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Wny Humor and no Respect for l t 0 | ols not betln collcting nows the Respectable; Eranky soonass Arrogant; Impertinent; c aeunl .. aBa) Downing, Box 1336 Searching for the Tru Causes; a Magazin rected againat Rivi Td aee and Dogma wherever it is found; Printing what is t ie too Naked: or True for a $4.50 Consumers and Money —Making Pross;. a Magazine whose final Pol« t ns Wiape Eotoers iey is to do as it Pleases "L.75 vior noss, m n and Concilitate: Nobody, se m ns pinie not even its: Readers=A Free Magazine. sp anf 3a weo s oo ie eprror mt pevicapair co Max Eastman $3.10 $4.50 47 fls Avse =_ NewYork Arn zoror Join Slom * | $3.50 mannemvc rorror You Hioyd De contrizumie rorrons 553 $1.50 Pay Entelope Eagene Weod der tie m joun i. eaper Join Reed $3.15 Max Rastoan 39215 Mary Heaton Vorse o n on nie Lous Untermeser £92.25 Willam Englsh Walline $2.10 dur ie Howard Brobaker t rio Postpaid $L15 Robert Carton Broun $2.15 $3.80 mt pevin.aonm co Eloya Dt t Ki Avewe Nee vou Arttur Balard $1.60 Frask Botn $1.80 | . 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Coteman $3.60 Tue masses K.R Chambertain $1.75 ow n 87 Greemvich Ave.: New York du n ; $3.50 oo ri surscription rares ; 3225 5 33.50 ¥eirs,Sic0 Literature Agents Can $2.00 Hstes on bunile ondets and to ©$2.90 Socialist Locals vevadedtcs on application t en | m Young People‘s League ; 52.00 $3.80 marter ow m iiie to the Buse Entrnd beeonbee 2 the Manigee on the Sowtolice ¢f Ne ; $3.70 for the sw plan whereby Tok mider ie Ac M oo m ol March a 1 d ian $5.90 / ( 22D The Masses Publihed Mothly ty es on lb | NA e on N9D The Manies Publtineg Co. im nanonmnoanee 87 Greenwich Ave. 87 Gresnnich Avenus, New ¥ork s creenntch aane THE MASSES new vou New York Conrig, ois y The Masie Pblabing Compuny 87 Greenvich Averon New York Hell on Earth and fear, how can children be developed physically and morally? MASSES Vol. VI No. 6 MARCH, 1915 Tasue No: IS T HE T RUTH OBSCENE: Max Eastman T WAS an hour afer a vist to Idora Doncan‘s Aathony Constocs who repressats, through the aufe In due time he retiried wth Anthory Conatock and studio tat I met Witiam Songer and heard the feranc of an apathc citeeny, he sovercgn pouer a search warrans Mr. Commtock arened h. Sunger morbid atory of oue govermmentthit I am soing of the Unied Sttes, "hey were soprenct, and the for ditribatng obscrc Teratur, and then procesed w t And L an outhto e it wihow comver New York Call appssed withthe folowing entaph in to tim lis sutio inide ow He fownd rething to ing. to, some eclo of the musc and lovly viron of thar accsoned plce satiy hs ie ho h procendad to take Mr. Sanger iteal and notwral Tt hat youthgies us n that stucio in custody as fr on the way to the polce court as a From the trale death of her own dliiren Tadorn What Ee Girl Stould Know:" comenient resanrint here, atough M Sancer imined on bxingtaken at once t the cour, and re— Dunesnseem to have rien t crate in her fanguage fised t join the part Mr. Comock and Me detee of motion, a poos of the chilren of the fture—sie By Order of the Post Offe Department tive aat down to a mexl, and a litle comrsational dren of a time when Tif shuil b both frank and ies Therespon so many hantreds of leters and ples canpuign. They fred to indice hm to ce the and proceed under the y with lappy faresmess of and ptiions from a pble gemincly concernd. to whereabouts and thepresnt plans and activides of s fath in the beaaty of is real natre. So at Tt I know, possed in upon Mrs. Singer tat she had he wite. taling of ha, they took th following courses perecved the darcing of those girl freeclad and artides publied in hook fom She thn set on to Young man® sid Mr. Constoc °I wat to actas strong o lt raise the fnds to ie a pape, which should he a a brother to you, and T want you to take my advce te sae it is a vison ike hi towand whichthe are forersanr and advetser of leafets wpon the subjct to this carge, and I wl ask for a ue Plead guily stiving who apend their youth in the old atrante o Nitkcontrol and of birteconiel leagoe, a gret pendedsemerce. Yow can be qube sure of a supended aptnt ierorance and monetrams t i a Inpnie masy of which were subsementy formed all ovr the task to deaw conty patern n the ar of whatthe vorld United Sates Mr. Sunger reled tt he had commited no crine shal yet Recome, thin t atay at the mile and di— ‘The March, May Jub, Auesst Septenter and O and that ho prinils were at taks, and that he would reputble basines of dragsin t atong ¥erbot the tote, oue, ises of is paper—The Womon Rete— steat not wilys taks are necesa and 1 only wah the viible Joy were suppresied and conficate ty the Powt Ofi and "You know as wel as 1 do it there is rthing ob of the one might mingl a it ofterer with the dark Margaret Sanger was plced under ntinment fr oi wene in hat pamples" he sid o M Constoc htor of the other culating obcene reratre through the mail So per— Yoing man" said Mr. Comstoc °L have been in To Masgaret Sin ie the comnicion which has aeeite we the prophes this work for ient years and tha eate is the wort come to many of in that sesond it no alnont fls But bya good fortne it happene t Mos Soner thing 1 have eer sn Justlook bere/—and he drew of t steps towand perfesting ie on th cant is o was rlened wihont lil and n order o winthe ui i rom poket and poited to some words exolai make sure thit no onvanted and fncupportale ife in of her itor and daring bfore loing her itrts ihe ing th sinplest acentfc manner posble, contre tom on the eath The binh of a ghild should h the tet t county and proceeded at once to prepire the cepive devieesthit are adveied in the palicpre deiberateand chouen aet of is paent o ts oninion lestets which she had promsed to her sulcrters in in France and Relgtm and Holland and thatare dn as i aples to th upper clases of Aneri tere n The Woman Rebe. Th fit leatet is conpletal, and inbatedlevill in Englind o anyone who dedares in snall hones objetion, for it is a cutom of the maie has heen (ciminll) crclted in hi comty y the wriing thit he o the is atout to be manied ried in these dasss to rehe from thei vivaian friends of potris to the mmber ot one hundred Surcy this county is old enouch toget along wite iterl information asto the means of contoling con thowsand. ‘Two other s are in processof prepa out a proic cpnadsh superviion of t aducntion in cepton.. ut when ths onnion is neneniied to i: and wpon thr completion and ditritaion lte ll cases and is actd upon fo a generou and Margaret Sunger inteds to return to America and hi a quite fotle attempe to indice M fortright campnign of instnction then it suldent make her fe, and the ht of cvltation, bfore the Sangerto evel is wifés ptin,and agre to conmit besomes obcene. t besomes scily attorent morae an eror hat would seriucly compronise he chances 1y deserrats and of crninal iten, imolvng a pene in the meantine, the potl avthorites have become before th couts upon he retun——Mr. Constock fr= aly of fre yean‘ imprionment and Ssow fine for ansious let ther veein fnnocence was Ining secraly ished hisatermoon menl,and managed t arsiv atthe ach offertve a ‘The posal authoriies the se vitated, and they have tanned and exected withthe yolee court s ltethat s prioner could not et fnto service, Anthony Constock and other dtetos of por helpof Anthony Comitoc a stroke which was supposed conmuniation with an attomey and a bonting offee, nograhic iersire, are brouihtfit serice—and the io ine Margaret Senger home bessing belore her and bad t spnd the night in ui whele power of the United Sats Govermment work was done Uon thir are wien the po ce ofier asked Mr.
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