Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® Gospel Reaching Out Kentucky Library - Serials 10-1973 Gospel Reaching Out Volume 1, Number 6 Department of Library Special Collections Western Kentucky University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/gospel_ro Part of the Christianity Commons, Cultural History Commons, Music Performance Commons, Other Music Commons, Public History Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Department of Library Special Collections, "Gospel Reaching Out Volume 1, Number 6" (1973). Gospel Reaching Out. Paper 40. https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/gospel_ro/40 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in Gospel Reaching Out by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 6,'( BULK KATE U. S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 41 HORSE CAVE. KY. 42749 Q GOSPEL Q (P. GOSPEL MUSIC NEWS FROM THE "HART" OF KENTUCKY VOLUME 1 - NUMBER 6 HORSE CAVE, KENTUCKY 42749 OCTOBER 1973 MARCH OF DIMES SINGING SET r FOR OCTOBER 13 'I'lu' liart riuiiil) Mtisu' .•\>st)n;il mil I'aiiin sUii mn \\ 1.1 K' - I'M in Miiiilnrthillc. KiMmK-k\ will iio pri-sfiiPii^ a radio-ilum fni- iho Mai\'li ni Diiiu's oil Ot'toliiT r; {iiis[)i'l siu.^oi's and musirians I'roni MHitli-ci'titral Ki'iiliK'ky will !)«• ilic talent ilu' program. Tlu- |)i'i)>iratn will orminato at the Miintoi-(ivi!lo KifimMitar> Sfliool Gym- nasuiin aiui will fuii l)Oi\\»u'ii 7:00 and lii:(Mi P.M. (;i)s[)ii nuisK- laiis are inviiod lt> atlciui aiui !)o part iit tlu- li\ o aiulioiK'O. There will ho no admissinn cliarci' but an »»tk'nng will he taken tor lite Mareh ««t Dimes. I'roi-eeds Iron", ihe e\eni 'aiH he turned oM-r to the Mai'ili ol l)!:i;e> Telerair.a uhu'li will in* lu'lci the hiliowinu weekend .'ver \\15Ki)-T\' m ilowlinu I'lreen. The Regals Are Coming! Continued on page 5 The l{eJ^als. lornuTly (he Tliomas {U'ilu'aietl .111(1 talented Chnstians who CJuartet tVoni Seottsville. Ky. will be the heh<'\e in spreading the ^iospel m simj.; jiiiesl jiroup al the ()eli)l)ei" .siiijjinj^ ol the Thi' (lo-^pel Servants, the htist ^roiij). Hart Cotmty (IMA. The sinking will he iiniii- e\ei\<iiie to make [ilans lo attend liei«lal llie Hoilinu S|)rin^s liaptisl Cluireh and \\!sli lo lliank the peojjle al Boiling al 7::>(i I'M. ()el<)l)er 27. Spnn^.s |oi Ihe use ol ilieir ehuii'li ior this TH€ nflTionPL founoRTion The Ke^als ha\'e a|)peared in this area sMiuni'^ l.rl's SliriMliri' (i()S!'i:i. mfiRCH OF Dimes s<'veral limes and the gospel music- lans MUSH . liive them deai ly. This is a ^roup ol very PAGE 2 - GOSPEL REACHING OUT. OCTOBER 1973 Gosf)el From The Hart Co. (^^MA Presidcnl REACHING OUT By Johnny Melloan As \()u an- prohalileauarr. Ilir pi iniary [ndinoti'd l)\ tlie Hart ('ounty GMA. The Official Publication oj the purpDsc (i| itie Hart lounU <iiisp('l Music niiMuber groups are organizing these Hart County Association is (o promote music, siiii^nigs in an all<.'mpt to bring llie singers Gospel Music Associatio)! liu! niayhc \ iiu lia\'c l)een wtmilcring what iiiiu our region wliicli Ihe people want to tlic or|4ani/a(ion is doing in accomplish licai". We are also helping ctiurctics and tins otticr «>rganizalions find groups for tljeir The sole purpose of the Hart County Ttie lirst and major activ ily is printing snignigs. Tliis service is a big ticlp to Gospel .Music Association is to uplift the till' paper tiiat you are now reading. people u ho liave previously not known how Kingdom of God through the diligent toget in (ouch with gospel groups. Someof efforts of our members to promote Tlirough ••(iospel Keachiiig Oti(" we are (lur upcoming plans involve working for (iospel Music as a means of spreading allcmpting to kee[) people inhinned about (he gospel as well as a means of gospel llu' gospel music news in <iin' area. By sucli ctiarilablc causes as the March of Dimes. entertainment. reading ••(iospcl Hraclung you can keep up witii where the diricrent groups We are trying to do wliat we can. But we Editorial Staff will he singing as well as teatures al)oul neect your help. P^irst of alt. if you are not a members of the \arious gospel groups in member, why not join today. Then Editor-in-Chief Joan Melloan tliis area- become active in supporting the groups Contributing Editors Donna Stanton Monthly singings are also being and what they are doing, Johnny Melloan Circulation Directors Brenda Hatcher Melissa Highbaugh Share Your Witness! By Kathy Cook of the Cook Family Hart County Gospel Music Association Something wonderful happened to me!!! llie services ttie group was invited lo. That But just how wonderful would il be if I night my husband was saved. When he got President Johnny Melloan didn't share it with you? home, he woke me up to tell me about il. Vice-president Jimmy McCubbins God t)egged me for many months to He was so happy and I really lei him down. Fven though I knew in my heart it was a Secretary Donna Stanton receive Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and savior. wonderful ttiing, I t)egan to feel pretty Treasurer Tommy Ferren It was almost two years ago after my hostile about it and also toward Itie other Annual Subscription Rate —$1.00 motlier-in-law passed away, that I began members of the group. I couldn't lo realize (iod was speaking to me. understand why I wasn't there to share il GOSPEL REACHING OUT Someone I cared for very much had t)een with Tony when he was saved. For two or three weeks I didn't even want lo go with Published Monthly. 3rd Class Postage called home to be with Jesus and I knew, if I didn t get right with God, that wonderful them to a singing. Paid at Horse Cave, Kentucky 42749. iliing wouldn't happen lo rne .someday. .Alter a wtiile 1 began (o feel guilty and When (he Cook Family Singers were led called my sister-in-law (a member of Ihe VOL. 1 - NO. 5 SEPTEMBER 1973 lo sing the Gospel, at the .same time group I and asked if 1 could come up for a something tiappened lo me. Ttiey tried to visit. Well of course she said yes, because get my husband and 1 lo attend the she knew something was wrong. I began to smgings with tliem. bul we didn't, we were lell her how I felt about not being able to be rciilly feeling left out at that lime. there Itie nile Tony was saved. She told me There has been a change in the Finally afler just a few montlis we thai there was a time and place for address of GOSPEL REACHING started going (o (tie singings with (hem and everything and that just happened to be his OUT. From now on address alt Tony even joined the group. We were time and place wtielhei-1 was there or not. mail to: Horse Cave, Kentucky really devoting a lot of time to the Gospel 1 understood a little belter bul I still hadn't 42749. c/o Joan Melloan. Singing by this lime. gotten evervihing out into the open. The I was working and couldn't attend one of longer w(^ talked (he more I began to know Continued on page 6 PLEASE PRINT: Subscribe HORSE CAVE NAME Today!!! STATE BANK ADDRESS 10^38 0 AFETY ERVICE CITY 0 AViNGS S ATISFACTION STATE ZIP SUBSCRIPTION PRICE - SI.00 PER YEAR. SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: GOSPEL REACHING OUT HORSE CAVE, KENTUCKY 42749 IloKsi: (]a\'i:. 0-X PAGE 3 - GOSPEL REACHING OUT. OCTOBER 1973 1973 KENTUCKY STATE SINGING CONVENTION LUCINDTS TESTIMONY Usiuilly wiicn you lu-ar a piTson's It'sliinony il is (lilfiTtMil lhan every otluT oiuv Well mine is a little unusual loo. Wlu-n I was i) 1 Ix-^an thinkint^ about beinj; saved hut I never fell like I ouj^hl to i;o to liio altar, just tlien. My family hacJ all been saved and I had sunf* in many THE MASTERS TRIO churelies. J saw wiial it was like lo be a 'I'he Masters Trio has recently reorjiani/cd and lhe\ an- shown on stajie al ilu Christiati. My family went to (Jamaliel, Kentuc-ky State Sin^^in^i Convention, [.ann\ llarlow (lell'. llar<i\\illi', tl ^ Kentucky for a revival, During? one of the president ol this year's convention iii^hls. October 24. 1972, I told the pastor that I wanted to l)e saved, but thai 1 didn't feel the conviction. So first we prayed (hat I would j»el under conviction, and he answered our prayers. Then we prayed af^ain, tliis lime lhal 1 would be saved, and lie answered lhal too. God can save you and he'll answer thai too. If you lutve any problems ask (!od lo help you. He'll hel|) you more lhan you believed he would! \'<)u don'l believe me? Well try il. Ill-; wii.i.::! Lucindy iMc('ul)l)ins of Ihe McC'ul)bins Familv E-Z Furniture Co 109 East Main St.
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