y> AVESAOK DAILZ GIBCULATIOIf w p iim s* ter tta* Moatk ef Angial» IMS o f c . 5aS4 teoiiM' gw*«My Mcaoiwr of the AodH Bnreoo Fridoj m orrtf.'ft IttHo flhi of Otaeolotloiis. eeotm M K T • I VOL. U L t NO. 295. (Obuoiflod Advertlalnf oa Face 10.) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAT, SEPTEMBER 14,1933. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS AUTOS ATTACKED NEW LEADERS OP TORN CUBA 2S0HIKI PARADE SIGNING OF 650 BY WILD DOGS I SIXTEEN MEN SHOT Pack Reported In Maryland— IN GREAT NRA BONDSFINISHES County Police Sent Out To| UTILIIBDEAL Search For Them. N m C E A N T IN PENNSY STRIKE; Towson, Md., Sept. 14.— (AP)—A pack of wild dogs, which last night attacked two '> automobiles on highways near MAY CALL MILITIA Completed Within Three here, was hunted today by Bal­ Mightiest Peace Army Ever timore county police. Weeks After Voters Ap- The dogs have been trou­ Assembled Marches Dp bling residents of the section L O O L OPTION OUT Over a Score Beaten and and attacking persons for sev­ w proTe— Two Selectmen eral months but last 'light was New York’s Fifth Aveirae Stoned Whoi Pickets Try the first time they have been ON SALE OF BEER Fayormg h Dropped. known to jump at moving ve­ — 1,500,000 Watchers. hicles. to Prevent Miners from Reporting the incident to lo­ \ cal police, WiUiam T. Ballard The signing of the 650 bonds by a of Ruxton, Md., driver of one New York, Sept. 14.—(AP)—Up State’s Towns Cannot Vote Going to Work— Tear Gas majority of the Selectmen is the of the cars, asked permission Fifth avenue they came, the might­ to carry pistol in his car. last act in the year-long and some­ iest peace army ever assembled, on Tins at October Elec­ Used by Officers — Na­ time con^versial adventure of the through the warmth of a mild after­ purchase, by the town, of the noon, on through the dusk, through tions, Danaher Rnles. tional Guard Is Being Cheney utilities. In the short space NEW JERSEY BIDS a night made fantastic by the glare of three weeks the town has voted, of yellow street lights, the drum of advertised and completed the sale their feet, the blare of their bands, Mobilized. of the town’s l^l^gest bond issu^, FOR STOCK MARKET! an arm> of 250,000 marching in the Hartford, Sept. 14.— (AP) —Con­ $650,000, which will be used as part name of NRA. necticut communities will not vote payment Tor the combined water New York that welcomed John J. on local option for the sale "of beer Harrisburg, Pa., Sept 14.—(AP)' Pershing <ind the triumphant Ameri­ and sewer companies owned by the at the October elections, Secretary —^Marching orders' for two bat­ *dlk firm . The wearisom e job was can Expeditionary Forces with of State John A. Danaher atmoimced talions of National Guardsmen were finished last night. Goy. Moore Says He Will riot of patriotic fervor, that cheer­ With these men rests the immediate fate of the island republic of Cuba. While the United States looks ed and gulped in relief at the return today. A sidelight on the year-long dis­ drafted hurriedly and secretly today on vigilantly. President Ramon Grau San Martin and his cabinet, shown with him soon after their ap­ of the Old 69th, battle-ridden Mr. Danaher said Congress has cussion over the advisability of pur­ as Governor Pinchot moved quietly See to It That It Will Bel pointment, are striving to cope with the critical problems of government Left to right, front row, CoL though it was. that shrieked and declared beer as non-intoxicating chase was in the caucus primaries Julio Aguado, Secretary of War and Navy; CoL Manuel Dessaigne, Secretary of the Treasury; Presi­ filled the sky with ticker tape in and the state liquor cfmtrol act pro­ with plans to place Fayette coimty held on Tuesday. The voters of the Tax Free. dent Grau San Martin; Dr. Ceirlos J. Finlay, Secretary of Sanitation and Public Charities; Gustavo his hysterical acclaim of Charles A. vides for k>ceU option only on in­ soft coal district under virtual mar­ town turned thumbs down on Wells Moreno, Secretary of Communications. Left to right rear row: Dr. Manuel Costales-Latatu, Secrets^ Lindbergh, still never bad seen any- toxicating liquors. tial law for the second time in ten A. Strickland, chairman of the of Education; Dr Joaquin Rios Balmaseba, Secretary of Justice; Dr. Antonio Guiteras, Secretary of the thnlg like this. ’Therefore, Mr. Danaher stated, be weeks. Board of Selectmen and also Wil­ Interior; and Dr. Ramiro Cabablanca, Secretary to the President. From half past one in the after­ will make no provision for local op­ While attaches of the governor's liam W. Robertson, two members of New York, Sept. 14.—(AP)— A noon, from Washington Square down tion voting on the ballots being office, after talking by telephone the Board of Selectmen who favor­ threat to establish a branch of the below 14th street, they marched to printed for the October elections. with the governor in Washington, ed the purchase of the utilities from New York Stock Exchange in^New the tunes of i. himdred bands, filling Many towns, which were "dry” said Pinchot had made no decision the very beginning of the discus­ through local referendum before on his plan of action, a.rangements Jersey to escape Impending taxes the majestic avenue from curb to sion. FIRST GOLD S E T the Eighteenth Amendment was for mobiliZing the National Guai<d became more definite today. SPEED UP NRA PROGRAM curb, hundreds of thousands of First Conference weary feet plodding on imtil after adopted, were planning to take the went forward. ’The law firm of C::adwalader. question of local option before the In place of these men the voters midnight brought the last of 77 sec- It was learned reliably that tiie elected to the Board Frank V. Wil­ Wlckersham & Taft disclosed that voters at the small town elections orders are being prepared by Lieu­ it was studying the legal problems TO EUROPE TODAY tions, representing almost every next month. Among them was the liams, whp as a member of the IS PRESIDENT’S APPEAL single branch of the military civil, tenant Governor Ekiward C. Shan­ Board two years ago, together with involved at the behest of a promi­ town of West Hai^ord where a non, who also commands the guard, political and industrial life of the large group of "drys” were organ­ Sherwood G. Bowers, held the first nent brokerage house. Stock Ex and will be submitted to Pinchot to­ world’s largest city, to the go«d of iZing a campaign to prevent the conference with Cheney Brothers chemge officials privately expressed night on his return. sympathy with the move, but would 4^00 Onnees of Newly 58th street public sale of beer there. officials in connection with the sale Asks That More Credit Be Mighty Parade There was no indication which make no public statement CUBA’S PRESIDET Comes as Surprise troops would be ordered out, and at­ of the properties. During the early It was a parade, to be sure, but Mr. Danaberis ruling, therefore, ’The city administration, adamant tach^ of the governor’s office and weeks of the discussion over the Mined Metal Will Go to the to the 1,500,000 more who lined the comes as a surprise to many town proposed purchase Selectmen Bow­ to protests from the financial dis­ Given Business So That the department of military affairs trict, pressed forward with its pro­ way, grimly silent for the most part. officials and “dry” leaders. ers and Williams, both favoring URGES STERN RULE Mr. Danaher pointed out the maintained strict silence. gram, which includes a tax of four It was more than a mammoth ex­ ownership of municipal utilities as More M s and Better Bank of England. pression of exuberance, and the liquor state act adopted by the re­ Whether the orders will be formal­ brought out in their fight against cents a share on stock transfers cent Legislature specifies in Part ly Issued temight was said to de­ originating here. The program was high glee of celebration. The cheers the Manchester Electric Company of the marchers, rising to their high­ One that the act ahali take effect in pend entirely upon the extent to in the rate case, found the Board expected to receive the approval of Prices Result New York, Sept. 14.— (AP)—'The its o itire ty ui>on ratification o f the which Sheriff Harry E. Hacknqr, of the Board of Aldermen today, and Wants Dictatorial Powers to est ^itch as they dipped their ban­ of Selectmen not altogether lined liner Manhattan was bound across ners in salute passing the reviewing National repeid amendment. In the Fayette county and his deputies are Mayor John P. O’Brien has indicat­ able to control the situation by up with them in support of their stand on the steps of the public act is a provision for local option, ed he will sign it on Sept. 21 the Atlantic today with the first evening. policies. Washington, Sept 14.—(AP)— Handle Situation — To Is­ library at 42d street, seemed rather but, Mr. Danaher explained, it ap­ • Newark, Jersey CSty and other American gold shipment to the Lon­ plies only to such action on intoxi­ Williams was beaten for a place a m ig h ^ prayer o f hope and c<m- North Jersey communities have I ^«sW ent Roosevelt today imparted cating liters.
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