1---N /---- hililren. The unpn>tt ,d niovii Yukon Dell Yt. r.lierjfr, Alaska’s Tuner; irojector was in tin- middle of Hi* Hospital Ship now in .Juneau Phono .Juneau Music 49 ARE KILLED mil with inflanmiahU Him in uric Ready to Be Laid Up House or Hote l (last menu. —atlv. ) FAMOUS BATTLES ill a table. A caudle was hurtling ♦ ♦ ♦ WE WANT YOU TO KNOW I mil two lllms cauclil !:r< limn il TANW'A. Alaska, Sept. 7 Use the Classifieds. They pay. THAT WE SELL AND THEATRE FIRE rhere was a stillm then l In pn\eminent hospital lmat iMartlia \n for the :: ———-?!;:I trowd rushed fur llic ime dim ip line lias arrived here and wii INSTALL await orders ns to whether ii wii I I UMKRK’K, Ireland. Sept. 7- Forty ■ eo into winter hero or HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE nine prisons are reported to have quarters make other trips hefore the rive, ARCOLA -O- been killed and 10 injured in a fire in an movie theater. An SCHEDULE*FOR freeze-up. improvised By The Associated Press HEATING SYSTEMS unscreened projecting a p p a r a Mi s caught afire. One door, the onh Hauled exit, became jammed and many per- COAST LEAGUE (Garbage by J. J. WOODARD CO. Jim Jefferies knocked out Hob die (iraney, the referee, was all j sons were trampled to death and Month or Plumbing—Sheet Metal Work Fitzsimmons July 25, 11102, in the dressed up in the "conventional Opening Ibis afternoon, the clubs Trip j burned. Twenty nine bodies recov- General ; South Front Street eighth round of a bout in a vacant evening dress." if the Pacific Coast League will Contracting, Concrete ered are unrecognizable. Leave orders Phone 37 3 Hes. Phones 1401,1303 San Francisco lot with a high board A few veiled women sat in day on the following schedule I'm Work, Excavating. heavily J Two Men at or V.-___ fence around it. A crowd of 3.200 boxes hut no demonstration of dis- in Custody j he week: Phone 149 P. 0. Box 253. Following the lire, the crowd G. A, was attracted to the enclosure. approval was made by the crowd. Seattle at Mission. GETCHELL broke the store windows of Patrick rv jtK Fitzsimmons appeared on the scene The ticket sale was estirnnUd a't Portland at Sacramento. William Ford, owner of the building! T in considerable style, arriving in a $35,(100. Los Angeles at Oakland. in which the cinema tragedy oc- 1:> I The Juneau Laundrv carriage. "I have now retired p-c leanenUy" San Francisco at Hollywood. 1 curred. Ford and liis movie opera I Not to lie outdone by the carriage was an announcement authorized by Our Permanent Location ; for Patrick Downing, are in cus Seward Franklin between Front used transportation by Fit/. FI- Fitzsimmons after the bout. tort For Kiln aneo mnotini; end stovt 227 Street MORRIS Street, tody. i I i wood see Juneau Transfer Com ; i The movie was In an old wooden and Second Sti. Phone 310 may Phone 4h ad*. GRIFFIN SHOPPE ! building with no Hr* apparatus. P THE CONTRACTOR f ■-- EXPECT RECORD PURSE was packed with men, women and Old papers for sale at Th’ Empire. ; Jm l_ DEMPSEY-TUNNEY ROUT 1 _' NEW YORK, Sept. 7. All boxing records for attendance and gate receipts appear certain to be shattered when Jack Dempsey crawls through the ropes in the Sesqui-C'entennial Stadium at Philadelphia to defend his title against the ex Marine, Gene Tunney. The expectations of Tex Rickard and Sesqui officials are that more than l.'tn.OOO spectators will pay approximately $2,000,000 to see the first heavyweight championship match in over three years, with the gigantic concrete structure, centered in the historic exposition grounds, witnessing an unprecedented spectacle in sports. Over two billion SET PREVIOUS RECORD Rickard reached astonishing promotion heights in 1021 when he at traded a throng ol' Oo.ooo fans who paid $1,(100,ooo to see Dempsey knock a month! out the, spectacular Frenchman, Georges Carpentier, in four rounds in the smoked wooden saucer at Hoyles’ Thirty Acres, Jersey City. These records arc the high marks for boxing now but they promise to be substantially bettered at Philadelphia. —how dot you it? It has been only in recent years that boxing, especially in the heavy- explain weight class, lias reached such planes of frenzied finance. The era of big ; bowls and stadiums, plus great popular interest, has made million dollar sr^. affairs of these big title bouts, with Dempsey the central drawing card. The present champion lias fought only six times in seven years, inclttd ing the bout in which he look the title away from Jess Willard In 1919. but these half dozen appearances have attracted gale receipts approximating $4,000,000, with Dempsey’s share running around $1,000,000. Here are the figures on the "big money" bouts: PREVIOUS BIG BOUTS PRINCIPALS (Winner, Loser) Year Attendance Receipts Jack Dempsey-Georges Carpentier 1921 90,000 $1,026,580 Jack Dempsey Luis Angel Kirpo 192:’, 86,000 1.188,822 Harry Wills-Luis Angel Firpo 1924 80,000 700,000 Benny Leonard-Lew Tendler 1923 55,000 452,648 Jack Dempsey-Jess Willard 1919 19,650 452,522 Jack Delaney Paul Berlenhacli 1926 45,000 450,000 Luis Angel Firpo .less Willard 1923 90,000 429,920 Italian Hospital Fund Show 1925 Benny Leonard-Lew Tendler 1922 60,000 367,862 Milk Fund Show at Yankee Stadium 192,3 63,000 365,000 Jack Dempsey-Tom Gibbons 1923 12,500 201,485 Jack Johnson-Jim Jefferies 1910 20,000 270,775 Jack Dempsey Hill Hrennan 1920 15,000 162,000 Jess Willard-Frank Moran 1916 13,000 152.000 Johnny Kilhane-Kugene Criqni 1923 21.000 62,500 Benny Leonard Richie Mitchell 1921 12,000 136.400 Benny Leonard-.Iack Briton 1922 26,000 130.200 Benny Leonard Rocky Kansas 1922 13,300 126,760 Johnny Dundoo-Kugone Criqni 1923 33,389 131,416 Georges Carpentier Hat Levinsky 1920 12,120 120,000 Jimmy Wilde-Panrhn Villa .1923 23,000 94,590 m--— Says Tunney Is --j Best Man Jack George Burns Has Ever Met Makes Record Tuo-Base Hits STROl’DSBl’Rfi, Penn., 7.— ftept. i _ Done Tunney braved the rain yes- | CLEVELAND. Sept 7. George! terday and boxed six rounds. Ja k Burns, first baseman of the Renault, the tough heavyweight | Cleveland American League club, of who champion Canada, watched, has made a new world record said: "lie ir without doubt the best for two base hits when he hit man Dempsey has gone against his llOth double in the first in- since he has been champion." ning of the first game of the doubleheader with Detroit on STROCDSBCRd, Sept. 7. One of | Sundav. I Tunney’s epigrams is "composure, ■-B < is absolutely necessary and pois.e is essential.” SACRAMENTO, Cal., Sept. 7.- Tunney has never been knocked President Harry Williams, of the Natural tobacco taste down. When asked what lie wo ild Pacllic Coast League, indefinitely do if he was knocked down, Tun- suspended second baseman Sherlock, ney replied: of the Seattle Club, for arguing that's the answer! * "My next move would be to get with empire Williams. and 1 up then try and knock my Williams also denied the rep'.'t a difference hard to put into words— opponent down." the Seattle Club was for sale. ITSbut it takes no expert to taste it. Use the Classifieds. They pay. Use the Classifieds. They pay. Character; natural tobacco character, natu' 4 ral good taste—get that in a cigarette and I ^ you get everything! For four consecutive years, Chesterfield Put this down ac, has remained America’s fastest'growing cigarette; over two billion are smoked per month. Do men want natural tobacco taste? The record speaks for itself! Chesterfield THE CONNORS MOTOR CO.’S CIGARMXES garage is the most fully equipped of any in the Territory of Alaska. Only skilled mechanics em- ployed—AIL WORK GUARANTEED. TULL LINE OF AUTO ACCESSORIES IN STOCK CONNORS MOTOR CO. Such popularity » BUICK and CHEVROLET Dealer must be deserved \ l-< ■a i i_.. .. .
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