CASS cITY CHRONICLE VOLUME 25, NUMBER 42. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1931. EIGHT PAGES. NO SCHOOL COM. CONTESTS Fill IIII II IWI IN TUSCOLA OR SANILAC[I[W IIIII III[I I SCHOOL HERE IN FEB. IN. E: h, [ETTEI lllll I[ I]INll ning at the home of Rev. Bottrell for | ~IiiI iii°iiNi pastors and Sunday School superin- tendents of the Eastern' District of Elweod Biddle Had Skull Frac- looks of Late Fiction Loaned Tuscola County when plans were made Many • Matters of National Im- W,-D. Schooley Came to Cass for a leadership training school. tured; Mrs. F. A. Bliss Had to the Public at Five •Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Halpenny will portance Are Held Up in City Before Days of Train Leg Broken Twice. Cents a Week. have charge of the meetings. Mr. Hal- Administration Quarters, Service Here. _____ penny is general superintendent of the Michigan Council of Religious Educa- Elwood Biddle, 77, of Evergreen Five new books by Edgar Rice tion. They will give a course for Washington, January 28--Whenev- W. D. Schooley, who conducted .~ township, received a fractured skull Burroughs have been added to the church school workers which will con- er a direct question is asked in private harness and shoe store on East Main Tuesday afternoon when he ~ was i Woman's Study Club library. The fol- sist of five sesions to be held at the conversations among" politicians the Street, passed away unexpectedly struck by an automobile on M-53, lowing are the titles: Presbyterian church every other eve- fashionable reply of the hour is, "In Tuesday night. He had been fll as Mr. Biddle was crossing the high- Tarzan at the Earth's Cove. ning beginning February 22 and end- the language of the Wickersham re- for a few weeks, but early this week way. The old gentleman was hit by The Mad King. ing March 3. Alternate days during port, yes and no." This wise-crack is he had been able to spend some tinge the side of the car and the left side The Land that Time Forgot. that time Mr. and Mrs. Halpenny will usually accompanied by a smile to in his store. of his skull was fractured between the The Bandit of HeWs Bend. conduct a similar school at Caro. The show that the indefinite and evasive Funeral services were held at the ear and eye. Harry C. Smith The Eternal Lover. courses are "Teaching Methods," in reply was purposely humorous. These home Thursday afternoon~ conducted Mr. Biddle underwent a decompres- Harry C. Smith, a graduate of the The library will be open "Saturday charge of Mr. Halpenny and "Primary chats in society illustrate the clash of by Rev. P. J. Alluret, :pastor of the sion operation at Pleasant Home Hos- Cuss City High School in 1922, will l evenings from eight to nine o'clock, Worship," in charge of Mrs. Halpenny. opinions as to what the long awaited Presbyterian church. The body was pital Tuesday night. be unopposed for the nomination of in addition to the regular hours, from At the meeting Tuesday evening, 60,000 word report really means. A laid to rest in the chapel vault in county school commissioner on the three to five on Wednesday after- :Rev. Bottrell was elected'dean of the distinguished legal authority who read Elkland cemetery and w~lI later be re- Mrs. F. A. Bliss is in the Tweedie noons. school and Mrs. H. F. Lenzner, reg- and studied the full report claims that moved to Saginaw. hospital at Sandusky with her left Republican ticket in Sanilac. ] A new feature in library service W. D. Schooley was born at Arke- A like situation exists in Tuseola istrar. The aim is to enroll members twenty different lawyers taking as leg broken twice between the knee county where B. H. MeComb has held, here is a book shelf from which books for the course from Kingston, Deford, many different theses could prove W. D. Sch~oley. na, Ont., on Dec. 27, 1855. He mar- and ankle, a severe cut on one hand the office with honor and efficiene- for are loaned at five cents a week. These Gagetown, Cass City and near-by ru- Itheir case from the mixture of data in ried on July 30, 1879, at Wyoming, and wrist, a badly wrenched back and .... r ~ (! -, • Y, in~lare late works of fiction and one does ral schools, and they are worMng for Ithe latest government report. If this ilvan Tracy), comes to the Weather- Ont., and four years later, Mr. and ±b years. ~v~ . ~v£c~omo s nomma~ ~" ~ .... "'" ~ -"'--r ~o other injuries. petitions were the only ones on file no~ nave. ~o oe.a norarj[suoser~ ~ a total of 45 members at $1.00 each confusion exists among" specialists it burn place for the purpose of secming. Mrs. Schooley came to Cuss City ~e Mr. and Mrs. Bliss and daughter, in the county clerk's office on Tues-enjoy l;nis, service. ,n ~ms sne,~ may for tuition, it small wonder that the Wickersham a confession from the murderer of reside; Mr. Schooley came a short time ~Iiss Audree, were on their way from a be found ~he foltowmg ooo~s Everyone interested in church or communication with its conflicting in- John Weatherburn. The play reaches before his wife, ar~d-dng from Canada d y, the last day on which petitions a thrilling climax when the confession Iby way of Vassar and Caro, and then Cuss City Sunday noon to visit their could be accepted for the nomination. The Waters Under the Earth ...... Sunday school work is urged to make terpretations failed to register with daughter and sister, Miss Doris Bliss, , , Mar~ha Ostenso use of this opportunity, the general public. is secured. The assistant director is by stage to Cuss City-. This was before i With no contests for the nomina-i ................................ B. ~/L Vader. the railroad had star~ed aqnarAng trair~ who is empIoyed in Croswell. When tion for commissioner, no primarylA Farewell to Arms ...... ._........... :..... ] As the pots boil over the prohibition about three mites this side of Cros- . , Ernest Hemmlngway here. Rails had been laid at this time, elections will be necessary and both ....................... 1tll llY~f • t11t enforcement phase, the public gener- however, and when: )its. Schooley well, Mr. Bliss, who was driving', was counties will be free from this expense Job's Niece ........ Grace Livingston Hill 1 ally believes that the National Com- about to pass a parked ear and turned this spring. The Honor Girl..Grace Livingston Hill mission on Law Observance and En- came to Cuss City several weeks later, out too far, one side of the car sliding The Woman of Andros .................... t forcement is at an end. On the con- she was among the t~assengers who into the ditch. Mr. Bliss thought he .............................. Thornton Wilder IIIII II IIII llIIIl made the tri1~ on the first train that could pull back into the road and so A Lady of France .............. Grace Stair 'ly the most important feature of their came north over the :Pontiae~ Oxford put on more gas and did not notice Lone Cowboy ...................... Will James IIII III work, was one of a dozen subjects as- 1 & Northern RMlroa~to a cement culvert just ahead until too IIIIiiii II[[ lill Ultima Thule .................................... signed for inquiry: The work will pro- Iili 11ii IIIRIII Mr. Schooley established a harness late to avoid hitting it. .............. Henry Handel Richardson Defeat Vassar and Bad Axe by deed despite Iack of agreement over business directly after h~s arrival here, Mr. Bliss was badly cut and bruised. Angel Pavement .......... J. B. Priestley Large Scores. Gagetown prohibition. Aside from the prophetic occupying a building where the Ricker His daughter, Audree, received a AIIIII lilllYl Since Then ................ Sir Philip Gibbs references to the effect of the Commis- His Pal Sent to Jackson for 12 ½ & Krahting market now stands. About painful cut on the underside of the Next. sion's on Presidential i four years later, he purchased the iron Man ...................... W. R. Burnett Here report the 1932 to 15 Years by upper lip and it was at first thought Vagabonds .................... Knut Hamsun race, there are few in Washington 1 store building on the corner of Main that she had received internal inju- Program at College Features The Edwardians .......V. Saekville West The Cuss City High School basket-who profess to believe that it will l Judge Smith. and Leach Streets, now occupied by tthe Alex Henry G~cm~. ~Iere the ties but later....... it was found that besides I ~Ive...... rromlnen~ ~arm Cakes and Ale..W. Somerset Maugham eers have finished up the week with greatly influence the "wet" and "dry" I cuts and brmses and su~ermg ~rom Seed ......... .............. Charles G. Norris two more victories to their credit, legislation at this session. One thing business was continued until 19.02 the shock, she was not seriously hurt. I Owners. The Raider .......... Chas. Alden Seltzer Starting rather slowly at Bad Axe is certain, the confusion produced by Lewis Uglein of Detroit, who Turn to page four. Dr. Hart of Cr0swelt gave first aid ~ Tuesday night, they gradually picked the report in the public mind strikes pleaded not guilty to a robbery armed and Mrs Bliss and Audree were hur- charge before Judge Henry H. Smith ~A ÷~ ~ ~,~-M ,t. .q..dnskv ], Experts who have been advising up momentum until they had smoth- a hard blow at so-called independent INTERESTING PROGRAM BRYAN, McKINLEY, ered the Bad Axe boys beneath a fact-finding commissions.
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