
Try Empress Drus Store for One ♦ ♦ COAL I COAL I Box of ROACH-TISDALE HALL * WALKER BITTER SWEETS «St GOVERNMENT ST. And You Will "Joe No Other. Phone 83 OLO. A. FRASER. NO. 92. VOLUME 60. VICTORIA, B. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1910. CITY SOLICITOR DEATH ROLL CRUISER NIOBE CR1PPEN IN ^ NEARING HALIFAX WITNESS BOX HAS COME DOWN IS GROWING COUNCIL CHAMBEy NOW NOT QUITE SO SHIPPING SUFFERS EXPECTED TO REACH ; PRISONER TESTIFIES ANXIOUS TO RESIGN DURING HURRICANE PORT TO-MORROW ON OWN BEHALF Arrangements Completed for Re­ Will Seek to Prove Wife is Not Sudden Clarification of Atmos- Number of Vessels Reported in ception of Canadian Warship Dead But Fled to phere at City Hall—Aid. Sinking Condition in Gulf j .-Plate for Vessel America - t Langley’s Views of Mexico (Special to the Times.) ^Special to the Times) There Is a decided clearing of the at- (Times Leased Wire.) Halifax, Oct. 20—Hon. L. P. Brodeur London. Oct. 20.—Wher ’ Crlp|»en Moephere at the etty hall to-day. The New Orleans, Oct, 20 -(Steamer* Br- minister of murine andJMdivries1. Alrx, ■teased- into this dosfc. this morning he clty solicitor, F. H. M< Dlarmtd. la In a l iving here report a death list ot at Johnstone, deputy minister, of -marine was noticeably 'palei and a suspicion of much more doeth- mood It I» Oa- h-pa deait IIX) In tile riuilds «tins - that.1 and fisheries; (\ Destftirat*, deputy hony was discernible on his features. oTHmaetr and hi» friend» that a way j *<v*pl the Gulf of Mexico al well as ^/ga/at/o/V minister of mtftijfj»jjfalr*. have arrived; until now had Isen inscrutable, may hi found out of the difficulty «he southern .tales. here to meet H M. C. ^ Niobe which S.u,te hwlf of thv l,ubli( ln court were which ,m»e letween Mm and them.-. M«"> w,'re reported «Inking ladles, who seemed fascinated with under conditions in which It was itn- ! la expected to arrive to-roorrow at 3 jorlty th«> members of the council, th< gruesome details concerning the possible to offer aid. which yill not necessitate his pressing; ghastly remains. The steamer Carthage, 400 ml lee at j for the acceptance of his resignation/! C. H. Harvey, local agent of marine Dr Spalvsbury, pathologist, of St *ea. sent a wireless that she reached ! tenderer!" to Mayor Morley Tuesday;; „. ,__ . and fisheries, has received a wireless ‘Mary’s hospital, was of the opinio^ ! theti... schoone.nh»«iia* Beacher. water logged.. morhlng The dx»ve of peace Is about T that th-» murk on^ the skin was tlie early to-day. The ([schooner's crew re­ message from the commander of the to return to Its perch. result of an operation and not as the fused to abandon _ their craft A tow Niobe via Cape Race giving the “The Tim»-* saved the situation.” defence allege, a mark resulting from line was thrown, but the cable parted This statement was made this morning cruiser’s position as lat. 45.20, long. the fol,|mg »f tii»» akin after death, ,« and the half sunken . veased drifted by qpe very closely In touch with the 55.46 west. F>r. Marshall, surgeon, said he agreed situation, at the city. hall. And he add­ with Or, f*pl'I**rj* j evidence ttiat the " A dozen shipwrecked boats were The ship will be greeted by a salute ed: “The articles published yesterday mark was the sear <i(t a wound and also sighted .aboard which were no signs of from the citadel, and .will In* hoarded relative to the matter of the threatened thought, dissection | must have been flïe, and it Is thought that the crews resignation of the city solicitor have by the visitors, General Drury, Lieut.- proha Id .v were drowned. done by some one posa* sing eonalder- hail a most salutary Influence, and Governor McGregor and Acting Pre­ i I. anatomical kno*h .ii<. been In the Interests of the city." The Fos Still Ashore. mier McLean, w ho will present the offi­ After several minor Witnesses had Havana., Oct. 20.—Cables from Key Aid. Langley was seen by the Times cer* with a handsome piece of plate on linked up the main elm In. of evldence,. this morning, and made-an Interesting , Weal Indicate that the grvatvia teal damage Dr. Wilcox, liont.- -.fthe analyalst, behalf of the province, and Mayor statement for publication, lie said: "l done by the Florida huiTlcananes was to answ'ering Mr. Oddie, Junior counsel f<»r have been preparing to-'probe this mat- , shipping. The Norwegian steamer Fos Chisholm who will read an address Lon the crown, said that the remnant <«f ter to the bottom. ! seem to discern still Is stranded, and" a Standard Oil behalf of the city. pyjamas buried vas identic*} with ^someth 1 n g in the sit nation which re- ; hrfrge i# ashore at Island K*x, Tlve Wireless station at Bible is re­ «‘iher - pyjamas fourni in c'rlppena quires to be cleared up hi tM interests The Key's lighthouse was blown , boxes. He also dednred the mark on ported to be In communient Ion with of the ratepayers, and I purpose~<j«lng down and tlie east coast railroad be- the skin was due to a surgical oper­ all I can to that end. I low Miami was washed out. the cruiser. ation. “1 was surprised to see a letter in the | Wheather Report Rotating his examination for mineral Colonl., tbla morning from K V. Bod- j 2fl.-Tlm ALBERTA LEGISLATURE. essences. Dr. Wllcq^Wald hd had found Well. h , . ,ln -lefen.e of the uttltu. r|or|(|„ hurrk,ew ln.dav „„ traces of nrsenic and carbolic acid. asromed by the dry «Heitor. Ht. W- AAtlantic , h. ocenn.«ran. „f North Edmonton. Alta., Oct. 20. Thé meet­ These, however. Were the results of dis­ well. KJ» we» known. Is the solicitor Carolla,.. .. according to weather bureau ing of the legislature Is railed for No­ infectants used and thfclr presence had - for the WorswTvk FiTvtng fnwiwbv.^^^1 vember 10. no slgniflv Alice. He. found In the one of the parties Interested In the set- ; ____________ ____ stomach one thirtieth of a grain of Moment of the very point about asphalti __ r»p||AnniTlP hyoeclne. In kidney one fortieth. In the pavement specification raised by the.|UC*Tri Ur" UuIVlUvKAlIv EXILED KING IS A STRING TO IT. intestine* one-seventh, in the near oTtr- city solicitor: and In -view of that 1 twelfth and also a trace In the lung*. tldnk he displayed very poor taste in LEADER IN NEW YORK NOW IN ENGLAND , Answering Mr. Oddie Dr. Wilcox publishing "a letter over his own signa-, mania. The Million PopiBatlon ef St. ] ►aid hyosrlnP was a gummy, syrupy Louis made the poorest showing, trav­ substance. In the organs examined “Then, again', It must not be forgot­ LARGEST VESSEL BALLOONISTS eling only "17 miles before alighting at Dom Manuel Will Spend Some there wg» I wo-fifths of a grain and h« ten that liât! the council yielded to the David 3. Hill, Former Governor i Racine, Wls. 1 * thought In the whole of the body half advice of the city solicitor at last of State, Passes Away Time at Duke of Orleans’ a gzaln. * • Monday evening's meeting, when the FALL INTO LAKE I IN THE WORLD Is that a fatal dose?'' “Yes." , contract for Vancouver street was . Suddenly Home "What Is a fatal dose?” “From a "Shout to be awarded, the effect of such quarter to half a grain.“ agreement would have been that the LIBERALS AND “What is hyoscine?” “A powerful .company which Mr. Bod well represents .(Time* la-a.wnl Wire.) RESCUED AFTER SPENDING WHITE STAR LINER (Time* Icsmd Wire.) narcotic potson. It le not a common would have been given the contract. Albany. N. Y., Oct. 20.—David Ben­ London, Oct. 26.—Dom Manuel, de­ drug: Its effect produce* little de- "But" I also entirely disagree with HOME RULE nett Hill. Democratic leader, formerly OLYMPIC LAUNCHED I Hrium or «xcKement. the pupils of the Mr. Bod well In his contention that an NIGHT ON ISLAND posed king of Portugal, queen mother governor of New York, ami ex-United eye* become paralyzed and the mouth observance of the ethics of the profes- A'melle and suite, arrived on the royal States senator, died at his residence. and throat dry. Then the patient be- tdon would necessitate Mr. McDiarmid Wolferts Roost. at 3.50 a.m. to-day. yacht Victoria' and Albert last even­ | comes drowsy and unconscious and re- handing in his resignation in the event All American Records Broken by ANXIOUS FOR CLOSER Will Carry Crew of 600—Has Ac­ ing, and to-day an- on thEhr way to the | practically i paralysed. D«‘ath of the city 'council not accepting his Hill had Iw-mill for two weeks with commodation for 6,000 II,,k. ,.f Hrl,.«n«'V»l;,t.- m W,,rr,,t.r- : f**gW. ''''"mut ........very U« advice on legal points. Why. the whole a cold a'nd lts complications. During Oontc. tants in International the last week tils condition grew more CO-OPERATION WITH IRISH ! something under 12 hours." thing la very al»*»urd. The council may , . , Passengers shlto. where the dethroned “hey kin* " n>. tfl. chl,f Ju„tlr,.: -AM„mln* the at any time «««urn. full r.HK.n.lbUUr *'’rloue- >ut yshr.lay he seemed to Race — few., .«iLu-^uaedl i?,P”r.«ln "«y» p* and his mother, together with several ] dose In Ihl» ease was half a grain, how W tlîe .rttTIIUMHH'.
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