VOL. LXXXVII NO. 24, $1.00 +CA. Sales Tax “For Over Eighty Years, the Voice of Our Community Speaking for Itself.” THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 2021 VOL. LXXVV, NO. 49 • $1.00 + CA. Sales Tax “For Over Eighty Years The Voice of Our Community Speaking for Itself THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013 Exploring the affects the reopening will have on the Black community Statistically Black Newsom ordered the projected California to Americans have been the state’s 40 million resi- be ranked as number one most susceptible ethnic dents to stay at home, and in the U.S. economy for group to the coronavirus; restricted non-essential “expanding GDP, raising data reflects a significant movements. These efforts household income, invest- imbalance in death rates were put into place to try ing in innovation,” accord- among Black and Brown to curve the spread of CO- ing to the news released communities VID-19. on Gov.CA., California Governor Newsom On Tuesday June has created more jobs than acted immediately and 15,2021, California as- any other state for the last called for a complete shut- sessed their economical three months, in addition to down, on March 19, 2020, standing and the studies {See REOPENING C-2} California Governor Gavin Newsom talks during a news conference at Universal Stu- dios in Universal City, Calif., on Tuesday, June 15, 2021. Starting Tuesday, there were no more state rules on social distancing, and no more limits on capacity at restaurants, bars, supermarkets, gyms, stadiums or anywhere else. AP PHOTO/RINGO H.W. CHIU BY BETTI HALSELL som, at Universal City Walk ity limits, and masks will Contributing Writer in Los Angeles. The gover- not be enforced throughout nor dissected a new reality, the state. June 15,2021 is a new that the State is looking to In March 2020, Dr. An- historical benchmark; Cali- face, in addition to elaborat- thony Fauci, director of the fornia has officially lifted ing on the Vax for the Win National Institute of Allergy COVID-19 restrictions that incentive program. and Infectious Diseases, were in place since March Starting June 15, all re- predicted millions of U.S. 2020. strictions that have been in citizens would be affected. The announcement was place for the past year will As of June 15, 2021 there made today by California be removed. That includes has been over 34 million California officially reopened on June 15 as the state celebrates a new chapter in State Governor, Gavin New- physical distancing, capac- cases recorded. the pandemic, which started a little over a year ago. AP PHOTO BY BILL HETHERMAN City News Service Six Black Los Angeles fire department employees who work within the Fire Prevention Bureau are su- ing the City, alleging the department is governed by a ``good old White boys club,’’ where the plaintiffs are targeted for criticism and denied fair and equal chances for promotions. Arson investigators, Leslie Wilkerson, Joseph Smith, Justin Davis, Rob- ert McLoud, Sean Morris, A group of Black firefighters in Los Angeles allege rac- and Mario Newte brought ism within the LAFD. COURTESY PHOTO the 89-page Los Angeles Superior Court complaint tion. ``The fire department, on Wednesday, alleging ra- The plaintiffs seek un- as an agency, is very good cial discrimination, hostile specified damages. A rep- at putting out fires and Recording artist, Andre “Dr Dre” Young (left) and record producer, Jimmy Iovine work environment and fail- resentative for the City At- rescue services,’’ the suit cut the ribbon at the official opening and dedication of Iovine and Young Hall at the ure to prevent harassment, torney’s Office could not be states. ``But what is sorely University of Southern California campus in Los Angeles, Wednesday, Oct 2, 2019.AP retaliation, and discrimina- immediately reached. {See LAFD A-10} SEE FULL STORY E-2 BY LAUREN VICTORIA BURKE Congress over- NNPA Newswire Contributor whelmingly passes bill to commemorate the end of slavery in the U.S. BY CORA JACKSON-FOSSETT Staff Writer Black communities in greater Los Angeles and In 2014, the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commis- throughout the United sion found that DNA testing verified a match to the next- States will observe June- door neighbor of the murder victim — the convictions of teenth with solemn memo- McCollum and Brown were on the road to being over- rials, spirited programs, turned. In September 2014, a judge ruled McCollum and singing and dancing, and a An Emancipation Day or Juneteenth celebration held Brown were, in fact, innocent. COURTESY PHOTO sense of jubilee. in Austin, Texas on June 19, 1900. AUSTIN HISTORY CENTER The various celebra- Brothers Henry McCol- victed at 19 and 15 and tions, which will occur on state of Texas learned that January 1, 1863. lum and Leon Brown spent 30 were sentenced to be ex- Saturday, June 19, honor they were free, two years The rejoicing reached years in prison for a crime they ecuted. The two had been the end of slavery and the after President Abraham a higher level this week didn’t commit. wrongfully convicted of date that African Ameri- Lincoln issued the Eman- when the U.S. Congress www.lasentinel.net The two brothers were con- {See 75M A-10} cans in the Confederate cipation Proclamation on {See JUNETEENTH A-10} A-2 LASENTINEL.NET NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 2021 President Biden Announces First Nominees for Board to Review Civil Rights Era Cold Cases BY STACY M. BROWN lished with nearly unani- the Stuart A. Rose Manu- dled with bullets, burned, vehicle and shot him in the NNPA Newswire Senior mous bipartisan support in script, Archives, and Rare and buried in a dam in head. National Correspondent 2019,” the official noted. Book Library at Emory Neshoba County. When she notified the President Biden’s nom- University. In this role, she The “Mississippi Burn- sheriff, he told her she did- Fourteen years ago, the inees are: partners with faculty and ing” case has largely gone n’t see what she “thought Southern Poverty Law • Clayborne Carson has other instructors to develop unsolved and primarily she saw” and closed the Center sent the FBI and the devoted most of his profes- courses and archives unpunished. case. U.S. Department of Justice research assignments for In 2005, Edgar Ray “No one cared, except a list of 74 cold cases undergraduate and gradu- Killen was convicted of his extended family, now involving African Ameri- ate students. three counts of manslaugh- scattered from Chicago to cans allegedly murdered in • Hank Klibanoff, a vet- ter and sentenced to 60 New York,” John Fleming, racially motivated circum- eran journalist who won a years in prison, but author- an editor at the Center for stances by White people Pulitzer Prize in History in ities closed the case and put Sustainable Journalism, between 1952 and 1968. FILE PHOTO an end to hopes of prose- wrote in a 2011 column. Most of the crimes took Margaret Burnham cuting others involved. “The case remains open, place in Mississippi, which recognizing a select group In Lowndes County, though the reality is that contained nearly half of the of scholars for their signifi- Alabama, there is the case this case will never be 74 cases. Alabama, cant work in the social sci- of 18-year-old Rogers prosecuted,” Fleming Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ences and humanities. Hamilton. decided. Kentucky, Louisiana, The panel could consid- On a brisk night in “Though the family North Carolina, South Car- er cases like the three civil October 1957, two white wants justice, even if it olina, and Tennessee all FILE PHOTO rights workers in Missis- men arrived at Rogers’ means getting the local dis- made up the rest. Clayborne Carson sippi – James Chaney, home, summoned him out- trict attorney to indict a All went cold, and the Andrew Goodman, and side, and put him in a truck. dead deputy, what’s equally victims’ families never sional life to the study of Michael Schwerner – killed His mother, Beatrice important to them is the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Hamilton, trailed the truck fact that the story of a long- received justice. FILE PHOTO by the Ku Klux Klan in Today, a new path to and the movements Dr. Hank Klibanoff justice has opened to crack King inspired. Since these cold cases. receiving his doctorate 2007 for a book he co- On Friday, June 11, from UCLA in 1975, Dr. wrote about the news cov- President Joe Biden Carson has taught at Stan- erage of the civil rights announced the first set of ford University as the Mar- struggle in the South. nominees for the Civil tin Luther King, Jr., Cen- Klibanoff is the creator and Rights Cold Case Records tennial Professor of History host of Buried Truths, a Review Board. (Emeritus). narrative history podcast The panel would have • Gabrielle M. Dudley, produced by WABE (NPR) the power to declassify an Instruction Archivist at in Atlanta. government files and sub- • Margaret Burnham poena new testimony that has served as a state court could reopen cases and judge (appointed by Gover- reveal publicly why many nor Michael Dukakis, racially motivated lynch- 1977), civil rights lawyer, ings and killings of Black and human rights commis- people were never ade- sioner. A graduate of quately investigated. Tougaloo College in Jack- “The White House son, Mississippi, and the hopes that the Senate University of Pennsylvania moves quickly to [confirm] Law School, Burnham has Poster of the three Civil Rights workers in 1964, a cold case that gained attention during these nominees,” an admin- been on the Northeastern the 1988 movie, “Mississippi Burning.”/ An FBI poster seeks the missing workers.
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