
Preliminary material p. 4-23 Catalogue p. 24-245 6 Ars Libri Ltd. item 885: FESTSCHRIFT C.C. LAMBERG-KARLOVSKY. Ingenious Man, Inquisitive Soul: Essays in Iranian and Central Asian Archaeology for C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday by a Selection of His Students, Colleagues and Friends.(Iranica Antiqva. 37.). 2002. The Library of Prof. C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky 7 8 Ars Libri Ltd. The Library of Prof. C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky 9 10 Ars Libri Ltd. The Library of Prof. C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky 11 12 Ars Libri Ltd. The Library of Prof. C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky 13 14 Ars Libri Ltd. The Library of Prof. C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky 15 item 1200: HAMBLIN, DORA JANE. The First Cities. (The Emergence of Man.) New York, 1973. 16 Ars Libri Ltd. The Library of Prof. C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky 17 18 Ars Libri Ltd. The Library of Prof. C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky 19 20 Ars Libri Ltd. The Library of Prof. C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky 21 22 Ars Libri Ltd. The Library of Prof. C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky 23 24 Ars Libri Ltd. The Library of Professor C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky The Library of Prof. C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky 25 Part I: Old World Archaeology with an Emphasis on Western- and Central Asia, the Indus Valley and the Arabian Peninsula 1 AACHEN. KRÖNUNGSSAAL IM RATHAUS. Vergessene Städte am Indus. Frühe Kulturen in Pakistan vom 8.-2. Jahrtausend v. Chr. June-Sept. 1987. iv, 312pp. 526 illus. (132 color). Sq. 4to. Wraps. Mainz (Verlag Philipp von Zabern), 1987. 2 ABDUSHELISHVILI, M.G., ET AL. Contributions to the Physical Anthropology of Central Asia and the Caucasus. By M.G. Abdushelishvili, V.V. Ginzburg, N.N. Miklashevskaia and T.A. Trofimova. With contributions by P.P. Afansyenko, V.P. Alekseev, O. Ismagulov, T.I. Kiyatkina, B. Mamyatov, R.A. Nyedviga, S.P. Poliakov, Iu.G. Rychkov and N.G. Zalkind. Edited by Henry Field. (Russian Translation Series of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University. Vol. 3#2.) xvi, 480pp. 233 plates. 4to. Wraps. Cambridge (The Peabody Museum), 1968. 3 ÅBERG, NILS. Bronzezeitliche und früheisenzeitliche Chronologie. 5 vols. I: Italien. (12), 216, (2)pp. 598 illus. II: Hallstattzeit. (8), 109, (1)pp. 225 illus. III: Kupfer- und Frühbronzezeit. (8), 161, (3)pp. 302 illus. IV: Griechenland. (6), 282pp. 517 illus. V: Mitteleuropäische Hochbronzezeit. (6), 162, (2)pp. 245 illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Stockholm (Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien), 1930-1935. 4 ÅBERG, NILS. La civilisation énéolithique dans la Péninsule Ibérique. (Arbeten utgivna med understöd af Vilhelm Ekmans Universitetsfond, Uppsala. 25.) xiv, 204pp. 333 illus. (partly hors texte). Sm. 4to. Wraps. Uppsala/Leipzig (A.-B. Akademiska Bokhandeln/ Harrassowitz), 1921. 5 ÅBERG, NILS. The Anglo-Saxons in England During the Early Centuries After the Invasion. (Arbeten utgivna med Understöd av Vilhelm Ekmans Universitetsfond, Uppsala. 33.) vii, (3), 219pp. 319 illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. From the library of H. O’N. Hencken. Uppsala (Almqvist & Wiksells Boktr. A.B.), 1926. 6 ABSOLON, K. Výzkum diluviální stanice lovcu mamutu v Dolních Vestonicích na Pavlovských kopcích na Morave: Pracovní zpráva za tretí rok, 1926. Kap VII. Mineralogické slození dolnovestonických kamenných nástroju sepsal K. Zapletal.... / Die Erforschung der diluvialen Mammutjäger-Station von Unter-Wisternitz in den Pollauer Bergen in Mähren.... (Studie z oboru vseobecné krasové nauky, vedecké speleologie, doby ledové a sousedních oboru. Celé rady c. 15. C: Paleoethnologická serie. 7.) 252pp., 18 plates (partly double-page; partly folding). 420 text illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Czech and German. Brno (Nákladem Akciové Moravské Knihtiskárny Polygrafie), 1942/1945. 7 ABSOLON, K. & CZIZEK, R. Palaeolithický výzkum jeskyne Pekárny na Morave. Treti predbezna zpráva za rok 1927./ Die palaeolithische Erforschung der Pekárna-Höhle in Mähren. Dritte Mitteilung für das Jahr 1927. (Práce z Palaeolithického Oddelení Moravského Zemského Musea. 26./ Zvlástní Otisk z Casopisu Moravskáho Zemskáho Musea, roc. 26-27.) 120pp., 23 plates (most- ly folding). 16 text figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. (back-cover detached). Brno, 1932. 26 Ars Libri Ltd. 8 ABU DURUK, HAMID IBRAHIM. A Critical and Comparative Discussion of Certain Ancient Monuments, (Part of the City Wall, Qasr ar-Radm, and Qasr al Hamra’), in the North Arabian City of Tayma’ in the Light of Evidence Furnished by Excavations. Introduction to the archaeology of Tayma’./ Dirasah naqd wa muqaranah li-ba‘d al-ma‘alim al-athariyah fi Tayma’ bi- shamal gharb al-jazirah al-‘arabiyah min khilal nata’ij al-istikshafat al-athariyah. Muqqadimah ‘an athar Tayma’. xii, 103, (12), 175pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Texts in English and Arabic. Riyadh (The Department of Antiquities and Museums), 1986. 9 ABU EL-HAJ, NADIA. Facts on the Ground: Archaeological Practice and Territorial Self-Fashioning in Israeli Society. xiii, (1), 352pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Chicago/London (University of Chicago Press), 2001. 10 ADAMS, BARBARA. Ancient Hierakonpolis. Introduction by H.S. Smith. (Modern Egyptology Series.) xx, 87, (1)pp., 48 plates with 384 figs. With: Supplement. (4), 168, (2)pp. Frontis. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. & wraps. Warminster (Aris & Phillips), 1974. 11 ADAMS, BARBARA. Predynastic Egypt. (Shire Egyptology. 7.) 76pp. 47 illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Aylesbury, Bucks (Shire Publications), 1988. 12 ADAMS, ROBERT MCC. The Evolution of Urban Society: Early Mesopotamia and Prehispanic Mexico. (The Lewis Henry Morgan Lectures, 1965 presented at The University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.) ix, (3), 191, (5)pp. Cloth. D.j. Chicago (Aldine Publishing Company), 1966. 13 ADAMS, ROBERT MCC. Heartland of Cities: Surveys of Ancient Settlement and Land Use on the Central Floodplain of the Euphrates. xx, 362pp. 1 lrg. folding plan, loosely inserted, as issued. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1981. 14 ADAMS, ROBERT MCC. Land Behind Baghdad: A History of Settlement on the Diyala Plains. xvi, 187, (5)pp., 23 plates, 9 maps. 25 tables, figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1965. 15 ADAMS, ROBERT MCC. Paths of Fire. An anthropologist’s inquiry into Western technology. xvi, (2), 332pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Princeton (Princeton University Press), 1996. 16 ADAMS, ROBERT MCC. & NISSEN, HANS J. The Uruk Countryside. The natural setting for urban societies. x, (2), 241pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1972. 17 ADAMS, WILLIAM Y. Ceramic Industries of Medieval Nubia. (Memoirs of the UNESCO Archaeological Survey of Sudanese Nubia. I.) 2 vols. (8), 663pp. 73 tables, 335 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Lexington (The University Press of Kentucky), 1986. 18 AFGHANISTAN: ANCIEN CARREFOUR ENTRE L’EST ET L’OUEST. Actes du colloque international organisé par Christian Landes & Osmund Bopearachchi au Musée archéologique Henri-Prades-Lattes du 5 au 7 mai 2003. Édité par Osmund Bopearachchi & Marie-Françoise Boussac. (Indicopleustoi: Archaeologies of the Indian Ocean. 3.) 539pp. Prof. illus. Sm. folio. Wraps. Turnhout (Brepols), 2005. 19 AGRAWAL, D.P. The Archaeology of India. (Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies. Monograph Series. 46.) (12) , 294pp. 161 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. London/Malmö (Curzon Press), 1982. 20 AGRAWAL, D.P. The Copper Bronze Age in India. An integrated archaeological study of the Copper Bronze Age in India in the light of chronological, technological and ecological factors, ca. 3000-500 B.C. With a foreword by George F. Dales. xvi, 270pp. 22 figs. (partly hors texte). Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi (Munshiram Manoharlal), 1971. 21 AGRAWAL, D.P. Man and Environment in India Through Ages. An interdisciplinary study of the Indian Quaternary with focus on north-west. xvi, 293pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi (Books & Books), 1992. 22 AGRAWAL, D.P. & CHAKRABARTI, DILIP K. (EDITORS). Essays in Indian Protohistory. (Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies: History and Archaeology Series. 5.) xvi, 392pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the authors. Delhi (Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies/ B.R. Publishing Corporation), 1979. The Library of Prof. C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky 27 23 AGRAWAL, D.P. , ET AL. (EDITORS). Climate and Geology of Kashmir: The Last 4 Million Years. Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Late Cenozoic Palaeoclimatic Changes in Kashmir and Central Asia, Ahmedabad, 19-23 October, 1982. Editors: D.P. Agrawal, Sheela Kusumgar, R.V. Krishnamurthy. (Current Trends in Geology. 6.) (14), 247pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Buckram. D.j. New Delhi (Today & Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers), 1985. 24 AGRAWAL, D.P. & GHOSH, A. (EDITORS). Radiocarbon and Indian Archaeology. xxiv, 526pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Bombay (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research), 1973. 25 AGRAWAL, D.P. & KHARAKWAL, J.S. South Asian Prehistory: A Multidisciplinary Study. (Archaeology of South Asia. 1.) xiv, (2), 268pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Boards. D.j. New Delhi (Aryan Books International), 2002. 26 AGRAWAL, D.P. & KUSUMGAR, SHEELA. Prehistoric Chronology and Radiocarbon Dating in India. xii, 174pp. Illus. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi (Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers), 1974. 27 AGRAWAL, D.P. & PANDE, B.M. (EDITORS). Ecology and Archaeology of Western India. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, February 23-26, 1976. xxi, (1), 253pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Delhi (Concept Publishing Company), 1977. 28 AHARONI, YOHANAN. The Land of the Bible: A Historical Geography. Revised and enlarged edition. Edited by A.F. Rainey. xiv, (2), 481pp. 34 maps. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Philadelphia (The Westminster Press), 1979. 29 AHMED, AKBAR S. Pukhtun Economy and Society. Traditional structure and economic development in a tribal society. (International Library of Anthropology.) xvi, (4), 406, (2), 15pp. 48 illus. hors texte.
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