Patented Apr. 17, 1945 2,374,063 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE PURIFICATION of Azo DYESTUFFs William W. Williams, Woodstown, N.J., assignor to E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Will mington, Del, a corporation of Delaware No Drawing. Application May 28, 1942, Serial No. 444,885 7 Claims. (CI. 260-208) This invention relates to the manufacture of mine, carboxyl and sulfonic, and n is 1 to 3. ..I black colors of superior characteristics, a par prefer coupling components of the formulae: ticular element of Superiority residing in this that they are substantially free of the red tone, which N is caused by the compound alk. aniline - -acid -(R) which is formed during the reactions which pro duce the black color, and which heretofore could not be removed by any economical process. 10 The colors of the type which are described here in have four components which are azo coupled, but in general they have an underlying tone of red which detracts from their usefulness. It is an object of this invention to prepare such dye 5 stuffs substantially free from underlying red tOneS. The objects of the invention are accomplished, generally speaking, by preparing these colors and similar colors by a process which involves a step 20 which is generally called acid finishing, the more precise nature of which is more fully set forth hereinafter. The dyestuffs to which this invention relates have the Same general formula in which benzidine 25 YYX-cy, and an amino-naphthol disulfonic acid are the interior components and a diazotized arylamine it and an azo dyestuff coupling component are the in which R1 is from a group consisting of hydro exterior components. The dyestuffs are general gen, alkyl containing from 1 to 2 carbon atoms, ly made by the process indicated by the formula 30 the corresponding alkoxy groups, amino, mono- . alk. acid and dialkylamino containing from 1 to 2 carbon arylamine - amino-naphthol-disulfonic acid (-benzidine atoms, the corresponding hydroxy-alkylamino alk. groups; one X is hydrogen and the other is R2; R2 - coupling component is from a group consisting of R1, hydroxyl, car in which the term, acid, refers to the coupling 35 boxyl and sulfonic; R3 is from a group consisting medium and "alk.' means alkaline coupling me of R1, carboxyl and sulfonic; one Y is hydrogen dium. In this process the arylamines are any and the others are R2; and hydrogen must be diazotizable primary arylamine, and the so-called ortho or para to the hydroxyl group. Examples coupling components are either arylamines or hy of the arylamines are: xylidine, p-ethyl-aniline, droxyaryl compounds. I prefer diazotizable pri 40 toluidine, anisidine, p-butoxy-aniline, 2,5-dichlo mary arylamines of the formulae: - ro-aniline, 2-methyl-5-bromo-aniline, anthranilic acid, sulfanilic acid, aniline-2,5-disulfonic acid, NH 2-chloro-4-nitro-aniline, p-nitro-aniline, p-ami no-Salicylic acid. Examples of the coupling com 45 ponents are: salicylic acid, phenol, resorcinol, andline and its homologues, 2-amino-5-hydroxy naphthalene-7-sulfonic acid, 2-amino-8-hydroxy naphthalene-6-sulfonic acid, naphthionic acid, in which R is from a group consisting of hydro 2-hydroxy-naphthalene-6-sulfonic acid, cresi gen, alkyl Containing from 1 to 2 carbon atoms, 50 dine, 2-hydroxy-naphthalene-3-carboxylic acid, the corresponding alkoxy groups, chlorine, bro- . and creSotinic acid. 2,374,063 In the process the dyestuff is first completed to Congo red paper with a small amount of Sul by standard methods and is then subjected to a furic acid. The wash water was kept at a tem treatment with hot acid. In general this hot acid perature near its boiling point. The washed treatment follows the completion of the dyestuff, press cake was made slightly alkaline to Brilliant but it is possible in certain cases to achieve the 5 yellow paper by triturating with a portion of a purpose of this invention by acid treatment prior solution of sodium carbonate made by dissolving to coupling to the final azo coupling component 40 parts of sodium carbonate in 75 parts of water. by utilization of the proper conditions of tem The alkalized press cake was dried and stand perature, acidity and time of heating. In certain ardized in the usual manner with Salt and Sodium instances, when the acid treatment prior to the 10 carbonate. final coupling is employed, Substances well-known The product dyed leather with practically no to the prior art which stabilize the end diazonium red bleed-in in contradistinction to leather dyed groups to decomposition by heat may be intro with C.I. No. 581 made according to the methods duced for preserving the diazonium groups during of the prior art. the hot acid treatment. Thus it is supposed that When the product was dyed on mixed cotton a small amount of a diazoamino compound may and wool fabrics, the wool dyeing had much less be formed as a by-product in the first or acid of an undesirable reddish shade than did a sim mono-coupling of the tetrazo of benzidine with ilar dyeing of C.I. No. 581 made according to the 1-amino-8-naphthol-3,6-disulfonic acid and that methods of the prior art. this diazoamino compound may act as a Coupling 20 The product was further superior to C. I. No. component in alkaline medium with the diazo 581, which was prepared by methods of the prior of aniline. In a third coupling with phenylene art, i. e., which was isolated after completion of dianine, the resulting compound Could again cou the final coupling to m-phenylene-diamine With ple in alkaline medium but the heating of either out acidifying, heating above 60° C. and washing, of these coupled compounds or the acidification in that filtrates from the dyeing of paper with thereof as in dyeing might split the resulting di this product contained much less red. When, as azoamino compound forming as one product the in certain processes, the same exhausted dye bath monazo compound aniline -1-amino-8-naphthol liquors are used over and over again for a series 3,6-disulfonic acid which is a red compound. In of dyeings, using C. I. No. 581 made by the Ineth this way, a diazoamino splitting may be in all 30 ods of the prior art, the red impurity will build up and probably is in most cases involved in the acid to a concentration such that the dyeings made treatment; and the acid treatment or mode of late in the series are dyed in inacceptable shades. operation of the diazoamino splitting may vary Eacample II slightly from Case to case in pH, duration and temperature of heating, etc. The Optimum Con 3 i. A dye made exactly as that described in Exam ditions for a specific case may be found readily ple I, with the exception that in-toluylene-diam by one skilled in the art by preliminary tests. ine was substituted for the m-phenylene-diamine, In general I prefer to remove the impurity had dyeing properties essentially the same as from the main body of the dyestuff by physical those of the product of Example I, with the excep means which is exemplified in the examples. The 40 tion that the shade produced was a redder black. nature of the wash used may be varied between Eaca.12ple III wide limits. In general, the higher the electro lyte content of the wash solution, the more rapid A dye made exactly as that described in EXan the washing, but the less soluble the aryl ple I with the exception that the final coupling amine->i-amino-8-naphthol-3,6-disulfonic acid 45 was made to a slurry of a mixture of 1,6- and 17 in the wash solution. Electrolytes such as acids naphthylamine sulfonic acids. This product and salts may be employed with success. The produced blue-shade black dyeings on cotton, and optimum composition of the wash solution is produced a much weaker red capillary than did determined by the specific product being washed. a similar preparation made without the use of The following examples illustrate the invention 50 the acid-finishing when tested for red impurity as follows: but are not limitative thereof: About one-half part of crude dye was dissolved Eacample I in 100 parts of boiling water. One part of glacial A 0.1 mole charge of C.I; No. 581 was prepared acetic acid was added, followed by 2 parts of 37% in the customary manner which comprises mono hydrochloric acid. The suspension was again coupling the tetrazo of benzidine with 1-amino brought to the boil, and a strip of filter paper Was 8-naphthol-3,6-disulfonic acid, then mono-cou Suspended in the liquor for 5 minutes at a ten pling the resulting monazo diazo compound in perature above 80° C. The capillary was com alkaline medium with the diazo of aniline, and pared with a similar one prepared from standard finally coupling the resulting disazo diazo com 60 color. pound in alkaline medium with meta phenylene The colors produced by this process have great diamine. After the final coupling to m-phenyl advantages over the corresponding colors pro ene-diamine was complete, 0.3 mole of H2SO4 was duced by the methods of the prior art. They are slowly added in order to make the reaction mix in a new state of purity; there is no red bleed ture distinctly acid to Congo red paper. The in when they are applied to leather; and they do suspension was heated with stirring to about 95° not build up a concentration of red as dye baths C., and held at that temperature for about fifteen are exhausted.
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