2148 ~CONG&ESSIONAL RECORD·- HOUSE February -9· U.S • . AbVtsORT COMJftiSsiON ON' EDUCATIONAL' - The message also announced that the - The SPEAKER. .. Is< there objection ExC¥ANGE Vice President, pursuant to section 5 (a) to the request of -the gentleman from Franklin D. Murphy, of Kansas, to be a of Public Law 304, 79th Congress, had Massachusetts? member of the U.S. Advisory Commission o~ appointed the Senator from Connecti­ There was n-o objection. Educational Exchange· for a term of 3 years cut, Mr. BusH, the Senator from Mary­ expiring January 27, 1962, and until his sue-. land, Mr. BuTLER, and the Senator from­ eessor has been app·ointed and q~alifl.ed-re~ ~DJOURNMENT FROM TODAY UNTIL appoint~en~. · · ' New York, Mr. JAVITS, members on the part of the Senate of the Joint Economic· WEDNESDAY Committee to fill existing vacancies . Mr. McCORMACK: Mr: Speaker, I - CONFIRMATIONS thereon. ask unanimous consent that when the Executive nominations confirmed by The message also announced that the House adjourns today it adjourn to meet the Senate on February 9, 1959: Vice President had made the following en Wednesday next. THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY appointments to fill existing vacancies : The SPEAKER. Is there objection The folloWing-named persons for perma­ - The Senator from Connecticut, Mr. to the request of the gentleman from. nent appointment to the grades indicated irr BusH, to be a member of the Board of Massachusetts? the Coast and Geodetic Survey, subject to Visitors to the U.S. Coast Guard Acad­ There was ~o objection. qualifications provided by law: emy, pursuant to title 14, United States TO BE ENSIGNS- Code, section 15h. ADJOURNMENT OF HOUSE FROM Jack W. Kinney, Jr. Lirriberios Vallianos The Senator from New Hampshire, Michael L. Olivier Fred M. Welch Mr. CoTTON, to be a member of the Board - THURSDAY NEXT UNTIL MONDAY Lester M. Pence, Jr. Douglas J. Wilcox of Visitors to the U.S. Merchant Marine· NEXT Joe P. Pennington J. Austin Yeager Academy, pursuant to title 46 , United Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker; I FrankA.Spear,Jr. _ W. paul Yeager States Code, section 1126c. ask unanimous consent that when the •• ...... • • · The Senator from Indiana, Mr. CAPE­ House adjourns on Thursday next it HART, to be a member on the part of the adjourn to meet on Monday, February HOUSE OF REP~ESENTATIVES Senate. of the Lincoln Sesquicentennial 16, 1959. Commission. The SPEAKER. Is - there objection MoNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1959 - The Senator from Illinois, Mr. DIRK­ to the request of the gentleman from SEN, and the Senator from New York, Massachusetts? The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Mr. KEATING, to be members on the part There was no objection. Rev. Denson N. Franklin, pastor, of the Senate of the Joint Committee on First Methodist Church, Gadsden, Ala., Immigration and Nationality Policy. offered the following prayer: · The Senator from Indiana, Mr. CAPE­ FIXING THE REPRESENTATION OF. THE . MAJORITY AND MINORITY. Our Father, the father of men every- HART, to be a member on the part of the where-glory, honor, dominion, and Senate of the U.S. Territorial Expansion MEMBERSHIP OF THE JOINT Eco.. : po-wer .be unto Thee forever and ever. Memorial Commission. NOMIC COMMITTEE . We come confessing our weaknesses - The Senator- from Arkansas, Mr. FuL­ Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, t and failures. As a wise teacher has. BRIGHT, to be a member on the part of offer a bill <S. 961) .fixing the represen-· said-"We have learned to :tly through the Senate of the Board of Regents of tation of the majority and minority· the air like birds and to swim under the the Smithsonian Institution. membership of the Joint Economic Com­ sea like fish-;but we haven't learned to The Senator from South Dakota, Mr. mittee, and ask unanimous consent for walk the earth like men.". Teach us to CASE, to be a member on the part of the its immediate consideration. walk like men-sons and daughters of a Senate of the National Forest Reserva-· The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Divine God-in dedication, faith, and· tion Commission. the request of the gentleman from Mas­ service. · The Senator from New York, Mr: sachusetts? Bless this great Nation which Thou JAVITS, to be a member on the part of There being no objection, the Clerk hast fashioned on these shores of free-' the Senate of the Franklin Delano read the bill, as follows: dom. As Thou didst lead the children Roosevelt Memorial Commission. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of of Israel with a "pillar of fire by .night The Senator from Nebraska, Mr. Representatives of the United States of and a cloud of smoke by day"-lead us. HRUSKA, to be a member on the part of America in Congress assembled, That section l3e Thou a "lamp unto our feet and a the Senate of the Migratory Bird Con­ Q(a) of the Employment Act of 1946, as light unto our path." , ~mended ( 60 Stat. 23, Public Law 304, servation Commission. Seventy-ninth Congress), is amended to read Bless this great legislative body with The Senator from Delaware, Mr. Wn.­ ~s follows: . j wisdom and courage. As America faces LIAMS, to be a member on the part of the. ••(a) There is established a Joint Epo­ increasing responsibility in world leader­ Senate of the Joint Committee on Re­ nomic Committee, to be composed of eight ship, may the decisions of these Thy duction of Nonessential Federal Expend­ Members of the Senate, to be appointed by servants be according to thy will. itures. the President of the Senate, and eight Mem­ In the name of our Lord we .pray. bers of the House ef Representatives, to be, Amen. appointed by the Speaker of the ·House of COMMITTEE REPORT ON TAXATION Representa,tives. In each case, the majority The Journal of the proceed!ngs -of - OF LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES party shall be represented by five Memb.ers· Thursday, February 5, 1959, was read and the minority party shall be represented' and approved. Mr. MILLS Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ by three Members." imous consent that the Committee on Ways and Means have until midnight The bill was ordered to be read a third MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Friday, February 13, 1959, to file a re­ time, was read · the third time, · and A message ·from the Senate, by Mr: port on H.R. 4245, a bill relating to the' passed, and a motion to reconsider was McGown, one of its clerks, announced taxation ·of life insurance companies. laid on the table. that the Senate had passed bills of the The SPEAKER. -Is there objection following titles, in which the concur­ to the request of the gentleman from NATIONAL DEBT REDUCTION rence ·of the Ho~se is requested: Arkansas? S.l. An act to amend the Federal Airport There was no objection. Mr. WRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I ask· Act in order to extend the time for making unanimous consent to address the House grants under-the provisions of such act, and for 1 minute, and to revise and extend for other purpbses; my remarks. S. 57, An .act to extend and amend laws DISPENSING WITH CALENDAR The SPEAKER. Is there objection relat ing to the proyislon and improvement o:t . WEDNESDAY . to the- request ·of the gentleman from housing and the renewal of urban commu­ Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I Texas? . nities, and for other purpos.es; and ask unanimous consent· that the busi­ S. 961. ~ act fixing the representation of · There was .no. objection. the majority and minority membership of ness in order on Calendar ·Wednesday" Mr.- WRIGHT.· Mr. Speaker, I have the Joint Economic Committee. of this week be dispensed with. today introduced .a concurrent resolu... 1959 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 2149 tion expressing the sense of Congress Romula Betan.court, is inaugurated in this House and of the Congress of the that a systematic plan of national debt Caracas. In the spirit of Lincoln, we United States. reduction be entered. into, and I am in.;. rejoice with Venezuela. We need certain aids and assistance eluding in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORI) that only the Congress can provide, but some very revealing figures in this con.; we are abundantly willing and able to nection. , . GRANITE OITY, ILL., AN AL:I;r carry our share of the load and to initiate These figures established that it is . AMERICAN COMMUNITY the local projects that show good faith. cheaper to pay the debt than to owe it; ' Mr. PRICE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ . I congratulate the people of Granite They show how embarking upon such a imous consent to address the House for City, the businessmen and the civic lead­ course and retiring the national debt in 1 minute, to revise and extend my re­ ers and the working people and their 100 years with payments on the principal marks, and include extraneous matter. leaders on the recognition they have of $2.8 billion annually will actually The SPEAKER. Is there objection gained. Under unanimous consent I in­ save future taxpayers a sum in excess of to the request of the gentleman from sert the editorial from the Collinsville $485 billion. In other words, it is more lllinois? (Ill.) Herald to which I previously than $485 billion cheaper to pay off the There was no objection. referred: debt in 100 years than simply to continue Mr. PRICE. Mr. Speaker, Granite CoNGRATULATIONS, GRANITE CITY paying interest alone on the present City, one of the cities in the district I The Collinsville Herald is happy to extend debt for that -period of time.
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