Recommended Price: $5.00 sTÞanuRkmkarksagsnþiPaB PaKTI 1³ Gg;eKøs - Exµr PaKTI 2³ Exµr - Gg;eKøs mCÄmNÐledIm,IsnþiPaBnigGPivDÆn_ viTüasßanbNþúHbNþalnigRsavRCavedIm,IGPivDÆn_km<úCa GtßaFib,ay niymn½y BaküKnøwH nigkarbkRsayBIkargarksag snþiPaBRsbeTAtamkarvivtþn_én GkSrsa®sþCati . sTÞanuRkm Gtßn½ybkRsayRtwmRtUv man RbmaN 600Bakü nigmanpþl; ]TahrN_sMrab;CaCMnYydl;kar karksagsnþiPaB yl;dwgBIkargarksagsnþiPaB . Peacebuilding Lexicon PaKTI 1³ Gg;eKøs - Exµr Part One: English – Khmer Cambodia Development Peacebuilding Lexicon Resource Institute PaKTI 2³ Exµr - Gg;eKøs sTÞanuRkmkarksagsnþiPaB Part Two: Khmer – English 56 Street 315, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh Postal address: PO Box 622, Phnom Penh, Cambodia David Wharton Tel: (855-23) 881-384/881-701/881-916 »k esrI esaPkþ× nig /883-603 Tel/Fax: (855-23) 880-734 CamYy Gg;eKøs-Exµr e-mail: [email protected] mas sava:t/ Ca mYyRKI/ Ekb k½NÑar:U/ website: http://www.cdri.org.kh Exµr-Gg;eKøs R)ak; suxanI nig efag kkáda snÞanuRkm karksagsnþiPaB Peacebuilding Lexicon Ok Serei Sopheak and David Wharton with Meas Savath, Chea Mouy Kry, Kep Kanaro, Prak Sokhany and Thorng Kakada Centre for Peace and Development Cambodia Development Resource Institute Phnom Penh, September 2004 Please Note: This lexicon is a work in progress. Feedback and suggestions for improvements to future editions are welcome and can be addressed to “CPD Lexicon” by email to: [email protected], or sent to CDRI. kMNt;sMKal;³ snÞanuRkmenH KWCakargarEdllUtlas;eTAmuxCanic© . eyIgsUmsVaKmn_dl;karpþl; Bt’manRtlb; nigmtieyabl;epSg² edIm,ICYyEklMGdl;kare)aHBum<elIkeRkay . sMNUmBr nig Bt’manRtlb;nanaGacepJImk {snÞanuRkm CPD} tamGIuEml³ [email protected] b¤epJI mk viTüasßanbNþúHbNþal nig RsavRCavedIm,IGPivDÆn_km<úCa . Peacebuilding Lexicon Copyright © 2004 Cambodia Development Resource Institute All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the written permission of the Cambodia Development Resource Institute. Cambodia Development Resource Institute 56 Street 315, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh (Postal address: PO Box 622, Phnom Penh, Cambodia) Tel: (855-23) 881-384/881-701/881-916/883-603 Tel/Fax: (855-23) 880-734 e-mail: [email protected] website: http://www.cdri.org.kh Editing: YOU Sethirith Layout: EM Sorany, OUM Chantha, KHAT Laykim and ENG Saloth Printed and bound in Cambodia by STC (JSRC) Printing House GarmÖkfa kñúgry³eBldb;qñaMcugeRkayenH skmµPaBxagvis½yksagvb,Fm’snþiPaBenAkm<úCa man karrIkcMerInKYr[kt;sMKal;CaTIbMput . viTüasßanbNþúHbNþal nig RsavRCavedIm,IGPivDÆn_km<úCa ¬vbsG¦ )ancUlrYmy:agskmµkñúgvis½yenH eday)anbegáItnUvkmµviFIsnþiPaBmYytaMgBIqñaM1996 EdlmaneQµaHfa mCÄmNÐlkm<úCaedIm,IedaHRsayTMnas; ehIyeRkaymkbþÚrCa mCÄmNÐledIm,I snþiPaB nigGPivDÆn_ rhUtmkdl;sBVéf¶ . CamYynwgskmµPaBd¾mmajwkepSg²eTot vbsG )an pþÜcepþImKMniterobcM sTÞanuRkmkarksagsnþiPaB enHeLIg edaymanshRbtibtþikary:agCitsñiT§ CamYyGgÁkarminEmnrdæaPi)almYycMnYneTot . sMrab;RKb;vis½yTaMgGs; karR)aRs½yTak;TgKñaeTAvijeTAmkrvagmnusSCatitamry³kar eRbIPasa KWCaktþamUldæanEdlBMuGaceCosvag)an . b:uEnþ karyl;eXIj b¤kar[niymn½yeTAelI BaküeBcn_ enAkñúgPasanImYy² - CaBiesskñúgvis½yenAfµIefµag dUcCa vis½yksagsnþiPaB nigedaH RsayTMnas;enH - EtgtMrUv[manÉksarmYycMnYnCaeKalkñúgkarsVHEsVgrkcMNucÉkPaB eCosvag karminyl;Kña b¤karP½nþRcLM. enAkñúgsµartIenHehIyEdl vbsG )ancMNayeBlCagBIrqñaM edIm,I erobcMsTÞanuRkmenHeLIg eday)anyl;dwgc,as;Nas;fa enHRKan;EtCacMNuccab;epþImEtb:ueNÑaH . kñúgeBlbMeBjkic©karenH eyIg)anCYb]bsKÁCaeRcIn EteyIgk¾)anTTYlmkvijnUvPaBeBjcitþeBj eføIm tamry³kareFVIshRbtibtþikarCamYyGgÁkarÉeTotCaédKU nigmanemaTnPaB edayman GarmµN_fa )ancUlrYmcMENkeFVI[GkSrsa®sþCati mankarrIkcMerInmYykMritEfmeTot enAkñúgvis½y CaKnøwHmYysMrab;RbeTsCatimatuPUmiEdl)anqøgkat;ePøIgs®gÁamGs;CitbITsvtSr_ . enAkñúgkar BiPakSaelIBaküeBcn_nImYy² smaCikRkumkargarmñak;² )anykbTBiesaFn_Cak;Esþgd¾mantMél rbs;xøÜnmkeFVICamUldæankñúgkarbþÚreyabl; kñúgsµartIPatrPaBBitR)akd eyaKyl;KñaeTAvijeTA mk nigelIkdMekIgGkSrsa®sþCati . eyIgk¾)ansegáteXIjRbkbedayemaTnPaBfa exmr³Pasa CaGkSrsa®sþmYymanPaBrs;revIk GacbkRsaynUv sµartI KMnit TsSn³ b¤menaseBa©tna eTaHbI kñúgvis½ymYyd¾fµI dUcCa karksagsnþiPaB nigkaredaHRsayTMnas;enHCaedIm . i enAkñúgkarerobcMsTÞanuRkmenH eyIgKitCanic©CakaleTAdl;GñkeRbIR)as;TaMgGs; CaBiess eTAdl;skmµCnTaMgLayEdlts‘Uya:gsVitsVajbMerIkargarksagsnþiPaB nigedaHRsayTMnas; dUecñHehIyeTIbmanBaküeBcn_CaeRcIn)anTTYlnUvkarbkRsayy:aglMGit . eyIgmanCMenOy:ag mutmaMfa skmµCnTaMgenaHCayuT§CnsnþiPaBy:agBitR)akd EdlnwgeFVI[karRsLaj;snþiPaB nig karRbyuT§RbqaMgTl;nwgGMeBIhigSa eRCotcUlbnþicmþg² eTAkñúgpñt;KMnitRbCaBlrdæExµr CaBiess kñúgRsTab;yuvCnCMnan;eRkay edIm,I[RBlwgsnþiPaBenAkñúgRbeTskm<úCakan;EtrwgbuwgeLIg ehIy sßitenAkñúgdYgcitþrbs;eyIgmñak;²Canic©nirnþr_teTA . dUceyIg)anbBa¢ak;BIxagelIehIy sTÞanuRkmenHRKan;EtCakarcab;epþImmYyEtb:ueNaÑH . eyIgsgÇwmfa GñkeRbIR)as; nigskmµCnksagsnþiPaBTaMgGs; nwgnaMykbTBiesaFn_fµI²mkCYy EklMGCabnþbnÞab;EfmeTot edIm,I[GkSrsa®sþCatieyIgkñúgvis½yenHmankarrIkcMerIn\tQb;Qr. sUm[snÞanuRkmenH køayCakarcUlrYmcMENkmYyd¾smRsb kñúgkarksagsnþiPaByUr GEgVgenAkm<úCa . raCFanIPñMeBj/ Ex]sPa 2004 »k esrI esaPkþ× ii Preface During the last ten years, the peace sector in Cambodia has been significantly developed. The Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI) has been very active in the sector, in particular through the Cambodian Centre for Conflict Resolution which it established in 1996 (later renamed the Centre for Peace and Development). Amongst other projects, CDRI initiated the preparation of this Peacebuilding Lexicon, with cooperation from other peacebuilding NGOs. In all sectors, language constitutes a fundamental element of communication between human beings. However, the understanding of the definition given to each word in each language - particularly in new disciplines like the culture of peace and conflict resolution - needs to be based on some referent documents if we want to have a general agreement about their meaning in order to avoid misunderstanding and confusion. It is in this spirit that CDRI has spent more than two years preparing this lexicon, at the same time being aware that this is just a starting point. We have met many difficulties, but we have also received great satisfaction and pride in return, and the strong feeling that we have contributed to upgrade the national language in cooperation with NGO partners. These efforts have taken place in a key sector for a country that has been through three decades of war. During the discussions of each word, members of the Working Group brought valuable field experience in a spirit of true friendship, mutual understanding, and in the interest of the national language. We noted with pride that the Khmer language is very rich and flexible in interpreting the spirit, ideas, thoughts and feelings, even in relatively new disciplines such as peacebuilding and conflict resolution. During the preparation of this lexicon, our thoughts went out constantly to the users, especially to all the activists that are working tirelessly in the fields of peacebuilding and conflict resolution, which is the reason why many words are explained in great detail. We strongly believe that those activists are the true soldiers of peace who will use their love of peace to overcome violence. This will gradually become part of the attitude of the Cambodian people, particularly among the new generation, in such a way that the spirit of peace becomes stronger and stronger in Cambodia and takes root in all our hearts and minds. As already mentioned, this lexicon is just a starting point. We hope that all users and activists in the field of peacebuilding will continue to make valuable changes to this initial work based on their experience, so that our language will continue to make progress. May this lexicon contribute, in its modest way, to building a long-lasting peace in Cambodia. OK SEREI Sopheak Phnom Penh, May 2004 iii esckþIepþIm nigesckþIEføgGMNrKuN sTÞanuRkmenH KWCatwktagénviFankard¾RbesIrEdlsgÁmkm<úCaRKb;Can;fñak;)andak;Gnuvtþ edIm,Iksagvb,Fm’snþiPaB nigedIm,IeqøIytbnwgkarERbRbYld¾RCaleRCAEdlnaMmkedaysRgÁam RBm TaMgdMeNIrkarsþarksagRbeTseLIgvij . GnþrkalxagRbCasaRsþ esdækic© nigvb,Fm’Edlbnþman plb:HBal;y:agFMeFgeTAelIsgÁmkm<úCaCaRbéBNI )anTamTar[manviFIfµI²eTotsMrab;R)aRs½y Tak;TgnwgeFVIkargarCamYyKña . CalT§pl GgÁkarCaeRcIn)anbBa©ÚlTidæPaBepSg²énkarksag snþiPaBeTAkñúgkmµviFInanarbs;xøÜn RBmTaMg)anpþl;karbNþúHbNþalxag karRKb;RKgTMnas;GhigSa siT§imnusS nigvis½yCab;Tak;TinCaeRcIneTot ehIyk¾)anbegáItvaküs½BÞmYyfµIenAkñúgRbeTskm<úCa . BaküTaMgenHenAefµagfµIenAeLIy eTaHbIkñúgPasaGg;eKøskþIEdlTamTar[mankarkMNt;niymn½y edIm,I[GñkniyayGg;eKøsCaPasakMeNItGacyl;)an dUecñHkarksagvaküs½BÞEbbenHenAkñúgPasa Exµr KWrwtEtsµúKsµajmYykMriteTot . mü:ageTotBYkGñkGnuvtþkarRKb;RKgTMnas;tamEbbRbéBNI )an cab;GarmµN_kan;EteRcIneLIg BItMrUvkarykviFIsaRsþnaMcUlBIbreTsnana mkerobcMsMrYleTAtam vb,Fm’kñúgRsuk . esovePAenH maneKaledACMrujdMeNIrkarxagelI nigpþl;siT§iGMNac[tYGgÁkñúgRsuk kñúgkar ksagvaküs½BÞExµr sMrab;eRbICamUldæanrYmkñúgkarEsVgyl; nigRKb;RKgTMnas; . esovePAenHman eKaledAbMpuskarCECkEvkEjkBIBaküExµr ¬nigGg;eKøs¦ CaCagBüayamGHGagfaBaküNamYy BitCaRtwmRtUvdac;Nat; . sTÞanuRkmk¾min)anBüayamedaHRsaynUvbBaðaCab;Tak;Tinl¥xagvb,Fm’ b¤k¾kargayRsYlepÞrcuHeLIgqøgPasaenaHEdr b:uEnþ)anxitxMBnül;BaküGg;eKøs[)anc,as;bMputtam GaceFVI)an edIm,I[GñkGnuvtþenAkm<úCaGacyl;)an . edaysarvaCa sTÞanuRkmGg;eKøs-Exµr dUecñHmanBaküExµrCaeRcInBMuRtUv)anelIkeLIgeT . Epñk Exµr-Gg;eKøs enAPaKTIBIrénsTÞanuRkmenH
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