Chapter 3 Hardware Shading Effects Wolfgang Heidrich Real-time Shading: Hardware Shading Effects Wolfgang Heidrich The University of British Columbia Abstract be represented analytically, in which case it is called a reflection model), or it can be represented in a tabular or In this part of the course we will review some examples sampled form as a four-dimensional array (two dimen- of shading algorithms that we might want to implement sions each for the incoming and outgoing direction). in a real-time or interactive system. This will help us The problem with both representations is that they to identify common approaches for real-time shading cannot directly be used in hardware rendering: the systems and to acquire information about feature sets interesting analytical models are mathematically too required for this kind of system. complex for hardware implementations, and the tabular The shading algorithms we will look at fall into three form consumes too much memory (a four-dimensional categories: realistic materials for local and global illu- table can easily consume dozens of MB). A differ- mination, shadow mapping, and finally bump mapping ent approach has been proposed by Heidrich and Sei- algorithms. del [9]. It turns out that most lighting models in com- puter graphics can be factored into independent com- ponents that only depend on one or two angles. These 1 Realistic Materials can then be independently sampled and stored as lower- In this section we describe techniques for a variety of dimensional tables that consume much less memory. different reflection models to the computation of local Kautz and McCool [12] described a method for factor- illumination in hardware-based rendering. Rather than izing BRDFs given in tabular form into lower dimen- replacing the standard Phong model by another single, sional parts that can be rendered in a similar fashion. fixed model, we seek a method that allows us to uti- As an example for the treatment of analytical models, lize a wide variety of different models so that the most consider the one by Torrance and Sparrow [29]: appropriate model can be chosen for each application. ¢¡¢£¥¤ ¦¨§ © ¤ (1) "! ¡ 1.1 Arbitrary BRDFs for Local Illumina- where is the BRDF, is the angle between the sur- ¤ ¦ # tion ¤ face normal and the vector pointing towards the light # ¤ We will first consider the case of local illumination, source, while is the angle between and the viewing © i.e. light that arrives at objects directly from the light direction ¤ . The geometry is depicted in Figure 1. sources. The more complicated case of indirect illu- For a fixed index of refraction, the Fresnel term mination (i.e. light that bounces around in the envi- in Equation 1 only depends on the angle $ between the ¤ ¤ % ronment before hitting the object) will be described in light direction ¦ and the micro facet normal , which is ¦ ¤ © Section 1.3. the halfway vector between and ¤ . Thus, the Fresnel £ $ The fundamental approach for rendering arbitrary term can be seen as a univariate function ). materials works as follows. A reflection model in re- The micro facet distribution function , which de- ¤ flection model in computer graphics is typically given fines the percentage of facets oriented in direction % , ¤ % in the form of a bidirectional reflectance distribution depends on the angle & between and the surface nor- # function (BRDF), which describes the amount of light mal ¤ , as well as a roughness parameter. This is true reflected for each pair of incoming (i.e. light) and out- for all widely used choices of distribution functions, in- going (i.e. viewing) direction. This function can either cluding a Gaussian distribution of & or of the surface © n rendering pass with two simultaneous textures, or two separate rendering passes with one texture each in or- © der to render specular reflections on an object. If two h passes are used, their results are multiplied using alpha © v blending. A third rendering pass with hardware lighting δ (or a third simultaneous texture) is applied for adding a β α © l diffuse term. θ θ If the light and viewing directions are assumed to © t be constant, that is, if a directional light and an or- thographic camera are assumed, the computation of the φ © texture coordinates can even be done in hardware. To h' this end, light and viewing direction as well as the Figure 1: The local geometry of reflection at a rough halfway vector between them are used as row vectors surface. in the texture matrix for the two textures: VW `ba VW `ba VW `ba [ *,-7N *,-7N Y Y Y d W a W a W a Z\[ Z\] Z\^ ] height, as well as the distribution by Beckmann [3]. *,-. Y d H Since the roughness is generally assumed to be constant ^ Y Y Y Y Y < d (2) c X c X c for a given surface, this is again a univariate function X Y Y Y _ _ _ ')(+*,-.0/ . Finally, when using the geometry term 1 proposed VW `ba VW `ba VW `ba Ce[ Cf] Cf^ [ *,-g2 Y by Smith [27], which describes the shadowing and d W a W a W a [ ] ^ ] *,-\6 Y F F F masking of light for surfaces with a Gaussian mi- d H ^ Y Y Y Y Y < cro facet distribution, this term is a bivariate function d (3) X c X c X c (+*,-32 45*,-768/ 1 Y Y Y _ _ . _ The contribution of a single point- or directional light source with intensity 9: to the intensity of the surface is CED CLD /G*,-32IH (KJ 4A (BA Figure 2 shows a torus rendered with two different F A 9: >¢@ given as 9;=<?>¢@ . The term (+*,-NO/PH /G*,-32 roughness settings using this technique. F A can be split into two bivariate parts M (+*,-32Q45*,-768/¥RS(+TUH*,-768/ ')(+*,-.0/ We would like to note that the use of textures for rep- and 1 , which are resenting the lighting model introduces an approxima- then stored in two independent 2-dimensional lookup Hh' tion error: while the term M is bounded by the inter- 4 RS(+TlHm*,-68/ _kj tables. Y 1 val i , the second term exhibits a singu- D *,-\6 Regular 2D texture mapping can be used to imple- larity for grazing viewing directions ( Y ). Since ment the lookup process. If all vectors are normalized, graphics hardware typically uses a fixed-point represen- the texture coordinates are simple dot products between tation of textures, the texture values are clamped to the 4 Y _kj the surface normal, the viewing and light directions, range i . When these clamped values are used for and the micro facet normal. These vectors and their the illumination process, areas around the grazing an- dot products can be computed in software and assigned gles can be rendered too dark, especially if the surface as texture coordinates to each vertex of the object. is very shiny. This artifact can be reduced by dividing The interpolation of these texture coordinates across the values stored in the texture by a constant which is a polygon corresponds to a linear interpolation of the later multiplied back onto the final result. In practice, vectors without renormalization. Since the reflection however, these artifacts are hardly noticeable. model itself is highly nonlinear, this is much better than The same methods can be applied to all kinds of simple Gouraud shading, but not as good as evaluating variations of the Torrance-Sparrow model, using differ- the illumination in every pixel (Phong shading). The in- ent distribution functions and geometry terms, or the terpolation of normals without renormalization is com- approximations proposed in [24]. With varying num- monly known as fast Phong shading. bers of terms and rendering passes, it is also possible This method for looking up the illumination in two to come up with similar factorizations for all kinds of separate 2-dimensional textures requires either a single other models. For example the Phong, Blinn-Phong 3 – 2 Figure 2: A torus rendered with the proposed hardware multi-pass method using the Torrance-Sparrow reflection model (Gaussian height distribution and geometry term by [27]) and different settings for the surface roughness. For these images, the torus was tessellated into n0oporqn0opo polygons. and Cosine Lobe models can all be rendered in a sin- dinates can be computed in software in much the same gle pass with a single texture, which can even already way as described above for isotropic materials. This account for an ambient and a diffuse term in addition to also holds for the other anisotropic models in computer the specular one. graphics literature. Since anisotropic models depend on both a normal and a tangent per vertex, the texture coordinates cannot 1.1.1 Anisotropy be generated with the help of a texture matrix, even if light and viewing directions are assumed to be constant. Although the treatment of anisotropic materials is This is due to the fact that the anisotropic term can usu- somewhat harder, similar factorization techniques can ally not be factored into a term that only depends on be applied here. For anisotropic models, the micro the surface normal, and one that only depends on the facet distribution function and the geometrical attenu- tangent. ation factor also depend on the angle s between the One exception to this rule is the model by Banks [2], facet normal and a reference direction in the tangent which is mentioned here despite the fact that it is an plane. This reference direction is given in the form of a u ad-hoc model which is not based on physical consider- tangent vector t . ations. Banks defines the reflection off an anisotropic For example, the elliptical Gaussian model [31] in- surface as troduces an anisotropic facet distribution function spec- ified as the product of two independent Gaussian func- u g L z O z|{=}~O O vE vE t t t t tions, one in the direction of , and one in the direction t (4) u v qwt x of the binormal t .
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