ere) Wallace Wins accepted the unitt ail owan them available to Serving the University of Iowa and the People of Iowa Cily .tudents In two - • group of about , 10 cents a CODY Associated Pres3 Leased Wire and Wirephoto Ion aty, Iowa 52240-Wednesday, June 3, 1m and 200 mort In Alabama Bid " WASHINGTON (.fI - George C. Wal­ tric:ta reportln" Williams had 187 •• a tight housinl! m~r · lace won Alabama's showdown DeIJID. votes, Guarini had 98,447. also helped till cratic primary Tuesday night to recap­ Gr... _ a IAndst. R.pulllican ..m· ru( at TSU . ture the governorship and seeure a poli­ lnatlen "If' twe little wwn tntrlts, the University ex· Mezvinsky Wins; tical base \'ital to a third party presiden­ In a New Jersey congressional con· In marri~d tial chall enge in 1972. te t, Louis Kaden , 28, a peace candi· I( next fall . Reh. 11 was the feature contest of the sea­ date championed by volunteers from the son's biggest day of balloting, with eight coUege campus, was losing his bid to primaries in states from New Jersey to wrest Democratic nomination from In· Faces Schwengel California. cumbent . Rep. Edward J. Patten. Californil Democr.ts nominated I In New Mice, s.... Jneph M. Men, Republican Rep. Fred Schwengel and In the race for the Democ"tic tub· m.n to challenge Gov. Ronald R.agln tera tMk I bit urly IIId .ver chal· State Rep. Ed Mezvinsky of Iowa City .rnltori.1 nomination, former Lt. Gov. .nd selected Senl" nomi,,", In • pti­ lenpr Rlchanl Eelwanl. In the Dem. will face each other In the November Robert Fulton won I cloSl ric, with m.ry where the Indochina w.r wa. an critic ptlm.ry. Stat. Rep. William G'nnon - 47,351 issue but results wert not 1Vlllibie ., - \ race for Iowa 's First District seat 1ft Anderson Carter, a conservative to 45,239 - with rllulh In from ,. ptI" press time. rancher and oilman, was the early lead­ the U.S . House of Representatives. cent of the .t.te's precincts. 011 Wallace fas hioned a political come­ er over Gov. David F. Cargo (or Repub­ Schwengel defeated challenger David Moines In.ur.nce man Robert Nertim back in th state be once dominated by lican nomination to run for the Senate. Stanley of Muscatine in the First Dis- trailed with 8,769 wotes. _ la ndslide margin after a hard-line The early returns were {rom Carter • triel GOP Congressional primary Tues­ Fulton and Gannon, a Mingo farmer , campaign bu ilt around the issue of white strongholds ; Cargo had been the sUght day. traded the lead several times as re­ against black. favorite. In the Democratic Congr.ssional r.ce, With it, he reversed the outcome of R.publlcan Sen. Geortt Murphy w•• turns came in Tuesday night. The win­ the first, inconclusive pri ma ry to ouster with .9 per cent of the First District', SHIel", rllWmlnatiM In California, .... ner of the gubernatorial primary will Gov . Albert P. Brewer, a one-tlme pro­ pewcI by Narten 5imen, an Indultrlali.t precincts reporting, Mezvinsky VIIS well challenge incumbent Gov. Robert Ray, ,he,d of his nearest competitor, Unl· tege who dealt him a narrow setback Ind political novice. who was un apposed for the GOP nom­ one month ago. The Democratic senatorial contest verslty ' professor of economics Willilm ination. Albrecht, 7,147 to 4,976. Scott County With about 83 per c.nt of lhe vlh there was between two liberal House Elsewhere in the state, Cedar ' Rap­ counted, Wallace had 484,115 vo"s, V. I Sheriff WIlliam "Blaclcle" Strout trailed members. John Tunney and George with 4,663 votes after le.dlng Albrecht ids broadcaster Cole McMartin defeat­ Brewer 434,73S. Brown Jr. Ihrough most of the ballot counting. ed A. William Aldrich o[ Cedar Rapids In New Jersey, Democratic Sen . Har­ State Assemblyman Jesse Unruh was in the race [or the Republican nomina­ rison A. Willia m Jr. ea i1y with toad heavily favored In the polls to defeat Mezvinsky served from 1968 to 1970 tion for election as Second District Con­ a primary challenge and won renomi­ La Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty and win • as a state representative [rom Johnson gressman. With 93 per cent of the Sec­ nation to run for a third term against the Democratic nomination to run C4' unty 's West District. ond District's precincts reporting, Mc­ Nelson G. Gro , a fo rmer Republican against Reagan. , Schwengel , who will face the winner of Martin led Aldrich 14,199 to 4400. state chairman , in the Nov. 3 general Republican Gov. Frank Farrar of I Ihe Democratic primary in the Novem­ McMartin will oppose Rep . John C. election. South Dakota was expected to withstand ber elections, polled 21 ,299 votes to Culver in November. With 4,936 of 5,t61 New Jers y dl- a primary challenge. Stanley's 16,947, with 89 per cent of the di strict's precincts reporting. In low.'. Plfth District Republlcln Congrellionll primary, Don Mahon of Stlllley's defeat mlk" the lI·ytar Des Moin.. defeated William Plym.t SI.te Legislature veteran • two·time , we do want \( of Urblnd.l. Ind Virginil L" John­ loser in his bid for higher office. Stan· of the barrack1 ston of Des Moines. With .11 Fifth Dis· Small/'Goetz Win ley was narrowly defelted in the 1968 Patten said "bul trlct precincts reporting, the tilly WII rlct for the U.S. Senate by former Iowa in the total numbel M.hon, 6,204; Plym.t, 5,226; and John­ Gov. Harofd Hughes. available." ston, 3,427. An unofficial record of 10,665 Johnson County Ivoters turned out in Tuesday's Mahon wili attempt to unseat Fifth st.te Sen . Minnette Doderer (D.lowa County Contests primary election to name Democrat District Rep . Neal Smith. City' awaits final tabulation of ballot­ 12 :30 a.m. No Republican. ility, Edward Mezvinsky an~ incumbent Democrats Culver and Smith are un· ing results Tu.sday night .ft.r • prl. Arthur A. Small emerged the victor Republican Fred Schwengel as candi­ apposed in the primary. Waiting mary ,Ieclion In which she ran unop­ In a three-way Democratic race for the County Recorder : Democ ratic - Johr candidacy for state Represen tative dates in the First District Congressional Voter turnout Tuesday was, as ex­ posed lor nominltion II lIeuten.nt gov· E. O'Neil , vote not available at 12 :3C race. pected, light throughout the state. ernor. - Photo by Rick Grt.nawlit Johnson County West in .Tuesday night's a.m. No Republican. eform Mezvinsky lead the three man Demo- ----------------------------------------------------- primary elections. In races for tate oences the unofficlal • cratic race with 3,150 votes. His oppon· Small received an unofficial total of Johnson County voting Is as (ollows: a "general air 0 ents, William Albrecht and William 1,267 votes. His opponents, Glenn R. and lack of-inter per Paving Project Pr~mpts Problem- Governor : DemocraUc - William Gan· Strout, won 2,359 and 717 votes, respec­ Lackender and Stanley Mortensen, re­ non, 3,074 votes; Robert Fulton, 2.674 in the Univer tively. ceived 8~ and 451 votes , respectively. votes; Robe rt Nereim, 246 votes. Re· " Muscatine Republican David Stanley Small will lace unoppo ed Republican publican - Robert D. Ray (incumbe nt), happens ," he asked Richard E. Myers Jr. in the November 3. 692 voles . is given a bad tim( was lost in his race against Schwengel by unofficial votes . Schwengel had 2,639 Council Delays Decision elecUWls. Lt. Governor : Democratic - State Sen. health . .who doe1 to ?" He referred [( 11 votes to Stanley's 1,800. In other local contested races, Carl J. Mlnnette Doderer, 4,941 votes. Republl· problems wbicl Both Mezvinsky and Schwen gel hetd By CAROL BIRD perty values along the street would go earlier in the evening by University Goetz won the Democratic candidacy for can - Roger Je(l1 en, 3,542 votes. in IIbrarial all( onto their leads all Tuesday evening in Biller argument and strol1g disagree­ dow n if It were fou r-lane. Hetghts to' tile same contractor, wa ' County Altorney from Joseph Thornton Secretary of State : Democra tic - The Council had been split on Ihe given to Metro Pavers, Lnc . of Iowa City I ~Prvi~,> ~ throughout thl what were billed as two of the stale's ment among City Councilmen again and J.W. Dooley. Goetz received 2,328 Sharon R. Robin on, 4,237 votes. Repub­ hottest primary contests. postponed action by the Council Tuesday question until Tuesday night with Mayor in the amount of $19,935 . votes to Dooley's 1,775 and Thornton's lican - Melvin D. Synhorst !lncumbent), Loren Hickerson and Brandt supporting Political observers hall predicted tht on the paving of West Benton Street. In other action the Council : 1,367 votcs . 3,53 1 votes. for the establish After Councilman Lee Buther,us mov­ the four·llning and Councilmen Robert • Passed a resolution authorizing con­ "totally independenl First District Democratic race would Goetz will run agamst Republican Slate Auditor: De mocratic - Donald be • close contest, with Albrecht Ind ed that West Benton be paved two-lanes (Doc I Connell, Butherus and J. Patrick struction and setting a pub lic hearing on Donald A. Hoy, who was unoppo ed In E. Linduskl , 4,217 voles. Repu blican - . .of appearing a! White favoring two·laning the stre.t. Muvinsky in a tight battle for the vic· (33 feet) from Sunset Street to 220 feet plans for the 1970 Street Improvement Ihe primary. Lloyd R. Smilh (incumbent), 3,451 votes.
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