University of Rhode Island DigitalCommons@URI RILA Bulletin Rhode Island Library Association 10-1942 Bulletin of the Rhode Island Library Association v. 15, no. 1 RILA Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation RILA, "Bulletin of the Rhode Island Library Association v. 15, no. 1" (1942). RILA Bulletin. Book 18. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Rhode Island Library Association at DigitalCommons@URI. It has been accepted for inclusion in RILA Bulletin by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@URI. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BULLETIN of the RHODE ISLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Vol. 15 OCTOBER. 1942 No. 1 PROGRAM FALL MEETING OF THE RHODE ISLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Tuesday, October 27, 1942 SOCIAL SCIENCE READING ROOM. JOHN HAY LIBRARY. BROWN UNIVERSITY Morning Session 9:30 GREETINGS James H. Case, Jr. 9:45 BUSINESS MEETING 10:00 YOU'LL BE READING THESE BOOKS Pauline Paxton, Winfield T. Scott 11:00 LIBRARIES AND WAR INFORMATION SERVICE Sallie E. Coy, Alice V. McGrath, Alfred H. Fenton, Hope Reeder, Annis hirkpao:ick, Alice Savage 11:45 UNIVERSITY EXHIBITS Dr. Henry B. Van Hoesen Afternoon Session 2:00 VICTORY BOOK CAMPAIGN, 1942-1943 Clarence E. Sherman A.L.A. AND THE WAR 2:15 SOME ASPECTS OF WAR ECONOMICS Professor Alfred E. Neal 3:00 MAKING A BOOK Leslie E. Jones • Luncheon will be served in Faunce House • EXHIBITS After luncheon and at the close of the afternoon meeting, opportunity will be given to view the special University exhibits which Dr. VanHoesen will comment on at the morning meeting. Special interest attaches to "The American Tradition" ex­ hibit collected in the John Carter Brown Library. BULLETIN eering in the Metcalf Research Lab­ LIBRARY NEWS "A Reader's Guide to Books" is of the oratory, the Divisional Library of mailed free, upon request, to any pub­ Providence Athenaeum RHODE ISLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Biological Sciences in the Arnold lic library in the State. Biological Laboratory, and Pembroke On September 28, the Providence • College Library in Pembroke Hall. Athenaeum held its one hundred and An exhibit relating to the Library's Published every now and then~ and designed to be of interest seventh annual meeting of sharehold­ War Information services was on view to librarians of Rhode Island. • ers. The Board of Directors announc­ in the Rhode Island Hospital Trust Our Speakers ed that the year had been a satisfac­ Company lobby for a week beginning tory one, with a circulation almost as September 11th. R. I. L. A. BULLETIN COMMITTEE Mr. James H. Case, Jr. is Secretary high as the preceding year, in spite of • RosE KARLIN, Providence Public Library of Brown University. the war. In some classifications, there Rhode Island State Library DoRIS C. O'NEIL, Providence Public Library was an actual increase, which was par­ MARIAN L. KESSELRING, Brown University Library Miss Pauline Paxton is Children's Miss Elizabeth Gallup Myer, Co­ Librarian of the Elmwood Public ticularly marked in history and in cur­ Supervisor of the State-Wide W .P.A. rent events. Vol. 15 OCTOBER, 1942 No. 1 Library. Library Project which the Rhode The Directors have recently an­ Mr. Winfield T. Scott is Acting Lit­ Island State Library sponsors, has been nounced the reelection of Thomas E. erary Editor of the Providence Sun­ commissioned by the United States Steere as President, and the election Brown University Library day Journal, and a Trustee of the Navy as Ensign and has entered Offi­ of the Honorable Alexander L. Providence Public Library. cers' Training School for the WAVES. The John Hay Library is the fourth Churchill and Lawrence C. Wroth as home for the Library of Brown Uni­ Miss Sallie E. Coy is Librarian of Mrs. Mildred A. Wunsch, Co-Sup­ Vice-President and Second Vice-Pres­ ervisor of the Library Project, has been versity, which dates from 1767, three the Westerly Public Library, and past ident respectively. years after the founding of the Uni­ appointed to official responsibility, as president of R.I.L.A. The vacancy caused by Miss Mary versity. The first home of the Library Supervisor of the Library Project in all Miss Alice V. McGrath is Librarian Street's resignation is being filled by its varied phases. was an east room on the second floor of the Information and Reference De­ Miss Margaret Ricketson, formerly of -We are proud that Miss Mycr's me­ of University Hall. During the Revo­ partment, Providence Public Library, the John Hay Library. ticulous attention to adminstrative de­ lution, the College was disbanded and and directs the Library's War Infor­ tail, her intelligent, dignified and hu­ the books were placed in storage in mation Service. • Wrentham, Mass.,-according to le­ man guidance of workers and her pro­ Providence Public Library gend in the drawer of a kitchen table. Mr. Alfred H. Fenton is Public Re­ fessional training and experience are lations Director of the Rhode Island In 1782 the books were returned to The following appointments took ef­ to be made useful to the United States State Council of Defense. University Hall where they stayed un­ fect at the beginning of the school Navy. Mrs. Wunsch is an able, efficient til 1835, when the Library was moved Miss Hope Reeder organized the year: organizer and director of administra­ to the first floor of Manning Hall, War Information Service Library at Mildred T. De Simone, Acting Li­ tive details who has hitherto shared in which had been built in 1834 as a the John Hay Library. brarian, George J. West Junior High all the planning for the Program as Chapel and Library. By 1878 this was Mrs. Annis Kirkpatrick is Librarian School. a whole. outgrown and a new Library building at Quonset Naval Air Station. Ragnhild M. Jacobson, Librarian, • William H. Hall Free Library was built on the corner of Prospect Miss Alice Savage is Head of the Nathanael Greene Junior High School. and Waterman Streets, what is now House that Jack built and Naval Thelma M. Salisbury, Librarian, Mrs. Muriel C. Wyman, who has known as the Economics Building. Training Stations Libraries. Roger Williams Junior High School. been Associate Librarian of the Wil­ This was outgrown very rapidly and Dr. Henry B. Van Hoesen is Libra­ Margaret B. Gibbs, Stations Libra­ liam H. Hall Free Library since 1933, the John Hay Library was built in rian of Brown University Library, also nan. has recently been made Librarian, and 1910 by the gifts of Andrew Carnegie past president of R.I.L.A. • Miss Alice W. Morse, Librarian Eme­ and a group of friends and Alumni of ritus. Mr. Clarence E. Sherman, Libra­ Miss Caroline Neef, Assistant in the Brown University. Miss Morse has been Librarian rian of the Providence Public Library, Reference Department has resigned In 1939 an extension was added, since 1909 when the library was a again serving on the Board of Direc­ to accept a position in the Dartmouth built from funds contributed by is small building on Norwood A venue. of the Victory Book Campaign. College Library. She will be succeed­ Colonel Webster Knight, Mr. William t_<?rs She has seen the library grow beyond ed by Miss Jeanne MacCready, now T. Peck, and Mr. Zechariah Chafee, Mr. Alfred E. Neal is Assistant Pro­ these quarters to the present size. of the Circulation Department. providing two more reading rooms and fessor of Economics at Brown Univer­ Gratitude for her loyal service these six stack floors, and making possible a sity. • 33 years cannot be adequately voiced, reorganization throughout the whole Mr. Leslie E. Jones is the author of Beginning with the October issue of but rather is felt by all those who have building. "Eli Terry: Clockmaker of Connecti­ "A Reader's Guide to Books", all ma­ benefited from it. Other libraries on the campus which cut". He also teaches in the English terial relating to the War is grouped Under Mrs. Wyman's able leader­ arc part of the Main Library system Department of Brown University and together under the heading, "The War ship there is assurance that the library arc the Divisional Library of Mathe­ creates stage sets of Sock and Buskin's Information Center: Publications for will continue to serve the community matics, Physical Sciences and Engin- plays. a War Torn World." and to progress. BULLETIN eering in the Metcalf Research Lab­ LIBRARY NEWS "A Reader's Guide to Books" is of the oratory, the Divisional Library of mailed free, upon request, to any pub­ Providence Athenaeum RHODE ISLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Biological Sciences in the Arnold lic library in the State. Biological Laboratory, and Pembroke On September 28, the Providence • College Library in Pembroke Hall. Athenaeum held its one hundred and An exhibit relating to the Library's Published every now and then, and designed to be of interest seventh annual meeting of sharehold­ War Information services was on view to librarians of Rhode Island. • ers. The Board of Directors announc­ in the Rhode Island Hospital Trust Our Speakers ed that the year had been a satisfac­ Company lobby for a week beginning tory one, with a circulation almost as September 11th. R. I. L. A. BULLETIN COMMITTEE Mr. James H. Case, Jr. is Secretary high as the preceding year, in spite of • RosE KARLIN, Providence Public Library of Brown University. the war. In some classifications, there Rhode Island State Library DoRIS C. O'NEIL, Providence Public Library was an actual increase, which was par­ MARIAN L. KESSELRING, Brown University Library Miss Pauline Paxton is Children's Miss Elizabeth Gallup Myer, Co­ Librarian of the Elmwood Public ticularly marked in history and in cur­ Supervisor of the State-Wide W .P.A.
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