Town Council Meet* Tuetday r#l»1 THE WESTFIELD LEADER 8:30 P.M. The heeding and Mott Widely Circulated Weekly Neumpaper In Union County Fubll«fc«« Second Class Pottage Paid EIGHTY SECOND YEAR—No 28 Every Thursday WE8TFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1972 at We«t«leld, NT*. Ctatt Rebuts Vacation Time Throng Protests Plan lac Ml Plenty Reelected Head win reeae* at Ike renter tine Dem re*. ». To Widen Broad St. Charges Drug Problem Of Bd. of Education Fears of increased traffic, higher percent of which would be returned center strip, leaving the gravel . George A. Plenty was unanimously speeds, more accidents, added truck by the state. shoulders. - • . "It'i the. iame old argument, with reelected president of the Weatfield tonnage, loss of trees, increase in Grants from the state already have Watson, who aiked if the improve- a new twM," Councilman Alesati- Still Exists, Board of Education at it* orcaniia- policing costs, devaluation of prop- been made to the county and mu- ment would benefit WeetMd or the dcr 8. William, Tint Ward Republi- tional meeting Monday night at the erty and curbing assessments were nicipality for the improvements, and commuttn who drive through town, can «nd chairman of the town fi- Breitenfeld Says board offices. Douglas Campbell, expressed at a special meeting to Komich intimated that if, during aho stressed that hii group was nance committee, said today, in who was elected to a second three- discuss the proposed widening of 1972, "we don't use the money, it amwtr to demands by three Demo- year term last week, was the unani- concerned with what the wider road Arrest sUtUtics and student poHi East Broad St., a county arterial will go (omewhere else." His state- cratic couneilmcn for me of the mous choce for reelection a) vice- would do to the whole community. wen cited by Robert Breitenfeld, road, Monday night, ment drew a Urge round of ap- Town furplm money to pay 1S73 president. Mayor Snyder, who said he was town drug worker, wlho *oke on An overflow, standing-room only plause from the more than J00 at- operating expenses. "not aware of the deep feeling" on "Dnif Abuse Today" at a recent Campbell, Dr. James Johnson and crawd, primarily residents of the tending the three-hour long lesilor. Clark Leslie, members of the Joint the' subject, promised to adviie "The old part of the argument U meeting of the Parent-Teacher Cast Broad St. environs, jammed the If the Town Council approve* the Civic Committee date which wen residents If and when the council in- whether or not the council «hou!4 Council: council chambers at the invitation project, it is expected to be initiated use lurpku money, or what might 1,000-vote pluralities in the Fob, • troduces enabling ordinances to per- Weitfteld has a drug problem, of the Town Council to protest and either in spring or lite fall, the be termed our "lavlngi account," election, were sworn into office by mit the project. While Eut Broad flreltenMd said, despite people who to question County Engineer Joseph county engineer said. He gave tittle to ease the burden on the taxpayer Howard Tomlinson, board secretary. St. it a county-owned roid, Komich persist. in denying iU existence Komich, County Project Engineer assurance that the county would re- Ii 1«R. This ia exactly what the Hie board voted to hold public felt that without the support of the here. Clabninf that U comparable frank Petrik and Town Engineer surface the street in. the near future council did In 1971 with the full ap- meetings alternately at Edison and Towq Council, no improvements Charles Van Benachoten. Mayor unless the widening and- curbing ii proval of the finance committee. Mr, to drug problems In other ilrrtUr Roosevelt Junior High Schools on Dcnn A. Snyder acted as moderator approved, and said then that the would be made by the Union County Harri* and Mr, Tucker voted af tin* communlUei. he added that drug the first Tuesday after the first Mon- at the session at which five of the county would pave only a 22 ft. Freeholders. the 1871 budget. usage ii more Interne at both endi day of each month. The Mar. 7 ses- of the mclo-ecooomlc scale. Weatfield councilmen were also "Now In 1912 the council antici- sion will be held at Edison Junior All types of drugi, includinf her- present. pates using »l,4M,Q0» of par turpliM High School. oin, are used, he aid. He felt that 'Letters had been sent to all resi- to support the 1«R budget: leaving At that time, the board is expect- dents directly affected by the county Month-Long Campaign Underway the town with a cash balance of, there U generally little usage at ed to announce its position on • proposal to realign East Broad St. en.WO. Sine* the municipal appro- the elementary level, but the trend HOWARD TOMUNSON, eeereiary at the Board ef Etacattea, far rl|hl, proposal to permit open first and from Chestnut St. to Springfield Ave. priation! in 1973 ire up only 3.7%, i abawi that uiage litters down to admlaltlen MUI el aMee <• retaming bear* member Deaths eighth period studies, at least on a inviting them to discuss their con- To Support Town's First "Museum' think this i( i Miad financial ap- lower afai. Campbell aad new memfeers Dr. Jamee Jokatra and Clark LetUe at trial'basis this spring. The program cerns with the engineers. Since the proach." , In lfN there were S3 drug ar- atgaidiatlea meetag ef the iebeel beard Monday alfht. has been endorsed by the K'e Eye, rests in WestfieM. This rose to 71 residents' receipt of the invitations An appeal to "come along on the wishing to make a donation to the "The 'new twist' is the irresponsi- Westfield High School newspaper, Harrison T. Watson Jr., only resi- whirlwind campaign" to make West- •125,000 drive, which will finance the ble implication that the surplus ac- in 1M» and 108 in 1970. Of these and was included in a recent dis- dent who would be required to sell field's first living museum a reality purchase and set up an endowment count constitutes » pot of gold which' 109, 77 were over 18 years of age tribution by four officers of the a small triangle of his property, and was issued today by Samuel A. Mc- fund to maintain it. can be used to cover additional or and 32 Juveniles. 30-Ft. Flames Student Council. Drs. D. A.' Roberts and Joseph Caulley, campaign chairman of the Constructed around 1740, the old extraordinary operating expenses A March, 1970 poll in the high This publication, entitled "Shaft- 'BoyIan, have spearheaded an or- Citizen's Committee to Preserve the clapboard farmhouse had been called without cost to the taxpayer. It ia school Indicated marijuana use at ed," also was discussed by board ganized protest movement. About Miller-Cory house. "unique" by David N. Poinsett, su- true that additional surplus funds 35 percent, hashish at 25 percent, At House Fire members Monday night. Distributed 800 signatures have been reported The appeal was directed to "all pervisor of historic sites for the could be appropriated to support ad- LSD or mescaline and amphetam- last week in the high school, some to be on a petition to the Town Westfield area citizens,- individuals State Department of Environmental ditional expenses in the 19» budget. ines each at S per cent. Later tlhat Flames shot 30 feet into the sky board members questioned "im- Council urging disapproval of the and groups, who are enthusiastic Protection. It is false that thii would be without year, in November, marijuana use Thursday night as fire extensively proper statments" and "Inappropri- proposed widening of East Broad about the plan to convert the charm- The house merits nomination to cost, because it would leave lesi rose to 51 percent, hashish to 39 damaged the second and third floors ate distribution" of the pamphlet St. About 30 residents voiced their ing old 18th Century farmhouse at both the state and national registry surplus for use in 1973." percent, LSD or mescaline to 8 per- of the home- of Mrs. Mary Ann which urged unity among student! objections Monday night at the meet- 614 Mountain Avenue into a museum. of historic sites, ihe added. "It is -'.For example, in 1971 the council cent and amphetamines to 11 per- Titus at 117 Harrison Ave. to achieve their aims, ing; few approved of the contem- probably one of only a few still ex- appropriated $1,612,103 of surplus cent, Breitenfeld said. No one was home at the time the In it the Student Council officers plated changes. "Our campaign must be breath- takingly short if we're to complete tant . and should be preserved at to support the budget, anticipating To help solve the problem, the blaze broke out in a second floor David Stephens, Brant Cali, Ellen "We believe that widening our the purchase of the home in the at- all costs," that this account would reduce sub- drug worker said that a pamphlet bedroom from an undetermined Christie and John WiUard also is- streets to channel increased traffic loted time," McCaulley pointed out. stantially. Thli projection has proven on drugs hid'been distributed to cause, according to Deputy Fire sued a "two-fold challenge" to Hie 'Inspired by his assessment, th«. 1 Chief George-Breitfeller. <:\ through the community is not in •'Because of the necessity of closing cltiien's.ciJiiTmlltee.w» formed ltte accurate; »ccortlnil|f In W72 we..eaetr homeHn town, a 10th grade ; Board of Education.
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