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Some technical im scan procedures, single-photon emission computed tomography provements including automated threshold level determination and (SPECT) data were taken and reconstructed into three-dimensional feature extraction for detecting abnormal high uptake are required images. Volume rendering methods were used. Results: Three before routine use can be envisaged. cases of three-dimensional bone scintigraphy were obtained; one of Key Words: three-dimensionalimaging;bone scintigraphy;SPECT; a normal patient, one of a case of transplanted kidney and incom plete fracture of the left femoral head, and one of a case of volume rendering degenerative joint disease (DJD) on the left temporomandibular joint J NucíMed 1996; 37:1567-1570 (TMJ). The three-dimensional structure of the skeletal system was depicted more clearly by the three-dimensional images than by a Rerecently, reconstruction techniques for three-dimensional imaging have made remarkable progress and are being applied Received May 15, 1995; revision accepted Sept. 12, 1995. to various modalities, such as CT, MRI and some scintigra- For correspondence or reprints contact: Toyotsugu Ota, MD, Department of Radiol ogy, Shiga University of Medical Science, Seta, Otsu, Shiga, 520-21, Japan. phies. Some of them are already being utilized in bedside THREE-DIMENSIONALBONESCINTIGRAPHY•Ota et al. 1567 A B and pixel size of 4 mm, gapless. A low-energy, high-resolution 05121613132252615481630351511413142518162812151615139149800505050000100100500050100100505005050100505000505050500•005000(LEHR) collimator with a 5.7 mm FWHM was used. Sixty rotation angles were used with 6°per view. Each view took 20 sec; whole-body scanning took 22 mm. Transaxial SPECT images were reconstructed using a Butterworth prefilter (5) (cutoff frequency 0.1 cycles/pixels) and ramp backprojection and transferred to a Titan75OV (Kubota Computer Inc., Tokyo, Japan) via a VAX8250 (Digital Equipment Corp., Maynard, MA). On the Titan75OV, SPECT data of 128 X 128 X 128 voxels were magnified into 255 X 255 X 255 voxel data using a self-made program written in C which includes a linear interpolation process. No other smooth FiGURE1. Exampleofsegmentationofvoxelvalue.(A)OriginalSPECTdata ing technique was applied to the images. Thereafter, one or two and (B)segmented data (“matchmark data―)inwh@hlevals 1 and 2 were set threshold level(s) were determined manually to segment the to 10 and 20, respectively. SPECT data: level 1 to depict the normal bones and level 2 to depict lesions with higher uptake. The levels were determined by practice. These display techniques can show the exact location of the lesion in relation to normal anatomical structure, which trial and error. Voxels with a value of @level1 were standardized establishes their clinical utility (1—4). to a value of zero; those between levels 1 and 2, fifty; the rest, a hundred, to make what we call “matchmark―data (Fig. 1). With METhODS the software “VolumeDesign (Medical Design, Tokyo, Japan)―on Conventional bone scintigrams were obtained with a dual the Titan 750V, these “matchmark―data were reconstructed into whole-body scinticamera using 99mTc@hydroxy@methane@diphos@three-dimensional images using a volume rendering method. For phonate (HMDP) in patients with various skeletal disorders. After Patient 1 (Fig. 2), opacity was set to 100%, that is, the pictures usual bone scan procedures, projection images were obtained by a were equal to surface-rendering pictures. On the other hand, rotating scinticamera with an acquisition matrix size of 128 X 128, opacity was set to 70% in Patients 2 and 3 (Figs. 3 and 4) so that A /s B g'@• FIGURE 2. Normal three-dimensional bone .,@ scintigrams of the abdomen of a 48-yr-old ‘@.. woman. @A, B) COnventiOnal scan. (C-E) @ Three-dimensional bone scintigrams. (C) An :-@ ) . tenor view, (D) posterior view, (E) right pos . .w:.—. )• tero-lateral siew. Opacity was set to 100%. 1568 THEJOURNALOFNUCLEARMEDICINE•Vol. 37 •No. 9 •September 1996 B C FIGURE3. PeMc bone scan of a 26-yr-oldwoman who underwent kidneytransplantation.Kidneymim@ksabnormal uptake in the nght iliacbone in conventional bone scan (A@,whilethree-dimensional scan (B,C)faiily differentiates them. This patient also has an incompiste fracture ofthe leftfemoral head possibly related to steroid therapy. Lesion is depk@tedin red and can be seen through the normal bone. Left hip joint is somewhat “swollen,―another manifestationof the hot spot inthis method. Opacityof bones was set to 70%, Slightlytransparent.
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