FRIDAY. APRIL 1». 1947 THE WILDCAT — CHICO. CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE Willie Simmons Chico Stale Nine Meets Sideline Wildcats, Aggies Split Double Header Sat. Red Raiders at Ashland Conference opponent. Southern Oregon College of Education, this after­ Observations noon in the Medford Crater Stadium at Medford. Oregon. Tho second of Coach Roy Bohler'i Wildcat baaaballari. splitting in a double header By TONY NOVAK the two-game series will be played there tomorrow afternoon. with the Cal Aggie nine last Saturday at Oroville. now hold a 1-3 rocord The Wildcats who have a season rocord of five wins against three in Par Western Conference play. Chico Stata's season rocord thus far Coach Roy Bohler't Wildcat b a s e bailers meet their third Far Western include* five wins and three losses. losses, stand a good chance of cop-#--------------------------------------------- — This week's article will have to be The Wildcats took the first encounter 7-6 after "Bush" Dalrymple short in order to meet the editor's crossed home plate in the last half^---------- —-------------- ping a double victory this week-end. deadline. Because of the student | There are a number of factors that Cal Ramblers Added to of the ninth for tho winning tally. _ , . _ j bring about this belief. In the first body election and other matters Six Wildcat errors and thirteen Ag- I n n n ic | IlfllF* H a I/ 1 1947 Football Schedule sports news has been scarce. I be­ gie hits in the seven inning nightcap j 1 1 /1 ,1 1 ,3 VJIIIIIK/ 1 ICIU place, today's contest will be South- lieve it is sometimes wise to write a I em Oregon's first game of the sea- resulted in a 9-6 Aggie victory. H p rp I gef Q ahirH ilV | son. Secondly, Red Raider practice Graduate Manager Mackay Mar­ short article and The larger number of Chico State j * , L ‘ V L /u o l k J O lU l U d j tin this week announced the addi­ give the readers a has been cut to a minimum because* tion of the Cal Ramblers of U. C. to chance to rest, j runs in th e first game came in the I of rain, and third, the northerners’ first inning. A couple stolen bases, A tennis clinic, demonstrating the {mound staff, untried in competitive Chico State's 1947 football schedule providing of I two Aggie errors, and a pair of | techniques of refereeing, was held The game will be played hrfe on course, o n e h a s I play, is considered the weakest spot October 25. The Cal Rambler con­ j walks netted four points for the | last Saturday afternoon on the city I on the team. readers. But nev­ Wildcat nine. j courts. The demonstration was test brings the home game total to ertheless, it won't : RAIDERS VERSATILE five, while tuts on the road remain take long to read Skip McDonald made it a 6-3 j under the sponsorship of the Super- Chico Staters, remembering the Wildcat lead in the sixth as he sin- I ior California League of Women’s at three. The one remaining open this column and I Officials. [ football and basketball seasons, have date on the schedule is October 11. you can go on to j gled and then stole second, third. I learned not to underestimate the If filled, it will also be a local game. something more I and home. In charge of the refereeing dem- I ability of the Oregon Raiders. Judg­ The Cal Ramblers outscored the interesting or ed­ The Aggies closed in to within : onstration was Miss Donaldine Grass ing from the Raider baseball roster, ; of Sacramento College, chairman of Wildcats 6-0 in Chico State’s opener ucational. NOVAK one point of the Staters and then { key men of the gridiron and basket - last fall. Monday the new Dalrymple came in as a relief hurler the tennis rating board of the Na­ I ball floor have won berths on the ---- %------------------------------- ----------- intramural volleyball tournament in the last third of the seve^h to tional Board of Women’s Officials. Oregon squad. begins with six teams battling it out give the Bolder nine the game. Miss Grass spoke on the art of ref­ Among those remembered in Fifteen men went north with Mac­ to the finish. The first two games The Aggies tied the contest in the ereeing and then called an exhibi­ sports circles here are Darrell Cope­ kay Martin. Coach Roy Bohler was start at 4: IS, and the last two at first half of the ninth but McDonald, tion match. land (pi, Tex Gatlin (c), Barney unable to travel with the team. 5:00. From the rumors I hear, the who had a perfect four for four at Playing exhibition matches while Riggs (c), Chuck and Jim jandreau. Next Wednesday, the Wildest team to beat will be the “Bay Re­ j bat, singled. McDonald was out as explanation was made of the tech­ Jack Kemnitzer and Wes Peters (in- diamond dusters will asset the gion All-Stars.” If you aren't doing ; Dalrymple made first on a fielder’s niques were Chico State doubles I fielders), Bobby Hoefs and Chuck Mather Field Flyers on the Chico anything after school drop over to ; choice. teams composed of Mary Nelson and DeAutremont (outfielders). High School diamond. The fils tees have previously defee ted the the gym and see volleyball at its WINNING INNING Jim Bems, and Margaret Cozad and Two of these versatile athletes. best. Ken Tinkler. Nelson and Bems took Chuck Jandreau, ss, and Bobby Mather nine S-S. The gaase starts An Aggie error put Hank Sigel on at 3:00 p. as. Last week I talked about Ron first. Sigel moved to second, Dal­ the first set 6-2; Cozad and Tinkler Hoefs, rf, are on the probable start­ “Blue” Lang and his accomplish­ rymple to third, as Hibdon was out the second 6-2. Ten linemen and a ing list. Russ Martindale, the only ments in the sports Aeld of Chico at first. Johnny Johnson at bat, hit net judge assisted Miss Grass in the left hand thrower on the Raider State College. This week the spot­ a vertical ball and Aggie shortstop. exhibition. squad, will be the pfbbable starting light falls on Carrol “Pappy" Sher­ Chico Stale's Contender for pitcher. Brown, came in to get it Brown Supervision of the clinic was Mile Honors rod. He has the distinction of hold­ dropped the ball as Dalrymple came under Miss Lola Osborn, head of the The complete mound staff of Ben ing the interclass pole vaulting rec­ women’s P.E. department, and Ethel Farmer, Bob Russell. Mel Dalrym­ ord at 12 feet 1 inch. He also has in for the winning run. The Wildcats had two outs and Bomefeld, head of the women’s P.E. j ple and Johnny Adams made the JOHN played a great deal of football, win­ two men on base in the last half of section at Chico High School. Sports Schedule trip north. Dalrymple will prob­ ning his block for three seasons the ninth when the Aggies gave T he clinic was attended by stu ­ ably pitch one, Adams the other. along with three years in track. At Fanner will split his duties in right present Carrol is doing his student Chico S tate the victory without fur­ dents and tennis instructors of BASEBALL ther play. * northern California schools and col-! April 18—So. Oregon College of field. teaching over at the local high Aggie scoring was highlighted by leges. INFIELD CHANGES school and liking it very much. He Ed. at Ashland, Ore. Hank Sigel has moved into the in- i Fredotovich Nedderman, who slugged a double can be easily identified by his studi­ April 19—So. Oregon College of field at second. Skip Schwellenbach and a hom er. In the seventh, Ned- j fifth. Ed. at Ashland, Ore. ous look and conservative neckties. derman’s home-run hit bounced off April 23—Mather Field Flyers, also coming in at shortstop. Jack Oh, yes! Sherrod is still pole vault­ the center field light post. After dis- ••H utton batted for H arper in ninth. Staples will handle third if Bob ing for the Red and White. Chico State 401 001 001—7 Chico High field. Alldredge’s injured arm is still a For cussion by officials, it was ruled that j Cal Aggies ..... 200 001 2^1—6 April 25—University of Nevada, the ball would have crossed the | Oroville (night). handicap in throwing. fence had it not hit the pole and SECOND GAME April 26—University of Nevada, Acker Tennis Team Nedderman was credited with a Chico State AB R H PO A Chico. home run. ■ Sigel. c f ........ ...... 3 3 2 1 0 April 30—Wolf and Royer of KODAKS Downs Aggie Squad AGGIES WIN Hibdon, 3b 3 2 1 0 2 Roseville (night). In the second game, the Aggies | Johnson, lb ... 4 0 2 11 1 TENNIS Kodak Supplies and SHERIFF built up a 3-0 lead by the end of the ' Schwellenbach, rf 2 0 0 1 2 April 26—University of Nevada. Art Acker’s Wildcat tennis team third inning before the Wildcats got : Benedetti, If .... 2 0 0 1 0 Chico. Finishing took a close 5-4 decision from the their first hit. At the end of the fifth 1 Hocking, 2b 1 0 0 1 0 May 3—Pioneer Day three-way Cal Aggies last Saturday in spite of the Cats took the lead 5-4, but six ! Staples, ss ......___ 1 0 0 1 1 meet: Humboldt State, South­ a bit of juggling in seeding on the Chico errors and thirteen Aggie hits i Marshall, c .
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