Neighbourhood On Show 25th October 2015 Page Suburb Price of Property Agency Name 168 Abbotsford R4 399 000 Pam Golding Properties 205 Ainfield Estate R2,395,000 Chas Everitt 197 Albertville R899 000 Jawitz Properties 47 Aldara Park R1,299,000 Remax 109 Allensnek R1,095,000 Renprop Residential 41 Atholl R11,650,000 Ennik Estates 41 Atholl R9,950,000 Ennik Estates 186 Atholl R4 600 000 Jawitz Properties 186 Atholl R10 500 000 Jawitz Properties 86 Atholl R 9 785 000 Lynn Estates 86 Atholl R 9 985 000 Lynn Estates 75 Atholl R8,990,000 Russell Fisher Properties 60 Atholl R6 900 000 Seeff 139 Atholl R16,999,000 Vered Estates 81 Atholl Gardens R 1 969 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 98 Atholl Gardens R 2 700 000 Sotheby's International Realty 195 Barbeque Downs R2 000 000 Jawitz Properties 90 Barbeque Downs R2 100 000 Sotheby's International Realty 209 Bedford Park R2,200,000 Chas Everitt 97 Bedford Park R 2 200 000 Sotheby's International Realty 97 Bedford Park R 2 500 000 Sotheby's International Realty 88 Bedfordveiw R 5 500 000 Sotheby's International Realty 96 Bedfordveiw R 12 000 000 Sotheby's International Realty 96 Bedfordveiw R 3 699 000 Sotheby's International Realty 96 Bedfordveiw R 6 999 000 Sotheby's International Realty 181 Bedfordview R 3 200 000 Pam Golding Properties 181 Bedfordview R 3 990 000 Pam Golding Properties 211 Benmore Gardens R6,950,000 Halmiltons Property 75 Benmore Gardens R3,595,000 Russell Fisher Properties 91 Benmore Gardens R 5 999 000 Sotheby's International Realty 52 Berario R 1 990 000 Fine & Country 196 Berario R 1 500 000 Pam Golding Properties 149 Berario R2,750,000 Rawson 149 Bergbron R1,230,000 Rawson 72 Bergbron R1 695 000 Seeff 204 Beverley R1,995,000 Chas Everitt 204 Beverley R2,495,000 Chas Everitt 204 Beverley R2,850,000 Chas Everitt 192 Beverley R5 500 000 Jawitz Properties 175 Beverley R4 250 000 Pam Golding Properties 176 Beverley R2 900 000 Pam Golding Properties 99 Beverley R 3 295 000 Sotheby's International Realty 99 Beverley R 3 450 000 Sotheby's International Realty 216 Beverley R 1 950 000 Tyson Properties 207 Blackheath R1,375,000 Chas Everitt 222 Blairgowrie R1,799,000 Clive Levy Properties 222 Blairgowrie R2,250,000 David Hubble Estate 54 Blairgowrie R 2 499 000 Fine & Country 134 Blairgowrie R2 200 000 Firzt Realty Company 197 Blairgowrie R2 350 000 Jawitz Properties 153 Blairgowrie R2,300,000 Rawson 153 Blairgowrie R2,800,000 Rawson 46 Blairgowrie R1,800,000 Remax 73 Blairgowrie R2 695 000 Seeff 209 Blairgowrie R1,890,000 Tango Real Estate 209 Blairgowrie R2,499,000 Tango Real Estate 53 Bleakheath R 2 650 000 Fine & Country 82 Bloubosrand R 1 050 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 82 Bloubosrand R 980 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 178 Bloubosrand R1 280 000 Pam Golding Properties 46 Bordeaux R1,899,000 Remax 185 Borgo De Felice R1 340 000 Gaye Cawood Realty 39 Boskruin R800 000 Arthur Baron Estates 47 Boskruin R1,325,000 Asset Real Estate 51 Boskruin R3 400 000 Fine & Country 73 Boskruin R2 950 000 Seeff 104 Boskruin R 1 650 000 Sotheby's International Realty 105 Boskruin R 3 750 000 Sotheby's International Realty 222 Bramley R1,400,000 Jessie K Estates 222 Bramley R1,600,000 Jessie K Estates 205 Broadacres R1,650,000 Chas Everitt 114 Broadacres R1,699,000 Cherno Davis Properties 178 Broadacres R2 000 000 Pam Golding Properties 178 Broadacres R2 950 000 Pam Golding Properties 178 Broadacres R3 990 000 Pam Golding Properties 109 Broadacres R1,580,000 Renprop Residential 34 Broadacres R759 000 Soho Junction 99 Broadacres R 1 450 000 Sotheby's International Realty 100 Broadacres R 1 799 000 Sotheby's International Realty 147 Broadacres R2,500,000 Vered Estates 207 Bromhof R799 000 Chas Everitt 147 Bromhof R975 000 Vered Estates 203 Bryanston R5,900,000 Chas Everitt 40 Bryanston R4,300,000 Ennik Estates 40 Bryanston R8,500,000 Ennik Estates 48 Bryanston R4,300,000 Fine & Country 50 Bryanston R1,995,000 Fine & Country 129 Bryanston R1 150 000 Firzt Realty Company 129 Bryanston R2 500 000 Firzt Realty Company 132 Bryanston R5 399 000 Firzt Realty Company 132 Bryanston R9 800 000 Firzt Realty Company 210 Bryanston R5,500,000 Halmiltons Property 210 Bryanston R6,000,000 Halmiltons Property 211 Bryanston R12,950,000 Halmiltons Property 218 Bryanston R6 590 000 Homes of Distinction 219 Bryanston R2 999 000 Homes of Distinction 219 Bryanston R6 000 000 Homes of Distinction 84 Bryanston R8,500,000 Huizemark 194 Bryanston R1 352 000 Jawitz Properties 194 Bryanston R 4 500 000 Jawitz Properties 86 Bryanston R 4 985 000 Lynn Estates 86 Bryanston R 7 500 000 Lynn Estates 86 Bryanston R 7 995 000 Lynn Estates 164 Bryanston R2 900 000 Pam Golding Properties 164 Bryanston R4 000 000 Pam Golding Properties 164 Bryanston R8 500 000 Pam Golding Properties 165 Bryanston R1 200 000 Pam Golding Properties 165 Bryanston R2 300 000 Pam Golding Properties 165 Bryanston R5 690 000 Pam Golding Properties 42 Bryanston R3,990,000 Remax 42 Bryanston R8,500,000 Remax 46 Bryanston R5,200,000 Remax 116 Bryanston R1,200,000 Renprop Residential 67 Bryanston R1 375 000 Seeff 67 Bryanston R4 500 000 Seeff 67 Bryanston R6 600 000 Seeff 67 Bryanston R8 500 000 Seeff 67 Bryanston R15 000 000 Seeff 94 Bryanston R 1 300 000 Sotheby's International Realty 94 Bryanston R 3 700 000 Sotheby's International Realty 94 Bryanston R 7 900 000 Sotheby's International Realty 95 Bryanston R4 999 000 Sotheby's International Realty 95 Bryanston R 5 000 000 Sotheby's International Realty 219 Bryanston East R3 999 000 Homes of Distinction 164 Bryanston East R5 500 000 Pam Golding Properties 120 Bryanston East R5 700 000 RJD Realty 76 Bryanston East R5,900,000 Russell Fisher Properties 140 Bryanston East R4,950,000 Vered Estates 140 Bryanston East R6,950,000 Vered Estates 73 Bryanston Ext 3 R1 300 000 Seeff 171 Buccleuch R1 690 000 Pam Golding Properties 175 Cedar Lakes R5 700 000 Pam Golding Properties 45 Cedar Lakes Estate R2,650,000 Remax 57 Constantia R1,950,000 Easy Buy Properties 39 Constantia Kloof R599 000 Arthur Baron Estates 180 Constantia Kloof R3 900 000 Pam Golding Properties 103 Constantia Kloof R1 999 000 Sotheby's International Realty 63 Corlett Gardens R725 000 Seeff 145 Corlett Gardens R950 000 Vered Estates 56 Craigavon R 1 750 000 Fine & Country 177 Craigavon R1 550 000 Pam Golding Properties 101 Craigavon R 1 385 000 Sotheby's International Realty 101 Craigavon R 1 795 000 Sotheby's International Realty 101 Craigavon R 1 850 000 Sotheby's International Realty 101 Craigavon R 1 875 000 Sotheby's International Realty 80 Craighall R 5 995 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 93 Craighall R 4 000 000 Sotheby's International Realty 93 Craighall R 5 500 000 Sotheby's International Realty 190 Craighall Park R2,450,000 Jawitz Properties 166 Craighall Park R5 300 000 Pam Golding Properties 167 Craighall Park R6 400 000 Pam Golding Properties 93 Craighall Park R5 700 000 Sotheby's International Realty 93 Craighall Park R6 500 000 Sotheby's International Realty 146 Craighall Park R1,740,000 Vered Estates 146 Craighall Park R3,500,000 Vered Estates 150 Cresta R2,250,000 Rawson 102 Cresta R 460 000 Sotheby's International Realty 185 Dainfern R8 395 000 Gaye Cawood Realty 174 Dainfern R9 800 000 Pam Golding Properties 101 Dainfern Golf Estate R 8 400 000 Sotheby's International Realty 158 Dainfern Ridge R3,395,000 Century 21 174 Dainfern Ridge R3 500 000 Pam Golding Properties 158 Dainfern Valley R4,400,000 Century 21 181 Dewetshof R 1 595 000 Pam Golding Properties 39 Discovery R1,250,000 Arthur Baron Estates 204 Douglasdale R1,075,000 Chas Everitt 219 Douglasdale R2 150 000 Homes of Distinction 219 Douglasdale R2 599 000 Homes of Distinction 84 Douglasdale R2,800,000 Huizemark 177 Douglasdale R2 290 000 Pam Golding Properties 177 Douglasdale R2 899 000 Pam Golding Properties 117 Douglasdale R740 000 Renprop Residential 100 Douglasdale R 1 350 000 Sotheby's International Realty 100 Douglasdale R 2 399 000 Sotheby's International Realty 44 Dunkeld Weld R1,800,000 Remax 80 Dunkeld West R 6 300 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 167 Dunkeld West R3 000 000 Pam Golding Properties 57 Eagle Canyon Golf Estate R9,690,000 Fine & Country 74 Eagle Canyon Golf Estate R7 200 000 Seeff 105 Eagle Canyon Golf Estate R 9 000 000 Sotheby's International Realty 69 Edenburg R1 150 000 Seeff 82 Emmarentia R3 900 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 190 Emmarentia R3,750,000 Jawitz Properties 71 Emmarentia R2 799 000 Seeff 206 Fairland R2,150,000 Chas Everitt 110 Fairland R3,175,000 John Livanos Estates 46 Fairland R1,340,000 Remax 46 Fairland R3,400,000 Remax 72 Fairland R2 580 000 Seeff 104 Fairland R 3 100 000 Sotheby's International Realty 189 Fairmount R4,950,000 Jawitz Properties 85 Farmall AH R3,800,000 Huizemark 53 Ferndale R 2 649 000 Fine & Country 180 Ferndale R875 000 Pam Golding Properties 180 Ferndale R2 500 000 Pam Golding Properties 180 Ferndale R2 799 000 Pam Golding Properties 104 Ferndale R 1 100 000 Sotheby's International Realty 104 Ferndale R 1 700 000 Sotheby's International Realty 222 Ferndale R549 000 Watson Ferris Estate 73 Ferndale Ext 6 R1 880 000 Seeff 158 Fernridge Estate R4,500,000 Century 21 174 Fernridge Estate R4 500 000 Pam Golding Properties 55 Florida Glen R 2 300 000 Fine & Country 52 Fontainebleau R 1 850 000 Fine & Country 126 Forest Town R3 950 000 Firzt Realty Company 187 Forest Town R 5 250 000 Jawitz Properties 162 Forest Town R7 800 000 Pam Golding Properties 90 Forest Town R 4 200 000 Sotheby's International Realty 162 Forest Town Ridge R10 900 000 Pam Golding Properties 82 Fourways R 1 800 000 Adrienne Hersch
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