The Journal Of The Guild of One Name Studies G.O.0.N.S aRegisteredCharityNo.802048 THE GUILD OF ONE NAME STUDIES Regamity 802048 Famded1979 President: Derek A. Palgrave MA FRHistS FSG. ViePPreJidents: Sydney Brewin FC4 John He&&n, Peter Towey Honoran, Oflicers Cbairmaa: Etmorary Registrar: P&r Goodall, 3 Dixey’s cottages, Dominic Johnson, GreatNor&RoaQLondonN2ONS.(01814443100) 33 Redhill Lodge Drive, Redhill, Vice-Chairmam Nottingham NGS 8JH.(O115926 2085) Mr. Alec T&ton, Ingletoq Church Lane, Honorary Treasurer: Barnhmq West SussexPO22 ODG(01243 555453) Mr. Peter A. Prismall, 1 Holly Close, Eoaoraryseeretary: Wallingto~ Surrey SM6 OQB.(O18177398%) Mr. Mike Spathaky, 9 Fairstone Hill, Honorary Editor: Oadhy, Leicester LE2 5RL.(O1162713494) Mrs. Mary E. RomseyBA, 29 Queens Road Alton, Hampshire GU34 IJG. Executive Committee The Honoraw Ofliws together with Mr. Roger Lovegrove, Mr. Keith Plant. Mr. George Lashbrook, Mr. Kelvin Wa& Mr. Chris Swarbrcoke other Appldmtment5 JoornaJ Distributor Meetings Cv-ordinator Mr. Roy cox Mr. Chris Swarbmok Overseas Liaison Covenants Secretary Mr. Keith Plant Mr. George Lashbrook Guild Marriage Index Sales Officer Mr. Ketin Wmth Mr. Ron Duck&t Connty Reps Co-ordinator Mr. Roger Lovegrove (If in doubt to whom corrwooadeoce should be directed, the Box G address below should be used, as it should for general corresvondeace) Contributions to this Journal should be sent to the Editor at the above address. Whilst enquiries Specific to individual office may be dimted to them at their appropriate addresses,all other correspondenceshould be atldmsd to:- THE GUILD OF ONE-NAME STUDIES, Box G, 14 CharterhouseBuildings, Goswell Roa& London EClM 7BA. TABLE OF CONTENTS From the Editor’s Desk Mary Rmnsey._.....,._.,..,...._,.... 2 The Chairman’s Notes Peter Goodall 3 The secretary’sNotes Mike sjwhaky 3 The Five Hm&edth Anniversazy OfNewfoundland Keith Plant ___.._____.._.__.____......4 calmly Represmtatives as of 11 October 19%. ........ 4 The Treasurer’s Notes Peter Plismall......................,. 5 An Appreciation of David Cutten Ron Duck&t ._._...,_,.._.....__...... 6 How Useful to One-Namersare the Indexes to Patents? Gillian B&ingtIeld .._._...._.._.6 Datahes for One-Name S&es Jim Tatcbell........................... 7 The Origins of the SPE(A)K(E) Name J. D. Spcakc.__..______._____.__....... 8 DUGDALE, HARLEIAN, SURTBES, etc. John Hitchon _..__.__,.___...._._.,,.13 How Big is the ELDRED Family? Vernon W. Eldred _._..___,..._...15 The Guild’s New Constitution RogerLovegrow .__...._.._,,.._..,16 Guild Seminar at Kelso, Roxburghshtre .._.._.._.._._................... ,... 20 The Third Update to Name Identification Ronald Smallsbaw _...____...._._.20 A SHEARMURFamily Get Together Mary Mather ___....._......___....___22 Letters to the J?ditor._.._.._.._....__.._................... i __._,._.,_._.._,,_...., ........ __.77 . Book Reviews .._....._._..._......._....._._....._.__............... ..____,_.._ ........ _................................................................................... 27 News & Items of Interest .._..... ._.._.. .._.._.._. ........ ,... ................................................................................ 28 Changesto the Register . .._....._.._.,_.._......................,...,...,.....,........ .................................................. ............................ .30 Forthcoming Events _. ____ __. _. ,_ ______._ ._ ______ ___ ........ ............................................................................... .33 -es ._. .__ _. .___. ._, _...__ __ ._ .___ ................................................................................ 33 Front cowr - ShearmurFami!v Gel Together 1996 Guild Email Address Guild Web Site Address The loumal of The Guild 01 One Name Studies RegisteredCharity No. 802048 ISSN: 02623842 From The Editor’s Desk Mary Rumsey Thisisthc~ofthcnewformatJoumal.1~~vthatthe 4.2 It wiU thercforc be an offence. from Scptcmbx size will not pleaseeveryone. but it will enablecharts, maps lY92_ for any pxson (not just m&es) to give the and pictures to be included without loss of visual clarity. 1 Commissioners information which is false or hope that in the course of time all memberswill come lo misleading: enjoy the new format Journal. What wc needis more articles from you the memlxn which includes photographsetc. We if the personknow the information to lx cm now axep articles on disk in any &mat but would falseor misleading: prefer Rich text Fomxit 01FT). If send photographs*please if the Penn does not can: whether it is rememberto send an s.a.e. should require the photo to be false or misleading and doesnot checkit: return& For memberswith scannerswho wish to send a scan.please use TlFF format. 4.3 This applies whether or not the Commissioners have specifically asked for the information. The A Spaial General Meeting (SGM) of the Guild held at Commissionersr&l be ptting reminderson some Dartford Ken< at the quest of thirty-hvo signatoriesm&r of their most impomt forms about the need to the provisions of Section9b of the current Constitution of the supply correctinformation. Guild of One-NameStudies. &ted in less than ten of the signatories attending. This makes a mocker)- of the The ahe has lxcn taken from: “A Tmstce’sGuide to the Constitution which gives membersthe right to requestsuch a Charities’Act 1992”. SGM with a minimum of twenty signatories. It has been al&xl that the m&g at D&o@ was too far away for the It is cszemely mgrettablc that a small nmntcr of pooplc signatotiesto attend and yet over 75 membersdid attend but would appearto be. for reasonsbest known to *hems&es. there was no wy that this meetingcould havebeen comhincd attcmping to destroythe Guild both in regardto its fioanas. with the SGM held at Tamwonh to considerthe proposalsfor namely in calling an SGM and then not attending and h the new Constitution. since the latter went on all day as had attempts to either destroy the reputation of individual beenpm&sly anticipated membersof the Executive Committee(the trusteesm&r the abat Act) and/or by s&@ting them to stressb incessant Many of those at Dartford had come to receive information correspondencese-mail and solicitor’skztters. to resign becausethey were cluelessas to what it w-asall about. .andno wonder! Lettersand e-mail had beensent to certain members It is totally unfair to membersthat the Guild shou!dbwr the and not to others. while many of the recipients of these costof a SGM brought by lessthan 2% of the membershipon klievul they had ban sent to all mcmixrs including the hearsayand unsabstamiatcdallegations. Exenrtive Committee about which only a small number of meml!ers has bxn informed but someof whom have mistakenly beliewd they In q pmious editorial published in the Oaotcr 1996issnc. wcrc in receipt of inform&ion conmnmi~ted to the toti I stati that “any memberbelieving that the election was memlxrship. unfair and/or illegal has had the opporhmity for recourseto the charity commis.sioners. The i&l that this course of In view of the abow 1 \\ish nlcmtxxs to consi&r the action has not teen t&q 1b&eve speaksfor it&P’. following:- In relation to this I plblish below the relevant pamgmphsof That the mnditions allowing membersto ~11 a SGM rmxting Section 4 of the 1992 Charitin Act. namely. “Giving false shall bc as follows: infomWion to the Commissioners”. as I t&we some membersare unawareof theseprovisions and as the result of 1) A SGM will require the signaturesof ii& membxs recent events may well lid lhemsclvesin a p&ion whcrc or at the instigation of the Exondivc Committee theymaybec4mmihganoffenoe. 2) ALL memtcrs must receive a form for their 4.1 The Commissionersrely upon information given to signature which clearly gives specitic reawns for them by trusteesand employeesof charities. and by the calling of an SCM. membx of the public. It is elitrcmely impxtant tha< where the Commissioners arc g&en 3) If less than two thirds of the signatoriesattend the idmnation which they will use when making a SGM, then the signatories will txz liable for the ckcision abwt a charity, this information should be eqmses of calling the SGM. aawate. 1 do not consider point 3 alxwe to be undemocratic. candidatesmming for Parliamentforfeit their dcpwt if they The Journal of The Guild of One Name Studies RegisteredCharity No. 802048 ISSN: 02624842 ixciveasmallnumb~ofvotes. LuinfuhueSGMsbeab.xa calling it am willing “to put their money when: their mouth seriouslmsines for which to use a poker eqression. those is” The Chairman’s Notes Peter Goodall Inspiteoftaoorthreememlwsorchestratingacallfora mauimum. The CommitteewiU then electfrom its number.a special Gened Meaing (SGM), with the view to Cs Vice-Chairman Editor. Regislrar~secretary and q@antingthe-tFZxectdiveCommitteeandrq&ingit Treaswx. Ien&d~RqorttotheAmmaJGeneraJ with a “pqpt” mmmiltm: their motion was rcwmdin& Meeting last JTZUat Oxford with the wxds. “- and J look defeatedat Dartford on the 30th November la.% thereby fonwd with enthusiasmto wving just one more year”. E3y permillin~ the ori@nal ConstitulionaJ SGM to go ahead the time of this year’s ACM and Conferenceit will be live unhinderedthefdlowing- Atfbtford87ach1aJ years since I stated wit& “The Chauman’sNotes”. The memlxrsattended,wke~only35wereatTamworthto presentcommittee has only eleven membm w them slmuld dEhteandYoteonchangestothec‘Jtitution. Thisjust teamplercamforbotholdandnewbcszs goesto show the supportand’wnfidmce membersmust have in the
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