office of the Deputy Conservator of Forests, Junnar Forest f Division, Junnar. 410 502 Near Tahasil office Junnar Dist. pune ph.02132-224363 E-Mail- j [email protected] No. B/Desk-414Q)lLand/ \ t S, l20tg-20 Junnar-4l0 502 Dt. tl ;t-l cg l}0l9 Demand Note [see rule 8(1)(b) of the Forest (conservation) Amendment Rules, 2014J o, The Chief Financial officer, Hirschvogel Components India pvt. Ltd. Plot No.E-84, MIDC, Ranjangaon, Tal-Shirur, Dist-Pune 412 209. Subject:- Diversion of 0.148 ha. Reserved Forest in favour of Hirschvogel Components India Pvt. Ltd. Ranjangaon, Pune for laying undergroun d,22 Kv,400 mm H.T. cable Electric line for supply of electricity from village Koregaon Bhima to Sanaswadi in Tal-Shirur, Dist- Pune in state of Maharashtra - Regarding. Referance:- MoEF & CC letter no. FC-IA4H-13012018-NGp/475g, Dt. 07/01/2019 1' As per the reference cited above, The Chief Financial offrcer, Hirschvogel Components India Pvt. Ltd. Ranjangaon, Pune is requested to pay the item-wise amount of compensatory levies as per the following details. Compensatory levies Sr. Item Condition No. as mentioned in- Amount No. lea in Rs. 1 Cost towards Compensatory No. III 6,l7,g4gl- Afforestation 2 Cost towards Addl. Afforestation J NPV Condition No. IV 93 900t- 4 Cost towards catchment area treatment 5 Cost towards Wildlife Mi tion measure 6 Cost of tree Total I 2' The The chief,Financial officer, Hirschvoger components India pvt. Ranjangaon' Pune is also Ltd. requested to ,ru-lt the Jocuments, stipulated certificates and undertakings in the in-principre approval as u, p.. the fo,owing details. Sr, Condition No.as mentioned in -principle approval No. Name of Certificate/ Undertaking required to be submitted by the User Agency. 1 Legal status of the diverted forest land shall Submit an Undertaking remain unchanged. for Forest land Status. 2 The Sta te Fo rest De partment s ha undertake Submit plantation an Undertaki ng for pla ntation of 1, 0 tim es n umber against of trees to be feiled trees over to be felled. degraded forest la n d a s com pe nsato ry afforestat ion, tn lieu of forest la n d b tng dive rted at th e cost ot th Use r Agency 3 The Use r Agency shall tra nsfe r he cost of ra ising sub m it n U n derta a n d ma nta tn ing king rega rding transfer the co mp ensato ry a ffo restatio l'1, the cost of compensatory a t the current wage affo restatio n rate, to th State Fo rest De pa rtm e nt. Th scheme ma v n clude a ppropriate provisron for a nticipated cost incre ase for work sch edul, ed for su bseq uen t yea rs 4 Th e Sta te Gove rnm nt sha lt charge the Net Prest Tra nsfer the cost of Net Va lue (N PV) of the Prese nt Va lue Rs. forest la n d bei ng diverted 93,900/- to Fo rest u n der this p posa Depa rtm ent by generating ro fro m the Use r Agency a s per onl ne ch ela n again th e ordrs st 0. 15 ha. fo rest la of the H on'ble Su ore m nd to Court of lndia be d da iverte d for proposed electrica ted 2 8.03. 2 0a8/, 24.04.2 ine 008 a n d 09.05.2008 tn Writ Petitio n (Civi r) No. 2 02/1995 a nd the gui,delines issud by th ts M n istry vide ists letter No.s-3/2007 FC dated 05. 02 .2009 tn th ros rega rd 5. At th e tim e of paym ent of th e N et Present Va ue Submit an (N PV) at the Uncle rtaking regarding additional then preve llirng ra t€, the Use r Agency amount of NpV shall furn ish an undertak ing to pay the additiona amount ot NPV, if so dete rrn ned, as per the final de ctsron of the Hon'bl e s p u reme Court of lndia. 8. The boun da rY ot diverte d fo rest la n d, s ha il be Submit de m arcated on gro an Undertaking regarding und at the project cost, by demarca tion ground. ere cting fo fee on t h igh reinforced cemen t concrete p it la IS, ea ch tnscribe d with its sefla numbe r, forwa rd a nd back bearing a n d dista n ce from pilla r to pil la rs. 9. The use r age n CY, if re q u red, WI il unde rtake compre sub m it a n Undertaking h ensive soi conserva rega rd tng tio n mea sure at the corn project prehensive soil con cost n co nsultati, servation mea re. on with the Sta te Fo rest De pa rtm e nt. A scheme of the sa me sha be su b m itted a longwith Sta ge- complia nce report land. 71 The User Agency shall provide fuels preferable Submit an Undertaking regarding... alternate fueles to the labourers and the staff working at the site so as to avoid any damage and pressure on the nearby forest areas. 12 Stacking of dug out soil sha ll be undertaken within Submit a n Underta king rega rding... the RoW proposed and under no circumstances, fores land other than being sought for diversion, shall be used for stacking of soil. 13 The cable electric line will be laid well below the Submit an Undertaki ng regarding... ground level as per norms all along its length through forest. L4 The forest land shall not be used for any purpose Submit a n Undertaking regarding... other than that specified in the proposal 15 The layout plan the proposal of shall not be Submit a n Undertaking rega rding... changed without the prior approval of the Central Government. 1.6 The forest land proposed to be diverted shall Submit an Undertaking regarding... under no circumstances be transferred to any other agency, department or person without prior approval of the Central Government. 17 No damage to the flora and fauna of the adjoining Submit an Underta king regarding... area shall be caused. 1B KML files of area proposed diversion for is Submit soft copies of KML/Shape files of area uploaded on website. Soft copies of KML/Shape proposed for diversion C.D. files of area proposed for diversion is not submitted along with the proposal. The same shall be submitted along with Stage-l compliance report. 2L Discrepancy is obse rved in the details of employment potential likely to be generated from implementatibn of the project in online part_l application and hard copy submitted by the User Agency. ln online application it is mentioned that employment for 370 persons on permanent basis and L00 man days on temporary basis will be generated from that employment for g77 man days during construction will be generated in terms of Skilled, Semi-skilled and Unskilled persons/ man days by implementation of the project may be submitted by the User Agency along with Stage-l compliance. of the State Forest Department. 23 Th State I e Government shall ensure that Submit Scheduled Tribes and Other settlement of rights, in terms of Scheduled Tribes Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition Forest Rights) Act, 2006 along with of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, if any, have been documentary evidences in the form of copies completed in accordance with the relevant of the resolutions of the concerned Forest guidelines issued by the MoEF & CC in this regard. Rights Committee(s),. Gram Sabha(s), Sub- Original certificate along with documentary Division Level Committee(s) recording their evidences in the form of copies of the resolutions consent with the proposal and bearing of the concerned Forest Rights Committee(s),. signature of the participants. Gram Sabha(s), Sub-Division Level Committee(s) recording their consent with the proposal and bearing signature of the participants shall be submitted along with Stage- I compliance report. 24 The Use r Agency in consultation with the State Submit an Undertaking regarding.. Government shall create and maintains alternate habitate/home for the avifauna, whose nesting trees are to be cleared in this project. Bird,s nests artifiacially made out of eco-friendly material shall be used in the area, including forest area and human settlements, adjoining. the forest area being diverted for project. 25 The User Agency shall submit six monthly self- Submit an Undertaking regarding... compliance reports as on 1't January and L't July of every year to this office as well as the Nodal Officer of the State. (J^r^-^do**lf F Deputy Conservator of Forests, Junnar Forest Division, Junnar..
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