge sharing and the sharing of good practice. Perth and Kinross Council: Schools on the Go: School Transition Workshop 99 A total of ten case studies were prepared for the 2015/16 projects Renfrewshire Council: Travel planning gets personal in Renfrewshire 105 and progress updates were appended to nine of these during 2017. Nineteen case studies were subsequently produced about Scottish Borders Council: Borders Hub integrates community transport 109 a range of interventions delivered during 2016/17. South Ayrshire Council: Travel HUB gets Ayr active 113 South Lanarkshire Council: Make Your Way in South Lanarkshire 117 Stirling Council: Stirling Schools Cycle Safely 121 West Dunbartonshire Council: Cutting Car Use at Queens Quay 125 2 West Lothian Council: West Lothian Loves to Ride 131 3 Smarter Choices, Aberdeen Smarter Places Promotes Smarter 2015-17 projects Travel Choices Summary Local authority: Aberdeen In partnership with: European Mobility Week1 has been promoting sustainable urban mobility to citizens in European towns and cities since 2002. The campaign runs every year from 16th to 22nd September. European Mobility Week gives people the chance to experience car-free streets and encourages them to consider concrete solutions to tackle challenges like traffi c congestion, road safety, air pollution, climate change, the decline of public spaces and the many health issues caused by sedentary lifestyles. The week culminates in In Town Without My Car Day when participating towns and cities close one or more local roads for the day, restricting the movement of cars and reserving the area instead for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users. Aberdeen City Council, working with partners in the Getabout group2, has participated in European Mobility Week since 2010. Building on previous campaigns, Aberdeen’s 2015 programme consisted of a series of sustainable transport themed events running throughout the week (in schools, public spaces and at a public event). The week culminated with In Town Without My Car Day when the Council formally closed a selection of roads to motor traffi c for the day and fi lled them with events and activities for members of the public to participate in instead. 1 www.mobilityweek.eu 2 www.get-about.com This project received funding through the Smarter Choices, Smarter Places programme, which is administered by Paths for All and funded by Transport Scotland. 4 55 Aberdeen Promotes Smarter Travel Choices Aberdeen Promotes Smarter Travel Choices Since 2010 Aberdeen’s European Mobility Week City Moves on-street dance school; a bouncy process more involved. However, many activities simply require long lead times to ensure they are campaigns have aimed to encourage school castle and infl atable assault course; well planned and that there is enough time available to prepare properly. For instance, booking third- children, families, residents and commuters to try party activities, such as the Adventure Aberdeen roadshow, must be done well in advance and at more healthy and environmentally friendly forms Aberdeen Play Forum; street entertainment least 8 weeks’ notice are required to arrange street closures. of transport, to raise awareness of alternative via Graham Benson and Aberdeen University transport options and to highlight air quality Circus Skills Society; and face painting and problems in the city centre resulting from motor glitter tattoos. One of the main attractions was traffi c. a giant, open-air waterslide on the street. Given that this had never been done in Aberdeen Although we originally set out to promote the benefi ts The campaigns are scheduled around the dates before it generated a lot of press interest, which “ set for European Mobility Week and school further helped to promote the whole event and of sustainable transport, we’ve learned that things like the holidays are avoided so pupils can be involved. was instrumental in engaging businesses and Consideration is also given to the timing of other members of the public. waterslide, climbing wall and face painting are necessary events in Aberdeen so there are no signifi cant clashes. In addition, In Town Without My Car From the outset, Aberdeen’s European Mobility to attract citizens and to help reaffi rm the message that Day is typically held on a weekend day to avoid Week campaigns have been delivered and without the traffi c, there is so much more room to bring inconveniencing people unnecessarily and supported by members of the Getabout causing disruptions to week-day bus services. partnership, and particularly, NESTRANS and people together and host events like this. This is the third It also ensures that the largest number of people, Aberdeen City Council. especially families, are able to enjoy the traffi c Aberdeen City Council were the main project year we’ve used this area and the continuity has really free space. managers for the city events: planning, booking helped the businesses to engage with the event as they The 2015 campaign opened with a family cycle and ensuring they had a presence at all of them. ride, the Wee Jaunt Aberdeen, which started They organised the road closures, coordinated now know what to expect and see the benefi ts of people- and fi nished in Duthie Park and formed part of engagement with schools, businesses and the Cycling Scotland’s national Pedal for Scotland public, provided relevant promotional materials, friendly spaces fi rst hand. Our desire is to upscale the programme. Subsequent activities included a including Getabout branded merchandise, and event every year and we feel it now needs more specialist series of Getabout bicycle roadshows and the evaluated the campaign. NESTRANS promoted Middleton Park School sponsored cycle. the campaign and provided support in the form expertise to grow it even further. We are keen to engage of staff, fi nancial input and merchandise. The programme culminated in Aberdeen’s In with events and promotions teams to investigate this. Town Without My Car Day event, which featured Whilst Aberdeen City Council and its Getabout partners now have considerable experience ” road closures and a range of activities, including: of delivering their European Mobility Week Alan Simpson, Planner, Aberdeen City Council campaigns, advanced planning is still a key to success. The 2015 campaign was larger than In numbers in previous years, which made the planning Appox. Almost All 500 180 350 750 1,150 people visited an visitors to the Aberdeen’s entire European Aberdeen’s European Mobility school pupils Middleton Park tickets for a free NHS stand during Getabout tent were Mobility Week 2015 campaign Week was successfully attended School pupils waterslide event held the 2015 In Town offered information programme
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