I CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. OCTOBER 7,_. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Vir·ginia makes the By 1\fr. LANGLEY: A bill (H. R. 9765) granting an increase point of order of no quorum present . It is clear there is no of pension to Rebecca .Johnson; to the Committee on Invalid quorum present. Pensions. Mr. MONDELL. l\lr. Speaker, I moYe tbn t tlle House do now By Mr. PARKER: A bill (H. R. 9766) for the relief of the adjourn. estate of George W. Lee, deceased; to the Committee on Claims. I Mr. KELLEY of l\lichigau. l\lr. Speakt'i', a parliamentary By 1.\Ir. RAMSEYER: A bill (H. R. 9767) granting an increase inquiry. Will this vote--- of pension to William W. Blachly; to the Committee on Invalid -The SPEAKER. It is too late now for a parliamentary in- Pensions. quiry. By Mr. REED of West Virginia: A bill (H. R. 9768) grant­ ENROLLED BILL SIGNED. ing an increa e of pension to Jacob P. Marling; to the Committee Mr. RA.l\ISEY, from the Committee ori Enrolled Bills, re­ on Pen ions. ported that they had examined and found., truly enrolled bill of Also, a bill (H. R. 9769) granting a pension to Worthy Poling; the following title, when the Speaker signed the same: to the Committee on Pensions. H. n. 7417. An act to amend an act of Congress approved By l\lr. RICKETTS: A bill (H. R. 9770) granting an increase l\Iarch 12, 1914, authorizing the President of the United States to of pension to . .Joseph W. Santee; to the Committee on Invalid locate, construct, and opera t~ railroads in the Territory of Pensions. Alaska, and for other purposes. By Mr. RUBEY: A bill (H. R. 9771) granting a pension, to William C . .Jacobs; to the Committee on Pensions. ADJqURNME~T. Also, a bill (H. R. 9772) granting a pension to Lucy A. Dod­ ~'he motion was agreed to; accordingly (at 4 o'clock and 40 son ; to the .Committee on Invalid Pensions. minutes p. m.) the House adjourned to meet to-morrow, Tues­ Also, a bill (H. R. 9773) granting an increase of pension to day, October 7, 1919, at 12 o'clock noon. Harman B. Benton; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. , Also, a bill (H. R. 9774) granting an increase of pension to CHANGE OF REFERENCE. Josephus McMurtrey; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Under clause 2 of Rule XXII, committees were discharged By Mr. THOMPSON: A bill (H. R. 9775) granting an i;ncrease from the cons11eration of the following bills, which were re­ of pension to Margaret I. Reider; to the Committee on Invalid _ ferred as follows : Pension . · A bill (H. R. 9223) granting a pension to Ezra Shanks; Com­ mittee on Inva.lid Pensions discharged, and referred to the PETITIONS, ETC. ommittee on Pensions. • Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid A bill (H. R. 7425) granting a pension to :Martha J. Com­ on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . rock; Committee on Invalid Pensions discharged, and referred By l\lr. ESCH · Petition of the Anti-Saloon League of Amer­ to the Committee on Pensions. ica, protesting against legislation granting liquor permits to pharmacists; to the Committee on the .Judiciary. PUBLIC BILLS, RESOLUTIONS, AND MEMORIALS. By Mr. FOCHT: Papers to accompany House bill 9549, grant­ Under clause 3 of Rule XXII, bills, resolutions, and meJ;Ilorials ing a peBsion to Mrs. Sadie Doan ; to the Committee on Invalid w re introduced and severally referred as follows: Pensions. By 1\Ir. RAMSEY: A bill (H. R. 9752) for the purchase of a By 1\.fr. HERSEY: Petition of sundry citizens of Brownville, site and erection of a public building at Englewood, N. J.; to Me., urging repeal of tax on soda, ice cream, etc. ; to the Com­ the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. mittee on Ways and Means. By :Mr. GREENE of Massachusetts: A bill (H. R. 9753) to By l\fr. KIESS : Papers to accompany House bill 9076, for the preYent deception in the sale of baled cotton in transactions in relief of James A. Roche, alias James Brady; to the Committee interstate and foreign commerce; to the Committee on Inter- on Invalid Pensions. state and Foreign Commerce. By 1\Ir. OSBORNE: Petition of Angel City Court, No. 579, By Mr. HUSTED: A bill (H. R. 9754) to create a national Catholic Order of Foresters, ·Los Angeles, Calif., protesting monetary commission ; to the Committee on Banking and Cur­ against the enactment of the Smith-Towner bill, . to provide for rency. a department of education, and for other purposes; to the Com­ By 1\fr. VESTAL: A bill (H. R. 9755) to establish the- stand­ mittee on Education. ::ml of weights and measures for the following wheat-mill and By Mr. WASON: Petition -of l\Iaxwell Grey and 21 other corn-mill products, namely, flours, hominy, grits, and meals, residents of Whitefield, N. H., m·ging the repeal of motion~ and all commercial feeding stuffs, and for other purposes; to picture taxes; to the Committee on Ways and Means. the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. By Mr. WHJTE of l\faine: Petition of American Legion of By Mr. PARKER: A bill (H. R. 9756) to .amend the· Judicial Maine, praying for an investigatio~ of alleged unjust punish­ Code to permit terms of the district court for the northern ments and other wrongs to members of the American Expedi­ · district of New York to be held in Rensselaer County; tQ the tionary Forces and for the punishment of ;meers responsible Committee on the Judiciary. - · therefor; to the Committee on Military Affai1·s. By Mr. HULL of Tennessee: Resolution (H. Res. 323) pro­ Yid.ing for the appointment of a select committee to consider all legislation relating ·to honorably discharged officers, soldiers, sailors, and marines of the present war; to the Committee on SENATE. Rules. TUESDAY, October 7, 1919. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest .J. Prettyman, D. D., offel'ed the . folowing prayer : , Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills and resolutions Almighty God, we seek Thy_ favor. and guidance for _the were introduced and se'\'"erally referred as follows : tremendous duty that is upon us this day, with far-reaching in­ By 1\Ir. ASHBROOK: A bill (H. R. 9757) granting an increase fluence, that we may have the divine sanction upon that which we of pension to George W. Willard; to the Committee on In~alid say and do, and that out of all our planning and purposing there Pensions. may come a sweeter comradeship in a common service and a Also, a bill (H. R. 9758) granting an increase of pension to unity of faith and purpose and jdeals among all the people of Johanna Dowling; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. this land, that we may live and serve and sacrifice for · the By Mr. DUNBAR: A bill (H. R. 9759) granting a pension to advancement of Thy kingdom ot righteousness and truth in the John Pennington; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. world. "\Ve ask it for Christ's sake. Amen. Also, a bill (H. R. 9760) granting an ·increase of pension to The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro­ James 1\I. E'oss; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. _ ceedings, when, on request of Mr. SMOOT and by unanimous con­ By Mr. HASTINGS: A bill (H. R. 9761) for the relief of sent, the further reading was dispensed with an<l the J"onrnal DnYid C. Bays; to the Committee on Military Affairs. was approved. By l\Ir. HAWLEY: A bill (H. R. 9762) for the relfef of cer­ Mr. S~.IOOT. Mr. President, I suggest tlle absence of a tain . ettlers in Oregon for losses sustained during t:l!e Rogue quorum. RiYer Indian outbreak in southern Oregon in 1855; to - the The VICE PRESIDENT. _The Secretary will call the roll. Committee on Indian Affairs. The Secretary cal1ed the roll, and the following Senators an· Also, a bill (H. R. 9763) granting a pension to John .J. ·l\foll; swered to their names : to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Ashurst Beckham Chamberlain Cummins By Mr. KIESS: A bill (H. R. 9764) granting a pension to Ball Borah Colt llial - Charles C. Chilson; to the Committee on Pensions. Bankhead Brandegee Culberson Dillinglwm ' _._ 1919. CONGRESSIO:N .A.L RECORD-SEN.A.TE . 647'7 Edge Kendrick New Smith, Ariz. ing resolution. "We therefore favor· prompt ratification of the treaty Blkins Kenyon Newberry Smith, :Yd. of peace without amendment-" He got no further, for his unusually Fletcher Keyes Norris Smoot &'trong voice was drowned by the shouts of "No!" · "Never!" "Noth­ France King Nugent Spencer ing of the . ort !" and similar expressions of disapproyal that came from Frelingbuy:>en Kirby Overman Stanley all parts of the great auditorium . .A few cries of "Yes" were heard, Gay Knox Page Sterling but they were as nothing compared witll the yolume of hostile demon­ Geny J,a Follette Penrose Sutherland stration. Gronna J,enroot Phelan Townseml KXTRACT FROM PLATFOR~I. llale Louge · Poindexter Trammell "We therefore favor prompt ratification of the treaty of peace, with­ Harding ~ :\icCUIDber Pomerene Underwood out amendment, but with such unequivocal and effective reservations Harris ::.\IcKellar Robinson Wadsworth as will make clear the unconditional right of the United States to IIarri on ::.\IcNary Sheppard Walsh, Mass. withdraw from the league upon due notice; as will provide that the llitchcock .i\losc · Sherman Watson united States shall assume no obligation to employ American soldiers :roues, Wa.
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