Connecticut Daily Campus i Sewing Storrs Since 1896 VOL. CXVI, NO. 53 STORRS, CONNECTICUT TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1962 05 Four Groups In *3I Harmony Concert IIHIOIIIM Library To Revamp; Harmony will ring out of Von Der Mehden Recital Hall tomor- row night from 8 to 10, when four singing groups will participate in Open Letter To A Building To Begin a Barbershop Quartet Concert. The event is being sponsored by "The Library Administration is construction has proposed a prob- the Social Committee of the Stu- Cutty aware of the inadequate lem for the library administrative dent Union Board of Governors. study facilities in the library and body. Those groups participating in Closed Committee they are unhappy at the pros- Library Annex the event will be the Hartford pects of having to further reduce The library annex isn't being Chapter Chorus of the S.P.E.B.S.- these facilities. However, we feel used to capacity at the present Q.S.A.. The Spit-Tunes, the Four The investigation is nearing completion. Tomorrow sure that the students will under- and will be open Monday through keynotes and The Connecticut night, a special committee formed to investigate the stand the necessity for these mea- Thursday exclusively for study. Yankees, recent class elections will make its recommendations to sures and we can look forward to Room 19. previously used for a The highlight of the evening will the Student Senate. We hope that both the committee much better conditions as soon as study room, will be vacated and be the Connecticut Yankees. The and the Senate realize the importance of the coming the library addition is complet- will become library office space. group, consisting of Dick Grillo, ed." Mr. Harold Gordon, member This room will be occupied by the "Doc" Sause, Joe Richards and report. It can, in effect, change the complexion of the of the administrate body of t*ie library acquisition department Frank Kirby, have just finished entire political situation at the University of Con- library. since tehir present office will be an extensive tour. While in Mon- necticut. Or, if the Senate desires, it can merely bury «. Bids Opened in the path of construction. treal, Canada, the group placed the report without thought. Last week. bids were formally Reading; Room Disbanded first in an International Contest Easy Way opened for the $1,750,000 library The college reading room will being held there. addition. With the beginning of be disbanded *as such and the The Hartford Chorus consists This would be the easy way out. But we believe construction the problem of what open reserved books will be •f some 40 experienced barber- that the members of this special committee, probably to do with the present library moved out to the shelves at the Shoppers. Although the group the most important Senate committee in recent years, | facilities become paramount. The south end of the main corridor. represents a wide range of voca- sincerely want to improve student politics on this cam- : members of the library staff de- Tlie closed reserved books will tions, it is curious to note that cided to shift the different depart be shelved behind the circulation pus. We don't think that the members of this com- ' ments around during the Christ- desk. AH reserved books will be not one of them is a barber. The 1 group ts under the direction of mittee are looking for "the easy way" out. That would mas recess. The recess was chos- charged out at the circulation Mr. Dave Goodale. accomplish nothing. If anything, it would certainly be en for the internal revamping be- desk. 1 The American and English lit- The Social Committee stated more detrimental to the situation. Politics would be- cause not only will there be no student activity in the depart- erature books will be moved from that this is the first time that any- come more corrupt. Candidates would become more Ihe stacks and will be shelved in thing such as this is being pre- ments but this date should co- ineffectual. The system would be weakened even more. |incide with the beginning of con- the present College Reading Benled on campus, and that they Recommendations must be made to the Senate con- | struetion. Room. The remaining space in We ompumistic about the results. the reading room will be used They feel that the program will cerning methods of improving election procedure. We Space Probleni are certain that the committee has given a great deal According to Mr. Gorden. "The by the Technical Services depart- be interesting and rewarding for .results of the shifting won't help ment for the processing of mate- anyone who enjoys good music of thought to the formulation of concrete proposals. 'rial. With an emphasis on harmony. [the present situation .rather there Much can be learned from the blundering errors made I will l>e less space than at pres- Estimate Completion in the recent class elections. ent." the present library was con- The contractors estimate that Primary Purpose ; strutted to shelve 230.000 vol- | the new library annex will be Christmas Week But we hope that the committee does not forget ! times. Presently there are some completed approximately one '400,000 volumes on the shelves. year from the commencing of its primary purpose. It was established on the floor jThc school year 1962-1963 is ex- construction. The staff of the li- Starts Thursday of the Senate with the expressed intent of investigating '' pected to add approximately 40,- brary requests that the student the class elections. It was set up for the pur]K>se of iOOO additional volumes. The fact body understand their plight and Thursday evening, from 7 to finding out what, if anything, went wrong with the ! of making room for new books !bear with them until the comple- 10 p.m. there will be a "Trim- elections. If ballot boxes were stuffed, the student along with the commencing of tion of the new annex. - A-Limb ' party sponsored by the body has a right to know about it. Student Union Special Events We do not know what the committee has discov- Committee to be held in the lobby of the Student Union and ered in its two-week period of closed hearings. If evi- Debate Team Looks Ahead HUB 20S. At 7:15 President Bab- dence points to a faulty election, the election must be bidgc will light the outside tree invalidated. The committee must concern itself with "We just ran into too many ex- Holyoke, West Point, and the ftnd prominent students, leaders, the present before it makes pro(x>sals for the future. perienced teams," Mr. John Vlan- University of Rhode Island." and members of the Board of The current mix-up should be the primary concern of dis, Instructor in Speech, said in "So the opportunity to debate Governors will decorate the lobby the committee. explaining the Uconn Debating is readily available." Mr. Vlandis with trees and reindeer. Entertain- Team's recent last place finish said. "The chief aim of debating ment will be pro\lide by the Pan- CDC Suggests in the Yankee Confeience Debate is reasoning, use of evidence. ,u £- hellenic and Interfraternity Coun- The committee will undoubtedly offer suggestions Tournament held at the Univer- ument, and speaking." cils' carolers and WHUS will for the improvement of election procedure. We have a sity of New Hampshire. The tour- Audience Debates broadcast live in the lobby. Re few ideas of our own on the matter, and would like to nament which was attended by The Board of Governors, Mr. freshments of hot chocolate and offer them to the committee before they bring their all six conference schools, was Vlandis said, are also planning a cookies will be served by the jwon by the University of Vermont few audience debates on the cam- Litlle Sisters of Minerva. report, to the Senate floor. ■with at 4- record. pus for the coming sentester. "Holiday Revue," a talent show, Conventions First of Kind The delating team, prior to the Will be presented Friday aflernoon (1) Once the political parties have submitted an This debate sponsored by New Yankee Conference tournament and "Mistletoe Magic" will take accepted list of candidates to the student body, there Hampshire was the first of its had participated in the Central place Friday night. Saturday kind to be held among Yankee Connecticut Tournament, the should be no changes whatsoever. This would place Eastern Nazarene Tournament at afternoon there will be a "Swiss more responsibility in the hands of the open convention. Conference schools and is planned Chalet Party" and Sy Wallick i to liecome an annual affair. The Qulney, Mass.. and at Trinity in and the Jazz Doclors will make The delegates should know enough about the candidate topic was. "Resolved: The non- Hartford. At the Eastern Nazar- appearances Saturday evening in that they are sure that he or she is qualified to hold Communist nations of the world ene. the Uconn team received a Mi elobby. There will also be a office. Much of the fault of the current political situa- should establish an economic certificate lor t'fit. top negative WHUS record hop, "Jingle Bell tion can be traced to the convention, where a number community." team. The recipients of this "Although our ratings were award were Vilis Gulbis and Dave Rock," in the ballroom. Sunday of candidates are simply pushed through the formali- Hunter. Hunter also received a the Obernkirohen Children's fairly good." Mr. Vlandis com- ties of nominations. mented, "We were outpointed by certificate for the top negative Choir sponsored by the University the other schools.
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