The original documents are located in Box 28, folder “Administrative Wives Booklet” of the Betty Ford White House Papers, 1973-1977 at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Betty Ford donated to the United States of America her copyrights in all of her unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. PREFACE This booklet is compiled by your fellow Government wives in the hope that the information it contains will ease the transition from home to our busy Capitol. Our intent is to greet you, help you enjoy your time in Washington, and promote a positive appreciation of Federal Service. This is your book so share your ideas and talents with us while you are here. Welcome Washingtonians! 'IJJcVt'v.r tl~'l ' ;},,,;A/ MARGARET' ANN FRICK 4201 Cathedral Avenue, N.W. Apartment Number 114E Washington, D. C. 20010 Telephone: 966-4327 TELEPHONE NUMBERS Local Bus Information 832-4300 Newspapers Washington Post 1150 15th Street, N.W. Tel: 223-6000 Daily and Sunday Papers Subscription Rates: $4.75 per month Washington Star News 225 Virginia Avenue, S.E. Tel: 484-3000 Daily and Sunday Papers Home Delivery: $1.15 per week $4.60 every 4 weeks 11 Time Bureau11 - 844-2525 11Weather Bureau11 - 936-1212 11Western Union 11 - 737-4321 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRIC ULTURE SECRETARY, STAFF May 1974 U. S DEPARTMENT OF AGR ICULTURE NAME POSITION WIFE 1 S NAME The Ponorable Earl L. Butz Secretary of Agriculture Mary Emma and Mrs. Butz The Honorable lr. Phil Campbell Under Secretary Nan and Mrs. Campbell Richard A. Ashworth, Mr and Mrs. Depu ty Under Secretary Midge John C. Foltz, Mr. and Mrs. Deputy Under Secretary Anne Donald E. Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Executive Assistant to the Secretary Mindy The Honorable Thomas K. Cowden Counsellor to the Secretary Clara and Mrs. Cowden Mrs. Nancy Steorts Special Assist ant to the Secretary James (husband) for Consumer Affairs R. B. Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. Assistant to the Secretary for Ruth Intergovernmental Affairs Evan tT. Hale, Mr·. and Mrs. Administrative Assistant to t he Audrey Secretary Claude W. Gifford, Mr. and Mrs. Director, Office of Communications Helene Wayne E. Swegle, Mr. and Mrs. Director of Public Affairs Loui se William A. Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Director Sevinc Off ice of Planning and Evaluation Donald A. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Judicial Officer Mary The Ponorable Clayton K. Veutter Assistant Secret ary LTeanne and Mrs. Yeutter International Affairs and Commodity Programs - 1 - May 1974 NAME POSITION WIFE Is NAME Richard E. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Christina International Affairs and Commodity Programs Kenneth E. Frick, Mr. and Mrs. Administrator Margaret Ann Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Melvin R. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Manager Gladys Federal Crop Insurance Corporation David L. Hume, Mr. and Mrs. Administrator Selina Foreign Agricultural Service The Honorable William W. Erwin Assistant Secretary June and Mrs. Erwin Rural Development Dr. James E. Bostic, Jr. Deputy Assistant Secretary Single Rural Development Frank B. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Administrator, Farmers Home Constance Administration (Called Nonnie) Walter A. Guntharp, Mr. and Mrs. Administrator Margaret Rural Development Service (Called Markey) David A. Hamil, Mr. and Mrs. Administrator Genevieve Rural Electrification Administrati_on The Honorable Robert W. Long Assistant Secretary June and Mrs. Long Conservation, Research and Education (called Judy) Paul A. Vander Myde, Mr. and Mrs. Deputy Assistant Secretary .Jeanne Conservation, Research and Education Talcott W. Edminster, Mr. and Mrs. Administrator Jeanne Agricultural Research Service - 2 - May 1974 NAME POSITION WIFE' c: NAME Roy L. Lovvorn, Dr. and Mrs. Administrator Virginia Cooperative State Research Service Edwin L. Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. Administrator Helen Extension Service John R. McGuire, Mr. and Mrs. Chief, Forest Service Marjory J. F. Caponio, Mr. and Mrs. Acting Director Virginia National Agricultural Library Kenneth E. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Administrator Mary Gertrude Soil Conservation Service (called Gert rude) Don A. Paarlberg, Dr. and Mrs. Director, Agricultural Economics Eva Quentin M. West, Dr. and Mrs. Administrator Ila Economic Research Service Ron D. Knutson, Dr. and Mrs. Administrator "harron Farmer Cooperative Service Harry C. Trelogan, Dr. and Mrs. Administrator Ruth Statistical Reporting Service The Honorable Richard L. Feltner Assistant Secretary Karen and Mrs. Feltner Marketing and Consumer Services John M. Damgard, Mr. and Mrs. Deputy Assistant Secretary Darcy Erwin L. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Administrator Gladys Agricultural Marketing Service Francis J. Mulhern, Dr. and Mrs. Administrator Mary Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - 3 - May 1974 NAME POSITION WIFE I s NAME Leonard Greess, Mr. and Mrs. Director, Office of Audit Edith (Edie) John V. Graziano, Mr. and Mrs. Director, Office of Investigation Carol - 4 - May 1974 CA L L G U I D E DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Emergency Telephone Numbers Police Emergencies -- 911 No matter which precinct you live in, call this number for immediate police Police, Non-Emergencies assistance in case of emergency. 626-2000 Fire and Ambulance Emergencies The Fire Department provides ambulance 911 service nonly for emergenciesn 24 hours per day. Emergency Mental Health Services The complete name is Suicide Prevention 629-5222 and Emergency Psychiatric Telephone Answering Service. On a 24-hour basis. Health Emergency Information 629-5222 Poison Control Center The Children's Hospital Poison Control 2125-13th Street, N.W. Center will tell you at any time, any day, 835-4080 what to do if some member of your family swallows something harmful. Hospitals Children's Hospital Sibley Memorial Hospital 2125 - 13th Street, N. W. 5255 Loughboro Road, N.W. 835-4000 363-9600 Cafritz Memorial Hospital Hadley Memorial Hospital 1310 Southern Avenue, S. E. 4601 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, S.W. 574-6000 562-9800 574-6541 (Emergency Room) Washington Hospital Center Georgetown University 110 Irving Street, N. W. Medical Center 541-0500 3800 Reservoir Road, N.W. 541-6701 (Emergency Room) 625-0100 625-7151 (Emergency Room) Columbia Hospital For Women 2425 L Street, N. W. George Washington University 293-6500 (Emergency Room) Medical Center 2150 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. D. C. General Hospital 331-0200 19th & Massachusetts Avenue, S.E. 331-6211 (Emergency Room) 626-5000 (Emergency Room) Providence Hospital If you need a doctor at any time, call: 1150 Varnum Street, N.E. The Medical Bureau 11 11 269-4000 2007 I Street, N. W. ~ORu 269-4381 (Emergency Room) 223-2200 ~ <., _,() ("°0 41 ~ \ ¢ ~ I ~CY (2) CALL GUTDE DISTRICT OF COLIJMBIA, Cont'd Miscellarn~ous, Helpful Numbers Trash and Garbage Try this number if your garbage has ColJ£ction Complaints not been collected or if the collectors 629-3825 made a mess in doing so; Dead Animals The dead animal collectors work seven 629-3825 days per week. Street Cleaning 629-3825 Sewer Complaints Emergency crews come to your rescue 620-4417 whether your sewer is acting up or you've lost your diamond ring down the drain. Water Operations They work around the clock seven days 462-4430 per week to repair broken water mains, faulty fire hydrants and even leaks in your house. MARYLAND MONTGOMERY COUNTY Police Emergencies Only - 762-1000 Fire and Ambulance Emergencies - 424-3111 Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - 277-7700 Hospitals Suburban Hospital Washington Sanitarium and Hospital 8600 Old Georgetown Road 7600 Carroll Avenue Bethesda, Maryland Takoma Park, Maryland 530-3100 891-7600 530-3880 (Emergency Room) 891-7105 (Emergency Room) Holy Cross Hospital 1500 Forest Glen Road Silver Spring, Maryland 495-0100 495-1226 (Emergency Room) Referrals: If you need a doctor at any time, call: 949-9497 If you need the name of any heal th agency, call: 949-9497 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. (3) CALL GUIDE MARYLAND, Cont'd PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY Police Emergencies This is a 24-hour number for emergencies 336-5555 only. Fire Emergencies - 864-1122 Ambulance Emergencies This is a 24-hour service provided 864-1122 by the Fire Department. Washington Suburban Sanitary The Sanitary Commission handles sewer Commission - 277-7700 and water-main problems for the County. Hospitals Prince George's General Hospital Cheverly, Maryland 341-3300 341-2030 (Emergency Room) Eugene Leland Memorial Hospital 4400 Queensbury Road Riverdale, Maryland 864-1200 If you need a doctor at any time, call: The Physicians and Surgeons Exchange 322-2668. VIRGINIA ALEXANDRIA Police Emergencies Only - 750-6411 Fire and Ambulance Emergencies - 549-5100 Alexandria Hospital 4320 Seminary Road 370-9000 Street and Sewer Emergencies 750-6551 (7:30 AM - 5:00 PM) 750-6580 (if no answer at above number) Strayed or Dead Animals The Animal Shelter will pick up stray 750-6597 or dead animals during the day, only, but they will pick up sick or injured animals around the clock. Garbage Collection The Sanitation Division takes calls, 751-5130 24-hours a day, pertaining to street 751-6580 (if no answer at above cleaning and refuse collections. number) (4) CALL GUIDE VIRG1NIA, Cont'd ARLINGTON Police Emergencies Only - 558-2222 Fire & Ambulance Emergencies - 527-8900 Arlington Hospital 5129-16th Street North 558-5000 558-6161 (Emergency Room) Highway-Sewer and Sanitation Emergencies 558-2321 (8:00 AM - 5:00 PM) 558-2246 (if no answer at above number) Highway Maintenance Snow removal, pot holes and 558-2551 (8:00 AM - 5:00 PM) maintenance.
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