....... iyww.maglcvallall^.com’ ■ iiv r.[,/.?o‘o o ; ; _ . - •1 M'iD t x ' J l H i l e l I l n n ^ o I S ; :50 ccnts • ; TV in Falls, Ida!Jaho/98th^eaivN3. ^ 255 ■ ■ ______ Fridayy, S ep tem b er 12, 212003 GQODMOIW' R N I N G I S i W e a t h e r i d e s ia g r e ?e t o s a i nn o n $ s u n un u t ■ Today:®: B r e e z y with dia^ce of ' ■ _ ■ ah o w e i^ S e nlator a hopes talkscs am ong envircxiniiientalists, wv ater users, feeeds can head oflff fish law suit a < tng winds toi B yJ«nn»eifer S a n d m a n n Crapo offered t<to mediate talks onn tth e se ty p es o f issu e s in1 goodgc faith. Snake River>er operations ignore down- ieds for .salmon and steel- ZZhigh68.1ow3S.— . mf-WTffar among' environmenentalists, Idaho saidaid Justin Hayes of the£b Idaho stream neet ------ -water usera and fedaerarriwrregula:— conlonservatiDrrteagaer-— ^ iolation-of-the-Endangered- -FAIXS— Environraentalisuists------ tors^Environmentali»list*-rcspondcd-by--------- SS dfwv^ 30.days-andi ____ S p e d » An. ^ , _______ .___________ a n d .w ater.er.users.announced.Ihursday.d ay _ ._ w id id rav rin g for 30 did^s their nodce of see:2C how it goes,” H § o « s ^jdj ^__ ‘__________G roups th threaten^ to sue are chc:h c ■ L ~~~Ma g ic~Valc,R e Y th e y w ill1 pparticipate in talks facilitat-tat- • intent to sue th e feeederal gover^ent . EEnvironmentalists i in late August Idaho' Con:mservation League, the . „ ~ i a ‘ by en. Mike Crapo to seek som-ilu^ ovcTits operaDon ot snt'the'Bureau'Of RedaMaiMatton"and ------ National-WiIVUdlife-Fedet^tion-Idaho-iho— --------------- y/anna run? Today iss tneti nrst ^ons to ththe salmon debate that has on the Upper Snake»Rive? ' NO/fOAA Fisheries a 60-dayly nodcei of Please se e SALMON. Page A2 “ S«i. Mika Cnpo day to file fbr tfae Noveovember hooked-Ide[daho water iiscrs. ' lh e senator has ah1 histoiy of working . inteitent to. sue, charging thath at U pper b a lb t in races, ancand sever- . al prospective candidaiidates alicfujy have begun pa Parrties ; ■ A j:M O i L —M o n e y Jited^ Rigorous regulations: ^ loan requirements coulo u ld p r ic e znanufactuFed home bib u y ers out of the maricet. div(w e e FPage E l W eek en d to eend T e n s i om n s r i s e a s j u d g e i s s u e s ffinal m order f o r m pIther t h ( to retum j ----------- By C lutyl Buch --------- Ogden Standart ________ S ALT LAKA K E C rrY - N0S1.V. ■ e-T o n rin e -ftm ? -fo r-3 rd ------------------- u I s t r ic: t t I ,------------------ judges who[° Probing a s e rv e th e Park .City!y tragedy area.. A man1i«a th a t ---------------B u r - evenn ' began weHguick- Prot»C(Uun? The Acadiad ia n they didn’i>’t ly wont sour, end- folk quartet Barachoisis oc p e n s . expect whatlit Ing In a divorce lhe. Magic Valley AmsbnTotu:. bl - -— ------------h ap p e n e d 'inin com plele w ithbit----------------------1 season in IVvin MoM o n d ^ J o h n Poch*ll' ter custody t>at- _______ y n o k __andi^L _tl«s.jnjj|e_end.______________ , N a » lie I WI ' nw peopta were '• : _fe ^ c i _ _____ ----------- nerli-divorce-«— ctead.-Wiaf w en t----------- N ataliee wfonc? Muci twoM/n* nwA d e a d in a S p o r t s a On Aufi. 8 .2 0 0 3 . Hlggaton tell* a crowd of moumlumers a t Wood River High Schchool several anecdotes aboutout Alan Johnson a t a memoihloilai service Thursday. Johnsonon c o n f r o n t aI- ­ Natolle Turner o( CIOM call: A football hi j - r ; tion • withh • Hailey sn o i rier s wife. Olane, were tlaln In theirleir home In Bellevue on S ep1. t.: 2 . ly proved deadly for thi: police andd . cx-nusljona. Jo^n M ^co sophomore. J o h n seri-'i- Poctiynok. twice al y his Deer Pj ageD l P j ^ ^ vrounded. Mountain. Uta.h. riends, faiamily rermember• BellevuLie couple^ “It’s a mir­r- home ofter a Opinion acle we don’tI’t judeft in Utah J M u r p h y ,' the home during thehe breukfust- smaller■ ffuneral at St. Charleses see more ofjf ruled stiB must FIra gun sale: T\vinFalL hour shooting und fitfled into the Catholicc (Church Thursday mom- this," Judge;e roturn there or ___would-take-a wise.stepjtp .tn w ard ______________ street ficrtjtimitu;. A rif[jflg.oLwnriis: ____ing<____ __ ______________ w «■> h «. r t . ILEY - An overflow crowd ofof d o sed c a lib e r %vas fouilund near the Accordiirding to the Rev. John W. Hilder said.i. children. Tho two auctioning guns to fedei(deral HAIL S They lived the license holders, today^s < ds, family and co-workersrs bodies und has been identifiedic as Morgan,I, whov divides his pastoral ® Hilder, thec ' had been ai----- the murder.weapon—_______________ ■ d uties__ b e tw e e n H a iley*s St. red in a-school-auditorium— 1 moment.-Alan- J _ engaged in a bit-________________; rialsays. rhursday to remember with a Although Blaine Gotounpr Sheriff Charles; andat KetchumS“Om’ Lady ™ e ter cusloc»y battle Pj Pa»A6 ESa™l1 of grief a n d hum or the livesJS Walt Femling. tlie leai;ad invc^gn- of the SnowsSn Catholic churchc.s, w ould always5 divorce, wasIS for three years. of A lanUl and Diane JohiiMh,'who10 . tor into the murder, hasas Siiid h e h as ' th e a fteerhoon n service had the replaced byy Natalta TUmer wa«- ~ --------- * I ) w ere killkilled in their bedroom Sept.ic. “several p eo p le of inte:tcre:it’' under largest attendancea hc could'5 . stop to yisit within Judge Brucee the granddaughter * C o m i n g i iI ’ 2 b y a1 ril riflem an firing a single shot>t scruriny, no arrests> Ihave been remember>er. L u b e c k inn of Keith and Ruth «..u» in*® ®®clach o f them . made, and no stisiKctsrts have b een A s th:hey e arrived, mournersrs a smile. Diane^ August 20022 Turner of TWin ‘The Monnon MovI®vie. -niei 667S«eat auditorium of thele nam ed. H e h as said he^hc awaiting signed guestgt books and could in a routinee Fails, old Woo'bod River High School wasIS compledon of crimeI labI tests of write pers-irsonnl notes to Sarah and“ was happy, judidal rota-t. This fe th e final M eet the Jerom e busine InetallmeRt In a ' d. Another SO people stoodd DNA, fibers a n d a fatala l b u llet; h e rb ro thther. e M att, a s tu d e n t a t the* joyful, alwaysc • tion. m an who helped financc^ c e i t . in th e lollobby straining to he a r a sue*c* Fem ling stcw din uniform n i at the Universityity of Idaho. Ihey could S t i l l .. threeday series Saturday In cession<n (of religious messages andd very rear wall of thee aud; ito riu m also scann displaysd of femily photos» liked to have Hilder saidd by th e Ogden aal tributes,___________________._Thursday,_along witlith Marshal of Alana an n d Diane. I he believess (Utah) Standard- — The Tlmet^ews™ ------------------------- Fried for 2 0 years, thee Rondy Tremble, chiiliief of the Sittingg sides by side was a gen-n- people around.I. th e co u rtss Examiner. Jo h n soons-hewas46, n she was 52- B ellevue police department,dc uiiie cross)ss-section of people who0 did all theyy IL---------------- ^--------------- 1 I n d e x 1, were foundfbl shoe to death in thee which is th e nom inal ininvestigating had knowriwn and worked with both c o u ld to helpp bedroomom of their upscale Bellevuee agency bccause thehe murder Johnsons.1IS. They induded workmen5 ” two waning; pcparents settle chcir Classified .E5-16 Nation-..I-. ,A3,B6 hom e oron a street lush with largec occurred in his jiuisdiciiction. from WebbWe Landscape andd differences. Comics . .E4 Obituariesries“ -.82 t r ^ ^Uld c m anicured law s.................. Both left immediatel:ely a fte r th e G arden Centers,Ce where Alan was a - the Rev. }ohn WW. “I n th is cascase, I don’t think a scrvicc. lir daughter, Sarah, 16, a 2 M o rg■** ar Pleasese ssee TURNK, Page A7 Crossword .B5 Opinion . River High student, was inn The memorial scrvicccefoU m veda ase see MEMORIAL. Page A2 Dear.Abby . .B5 Sports . H c^ ^p e .B5 . Weather'. LK$oyd . .8 5 WeekEnd Chi]ildren of WTCviictims Iesad Retired1 ^general seemsS( M^Valley .81 West ... MOn^ . ...E l Wortd... Movies.. ;.C7 " sole]Sinn remctembrancce of Setpt. 11 ready1 to^Lshake u(ip race Iff V«A»oo,^.ated Pre—___________ ^ TheTh A aso c le fd Pr— Command and ____ NATO c o m ­ ------------- N E W Y O)RK-rlVw)bytwothey R S I WASHINGTON - Retiredxl A rm y m a n d e r d u r in g Log on to ..
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