Tai Sharon Exclusive! beats the Dow: Interview With Urtiveraity Stor , Pa e 5 William Friedkin y g Story, Page 9 February 4. 1997 / 27 ShV&t 5757 Official Undergraduate Newspaper of Yeshiva College Volume LXI No. 7 10-3 Macs Win Games; Lose Their League BY NOAH STREIT The Macs entered the IAC in AND RON MARKOVITZ the early 1980 and YU's athletic director, Steve Young was this After 25 years of existence, year's president until the league the NCAA Division III Indepen­ faced its untimely end. dent Athletic Conference (IAC), Following the decision to sus­ in which the YU Macabees Bas­ pend the school, Young became ketball team plays, is no longer. aware of a possible law suit The league, designedfor small against the league by Stevens Some of the more than 4500 Judaic titles featured in this year's annual SOY Seforim Sale. Division III schools with strict Tech and Berliner. Fearing a cost­ The Sale runs from Februrary 9-23. academic standards, disband­ ly lawsuit, members of the IAC ed in early December following were forced to disband. Stevens the possibilityofa lawsuit from Tech denied pursuing a law suit, Steven's Tech and Mr. MattBer­ however Young claims that he SOY Seforim Sale Returns liner, a student and basketball has"documentation that proves player for the school. In March otherwise." Facilities Management Fumbles Again 1996, Matt Berliner was struck Initial discussions of recon­ BY ADAM MOSES This annual student-run organizations and services. in the chin by an "elbow" actu­ stituting the league immediate­ function has emerged as a hall­ David Rosen, YU Director of ally delivered by his own team­ ly after it had been disbanded, Thousands of people eager to mark of student initiative and Public Relations observed that mate in a game between Steves were conducted but the threatof bag Judaic items at rock bottom ,communal service at the main the Seforim Sale"reflects well on Tech and SUNY Maritime. Ber­ a law suit remained eminent. prices are expected to flood the Campus of Yeshiva University. the institution.... It's a produc­ liner became upset when no foul Young and the rest of the IAC pass through the doors ofBelfer In recent years, thediversearray tive thing for students to be do­ was called . After arguing with havedecidedtowaitouttheyear Hall as the Students Organiza­ of purchasers attracted by the ing... asitserv.es theJewish com­ the referee and being ejected, at which point Berliner will have tion of Yeshiva (SOY) returns event spanned the spectrum of munity at large, not just the Ye­ Berlin-::rspat blood at the referee. alreadygraduated,and the case withitsannualSeforimSalefrom Jewish affiliation. Chasidim and shiva and RIETScommunities." Stevens Tech assured the will become moot. Though noth­ February9-23. Reform movement rabbis alike Despite its long history of league it would suspend Berlin­ ing has been formalized, "we During the two week extrav­ could be seen congregating impressive turnouts and posi­ er from all sports activities for a are looking at a couple of differ­ aganza, Belfer Hall's fifth floor amongst the warehouse style tive P.R., the Seforim Sale has year,but later recinded its prom­ ent options," Young said. auditorium, used. during the stacks of books to examine the had its share of setbacks this ise after an appeal by Berliner. While the IAC existed, the balance of the year for under­ vast offerings of the SeforimSale year at the hands of the Univer­ Though Berliner was not per­ Macs competed against seven graduate final examinations and · and seeking to further their Ju­ sity's Facilities Management. mitted to participate in the bas­ other schools in five different events conducted by the various daic edification. This commu­ Following standard protocol, ketball season, he won the right sports: men's and women's bas­ schools of the University, will be nal cohesion of disparate ranks formerSOYvicepresidentMitch to participate in other sports. ketball, cross- country running, transformed into one of the larg­ was accompanied by contribu­ Taragin submitted a facilities Asa result,Steve Young, Di­ volleyball and tennis. Although est retail displays of Judaica in tion of the sale's formidable pro­ request for the fifthfloor ofBelf er rector of Athletics at YU as well each team will continue with the world open to the public. ceeds to a number of charitable continued on page 7 as Acting President of the IAC, their scheduled matches, there along with other IAC members will no longer be IAC playoffs or decided to suspendStevens Tech awards. fromthe league foran entire year. These developments come as Horowitz to Remain Y C Assistant "Its been a tough year and I feel the Macs continue to have a stel­ bad, but we stood by our princi­ lar yearon the court. At 10-3 the ples. There is something inher­ team is shooting for the presti­ ently wrong when a kid can do gious East Coast Athletic Con­ Dean Until Semester's End what he did and be allowed to ference (ECAC) invitational continue in any sort of athlet­ BY}OSHUA M. FELDMAN rent situation, YC Dean, Dr. playoffs. continued on back page Norman Adler confirmed that ics," commented Young. As controversy surrounding "Dean Horowitz will remain in the future of the relationship of his position until the end of this Yeshiva College Assistant Dean academic year." Adler stated Dr. A very Horowitz and Yeshi­ that he had no knowledge of va University continues, it has reports that Horowitz was be­ been confirmed that Dean ing transferred to the Office of Horowitz will leave the post of the Registrar to fill an Assistant Assistant Dean of Yeshiva Col� Registrar vacancy. The Registrar lege at the end of· this academic � is a II separate academic unit that year. ::i has nothing to do with my of­ OnMonday,January27,just ¥ fice." oneweekintotheSpringsemes- t University Registrar Melvin ter, Horowitz was called into a Davis explained thatthevacan­ meeting with Director of Sup- Asst. /Jean A veryHorowitz cy that currently exists in his . porting Services JeffreyRosen­ according to Dean Horowitz, the office must be filled as soon as garten, Dr. Jeffrey Gurock, and only reason given for his termi­ possible for the office to contin­ Deans Adler, Nulman and Jas­ nation is a II restructuring of the ue its upward trend in produc­ .. koll. Atthe meetinghewas told office." . tivity. Davis said that although The YU Macs boast a 10-3 record and are looking towards of his imminent dismissal, but, When asked about the cur- continued on page 5 post-season ECAC play February 4, 1997 Page 2 ��t \UlllllmtnfntnrJ :....::.:�=-------�-----I .--------------------� : A Government of the People, � By the People m�t ©:.:,tttttttttfatn � Every student club .ind council is governed by a constitution which 500 West l 85thStreet, New York, NY 10033, E-Mail: commie@yu l .yu.edu. Telephone directs the procedures of that body. These constitutions, while performing and Fax: (212) 740-2155. Published bi-weekly during the academic year by the Yeshiva � manyfun�tions,ensu.re"dueprocess"foreverystudentwho atternptstojoin College Student Council. The views expressed in the signed columns are those of the � or desires election to a position. All constitutions require that only full-time writers alone and do not necessarily reflectthe opinions of The Commentator, the student ,............ students participate in leadership positions. The purpose is clear: To pro- body, the faculty,or the Administration of Yeshiva University. We do not endorse any hibi t pa.t-time students or students no longer enrolled from taking leader· of the products or services advertised in these pages. Copyright 1996, The Commentator. ship positions within t11ecollege. One issue free,'$1.00 foreach additional issue. ··: Part time students or non-students holding positions on YCSC, the � Senate, and other student organizations should be barred from doing so. t.__-. � Elected positions on campus should be reserved for full time students just JOSHUA M. FELDMAN ARNON STORFER ........_,, as the votes which determine the holders of those positions are. Addition- Editors-in-Chief � ally, part-time or non-enrolled students are often engaged in other activities which limit the amount of time they can dedicate to their office. Therefore, ARIGRUEN . d�ma�ding resignations frnm students who have g!aduated or are part-time Executive Editor· would appear to be a simple issue. NOAH STREIT · ARI KAHN Quite often though, appearences are deceiving. For instance,the YCSC News Editor Features Editor : constitution is ambiguous when dealing with these issues: It requires a • student to vacate his leadership position when he does not meet the stan­ JOSHUA FINE JEREMY IVES r-#I <lardsof a full-time student. 1 t does not,however, require the student leader Copy Editor Business Manager ..,,,, ..J. to declare his status for the second semester while running for an office. It's time for clubs and councils to reconsider their constitutions and it is � time for stud en ts to reconsider w�y the� run tor office-toadd another i tern � to their resume, or to better Yeshiva Umvers1ty campus hfe._ ASSOCIATEEDITORS L� News Adam Moses � Photography Etan Walls ���o!?.�y�an�p�!�fogs��!merallowffigthe Art Ari Steiner University to release private and personal academic information. This Business YosefLevine c.__-. disclaimer must be signed by the student. If the University releases records � withoutthestudent'sconsent,itmaybeliableforbreachofprivacy. There- STAFFWRITERS SPORTS EDITORS fore, most universities rigorously protect their student's acadmic privacy. � Matityahu Balas, GaryStron Ron Markovitz, Steve Zombek Not so at Yeshiva University. ,-..._ In a week's span, two serious breaches of academic privacy transpired. ADVERTISINGMA NAGER DISfRIBUI10NMANAGER � The first, the release of a list containing all those on JSS, IBC and BMP Edon Hirt Mark Hecht r..,..i academic probation.
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