Phase 2B Schedule Activity 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Preliminary Design/Advanced Conceptual Engineering Legislative Action for Potential Transit Tax Ballot Initiative Potential County-wide Nov Transit Tax Ballot 2016 Initiative Financing & Procurement Construction August 1, 2013 Metro Gold Line Foothill E:itte nsion Construction Authority 406 [ Huntinglon Drive, Suite 202 Monrovia, CA 9101&-3633 626-471·9 050 ph Agenda Item: 5 626-471·9 049 Ix www.foothillextension.org Board Members: TO: Chair and Members of the Montclair to Ontario Extension Committee Doug Teaaltor Chair Council Member, FROM: Hab~ Balian, CEO City ot Glendora Appointee, City of Pasadena DATE: Sept~ber 3, 2013 Sam Pedroa SUBJECT: Adoption of Azusa to Montclair Project Budget 1" Vic• Chair Council Member, City of Claremont Appointee of SGVCOG RECOMMENDATION: Vacant City of Los Angele1 The Montclair to Ontario Extension Committee receive and File the Azusa to Appointee, Montclair Project Budget for the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Project in the City of Los Angeles amount of $950 million. Pa ulS. Laon Member Mayor, SUMMARY: City of Ontario Appointee, City of South In April 2013, the Board approved the Foothill Extension Financial Plan Revision 9 Pasadena of $1.719 billion. The Azusa to Montclair Project Budget has been developed John Fauna consistent with the Foothill Extension Financial Plan Revision 9. Member Council Member, City of Duarte Appointee.1.ACMTA Authority engineers have prepared a preliminary estimate, in LACMTA and FTA format, using the cost data, with appropriate adjustments, from the Pasadena to Bill Boga.rd Azusa segment of the Project. Included in the estimate are categories for Member, Non-Voting Mayor, Guideway and Track Elements; Stations, Stops, Terminals, lntermodal; Support City of Pasadena Appointee, City of Facilities, Yards, Shops, Admin Bldgs; Sitework and Special Conditions; Systems; Pasadena Row, Land, Existing Improvements; Vehicles; Professional Services and Unallocated Contingency. This estimate will be refined as the project definition Lara Latramendl Member, Non-Voting evolves. Gubernatorial Appoinlee The Authority is conducting ongoing planning and construction is expected in Daniel M. Evans FY2016 to FY2022. Member, Non-Voting Cily of South Pasadena Appointee, City of BUDGET IMPLICATIONS: South Pasadena Alan 0 . Wapner The Azusa to Montclair Project Budget is included in the Metro Gold Line Foothill Member, Non- Voting Council Member, Extension Financial Plan Revision 9. Through Measure R, there is a $36 million City of Onlarlo commitment from the LACMTA board approved in January 2013 for CEQA/NEPA Appointee, SANBAG compliance, preliminary engineering and other planning activities. Executive Officer: Habib F. Ballan Chief Executive Officer Montclair to Ontario Extension Committee September 3, 2013 Agenda Item 5 Page 2 of 4 BACKGROUND: Revenues - $950,000,000 The revenues consist of the following: • $ 36,000,000 in Measure R Revenue • $ 55,000,000 from SAN BAG for Claremont to Montclair Portion • $859,000,000 in Undetermined Revenue Expenditures - $950,000,000 The proposed expenditures consist of the following: • $895,000 ,000 from Azusa to Claremont • $55,000,000 from Claremont to Montclair Illustrated below, are the estimate line items and applicable budget based on the Authority's engineers estimate at this time. • 10 GUIDEWAY & TRACK ELEMENTS Included in this category are; J;;. Guideway at-grade exclusive right-of-way J;;. Guideway at-grade semi-exclusive J;;. Guideway at-grade in mixed traffic ~ Guideway Aerial structure ;;... Guideway Built-up fill ~ Guideway Underground cut and cover ~ Guideway Underground tunnel ~ Guideway Retained cut or fill ~ Track Direct fixation ~ Track Embedded ;;... Track Ballasted ~ Track Special ~ Track Vibration and noise dampening • 20 STATIONS, STOPS, TERMINALS, INTERMODAL Included in this category are; J;;. At-grade station, stop, shelter, mall, terminal, platform ~ Aerial station, stop, shelter, mall, terminal, platform ~ Underground station, stop, shelter, mall, terminal, platform ~ Other stations, landings, terminals: lntermodal, ferry, trolley, etc. ;;... Joint Development ~ Automobile parking multi-story structure J;;. Elevators, escalators Montclair to Ontario Extension Committee September 3, 2013 Agenda Item 5 Page 3 of 4 • 30 SUPPORT FACILITIES: YARDS, SHOPS, ADMlN. BLDGS Included in this category are; );;>- Administration Building: office, sales, storage, revenue counting > Light maintenance facility );;>- Heavy maintenance facility );;>- Storage or Maintenance of Way Building );;>- Yard and Yard Track • 40 SITEWORK & SPECIAL CONDITIONS Included in this category are; )- Demolition, Clearing, Earthwork );;>- Site Utilities, Utility Relocation ;.:.. Hazardous material, contaminated soil removal, ground water treatment )- Environmental mitigation );io Site structures including retaining walls, sound walls );;>- Pedestrian I bike access and accommodation, landscaping );;>- Automobile, bus, van accessways including roads, parking lots > Temporary Facilities • 50 SYSTEMS Included in this category are; }lo Train control and signals );;> Traffic signals and crossing protection );;>- Traction power supple: substations );;>- Traction power distribution: catenary and third rail );;>- Communications > Fare collection system and equipment );;>- Central Control • 60 ROW, LAND, EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS Included in this category are; );;> Purchase or lease of real estate > Relocation of existing households and businesses • 70 VEHICLES Included in this category are; );;>- Light rail Montclair to Ontario Extension Committee September 3, 2013 Agenda Item 5 Page 4of4 • 80 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Included in this category are; ~ Preliminary Engineering ~ Final Design ~ Project Management for Design and Construction ~ Construction Administration & Management ~ Professional Liability and Other Non-Construction Insurance ~ Legal, Permits, Review Fees by other agencies, cities, etc. )'> Surveys, Testing, Investigation, Inspection ~ Start-Up • 90 UNALLOCATED CONTINGENCY BUDGET: Azusa to Montclair Project Budget (in Mil) YOE 10 Guideway & Track Elements 205 20 Stations, Stops, Terminals & lntermodal 155 30 Support Facilities: Yards, Shops and Admin Buildings 20 40 Sitework & Special Conditions 75 50 Systems 75 60 ROW, Land & Existing Improvements 40 70 Vehicles 60 80 Professional Services 160 90 Unallocated Contingency 160 TOTAL: $950 Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority 406 E. Huntington Drive. Suite 202 Monrovia, CA 91016· 3633 626-471-9050 ph Agenda Item: 6 626-471 -9049 Ix www.foothill e~tension nrg Board Members: TO: Chair and Members of the Montclair to Ontario Extension Doug Teesltw Chair Committee Council Member, City or Glendora FROM: Habi ~ . Balian, CEO Appointee, City ~ Pasadena DATE: Septe~ber 3, 2013 Sam Pedroza 1" Vice Chair SUBJECT: Discussion of the Metro Gold Line Phase II Project to Council Member, LA/Ontario International Airport Strategic Planning Study City of Claremont Appointee of SGVCOG Vacant RECOMMENDATION: City of Los Angeles Appointee, City of Los Angeles That the Extension Committee receive and file the draft Metro Gold Line Phase II Paul S. Leon Project to LA/Ontario International Airport Strategic Planning Study. Member Mayor, City of Ontario SUMMARY: Appointee. City of South Pasadena On October 10, 2008 KOA Corporation completed and submitted the Phase II Project to LA/Ontario International Airport Strategic Planning Study. The John Fasana Member conclusions of the draft study will be presented to San Bernardino Associated Council Member, City of Duarte Governments (SANBAG) and Southern California Association of Governments Appointee, LACMTA (SCAG), as well as the Foothill Extension to Ontario Airport Advisory Committee. Following any suggested modifications, the Study will be presented to the public. Biii Bogaard Member, Non-Voting The Executive Summary of the draft study is attached and a copy of the full draft Mayor, City of Pasadena report is available in the Construction Authority office. Appointee, City of Pasadena BUDGET IMPLICATIONS: Lara larram&ndi Member, Non- VoUng Gubernatorial No budget implications to the Authority. The study total budget of $500,000 is Appointee jointly funded 50% by SCAG (Southern California Association of Governments) Daniel M, Evans and 50% by SANBAG (San Bernardino Associated Governments). Member, Non-Voting Cilyof South Pasadena BACKGROUND: Appointee. City of South Pasadena Throughout 2008, the co nsulting firm of KOA Corporation and the Construction Alan D. Wapner Member, Non- Voting Authority has compiled alignment data from discussions with transportation and Council Member, City of Ontario planning coordinators, elected officials as well as the public. The collected Appointee, SANBAG information was used to determine the most favorable alignments for the extension to the airport, which were then studied in detail. The Planning Study is a comprehensive look at the favored alignments, and will serve as guideline for the Alternatives Analysis. Executive Officer. Habib F. Ballan Chief Executive Officer Executive Summary The Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension to LA/Ontario International Airport Strategic Planning Study (Study) was commissioned in November, 2007. This Study evaluated conceptual light rail routes to determine publicly acceptable, technically sound, and cost effective alternatives for extending Metro Gold Line service nearly eight miles east of its proposed terminus in Montclair,
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