www.ukrweekly.com VOL. LXXXIV No. 70 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27,1977 25 CENTS Rep. Roe Proposes Honorary Rudenko Moved Citizenship for Moroz To Donetske Prison WASHINGTON, D.C.–Rep. Ro– bert A. Roe (D.-N.J.) introduced а Gharged with Criminal Offense resolution calling on the President to declare valentyn Moroz an honorary WASHINGTON, D.C.–The citizen of the United States. "Smoloskyp" Ukrainian information Service learned by telephone from Uk– The resolution, jointly approved by raine that 56-year-old Ukrainian poet the House of Representatives and the Mykola Rudenko was transferred from Senate, is numbered H.J. Res. 202. the Kiev Prison to the penal facility in Last June, Reps. Edward Koch (D– Donetske. N.Y.), MiUicent Fenwick (R-N.J.) and Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.), intro– Rudenko, who was arrested on Feb– duced a similar resolution. ruary 5, 1977 , is the leader of the Kiev Mr. Roe's resolution, which was Public Group Promote the implemen– referred to the.-Committees on the tation of the Helsinki Accords. Judiciary and international Relations, also urges all signatories of the Helsinki His associate and fellow member of Accords to abide by the principles the Group, Oleksa Tykhy, who was ar– included in it, and demands that the rested together with Rudenko, was Soviet government allow Moroz to earlier moved to Donetske. accept Harvard University's invitation. Moroz is the fourth man in the The U1S reports that the trial of Ru– history of the U.S. to .be proposed for. denko and Tykhy will be held in Do– honorary citizenship. Only one, Win– valentyn Moroz netske. ston Churchill, received it. Resolutions has renounced his Soviet citizenship, are still pending in the cases of Chris– The charges are criminal and not Mykola Rudenko topher Columbus, Tadeusz Kosciuszko and has asked the United States Con– political, a manuever by the authorities and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. gress to grant him political asylum; and which dissident sources in Ukraine fear Rudenko was charged with allegedly Whereas this renunciation of rights may is intended to disassociate the two from possessing S36 in American currency, Below is the full text of Mr. Roe's jeopardize his safety: human rights considerations under the and Tykhy was accused of allegedly Resolution! (Continued on page 3) Helsinki Accords. owning a firearm. Authorizing and directing the Presi– dent to declare valentyn Moroz an )norary citizen of the United States of Some 100 Ukrainians Greet President at U.N. tmerica. Whereas valentyn Moroz is internationally recognized as an histori– an, writer, and defender of human rights in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Their Message Was: "Jimmy, Help Ukraine" Republic; and Whereas valentyn Mc– roz is imprisoned in the Soviet Union, NEW YORK, N.Y.—Some 100 Uk– dent to include Ukrainian political pri– The next day, John L. Hirsch, securi– rainians from the greater New York soners in the government's defense list. ty affairs adviser for the American area came out to greet President Jim– The group was unable to present Mission, accepted the memorandum my Carter at the United Nations President Carter with a memorandum from a four-member Ukrainian delega– UNA President Thursday evening, March 17, with on incarcerated Ukrainians, as they had tion. Mr. Hirsch said he would deliver statments of support for his stand on hoped, because of the President's tight the statements to Ambassador Andrew human rights, and also to remind him schedule. The American Mission's Young. Commends Mr. Carter about the plight of Ukrainian political public affairs officer told the Ukrainian prisoners. contingent by telephone that an official He indicated that since it is addressed to President Carter it would be sent to President Carter was in town to add– would meet with their representatives On U.N. Speech the White House. ress the United Nations. His speech, the following day. The memorandum, signed by Evhen JERSEY C1TY, N.J.—UNA Su– which dealt with the arras race, energy When the President re-emerged from ivashkiv and Askold Lozynskyj, vice- preme President Joseph Lesawyer sent and the world economy, also focused the U.S. Mission, where he conferred president, praised Mr. Carter for his a congratulatory mailgram to Presi– heavily on the status of human rights with his staff, an hour later, he was human rights policy, but asked him to dent Jimmy Carter, citing him for his around the world. again enveloped with cheers from the score rights violations by the KGB in "firm position" on human rights ex- crowd, all of whom again picked up Mr. Carter said that all U.N. mem– Ukraine. pressed in his United Nations speech bers are pledged to uphold human slogan of "Jimmy, Help Ukraine." Thursday, March 17. rights. As President's limousine pulled "But, especially, Mr. President, voice Below is the full text of Mr. Lesawy– "Thus, no member of the United away from the Mission enroute to the your concern for Ukraine and its peo– er's mailgram: Nations can claim that mistreatment of underground entrance to the U.N., he ple, for their right to 'a place in the, sun' On behalf of our membership of its citizens is soley its own business," he waved to the crowd, which was almost where their national, religious and over 87,000 we applaud your firm posi– said. completely Ukrainian in nature, and human rights would be assured and tion taken in your United Nations add– As Mr. Carter's motorcade pulled up seemed to acknowledge their message. those of their neighbors would be ress on Human Rights throughout the to the U.S. Mission to the U.N. at First News of the Ukrainian rally in sup- guaranteed," said the memorandum. world. Your precise language reflects a Avenue and 45th Street, shortly after port of President Carter's human The Ukrainian group consisted of humaness of thought that places the six o'clock, he was welcomed by the rights policy was reported in conjunc– Marta Stepaniak-Kokolskij, Mr. Lo– entire human rights issue in proper Ukrainian group with shouts of "Jim– tion with his appearance at the U.N. by zynskyj, Borys Potapenko, and ihor prospective and in unmistakeable my, Help Ukraine." many newspapers, and radio and tele- Dlaboha. terjjis. All Americans and people of Led by the American and Ukrainian vision stations. Also discussed during the nearly 20- goad will everywhere have been uplift– flags, the group, which was organized One local station, WNEW-Tv, minute talk with Mr. Hirsch was the eoTh their faith in decency and justice. within 12 hours by the local branch of channel 5, carried footage of the Ukra– U.S. human rights resolution in the God Bless you, Mr. President, and the UCCA and its newly formed Ukra– inian welcome, and a brief interview U.N., the possibility of presenting the may he keep you strong,healthy and in- inian Defense Committee, also display– with Arty. Askold Lozynskyj, vice-pre– U.S. Mission with position papers on spired for many long years. Mnohaya ed signs in support of the U.S. stand on sident of the UCCA branch here, who Ukrainian problems,and other defense -Lite. human rights, and appeals to the Presi– told of the purpose of the rally. actions. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27,1977 No. 70 UCCA Representative Testifies On Destruction of Ukrainian Churches NEW YORK, N.Y.(UCCA Special). Dr. Dushnyck, representing the At the present time, Dr. Dushnyck —Dr. Walter Dushnyck, editor of UCCA; Prof. William Fletcher, di– continued,.there is no Ukrainian Or– "The Ukrainian Quarterly" and mem– rector of Soviet Studies, University of thodox Church as an independent insti– ber of the Executive Board of the Kansas; Prof. Howard Greenberger, tution in Ukraine, There is the so-call– UCCA, was one of seven witnesses in a New York University Law School; ed "Exarchate of Ukraine," which, public tribunal on Wednesday, March Rev. Blahoslav S. Hruby, secretary, however, is an integral part of the Rus– 16, here, testifying that the USSR Research Center for Religion and Hu– sian Orthodox Church in Ukraine, it knowingly and deliberately violated the man Rights in Closed Societies; iliaya encompasses 18 dioceses, some of Helsinki Accords, which it had signed Levkoc, National Committee on Soviet which have no bishops, such as those in in August 1975, by denying basic hu– Jewry, and the Rev. Alexander vein- Sumy, Luhanske, Dnipropetrovske man rights to both Christians and bergs, Latvian Luthern Church. and Khmelnytsky. There are no Ukra– Jews. inian seminaries, except one in Odessa, The public hearing was held at the Ukrainian Testimony where all subjects taught are in Rus– Carnegie Center for international sian. There is lack of Ukrainian religi– Peace under the auspices of the Na– in his 20-minute deposition, Dr. ous books, missals and Bibles. The of– tional interreligious Task Force on So– Dushnyck declared that although all ficial organ of the exarchate is "Pravo– viet Jewry which, at the request of the religions in the USSR suffer from slavnyi visnyk", published in Ukrain– Joint Executive-Legislative Commis– persecution, none of them compare to ian. Ukrainian Orthodox priests who sion on European Security and Co- the tragedy of the Ukrainian Church demand more freedom for the church operation, is organizing the testimony which was simply genocided, that is, are being arrested, as was the case with to be given before the Commission in literally destroyed by the Soviet go– Rev. vasyl Romaniuk, who was sen– Washington on April 28th. The Corn- Dr. Walter Dushnyck vernment and put outside the law. tenced in 1970 to 10 years at hard labor mission is preparing for U.S.
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