f. r. Ä Newspapw READ THE NEWS With A WHILE IT 15 NEWS ^7 Constructive FIRST R» A C E J O U EV ,* IN YOUR Policy I ■-t z WORLD PRICE SIX CENTS MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1959 VOLUME 29, NUMBER 3 TÍ’- fi SS À Freedom Rally To Be MM ? | ■ • Held At Mason Temple n & DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING. Ing and freedom rally for the Voi- MAH ALIA JACKSON TO APPEAR "un’eer Ticket — Sugarmon. Hooks. /’ í Bun.’on and Love. The big rally will Mason Temple at 938 Mason St. ■ will be .the scene of the mass meet- Ire held tills Frldav evening. July \ g 31. starting at 8 o’clock. 50 MARK IN THREE Thousands of chairs will be plac­ ed in the parking lot. behind the 'St' Trannie to take care of ’he exnec’ed overflow crowd. Dr. W. Herbert Brewster, rally dhalrman, said a speakers’ platform will be erected on Ahe parking lot and that speak­ i ■Z ers and entertainers will appear I : >’■ before both 'the Indoor and outdoor audiences. .<•—> t 1 The railv was shifted to the i / ATLANTA, Ga.—(SNS) — Temple after candidates had been Last Day Activity , Differences in mental ability are denied use of Martin Stadium. Dr. E Arlington Brewster explained that the Tem­ sufferances areaited by man, not ple would have been used anyway by God or the genes, Dr. Horace if .’t rains Friday evening. 7 Mann Bond sa’d, as he attacked Thousands of tickets are being Passes Without Incident concentrated -vtitention on the so- sold at $1 n piece to the big mass LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — (UPI) —Teenage Negroos registering called gifted child. Speaking eut meeting. The Volunteer Committee A OrderedTo the Atlanta University Summer believes this will be the biggest ev­ : ' Friday at the city's threo formerly white high schools passed School Assembly, Dr. Bond, who ent ever staged in Memphis. the 50 mark in a surge of lasl-day activity without any show of ils dean on the School of Education Two of the nations outstanding I :at Atlanta University, made a j personalities will be here for thèI, violence. .strong plea for an equalltarian edu- rally. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a‘. Central, Hall white schools tinder the 1959 state •caition. By registering at_ . «..«11 nlnnAHirilt In tv successful bus boycott leader of »nd Tech, the registrants obviously | pupil placement law. An educational system which Montgomery, Ala., will deliver the ;-W Thirteen white girls registered BY LF.ON BURNETT ; a ngles out for attention the child « were indicating their desire to at- I nt Horace Mann High School, tills principal address, and Miss/Mahal- SIXTEEN "OR MORE BLUE RIBBON AWARDS,réuS, pre-p,c. I cultural Extension Service for Middle Tennes- tend those schools when classes United Press International ; ' who excels in aptitude tests will la Jackson, celebrated gospel sing­ Tennessee | see; 4-H State President 16-year-old Janie Ogil­ integration - conscious city’s only inevitably build up a "meritocracy" sented to the 4-H'ers meeting on 7_.......__ open next Sept. 8. ALEXANDRIA, Va. (UPI)—Fed­ er of Chicago, will render several vie,- and Miss Margaret Gulley, Associate 4-H They had nd assurance, how­ nil - Negro school. But It turned based on verbalism, with .the re­ electrifying numbers. State University's campus last week, are ex­ out to be a hoax. eral Judge Albert V. Bryant Sat­ sult that In the end the offspring amined prior to the Awards Assembly by (left Club Specialist in charge, ever. that they would be permitted urday ordered that 12 Negro stu­ Ano'lher added attraction will be I to Integrate the previously all- The girls,, wearing shorls. drove of the professional classes will be the singing of-a 1,000-voice chor­ to right) Milburn E. Jones, district agent, Agri-I up to the school In n car with dents be admitted to three schools ' in all positions of power, he said. us. composed of all the- major the words "Horace Mann or Burt" in Arlington, Va.. when they re­ Dr. Bond deplored tests based church choirs in the city. These written on the side. open this fall. on -verbal aptitude as being un­ For two of the schools, it will be groups have been asked to meet As they came out, a newsman fair to children from underprivileg­ Tuesday night of this week in Mt. M the beginning of integration. The ed backgrounds, saying that this Olive CME Church. Linden and asked them if they were serious Judge held that the Arlington 'is proved by the campantlve re­ Lauderdale, at 8 o’clock. about signing up for classes at the School Board applied entrance re­ sults of tests of white and Negro Negro school. , quirements unequally in rejecting children In Atlanta. The dffeirence All of the Volunteer candidates "Hell yes, we re serious,” one of the students. But he upheld the he explained as a difference in will deliver brief 'talks Friday even­ them said. board's refusal to admit 10 other ing. On the ticket are Atty. Rus­ dotal education, education net only They were asked if their parents Negroes. In the school but In that gained sell Sugarmon, Jr., for Public Works knew about their trying to Inte­ from a stimulating home back­ Commissioner: Atty. Ben Hooks grate a Negro school. At the same time, Bryan denied ground. ■ • for Juvenile Court Judge, and the "Yes, ll>ey are In favor of In­ a motion by attorneys for the Ne- In order to recompense for the Reverends Henry Bunton and Roy tegration," one answered. Rroes that the board be required deficiencies in .the environmental Love for School Board slots. Brief Rail, Bus Hold Fast To Bias to submit a comprehensive plan remarks also will be delivered by ——- -, Theh prank was discovered background of the underprivileged, The report, released by the lcles confused and ambiguous.” for desegregation. The board's sys­ Dr, Bond recommended better, Lieut. George W. Lee chairman of AIR LINES when assistant school superinten­ tem of screening pupils provides the Volunteer Committee, and A. Southern Regional Council Survey Reveals Southern Regional Council, in­ dent Paul Fair checked their cludes Little Rock, Ark.; Jackson­ All 20 cities (Portsmouth does adepuate relief, he said, and is ,/ (Continued on Page Six) Maceo Walker, co-chairman. not have air line service) have non­ names 'and addresses The names proper so long as It is applied Rail, Bus Almost Completely Segregated ville, Miami, St. Petersburg, and were false, .and the addresses would Tampa, Fla.; Atlanta, Augusta, segregated waiting rooms, and 17 equally to whites and Negroes. of the cities offer non-segregated have placed their homes In such ATLANTA, Ga. - (SNS) - Columbus, and Macon, Ga.; Louis- places as the Arkansas River One ot tjie schools involved is A survey of racial practices in waiting room facilities in vile, Ky.; Charlotte, and Greens­ service in terminal restaurants, at least to some degree. Rest rooms which runs tlirough Little Rock, Statford Junior High which , last Ministers Rap Dr. Martin leading Southern cities reveals that "facilities in air line boro, N. C.; Chattanooga, Knox­ or In the middle of the Little Rock 21 reportedly are segregatd in only (Continued on Page Six) desegregated or rapidlyUy are being desegregated;^egregatedj ville, ; Memphis, and“ PoNashville,«th. municipal airport; terminals are four of 19 cities from which inform For Refusing Use Of Stadium Thatr-raciiines facilities in trainnuin stationsa.un«.,, are-,j l""still largely —segregatedZ~~ but Roanoke, and Lynch- (Continued oHTage Six) slowly becoming desegregated; and that facilities in bus burg, Va. ■ i • , • ; - arearo • sivvviy .. ..................p T . r , .. j-jj i - ^terminais dïé almost■ "* c .tic.'-.oWpletely----------- segregdled. - Racial discrimination’*iif public GroapBegisfers Formal Protest; r/— ’ transportation 'has existed for more than 75 years, and It was Ike, Defends/ Dr. Marlin Denies Pressure Charges not until November 25, 1955. that any substantial breakdown of train b Several ministers were up inin arms thisthis week and register-reglster- Man, 33 Fatally Stabbed; and bus waiting room segregation ed a formal’protest against Dr. B. B. Martin of 1317 Kentucky began. On that date, the Inter- 4-H Club Awards ■ state Commerce-Commission, which 1StatementOn ■I Ace., allegedly because "he refused to grant permission for the I regulates train and bus travel WASHINGTON — (UPI) - Dr. F. D. Patterson, former presi­ use of the Martin Stadium" for a mammoth political rally for Policeman Arrests Laid, 18 1 across state lines, ruled that seg­ dent of Tuskegee Institute, and now head of the Phelps-Stokes the benefit of four Negro candidates seeking election in the regation of interstate passengers The sidewalk In front of 348 Beale Fund, will be one of four to receive awards at the 12th Annual August 20 municipal election. on trains and buses and in wait­ Civil Rights Street, was painted with blood about ing rooms of stations is unlaw­ Reaional 4-H Club Camp, August 9-17 at Howard University, Heading the committee which I brought some of' the tickets for 7:25 pm.. Saturday when a 33- ful. The decision declared, in part: The other three to be honored —Ervln— TL. Peterson0.1-.™ wiltwill behe ’the - the affair,” which Is scheduled to ye3r-old man was the fatal victim WASHINGTON, D. 0. (NNPA) awards speaker; ' " ~ ■ drew up the "resolution of pro­ of one of the most brutal stabbings — President Elsenhower at his are: Dr. M. Lafayette Harris, re­ test” was Dr. W. Herbert Brews­ be held at 7:30 p. m., at Mason “The disadvantages to a traveler sident of Philander Smith College, This will be one of the major - to Memphis.
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